
  1. McKenzie NC, Buras MR, Yiannias JA, Hall MR, Youssef MJ, Davis MDP, Yang YW. Cost-effectiveness of patch testing allergens within the same group: A computational approach to optimize formaldehyde-related allergen selection. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2024 Jul 5 Epub 2024 July 05
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  2. Wang KL, Rainosek EM, Yang YW, Cantwell HM, Drage LA, Yiannias JA, Davis MDP, Hall MR, Youssef MJ. Pediatric Patch Testing at Mayo Clinic Between 2016 and 2020. Dermatitis. 2024 Jul-Aug; 35 (4):355-360 Epub 2024 Feb 06
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  3. Bangalore-Kumar A, Jin MF, Kunkel H, Sathe N, Hall MR, Drage LA, Youssef M, Yang YW, Yiannias JA, Killian J, Davis MDP. Results of Patch Testing to Botanicals: Review of the Mayo Clinic Experience Over 2 Decades (1997-2017). Dermatitis. 2024 Jan-Feb; 35(1):43-48. Epub 2023 Nov 24.
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  4. Zawawi S, Yang YW, Cantwell HM, Drage LA, Youssef MJ, Yiannias JA, Davis MDP, Hall MR. Trends in Patch Testing With the Mayo Clinic Standard Series, 2017-2021. Dermatitis. 2023 Sep-Oct; 34 (5):405-412 Epub 2023 May 06
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  5. Yang YW, Yiannias JA, Voss MM, Hall MR, Youssef MJ, Davis MDP, Voelker DH, Klanderman MC, Mangold AR. Systematic Identification of Copositivity Groups in Standard Series Patch Testing Through Hierarchical Clustering. JAMA Dermatol. 2023 Sep 1; 159 (9):945-952
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  6. Chen JY, Yiannias JA, Davis MDP, Yang YW. Evaluating the utility of screening corticosteroids found in standard/baseline patch testing series. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2023 May; 88 (5):1173-1175 Epub 2022 Dec 15
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  7. Ajayi A, Hall M, Yiannias JA, Killian JM, Davis MDP, Youssef MJ, Cantwell HM, Drage LA, Sokumbi O. Trends in Patch Testing of Black Patients: The Mayo Clinic Decade Experience (January 1, 2011, to December 31, 2020). Dermatitis. 2023 Mar-Apr; 34 (2):113-119 Epub 2023 Jan 19
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  8. Mays DA, Friedman AJ, Kennedy J, Yiannias JA, Morgan JA. Non-adherence to labeling standards can misrepresent safety of ingredients in cosmetic cleansers. Journal of Drugs in Dermatology. 2023 Jan; 22 (1):98-100
  9. Puri P, Comfere N, Drage LA, Shamim H, Bezalel SA, Pittelkow MR, Davis MDP, Wang M, Mangold AR, Tollefson MM, Lehman JS, Meves A, Yiannias JA, Otley CC, Carter RE, Sokumbi O, Hall MR, Bridges AG, Murphree DH. Deep learning for dermatologists: Part II. Current applications. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022 Dec; 87 (6):1352-1360 Epub 2020 May 16
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  10. Murphree DH, Puri P, Shamim H, Bezalel SA, Drage LA, Wang M, Pittelkow MR, Carter RE, Davis MDP, Bridges AG, Mangold AR, Yiannias JA, Tollefson MM, Lehman JS, Meves A, Otley CC, Sokumbi O, Hall MR, Comfere N. Deep learning for dermatologists: Part I. Fundamental concepts. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2022 Dec; 87 (6):1343-1351 Epub 2020 May 17
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  11. Chen JY, Yiannias JA, Hall MR, Youssef MJ, Drage LA, Davis MDP, Yang YW. Reevaluating Corticosteroid Classification Models in Patient Patch Testing. JAMA Dermatol. 2022 Nov 1; 158 (11):1279-1286
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  12. Viggiano T, Yiannias JA, Yang YW. A Retrospective Review of Late Delayed Positive Patch Testing Greater Than Day 8 at Mayo Clinic From 2001 to 2020. Dermatitis. 2022 Sep 21 Epub 2022 Sept 21
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  13. Demaerschalk BM, Pines A, Butterfield R, Haglin JM, Haddad TC, Yiannias J, Colby CE, TerKonda SP, Ommen SR, Bushman MS, Lokken TG, Blegen RN, Hoff MD, Coffey JD, Anthony GS, Zhang N, Diagnostic Accuracy of Telemedicine Utilized at Mayo Clinic Alix School of Medicine Study Group Investigators. Assessment of Clinician Diagnostic Concordance With Video Telemedicine in the Integrated Multispecialty Practice at Mayo Clinic During the Beginning of COVID-19 Pandemic From March to June 2020. JAMA Netw Open. 2022 Sep 01; 5(9):e2229958.
