
  1. Marya NB, Powers PD, Bois MC, Hartley C, Kerr SE, Thangaiah JJ, Norton D, Abu Dayyeh BK, Cantley R, Chandrasekhara V, Gores G, Gleeson FC, Law RJ, Maleki Z, Martin JA, Pantanowitz L, Petersen B, Storm AC, Levy MJ, Graham RP. Utilization of an artificial intelligence-enhanced, web-based application to review bile duct brushing cytologic specimens: A pilot study. Cancer Cytopathol. 2024 Aug 29 [Epub ahead of print]
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  2. Marya NB, Hartley C, Powers PD, Bois MC, Kerr SE, Graham RP, Levy MJ, UMass-Mayo Clinic AI Cytopathology Consortium, Gleeson F, Abu Dayyeh BK, Bofill-Garcia A, Chandrasekhara V, Gores G, Kipp B, Law RJ, Petersen B, Roberts LR, Storm AC, Vargas Valls EJ. Development of a Computer-aided Prediction Tool for Evaluating Brushing Samples of Biliary Strictures. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024 Jan; 22 (1):185-187.e3 Epub 2023 Mar 24
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  3. Bakkum-Gamez JN, Sherman ME, Slettedahl SW, Mahoney DW, Lemens MA, Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Hopkins MR, VanOosten A, Shridhar V, Staub JK, Cao X, Foote PH, Clarke MA, Burger KN, Berger CK, O'Connell MC, Doering KA, Podratz KC, DeStephano CC, Schoolmeester JK, Kerr SE, Wentzensen N, Taylor WR, Kisiel JB. Detection of endometrial cancer using tampon-based collection and methylated DNA markers. Gynecol Oncol. 2023 Jul; 174:11-20 Epub 2023 May 02
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  4. Ghosh T, Greipp PT, Knutson D, Kloft-Nelson S, Jenkins S, Mounajjed T, Said S, La Rosa S, Vanoli A, Sessa F, Naini BV, Bellizzi A, Zhang L, Kerr SE, Graham RP. BRAF Rearrangements and BRAF V600E Mutations Are Seen in a Subset of Pancreatic Carcinomas With Acinar Differentiation. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2022 Jul 01; 146(7):840-845.
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  5. Marinelli LM, Kisiel JB, Slettedahl SW, Mahoney DW, Lemens MA, Shridhar V, Taylor WR, Staub JK, Cao X, Foote PH, Burger KN, Berger CK, O'Connell MC, Doering KA, Giakoumopoulos M, Berg H, Volkmann C, Solsrud A, Allawi HT, Kaiser M, Vaccaro AM, Albright Crawford C, Moehlenkamp C, Shea G, Deist MS, Schoolmeester JK, Kerr SE, Sherman ME, Bakkum-Gamez JN. Methylated DNA markers for plasma detection of ovarian cancer: Discovery, validation, and clinical feasibility. Gynecol Oncol. 2022 Jun; 165 (3):568-576 Epub 2022 Mar 31
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  6. DeJong SR, Bakkum-Gamez JN, Clayton AC, Henry MR, Keeney GL, Zhang J, Kroneman TN, Laughlin-Tommaso SK, Ahlberg LJ, VanOosten AL, Weaver AL, Wentzensen N, Kerr SE. Tao brush endometrial cytology is a sensitive diagnostic tool for cancer and hyperplasia among women presenting to clinic with abnormal uterine bleeding. Cancer Med. 2021 Oct; 10 (20):7040-7047 Epub 2021 Sept 16
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  7. DiGuardo MA, Davila JI, Jackson RA, Nair AA, Fadra N, Minn KT, Atiq MA, Zarei S, Blommel JH, Knight SM, Jen J, Eckloff BW, Voss JS, Rumilla KM, Kerr SE, Lam-Himlin DM, Bellizzi AM, Graham RP, Kipp BR, Jenkins RB, Halling KC. RNA-Seq Reveals Differences in Expressed Tumor Mutation Burden in Colorectal and Endometrial Cancers with and without Defective DNA-Mismatch Repair. J Mol Diagn. 2021 May; 23(5):555-564. Epub 2021 Feb 04.
