





  • 主要治疗。主要治疗的目标是完全清除体内的癌症或杀死所有癌细胞。


  • 辅助治疗。辅助治疗的目的是杀死主要治疗后残留的癌细胞,以减少癌症复发的机会。



  • 姑息治疗。姑息治疗可能有助于减轻治疗的副作用或癌症本身引起的体征和症状。手术、放射疗法、化疗和激素治疗均可用于缓解症状。其他药物可能会缓解疼痛和气短等症状。



Cancer treatments can cause side effects. The side effects depend on the type of treatment you receive. Your healthcare team knows which side effects are likely with your treatment. They are prepared to treat and control the side effects. Their goal is to keep you comfortable during treatment.

Talk to your healthcare team before your treatment starts to understand what to expect. Also ask how you can prepare for side effects.


To prepare for cancer treatment, take time to understand what you can expect. You may wish to:

  • Talk with your healthcare team about your treatment options. Write down your questions before your appointments. Bring someone along who can help listen and take notes.
  • Think about getting a second opinion about your treatment plan from another healthcare professional before starting treatment.
  • Talk with other people who have cancer through support groups in person or online. They can share support and advice about treatment and side effects. Ask your healthcare team about support groups in your area.
  • Get support from professionals who are trained in helping people with cancer. Ask your healthcare team to connect you to a counseling professional who can offer support, such as a psychologist or a social worker.
  • Prepare your body for cancer treatment. Ask your healthcare team about services that can help with this, such as nutritional counseling and fitness classes.




  • 外科手术。手术的目的是切除肿瘤或切除尽可能多的肿瘤。
  • 化疗。化疗使用药物杀死癌细胞。
  • 放射疗法。放射疗法使用能量束,如 X 线或质子,来杀死癌细胞。放射治疗的放射源可能来自身体外部设备(体外放射),也可以放置在体内(近距离治疗)。
  • 骨髓移植。骨髓是骨骼中利用造血干细胞制造血细胞的一种物质。骨髓移植(也称为“干细胞移植”)可以使用您自己的骨髓干细胞或来自供体的骨髓干细胞。


  • 免疫疗法。免疫疗法,也称为生物疗法,指利用您身体的免疫系统来对抗癌症。癌症可以在您体内不受控制地生存,因为您的免疫系统没有把它视为入侵者。免疫疗法可以帮您的免疫系统“看到”癌症并进行攻击。
  • 激素治疗。有些类型的癌症是由机体荷尔蒙引起的。如乳腺癌和前列腺癌。从体内清除这些激素或阻断其作用可能导致癌细胞停止生长。
  • 靶向药物治疗。靶向药物治疗专门针对癌细胞中的特定异常,这种异常使得癌细胞可以存活。
  • 冷冻消融。这种治疗使用低温杀死癌细胞。在冷冻消融过程中,一根棒状细针(冷冻探针)会穿过皮肤,直接插入癌性肿瘤中。将气体泵入冷冻探针以冷冻组织。然后使组织解冻。在同一治疗中,反复进行几次冷冻和解冻过程,以杀死癌细胞。
  • 射频消融术。这种治疗使用电能加热癌细胞,进而杀死癌细胞。在射频消融过程中,医生会将一根细针穿过皮肤或通过切口引导至癌组织中。高频能量通过针头,使周围组织变热,杀死附近的细胞。
  • 临床试验。临床试验是对癌症的新治疗方法的研究。成千上万的癌症临床试验正在进行中。



During and after your treatment, your healthcare team monitors your results. You may meet with your team regularly to discuss progress. Tell your healthcare team about any treatment side effects or cancer symptoms you have. Bring a list of questions you want to ask. It may help to bring a friend or family member with you to help listen and take notes.


探索 Mayo Clinic 的研究 测试新的治疗、干预与检查方法,旨在预防、检测、治疗或控制这种疾病。

July 26, 2024
  1. Cancer terms. American Society of Clinical Oncology. https://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/cancer-basics/cancer-terms. Accessed Feb. 13, 2024.
  2. Hospitals and facilities. American College of Surgeons. https://www.facs.org/hospital-and-facilities. Accessed Feb. 13, 2024.
  3. Radiofrequency ablation. National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/radiofrequency-ablation. Accessed Feb. 13, 2024.
  4. Taking charge of your care. Cancer.Net. https://www.cancer.net/navigating-cancer-care/managing-your-care/taking-charge-your-care. Accessed Jan. 5, 2024.
  5. Cryoablation. National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/publications/dictionaries/cancer-terms/def/cryoablation. Accessed May 24, 2024.
  6. Member institutions. Alliance for Clinical Trials in Oncology. https://www.allianceforclinicaltrialsinoncology.org/main/public/standard.xhtml?path=%2FPublic%2FInstitutions. Accessed May 24, 2024.


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