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  14. Delafield NL, Mesbah Z, Lacy CR, Panicker RR, Pasha SF, Mertz LE, Yiannias JA, Blair JE. Coccidioidomycosis in patients with various inflammatory disorders treated with tumor necrosis factor alpha inhibitors. Med Mycol. 2021 Jul 6; 59 (7):720-727
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  15. Mays DA, Friedman AJ, Kennedy J, Yiannias JA, Morgan JA. Undisclosed Fragrance Allergens in Clean Cosmetic Cleansers Place Patients at Risk. Dermatitis. 2021 Jan 11 [Epub ahead of print]
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  16. Mays DA, Friedman AJ, Kennedy J, Yiannias JA, Morgan JA. Petroleum ingredients detected in cleansers claiming to be natural and petrochemical free. J Am Acad Dermatol 2021 Jan; 84 (1):210-212 Epub 2020 May 04
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  17. Yang YW, Lehrer MD, Mangold AR, Yiannias JA, Nelson SA, Pittelkow MR. Treatment of granuloma annulare and related granulomatous diseases with sulphasalazine: a series of 16 cases. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2021 Jan; 35 (1):211-215 Epub 2020 July 21
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  18. Haddad TC, Blegen RN, Prigge JE, Cox DL, Anthony GS, Leak MA, Channer DD, Underwood PY, Williams RD, Hofschulte RD, Christopherson LA, Coffey JD, TerKonda SP, Yiannias JA, Costello BA, Russi CS, Colby CE, Ommen SR, Demaerschalk BM. A Scalable Framework for Telehealth: The Mayo Clinic Center for Connected Care Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Telemed Rep. 2021; 2 (1):78-87 Epub 2021 Feb 24
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  19. Huang CX, Yiannias JA, Killian JM, Shen JF. Seven Common Allergen Groups Causing Eyelid Dermatitis: Education and Avoidance Strategies. Clin Ophthalmol. 2021; 15:1477-1490 Epub 2021 Apr 12
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  20. Puri P, Yiannias JA, Mangold AR, Swanson DL, Pittelkow MR. The policy dimensions, regulatory landscape, and market characteristics of teledermatology in the United States. JAAD Int. 2020 Dec; 1 (2):202-207 Epub 2020 Nov 06
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  21. Wyatt KD, Finley A, Uribe R, Pallagi P, Willaert B, Ommen S, Yiannias J, Hellmich T. Patients' Experiences and Attitudes of Using a Secure Mobile Phone App for Medical Photography: Qualitative Survey Study. J Med Internet Res. 2020 May 12; 22(5):e14412.
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  22. Wyatt KD, Willaert BN, Lohse CM, Pallagi PJ, Yiannias JA, Hellmich TR. Experiences of Health Care Providers Using a Mobile Medical Photography Application. Appl Clin Inform. 2020 Jan; 11 (1):122-129 Epub 2020 Feb 12
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  23. Cantwell HM, Drage LA, El-Azhary RA, Hall MR, Killian JM, Yiannias JA, Davis MDP. The Final Patch Test Read: Day 5 or Day >7? Dermatitis. 2020 Jan/Feb; 31 (1):42-52
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  24. Tafti AP, Fu S, Khurana A, Mastorakos GM, Poole KG, Traub SJ, Yiannias JA, Liu H. Artificial intelligence to organize patient portal messages: a journey from an ensemble deep learning text classification to rule-based named entity recognition. IEEE BIBM, MABM 2019 Workshop. Paper ID B666. 2019.
