Dr. Brooks Edwards, MayoClinic.com's first medical editor-in-chief, brought a passion for medicine and health information to his role.

    A Rochester, Minn., native, Dr. Edwards is board certified in internal medicine, cardiology, and heart failure and transplantation. He has been on staff at Mayo Clinic since 1989, is a professor of medicine at Mayo Medical School and has served as president of Mayo Clinic's Rochester staff.

    As a cardiologist, Dr. Edwards directed the cardiac transplant team at Mayo Clinic from 2002- 2008. This multidisciplinary team includes specialty physicians from cardiology, cardiac surgery, infectious diseases, psychiatry and psychology along with transplant nurse coordinators, social workers and intensive care unit nurses. Currently, Dr. Edwards serves as chair of The William J. von Liebig Transplant Center at Mayo Clinic, where more than 700 lifesaving transplants of all types are performed annually.

    "The Internet opens doors, "Dr. Edwards said. "For people around the world, our site allows access to some of the best medical professionals in the world. The site provides the tools to help people stay healthy and information to make every user a better partner with their doctor. I am very proud of MayoClinic.com and the impact we have in people's lives every day."

    Dr. Edwards, past president of the American Heart Association's Minnesota Affiliate, was founder and editor of the former website Mayo Clinic Health Oasis, has reviewed for "Mayo Clinic Health Letter," "Mayo Clinic Family Health Book" and "Mayo Clinic Heart Book" and edited the professional CD-ROM "Prime Practice Cardiology."

    His specialty interests include computer-based applications for consumer health information and disease management, along with clinical roles in congestive heart failure and transplantation.


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