Description and Brand Names

Drug information provided by: Merative, Micromedex®

US Brand Name

  1. Alyglo
  2. Asceniv
  3. Baygam
  4. Bivigam
  5. Carimune
  6. Cutaquig
  7. Cuvitru
  8. Flebogamma 10 DIF
  9. Flebogamma 5
  10. Flebogamma 5 DIF
  11. GamaSTAN
  12. Gamastan SD
  13. Gamimune N
  14. Gammagard
  15. Gammagard SD
  16. Gammaplex
  17. Gammaplex 10
  18. Gammar-P
  19. Gamunex
  20. Hizentra
  21. Iveegam EN
  22. Octagam
  23. Octagam 10
  24. Panglobulin NF
  25. Panzyga
  26. Polygam SD
  27. Privigen
  28. Sandoglobulin
  29. Venoglobulin-S
  30. Vivaglobin
  31. Xembify
  32. Yimmugo


Immune globulin injection is used to prevent infections or make the infection less severe (eg, hepatitis A with not more than 2 weeks of exposure, chickenpox, measles with not more than 6 days of exposure, has not been vaccinated, and has not had measles previously, or rubella) when your body has a weak immune system. Immune globulin contains antibodies that make your immune system stronger. It is used for patients who have primary humoral immunodeficiency (PI), idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura, chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy (CIDP), or dermatomyositis (DM). It is also used to improve muscle strength and disability in patients with multifocal motor neuropathy (MMN). Immune globulin injection belongs to a group of medicines known as immunizing agents.

This medicine is to be given only by or under the supervision of your doctor.

This product is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Powder for Solution
  • Solution