  25. Choi K, Deval N, Vyas A, Moran C, Cha SS, Mertz LE, Pasha SF, Yiannias JA, Blair JE. The Utility of Screening for Coccidioidomycosis in Recipients of Inhibitors of Tumor Necrosis Factor alpha. Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Mar 5; 68 (6):1024-1030
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  26. Nguyen HL, Yiannias JA. Contact Dermatitis to Medications and Skin Products. Clin Rev Allergy Immunol. 2019 Feb; 56 (1):41-59
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  27. Fransway AF, Fransway PJ, Belsito DV, Yiannias JA. Paraben Toxicology. Dermatitis. 2019 Jan/Feb; 30 (1):32-45
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  28. Fransway AF, Fransway PJ, Belsito DV, Yiannias JA. Paraben Toxicology: An Overview. Dermatitis. 2018 Dec 18 [Epub ahead of print]
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  29. Veverka KK, Hall MR, Yiannias JA, Drage LA, El-Azhary RA, Killian JM, Johnson JS, Nordberg Linehan DL, Singh N, Davis MDP. Trends in Patch Testing With the Mayo Clinic Standard Series, 2011-2015. Dermatitis. 2018 Nov/Dec; 29 (6):310-315
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  30. Tolkachjov SN, Davis MDP, Yiannias JA. Crusted (Norwegian) Scabies: Nine-Month Course With Iatrogenic Immunosuppression. J Drugs Dermatol. 2018 Oct 1; 17 (10):1131-1133
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  31. Raghu TS, Yiannias J, Sharma N, Markus AL. Willingness to Pay for Teledermoscopy Services at a University Health Center. J Patient Exp. 2018 Sep; 5 (3):212-218 Epub 2018 Jan 17
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  32. Veverka KK, Killian JM, Yiannias JA, Hall MR, Drage LA, Davis MDP. Shellac: A Tertiary Care Center Experience. Dermatitis 2018 Jul/Aug; 29 (4):226-227
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  33. Lalla SC, Nguyen H, Chaudhry H, Killian JM, Drage LA, Davis MDP, Yiannias JA, Hall MR. Patch Testing to Propylene Glycol: The Mayo Clinic Experience. Dermatitis. 2018 Jul/Aug; 29 (4):200-205
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  34. Ma JE, Zhang N, El-Azhary RA, Fonacier L, Yiannias JA. Prevalence of allergen sensitization detected by patch tests. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2018 May 1; 39 (3):240-244
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  35. Wyatt KD, Willaert BN, Pallagi PJ, Uribe RA, Yiannias JA, Hellmich TR. PhotoExam: adoption of an iOS-based clinical image capture application at Mayo Clinic. Int J Dermatol. 2017 Dec; 56(12):1359-1365. Epub 2017 May 11.
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  36. Chaudhry HM, Drage LA, El-Azhary RA, Hall MR, Killian JM, Prakash AV, Yiannias JA, Davis MDP. Delayed Patch-Test Reading After 5 Days: An Update From the Mayo Clinic Contact Dermatitis Group. Dermatitis. 2017 Jul/Aug; 28 (4):253-260
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  37. Kenney AS, Yiannias JA, Raghu TS, David PS, Chang YH, Greig HE. Measures of satisfaction for providers and patients using same day teledermoscopy consultation. Int J Dermatol. 2016 Jul; 55 (7):781-5 Epub 2015 Aug 14
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  38. Wentworth AB, Yiannias JA, Davis MD, Killian JM. Benzalkonium Chloride: A Known Irritant and Novel Allergen. Dermatitis. 2016 Jan-Feb; 27: (1)14-20.
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  39. Winkelmann RR, Yiannias JA, DiCaudo DJ, Trotter SC, Farhey Y, Griffing WL, Martorano LM, Winkelmann JC. Paclitaxel-induced diffuse cutaneous sclerosis: a case with associated esophageal dysmotility, Raynaud's phenomenon, and myositis. Int J Dermatol. 2016 Jan; 55: (1)97-100.
