Asthma Clinic in Allergic Diseases Overview

When you have difficulty breathing, your whole life is affected.

The asthma subspecialty team focuses on diagnosing and treating asthma. Specialists evaluate you for recurrent episodes of shortness of breath, coughing, and/or wheezing.

To begin the process, Mayo Clinic allergy and asthma specialists perform a comprehensive history, including reviewing outside information provided by you, and a physical examination. Specialists individualize testing to your specific needs, which may include:

Other testing may include:

  • Allergy blood tests (RAST, etc.)
  • Measurement of blood counts and total antibodies called IgE

A chest X-ray and high-resolution CT scan of the lungs and sinuses may be required to detect structural abnormalities or diseases that could be causing breathing problems.

Asthma resources for you

Asthma nurses work closely with the allergist throughout your evaluation. They provide focused, health-disease education, including a review of your asthma diagnosis and information about prescribed medications. The nurse may also help formulate an action plan with written instructions on what to do when your asthma gets worse.

Your care team will also provide you with information about who to call with questions and concerns.

June 04, 2020