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  8. Murphy SJ, Levy MJ, Smadbeck JB, Karagouga G, McCune AF, Harris FR, Udell JB, Johnson SH, Kerr SE, Cheville JC, Kipp BR, Vasmatzis G, Gleeson FC. Theragnostic chromosomal rearrangements in treatment-naive pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas obtained via endoscopic ultrasound. J Cell Mol Med. 2021 Apr; 25 (8):4110-4123 Epub 2021 Mar 11
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  9. Oliver GR, Marcano-Bonilla S, Quist J, Tolosa EJ, Iguchi E, Swanson AA, Hoppman NL, Schwab T, Sigafoos A, Prodduturi N, Voss JS, Knight SM, Zhang J, Fadra N, Urrutia R, Zimmerman M, Egan JB, Bilyeu AG, Jen J, Veras E, Al-Safi R, Block M, Kerr S, Fernandez-Zapico ME, Schoolmeester JK, Klee EW. LPCAT1-TERT fusions are uniquely recurrent in epithelioid trophoblastic tumors and positively regulate cell growth. PLoS One. 2021; 16(5):e0250518. Epub 2021 May 25.
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  10. DiGuardo MA, Kester SJ, Mahaffey VJ, Hammel SA, Heaser KK, Hofich CD, Tauscher CD, Kerr SE, Oliveira JL, Jacob EK, Moyer AM. Does Transfusion of Red Blood Cells Impact Germline Genetic Test Results? J Pers Med. 2020 Dec 9; 10 (4) Epub 2020 Dec 09
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  11. Van Treeck BJ, Lotfalla M, Czeczok TW, Mounajjed T, Moreira RK, Allende DS, Reid MD, Naini BV, Westerhoff M, Adsay NV, Kerr SE, Rizvi SH, I Ilyas SH, Smoot RL, Liu Y, Davila J, Graham RP. Molecular and Immunohistochemical Analysis of Mucinous Cystic Neoplasm of the Liver. Am J Clin Pathol. 2020 Nov 4; 154 (6):837-847
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  12. Venable ER, Kerr SE, Lopes MBS, Jones KA, Bellizzi AM, Mounajjed T, Raghunathan A, Hamidi O, Halfdanarson TR, Ryder M, Graham RP. Liver metastases from pituitary carcinomas mimicking visceral well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors: a series of four cases. Diagn Pathol. 2020 Jul 4; 15 (1):81 Epub 2020 July 04
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  13. Enninga EAL, Raber P, Quinton RA, Ruano R, Ikumi N, Gray CM, Johnson EL, Chakraborty R, Kerr SE. Maternal T Cells in the Human Placental Villi Support an Allograft Response during Noninfectious Villitis. J Immunol. 2020 Jun 1; 204 (11):2931-2939 Epub 2020 Apr 22
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  14. Enninga EAL, Leontovich AA, Fedyshyn B, Wakefield L, Gandhi M, Markovic SN, Ruano R, Kerr SE. Upregulation of HLA-Class I and II in Placentas Diagnosed with Villitis of Unknown Etiology. Reprod Sci. 2020 May; 27 (5):1129-1138 Epub 2020 Jan 06
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  15. Zarei S, Wang Y, Jenkins SM, Voss JS, Kerr SE, Bell DA. Clinicopathologic, Immunohistochemical, and Molecular Characteristics of Ovarian Serous Carcinoma With Mixed Morphologic Features of High-grade and Low-grade Serous Carcinoma. Am J Surg Pathol. 2020 Mar; 44 (3):316-328
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  16. Sangtani A, Wang C, Weaver A, Hoppman NL, Kerr SE, Abyzov A, Shridhar V, Staub J, Kocher JA, Voss JS, Podratz KC, Wentzensen N, Kisiel JB, Sherman ME, Bakkum-Gamez JN. Combining copy number, methylation markers, and mutations as a panel for endometrial cancer detection via intravaginal tampon collection. Gynecol Oncol. 2020 Feb; 156 (2):387-392 Epub 2019 Nov 28
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  17. Enninga EAL, Ruano R, Chakraborty R, Kerr SE. Changes in the t cell repertoire of human placentae diagnosed with villitis of unknown etiology Journal Of Womens Health. 2019 Nov 1; 28(11):1583. Epub 1900 Jan 01.