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  40. Yiannias JA, Laman SD, Stevens R, Rkein AM, Nelson E, Noble BN. Skin cancer prevention in annual performance of total skin examination, photoprotection counseling, and patient instruction of self-skin examination. Int J Dermatol. 2014 Aug; 53 (8):981-4 Epub 2013 Oct 18
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  41. Wentworth AB, Yiannias JA, Keeling JH, Hall MR, Camilleri MJ, Drage LA, Torgerson RR, Fett DD, Prakash AV, Scalf LA, Allen EM, Johnson JS, Singh N, Nordberg Linehan DL, Killian JM, Davis MD. Trends in patch-test results and allergen changes in the standard series: a Mayo Clinic 5-year retrospective review (January 1, 2006, to December 31, 2010). J Am Acad Dermatol. 2014 Feb; 70 (2):269-75.e4 Epub 2013 Nov 20
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  42. Alani JI, Davis MD, Yiannias JA. Allergy to cosmetics: a literature review. Dermatitis. 2013 Nov-Dec; 24 (6):283-90
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  43. Miest RY, Yiannias JA, Chang YH, Singh N. Diagnosis and prevalence of lanolin allergy. Dermatitis. 2013 May-Jun; 24 (3):119-23
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  44. Landis MN, Keeling JH, Yiannias JA, Richardson DM, Nordberg Linehan DL, Davis MD. Results of patch testing in 10 patients with peristomal dermatitis. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2012 Sep; 67(3):e91-104. Epub 2011 Aug 31.
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  45. Weber ME, Yiannias JA, Hougeir FG, Kyle A, Noble BN, Landry AM, Hinni ML. Intraoral metal contact allergy as a possible risk factor for oral squamous cell carcinoma. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2012 Jun; 121 (6):389-94
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  46. Davis MDP, Yiannias JA, Weaver AL, Farmer SA, Scalf LA, Prakash AV, Fett DD, Richardson DM, Connolly SM, Keeling JH, El-Azhary RA. Patch test results may vary depending on where testing is performed: a comparison of patch test results from three geographically distinct sites in the USA. Int J Dermatol. 2011 Nov; 50 (11):1353-1361
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  47. Davis MD, Wang MZ, Yiannias JA, Keeling JH, Connolly SM, Richardson DM, Farmer SA. Patch testing with a large series of metal allergens: findings from more than 1,000 patients in one decade at Mayo Clinic. Dermatitis. 2011 Sep-Oct; 22: (5)256-71.
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  48. Yiannias J, Greig H. Recognizing diversity: listening with a sensitive ear. Int J Dermatol. 2011 Feb; 50(2):226-8.
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  49. Yiannias JA. Clinical features and diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis. (updated annually - last updated 2018) UpToDate. Available at: 2011; Version 19.3.
  50. Wetter DA, Yiannias JA, Prakash AV, Davis MD, Farmer SA, el-Azhary RA. Results of patch testing to personal care product allergens in a standard series and a supplemental cosmetic series: an analysis of 945 patients from the Mayo Clinic Contact Dermatitis Group, 2000-2007. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2010 Nov; 63 (5):789-98
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  51. Yiannias JA, Miller R, Kist JM. Creation, history, and future of the Contact Allergen Replacement Database (CARD). Dermatitis. 2009 Nov-Dec; 20(6):322-6.
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  52. Soares TF, Laman SD, Yiannias JA, Connolly SM, Lim KK, Wu Q, Swanson DL. Factors leading to the biopsy of 1547 pigmented lesions at Mayo Clinic, Scottsdale, Arizona, in 2005. Int J Dermatol. 2009 Oct; 48 (10):1053-6
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  53. Nelson SA, Yiannias JA. Relevance and avoidance of skin-care product allergens: pearls and pitfalls. Dermatol Clin. 2009 Jul; 27(3):329-36, vii.
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  54. Hammonds LM, Hall VC, Yiannias JA. Allergic contact dermatitis in 136 children patch tested between 2000 and 2006. Int J Dermatol. 2009 Mar; 48(3):271-4.
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  55. Adams AK, Yiannias JA. Mercaptobenzothiazole and mercapto mix. Dermatitis. 2008 Sep-Oct; 19(5):E39-41.
