

  • 眼部检查。眼科医生将对您孩子进行眼科检查,以确定导致其症状和体征的原因。为了进行更全面的检查,医生可能会建议使用麻醉剂让孩子保持安静。
  • 影像学检查。扫描和其他影像学检查可帮助医生确定视网膜母细胞瘤是否已生长至侵袭眼周其他结构的程度。影像学检查可能包括超声检查和磁共振成像(MRI)等。

Eye exam

A healthcare professional carefully examines your child's eyes during an eye exam. This might involve testing your child's vision and using a special light to look inside the eye. Sometimes very young children find it hard to hold still for a thorough eye exam. Your healthcare team might recommend medicine to put the child in a sleep-like state so the exam can be completed. The results of the eye exam give your healthcare team clues about what's causing your child's symptoms.

Imaging tests

Imaging tests make pictures of the inside of the body. For retinoblastoma, imaging tests are used to look at the eye and the area around it. The images might show the size of the cancer and whether it has grown beyond the eye. Imaging tests may include ultrasound and MRI, among others.

Genetic testing

Genetic testing uses a sample of blood or saliva to look for variations in the DNA. Genetic testing for retinoblastoma looks for variations in a part of the DNA called the RB1 gene.

Everyone with retinoblastoma has variations in the RB1 gene in their cancer cells. But some children with retinoblastoma have the RB1 gene variations in all of the cells in their bodies. This can happen if parents pass DNA variations to their child. The variations also can happen if something changes the RB1 gene as the child develops in the womb.

If genetic testing shows your child has variations in the RB1 gene in all of the cells in the body, this helps the healthcare team plan your child's treatment. Having variations in the RB1 gene in all of the cells also raises the risk of other kinds of cancer. Screening tests can help watch for those other kinds of cancer.






  • 分布到全身的化疗药物。通过血管给药的化疗药物会分布到全身各部位杀死癌细胞。
  • 在肿瘤附近注射化疗药物。有一种称为动脉内化疗的特殊化疗,可通过向眼部供血的动脉中的细管(导管)将药物直接递送至肿瘤。医生可能会在动脉中放入一个微型球囊,让药物能紧贴肿瘤。
  • 注入眼内的化疗药物。玻璃体腔化疗包括将化疗药物直接注入眼睛内部。







放射疗法使用高功率能量(例如,X 线和质子)来杀死癌细胞。用于治疗视网膜母细胞瘤的放射疗法类型包括:

  • 局部放射。局部放射(也称为斑块放疗或近距离治疗)期间,治疗器械短时放置在肿瘤附近。



  • 外部射束放射。外部射束放射将高功率射束从位于体外的大型机器传输到肿瘤。当您的孩子平躺在检查床上时,机器在孩子周围移动,并发出辐射。




  • 手术切除患病眼球(摘除)。在眼球摘除术中,外科医生会切断眼球周围的肌肉和组织,并移除眼球。从眼球后部延伸到脑的一部分视神经也被切除。
  • 手术植入眼球假体。摘除眼球后,外科医生立即将一个由塑料或其他材料制成的特殊眼球放入眼窝。控制眼球运动的肌肉有时会附着在眼球假体上。


  • 安装义眼。手术数周后,可以将定制的义眼放置在眼球假体上。义眼可以定制,与孩子的健康眼睛相匹配。







探索 Mayo Clinic 的研究 测试新的治疗、干预与检查方法,旨在预防、检测、治疗或控制这种疾病。


当孩子确诊癌症时,您通常会心情复杂 — 从震惊、不敢相信到内疚和生气。每个人都会找到自己应对重压的方式,但如果您感到迷茫,可以尝试以下做法:

  • 收集您需要的所有信息。充分了解视网膜母细胞瘤,以便能够心平气和地为您孩子的护理做出决策。与孩子的医疗团队交流。准备一份问题清单,在下次就诊时咨询。


  • 组建一个支持网络。寻找能够以照料者的身份为您提供支持的朋友和家人。亲人可以陪同您的孩子去就医,或者在您无法陪床时去医院陪伴您的孩子。


  • 充分利用针对癌症儿童提供的各种资源。寻找专为癌症儿童家庭提供的特殊资源。向专科门诊中的社工咨询可用的资源。


  • 尽可能保持正常作息。在接受癌症治疗期间,幼龄儿童并不了解他们面对的是什么情况。为了帮助孩子应对,请尝试尽可能保持正常作息。



Gather all the information you need

Find out enough about retinoblastoma to feel comfortable making decisions about your child's care. Talk with your child's healthcare team. Keep a list of questions to ask at the next appointment.