  18. Phillips AL, Cetta F, Kerr SE, Cheek EH, Rose CH, Bonnichsen CR, Phillips SD. The placenta: A site of end-organ damage after Fontan operation. A case series. Int J Cardiol. 2019 Aug 15; 289:52-55 Epub 2019 Feb 05
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  19. Boyum JH, Atwell TD, Wall DJ, Mansfield AS, Kerr SE, Gunderson TM, Rumilla KM, Weisbrod AJ, Kurup AN. Incidence of major hemorrhage after aggressive image-guided liver mass biopsy in the era of individualized medicine. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2019 Jun; 44 (6):2067-2073
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  20. Lin S, Wang C, Zarei S, Bell DA, Kerr SE, Runger GC, Kocher JA. A data science approach for the classification of low-grade and high-grade ovarian serous carcinomas. BMC Genomics. 2018 Nov 27; 19 (1):841
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  21. Levy MJ, Kipp BR, Milosevic D, Schneider AR, Voss JS, Avula R, Kerr SE, Henry MR, Highsmith E Jr, Liu MC, Gleeson FC. Analysis of Cell-Free DNA to Assess Risk of Tumoremia Following Endoscopic Ultrasound Fine-Needle Aspiration of Pancreatic Adenocarcinomas. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2018 Oct; 16 (10):1632-1640.e1 Epub 2018 Mar 08
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  22. Mouchli MA, Kerr SE, Roberts L. An Enlarging Metastatic Calcified Liver Lesion of an Occult Melanoma. Case Rep Oncol. 2018 May-Aug; 11 (2):388-391 Epub 2018 June 18
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  23. Graham RP, Yeh MM, Lam-Himlin D, Roberts LR, Terracciano L, Cruise MW, Greipp PT, Zreik RT, Jain D, Zaid N, Salaria SN, Jin L, Wang X, Rustin JG, Kerr SE, Sukov WR, Solomon DA, Kakar S, Waterhouse E, Gill RM, Ferrell L, Alves VA, Nart D, Yilmaz F, Roessler S, Longerich T, Schirmacher P, Torbenson MS. Molecular testing for the clinical diagnosis of fibrolamellar carcinoma. Mod Pathol. 2018 Jan; 31 (1):141-149 Epub 2017 Sept 01
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  24. Gleeson FC, Voss JS, Kipp BR, Kerr SE, Van Arnam JS, Mills JR, Marcou CA, Schneider AR, Tu ZJ, Henry MR, Levy MJ. Assessment of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor cytologic genotype diversity to guide personalized medicine using a custom gastroenteropancreatic next-generation sequencing panel. Oncotarget. 2017 Nov 7; 8 (55):93464-93475 Epub 2017 June 28
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  25. Bryce AH, Egan JB, Borad MJ, Stewart AK, Nowakowski GS, Chanan-Khan A, Patnaik MM, Ansell SM, Banck MS, Robinson SI, Mansfield AS, Klee EW, Oliver GR, McCormick JB, Huneke NE, Tagtow CM, Jenkins RB, Rumilla KM, Kerr SE, Kocher JA, Beck SA, Fernandez-Zapico ME, Farrugia G, Lazaridis KN, McWilliams RR. Experience with precision genomics and tumor board, indicates frequent target identification, but barriers to delivery. Oncotarget. 2017 Apr 18; 8 (16):27145-27154
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  26. Tan NY, Majumder S, Sridharan M, Kerr SE, Graham RP, Ravi K. Metastatic Epstein-Barr Virus-Positive Lymphoepithelioma-Like Cholangiocarcinoma in a Young Man With Ulcerative Colitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2017 Mar; 112 (3):518-520
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  27. Larish A, Kumar A, Kerr S, Langstraat C. Primary Gastric Choriocarcinoma Presenting as a Pregnancy of Unknown Location. Obstet Gynecol. 2017 Feb; 129 (2):281-284