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  56. Davis MD, Scalf LA, Yiannias JA, Cheng JF, El-Azhary RA, Rohlinger AL, Farmer SA, Fett DD, Johnson JS, Linehan DL, Richardson DM, Schroeter AL, Connolly SM. Changing trends and allergens in the patch test standard series: a mayo clinic 5-year retrospective review, January 1, 2001, through December 31, 2005. Arch Dermatol. 2008 Jan; 144(1):67-72.
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  57. Chia CW, Yiannias JA, Pitts JM. Surprising causes of allergic contact dermatitis. HPC Today. 2007 Sep; 1(3):44-6.
  58. Scalf LA, Genebriera J, Davis MD, Farmer SA, Yiannias JA. Patients' perceptions of the usefulness and outcome of patch testing. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2007 Jun; 56(6):928-32.
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  59. Yiannias JA, DiCaudo DJ, Maskin E. Peripheral T-cell lymphoma presenting as lipoatrophy and nodules. Int J Dermatol. 2006 Dec; 45 (12):1415-9
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  60. Olmedo JM, Yiannias JA, Windgassen EB, Gornet MK. Scurvy: a disease almost forgotten. Int J Dermatol. 2006 Aug; 45(8):909-13.
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  61. Barlow JO, Zalla MJ, Kyle A, DiCaudo DJ, Lim KK, Yiannias JA. Treatment of basal cell carcinoma with curettage alone. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2006 Jun; 54 (6):1039-45
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  62. DiCaudo DJ, Yiannias JA, Laman SD, Warschaw KE. The exanthem of acute pulmonary coccidioidomycosis: Clinical and histopathologic features of 3 cases and review of the literature. Arch Dermatol. 2006 Jun; 142(6):744-6.
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  63. Timm-Knudson VL, Johnson JS, Ortiz KJ, Yiannias JA. Allergic contact dermatitis to preservatives. Dermatol Nurs. 2006 Apr; 18: (2)130-6.
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  64. Davis MD, Davis MD, Yiannias JA. Should macular erythema reactions be counted as positive allergic patch-test reactions? Dermatitis. 2006 Mar; 17 (1):12-4
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  65. Hougeir FG, Yiannias JA, Hinni ML, Hentz JG, el-Azhary RA. Oral metal contact allergy: a pilot study on the cause of oral squamous cell carcinoma. Int J Dermatol. 2006 Mar; 45(3):265-71.
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  66. Wetter DA, Davis MD, Yiannias JA, Cheng JF, Connolly SM, el-Azhary RA, Farmer SA, Fett DD, Johnson JS, Linehan DL, Richardson DM, Schroeter AL. Patch test results from the Mayo Clinic Contact Dermatitis Group, 1998-2000. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2005 Sep; 53(3):416-21.
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  67. Wetter DA, Davis MD, Yiannias JA, Gibson LE, Dahl MV, el-Azhary RA, Bruce AJ, Lookingbill DP, Ahmed I, Schroeter AL, Pittelkow MR. Effectiveness of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy for skin disease other than toxic epidermal necrolysis: a retrospective review of Mayo Clinic experience. Mayo Clin Proc. 2005 Jan; 80 (1):41-7
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  68. Kist JM, el-Azhary RA, Hentz JG, Yiannias JA. The contact allergen replacement database and treatment of allergic contact dermatitis. Arch Dermatol. 2004 Dec; 140(12):1448-50.
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  69. el-Azhary RA, Yiannias JA. A new patient education approach in contact allergic dermatitis: the Contact Allergen Replacement Database (CARD). Int J Dermatol. 2004 Apr; 43(4):278-80.
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  70. Ortiz KJ, Yiannias JA. Contact dermatitis to cosmetics, fragrances, and botanicals. Dermatol Ther. 2004; 17(3):264-71.
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  71. Yiannias JA. Facilitation of the management of allergic contact dermatitis via on-line tools. Dermatitis. 2004; 2:95-6.
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  73. el-Azhary RA, Yiannias JA. Allergic contact dermatitis to epoxy resin in immersion oil for light microscopy. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2002 Dec; 47(6):954-5.
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