Ask your healthcare team where you can learn more about retinoblastoma. Good places to start include the websites for the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society.

Organize a support network

Find friends and family who can help support you as a caregiver. Loved ones can accompany your child to appointments or sit by the bedside in the hospital when you can't be there.

When you're with your child, your friends and family can help out by spending time with your other children or helping around your home.

Take advantage of resources for kids with cancer

Seek out special resources for families of kids with cancer. Ask your clinic's social workers about what's available.

Support groups for parents and siblings put you in touch with people who might understand what you're feeling. Your family may be eligible for summer camps, temporary housing and other support.

Maintain your routine as much as possible

Small children can't understand what's happening to them as they undergo cancer treatment. To help your child cope, try to maintain a usual routine as much as possible.

Try to arrange appointments so that your child can have a set nap time each day. Have routine mealtimes. Allow time for play when your child feels up to it. If your child must spend time in the hospital, bring items from home that will help your child feel more comfortable.

Ask your healthcare team about other ways to comfort your child during treatment. Some hospitals have recreation therapists or child life specialists who can share advice and resources.





  • 了解就诊前的全部限制规定。在预约时,请记得询问是否需要提前准备,例如对孩子饮食的限制。
  • 写下孩子目前出现的所有症状,包括似乎与预约就诊的原因无关的症状。
  • 写下关键的个人信息,包括主要压力或孩子近期的生活变化。
  • 列出孩子服用的所有药物、维生素或补充剂。
  • 请家人或朋友陪同。有时,您可能很难记住就诊时医务人员告知您的信息。陪同您的亲友可能会记住您遗漏或忘记的信息。
  • 写下要向孩子的医生询问的问题。


  • 我的孩子需要做哪些检查?
  • 最佳治疗方案是什么?
  • 除了您建议的主要方法外,还有哪些替代方法?
  • 我的孩子应该去看专科医生吗?治疗费用是多少,我的保险能报销吗?




  • 孩子以前患过癌症吗?
  • 您的家人是否有癌症病史?
  • 孩子是否有同胞兄弟姐妹?他们都多大了?他们是否曾接受过眼科检查?
  • 孩子何时开始出现症状?
  • 孩子症状是持续存在还是偶尔出现?
  • 您孩子的症状有多严重?
  • 有没有什么因素似乎会改善您孩子的症状?
  • 有没有什么因素似乎会加重孩子的症状?
March 08, 2024

Living with 视网膜母细胞瘤?

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Myxofibrosarcoma: What treatments did you have?

101 Replies Fri, Jul 26, 2024

Colleen Young, Connect Director
Diagnosed with sarcoma? Let's share

814 Replies Wed, Jul 24, 2024

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  1. Retinoblastoma treatment (PDQ) – Patient version. National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/types/retinoblastoma/patient/retinoblastoma-treatment-pdq. Accessed Jan. 23, 2024.
  2. Yanoff M, et al., eds. Malignant intraocular neoplasms. In: Ophthalmology. 6th ed.: Elsevier; 2023. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Jan. 23, 2024.
  3. AskMayoExpert. Retinoblastoma (child). Mayo Clinic; 2023.
  4. Kliegman RM, et al. Retinoblastoma. In: Nelson Textbook of Pediatrics. 21st ed. Elsevier; 2020. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Jan. 23, 2024.
  5. Berry JL. Retinoblastoma: Clinical presentation, evaluation and diagnosis. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Jan. 22, 2024.
  6. Hartnett ME, ed. Pediatric Retina. 3rd ed. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2020.
  7. Surgical procedures. American Society of Ocularists. https://www.ocularist.org/resources_surgical_procedures.asp. Accessed Jan. 23, 2024.
  8. Berry JL. Retinoblastoma: Treatment and outcome. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Jan. 22, 2024.
  9. Chodnicki KD (expert opinion). Mayo Clinic. Jan. 26, 2024.