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  28. Egan JB, Marks DL, Hogenson TL, Vrabel AM, Sigafoos AN, Tolosa EJ, Carr RM, Safgren SL, Hesles EE, Almada LL, Romecin-Duran PA, Iguchi E, Ala'Aldeen A, Kocher JA, Oliver GR, Prodduturi N, Mead DW, Hossain A, Huneke NE, Tagtow CM, Ailawadhi S, Ansell SM, Banck MS, Bryce AH, Carballido EM, Chanan-Khan AA, Curtis KK, Resnik E, Gawryletz CD, Go RS, Halfdanarson TR, Ho TH, Joseph RW, Kapoor P, Mansfield AS, Meurice N, Nageswara Rao AA, Nowakowski GS, Pardanani A, Parikh SA, Cheville JC, Feldman AL, Ramanathan RK, Robinson SI, Tibes R, Finnes HD, McCormick JB, McWilliams RR, Jatoi A, Patnaik MM, Silva AC, Wieben ED, McAllister TM, Rumilla KM, Kerr SE, Lazaridis KN, Farrugia G, Stewart AK, Clark KJ, Kennedy EJ, Klee EW, Borad MJ, Fernandez-Zapico ME. Molecular Modeling and Functional Analysis of Exome Sequencing-Derived Variants of Unknown Significance Identify a Novel, Constitutively Active FGFR2 Mutant in Cholangiocarcinoma. JCO Precis Oncol. 2017; 2017 Epub 2017 Aug 01
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  29. Gleeson FC, Kerr SE, Kipp BR, Voss JS, Minot DM, Tu ZJ, Henry MR, Vasmatzis G, Cheville JC, Lazaridis KN, Levy MJ. Molecular cytology genotyping of primary and metastatic GI stromal tumors by using a custom two-gene targeted next-generation sequencing panel with therapeutic intent. Gastrointest Endosc. 2016 Dec; 84 (6):950-958.e3 Epub 2016 Apr 23
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  30. Philip NA, Majumder S, Kerr SE, Gleeson FC, Chari ST, Pearson RK. Acute on Chronic Pancreatitis as the Initial Manifestation of Extensive Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer. Am J Gastroenterol 2016 Nov; 111 (11):1661-1662
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  31. Gleeson FC, Kerr SE, Kipp BR, Voss JS, Minot DM, Tu ZJ, Henry MR, Graham RP, Vasmatzis G, Cheville JC, Lazaridis KN, Levy MJ. Targeted next generation sequencing of endoscopic ultrasound acquired cytology from ampullary and pancreatic adenocarcinoma has the potential to aid patient stratification for optimal therapy selection. Oncotarget. 2016 Aug 23; 7 (34):54526-54536
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  32. Tranesh G, Kerr S, Nassar A. Metastatic Monophasic Synovial Sarcoma: A challenging Diagnosis on Fine Needle ASpiration with Broad Differential Diagnosis Diagn Pathol.2016;1:(2)
  33. Brachtel EF, Operana TN, Sullivan PS, Kerr SE, Cherkis KA, Schroeder BE, Dry SM, Schnabel CA. Molecular classification of cancer with the 92-gene assay in cytology and limited tissue samples. Oncotarget. 2016 May 10; 7 (19):27220-31
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  34. Cao Y, Hoppman NL, Kerr SE, Sattler CA, Borowski KS, Wick MJ, Highsmith WE, Aypar U. False Negative Cell-Free DNA Screening Result in a Newborn with Trisomy 13. Case Rep Genet. 2016; 2016:7397405 Epub 2016 Feb 22
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  35. Graham RP, Vierkant RA, Tillmans LS, Wang AH, Laird PW, Weisenberger DJ, Lynch CF, French AJ, Slager SL, Raissian Y, Garcia JJ, Kerr SE, Lee HE, Thibodeau SN, Cerhan JR, Limburg PJ, Smyrk TC. Tumor Budding in Colorectal Carcinoma: Confirmation of Prognostic Significance and Histologic Cutoff in a Population-based Cohort. Am J Surg Pathol. 2015 Oct; 39 (10):1340-6
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  36. Graham RP, Kerr SE, Butz ML, Thibodeau SN, Halling KC, Smyrk TC, Dina MA, Waugh VM, Rumilla KM. Heterogenous MSH6 loss is a result of microsatellite instability within MSH6 and occurs in sporadic and hereditary colorectal and endometrial carcinomas. Am J Surg Pathol. 2015 Oct; 39: (10)1370-6.
