Contractor software process

Kahua software platform

Kahua is a web-based project and construction management software platform that Mayo Clinic has adopted for all of its sites. The platform allows owners, design consultants and construction contractors to work within the same system via collaborative solutions that enable effective project communication.

Given the software's value for both our construction industry partners and Mayo Clinic, all construction industry partners will be required to use Kahua when working on Mayo Clinic construction projects. Any exceptions will be limited and determined by Mayo Clinic. As a commitment to this requirement, Mayo Clinic will provide the required licenses and training to construction industry partners free of charge.

Mayo Clinic recognizes that many construction industry partners use their own project management software systems, but Kahua coordinates Mayo Clinic projects between all Mayo's partners. Advantages include:

  • Bidirectional access to project-related information shared through a cloud-based platform that will help automate project documentation and communication
  • Automated workflows that allow more efficient managing of project-related information for all parties involved
  • Easier electronic drawing delivery, filing and updating within a common platform
  • Streamlined Request For Information and project submittal processing and tracking for all parties
  • Simplification and electronic submittal for invoicing — automatic Mayo Clinic account code componentization
  • Streamlined invoice review and processing for payment

Kahua operations

Each of the three major national Mayo Clinic geographic regions (Midwest, Southeast and Southwest) has Mayo Clinic employees who are designated Kahua site administrators. These administrators establish new Mayo Clinic-sponsored Kahua accounts with construction industry partners and coordinate the development of these relationships.

  • Kahua sets up the Mayo Clinic partner with his or her own Kahua account, which is linked per construction project to Mayo Clinic's account.
  • Because these are new Kahua corporation accounts, Kahua provides the front-line training and web access for questions on how to use the software.
  • Mayo Clinic will provide training, as required, on how to use Kahua in Mayo Clinic relationships and also provide Mayo Clinic experts to answer Mayo Clinic application questions about the software.

Quick Reference Guides

Most of Mayo Clinic's specifics of Kahua applications have been accumulated in Quick Reference Guides. These guides provide step-by-step process flows for Mayo Clinic applications and answer most users' questions. They can be accessed via the following links: