Print Departments and specialties Mayo Clinic has one of the largest and most experienced practices in the United States, with campuses in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota. Staff skilled in dozens of specialties work together to ensure quality care and successful recovery. Departments with related expertise Breast and Melanoma Surgical Oncology in Rochester Breast Clinic Cancer Care at Mayo Clinic High Risk Breast Clinic Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Radiology Areas that research this procedure Radiology Research Doctors who perform this procedure Edit search filters close Narrow your search By location Rochester, MN By last name There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter A A There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter B B There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter C C There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter D D There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter E E There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter F F There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter G G Find a doctor whose last name begins with the letter H H There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter I I There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter J J There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter K K There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter L L There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter M M There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter N N There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter O O There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter P P There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter Q Q There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter R R There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter S S There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter T T There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter U U There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter V V There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter W W There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter X X There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter Y Y There are no doctors whose last name begins with the letter Z Z Reset all filters Search Tips Use quotes for phrases. Even if there are no auto-suggestions within the search field, hit "Search" anyway, as you may still get results. Displaying 1-1 out of 1 doctors available Joao Horvat , M.D. Radiologist Rochester, MN Areas of focus: Mammogram, Breast MRI, Molecular breast imaging, Breast biopsy, Breast ultrasound ResearchMayo Clinic doctors and researchers are continuing to study breast imaging to improve current tests and discover new technologies. Cancer research is conducted in coordination with the Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center. The Mayo Clinic Comprehensive Cancer Center meets the strict standards for a National Cancer Institute comprehensive cancer center. These standards recognize scientific excellence and a multispecialty approach focused on cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment. PublicationsSee a list of publications about molecular breast imaging by Mayo Clinic authors on PubMed, a service of the National Library of Medicine. Research Profiles Edit search filters close Narrow your search By location Arizona Florida Minnesota View all View all physicians • Minnesota Conners, Amy Lynn M.D. Minnesota Hruska, Carrie B. Ph.D. Minnesota By Mayo Clinic Staff Molecular breast imaging care at Mayo Clinic Request an appointment AboutCare at Mayo Clinic Jan. 10, 2025 Print Show references AskMayoExpert. Molecular breast imaging. Mayo Clinic; 2021. Hunt KN. Molecular breast imaging: A scientific review. Journal of Breast Imaging. 2021; doi:10.1093/jbi/wbab039. Covington MF, et al. Advances and future directions in molecular breast imaging. Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 2022; doi:10.2967/jnumed.121.261988. Swanson TN, et al. Best practices in molecular breast imaging: A guide for technologists. Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology. 2018; doi:10.2967/jnmt.117.204263. Scintimammography. Accessed April 28, 2022. Related Breast cancer Breast cysts Molecular breast imaging News from Mayo Clinic Mayo Clinic Minute: Molecular breast imaging for supplemental breast screening Jan. 08, 2025, 05:59 p.m. CDT Top 10 questions about breast cancer answered Oct. 04, 2024, 02:23 p.m. CDT Mayo Clinic Health System discusses advancements in breast cancer screenings Oct. 01, 2024, 03:15 p.m. CDT Mayo Clinic Minute: What does a diagnosis of dense breasts mean? Sept. 10, 2024, 04:00 p.m. CDT Exploring advanced breast cancer screening options Oct. 30, 2023, 03:00 p.m. CDT Mayo Clinic Minute: The importance of supplemental screenings for dense breasts Sept. 26, 2023, 02:28 p.m. CDT Mayo Clinic Q and A: Breast density reporting and supplemental testing April 28, 2023, 01:31 p.m. CDT Show more news from Mayo Clinic Products & Services A Book: Beyond Breast Cancer Molecular breast imagingAboutDoctors &DepartmentsCare atMayo Clinic PRC-20394692 Patient Care & Health Information Tests & Procedures Molecular breast imaging