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  37. Bakkum-Gamez JN, Wentzensen N, Maurer MJ, Hawthorne KM, Voss JS, Kroneman TN, Famuyide AO, Clayton AC, Halling KC, Kerr SE, Cliby WA, Dowdy SC, Kipp BR, Mariani A, Oberg AL, Podratz KC, Shridhar V, Sherman ME. Detection of endometrial cancer via molecular analysis of DNA collected with vaginal tampons. Gynecol Oncol. 2015 Apr; 137 (1):14-22 Epub 2015 Feb 10
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  38. Kim S, Bakkum-Gamez JN, Okuno S, Kerr S, Dowdy SC. Abdominopelvic inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor that metastasized to the vertebrae and liver: A case report and review of the literature. Gynecol Oncol Rep. 2015 Apr; 12:9-12 Epub 2015 Feb 07
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  39. Gleeson FC, Kipp BR, Levy MJ, Voss JS, Campion MB, Minot DM, Tu ZJ, Klee EW, Lazaridis KN, Kerr SE. Somatic STK11 and concomitant STK11/KRAS mutational frequency in stage IV lung adenocarcinoma adrenal metastases. J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Mar; 10 (3):531-4
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  40. Bogani G, Liu MC, Dowdy SC, Cliby WA, Kerr SE, Kalli KR, Kipp BR, Halling KC, Campion MB, Mariani A. Detection of circulating tumor cells in high-risk endometrial cancer. Anticancer Res. 2015 Feb; 35(2):683-7.
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  41. Gincul R, Gomez V, Kerr SE, Zhang J, Levy MJ. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration of a pulmonary artery malignant thrombus. Endoscopy. 2015; 47 Suppl 1:E547-9.
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  42. Gleeson FC, Kipp BR, Kerr SE, Voss JS, Graham RP, Campion MB, Minot DM, Tu ZJ, Klee EW, Lazaridis KN, Henry MR, Levy MJ. Kinase genotype analysis of gastric gastrointestinal stromal tumor cytology samples using targeted next-generation sequencing. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Jan; 13 (1):202-6 Epub 2014 July 03
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  43. Gleeson FC, Kipp BR, Kerr SE, Voss JS, Lazaridis KN, Katzka DA, Levy MJ. Characterization of endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle aspiration cytology by targeted next-generation sequencing and theranostic potential. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2015 Jan; 13 (1):37-41 Epub 2014 Oct 24
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  44. Nassar A, Reynolds JP, Kerr SE, Jenkins SM, Lackore KA, Bernet V. Survey of cytopathologists and cytotechnologists for the clinical impact of the use of atypia or follicular lesion of undetermined significance. Cytojournal. 2015; 12:14. Epub 2015 Jun 23.
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  45. Gleeson FC, Kipp BR, Levy MJ, Voss JS, Campion MB, Minot DM, Tu ZJ, Klee EW, Lazaridis KN, Kerr SE. Lung cancer adrenal gland metastasis: Optimal fine-needle aspirate and touch preparation smear cellularity characteristics for successful theranostic next-generation sequencing. Cancer Cytopathol. 2014 Nov; 122 (11):822-32 Epub 2014 July 15
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  46. Binnicker MJ, Pritt BS, Duresko BJ, Espy MJ, Grys TE, Zarka MA, Kerr SE, Henry MR. Comparative evaluation of three commercial systems for detection of high-risk human papillomavirus in cervical and vaginal ThinPrep PreservCyt samples and correlation with biopsy results. J Clin Microbiol. 2014 Oct; 52 (10):3763-8 Epub 2014 Aug 13
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  47. Kerr SE, Barr Fritcher EG, Campion MB, Voss JS, Kipp BR, Halling KC, Lewis JT. Biliary dysplasia in primary sclerosing cholangitis harbors cytogenetic abnormalities similar to cholangiocarcinoma. Hum Pathol. 2014 Sep; 45 (9):1797-804 Epub 2014 June 04
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  48. Kerr SE, Schnabel CA, Sullivan PS, Zhang Y, Huang VJ, Erlander MG, Brachtel EF, Dry SM. A 92-gene cancer classifier predicts the site of origin for neuroendocrine tumors. Mod Pathol. 2014 Jan; 27 (1):44-54 Epub 2013 July 12
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  49. Kerr SE, Flotte AB, McFalls MJ, Vrana JA, Halling KC, Bell DA. Matching maternal isodisomy in mucinous carcinomas and associated ovarian teratomas provides evidence of germ cell derivation for some mucinous ovarian tumors. Am J Surg Pathol. 2013 Aug; 37(8):1229-35.
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  50. Voss JS, Holtegaard LM, Kerr SE, Fritcher EG, Roberts LR, Gores GJ, Zhang J, Highsmith WE, Halling KC, Kipp BR. Molecular profiling of cholangiocarcinoma shows potential for targeted therapy treatment decisions. Hum Pathol. 2013 Jul; 44 (7):1216-22 Epub 2013 Feb 04
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  51. Kerr SE, Thomas CB, Thibodeau SN, Ferber MJ, Halling KC. APC germline mutations in individuals being evaluated for familial adenomatous polyposis: a review of the Mayo Clinic experience with 1591 consecutive tests. J Mol Diagn. 2013 Jan; 15(1):31-43. Epub 2012 Nov 14.
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  52. Kipp BR, Voss JS, Kerr SE, Barr Fritcher EG, Graham RP, Zhang L, Highsmith WE, Zhang J, Roberts LR, Gores GJ, Halling KC. Isocitrate dehydrogenase 1 and 2 mutations in cholangiocarcinoma. Hum Pathol. 2012 Oct; 43 (10):1552-8 Epub 2012 Apr 12
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  53. Kerr SE, Schnabel CA, Sullivan PS, Zhang Y, Singh V, Carey B, Erlander MG, Highsmith WE, Dry SM, Brachtel EF. Multisite validation study to determine performance characteristics of a 92-gene molecular cancer classifier. Clin Cancer Res. 2012 Jul 15; 18 (14):3952-60 Epub 2012 May 30
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  54. Peterson LM, Kipp BR, Halling KC, Kerr SE, Smith DI, Distad TJ, Clayton AC, Medeiros F. Molecular characterization of endometrial cancer: a correlative study assessing microsatellite instability, MLH1 hypermethylation, DNA mismatch repair protein expression, and PTEN, PIK3CA, KRAS, and BRAF mutation analysis. Int J Gynecol Pathol. 2012 May; 31 (3):195-205
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  55. Kochar O, Wick MR, Kerr SE, Oglesbee D, Cathro HP. Unexpected Fabry disease in a renal allograft kidney: an underrecognized cause of poor allograft function. Ultrastruct Pathol. 2011 Apr; 35(2):92-6.
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  56. Kerr SE, Kahaleh M, LeGallo RD, Stelow EB. Death after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: findings at autopsy. Hum Pathol. 2010 Aug; 41(8):1138-44. Epub 2010 Apr 08.
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  57. Dunn BE, Choi H, Recla DL, Kerr SE, Wagenman BL. Robotic surgical telepathology between the Iron Mountain and Milwaukee Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Centers: a 12-year experience. Hum Pathol. 2009 Aug; 40(8):1092-9. Epub 2009 Jun 24.
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  60. Kerr SE, Bellizzi AM, Stelow EB, Frierson HF Jr, Policarpio-Nicolas ML. Initial assessment of fine-needle aspiration specimens by telepathology: validation for use in pathology resident-faculty consultations. Am J Clin Pathol. 2008 Sep; 130(3):409-13.
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  61. Kerr SE, Bellizzi AM, Stelow EB, Frierson HF, Policarpio-Nicolas MLC. Preliminary assessment of fine needle aspiration specimens by telepathology: Validation for use in pathology resident and faculty consultations. Am J Clin Pathol. 2008; 130(3):409-13.
  62. Policarpio-Nicolas ML, Cathro HP, Kerr SE, Stelow EB. Cytomorphologic features of low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma. Am J Clin Pathol. 2007 Aug; 128(2):265-71.
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  63. Policarpio-Nicolas ML, Cathro HP, Kerr SE, Stelow EB. The cytomorphology of low-grade endometrial stromal sarcoma. Am J Clin Pathol. 2007; 128(2):265-271.
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