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Ram Kadirvel, Ph.D.


  1. Rochester, Minnesota


  • Saccular aneurysms
  1. 2010
    Research Associate - RadiologyMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  2. 2007
    Senior Research Fellowship - RadiologyMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  3. 2006
    Research Fellowship - RadiologyMayo Graduate School of Medicine, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine
  4. 2003
    Postdoctoral Research Associate - Biotechnology, Molecular BiologyRecombinant Technologies LLC
  5. 2002
    Ph.D. - BiochemistryUniversity of Madras
  6. 1998
    MS - BiochemistryBharathidasan University
  7. 1996
    BS - ChemistryBharathidasan University

Awards and honors

  1. 2021
    Fellow of American Heart Association (FAHA)American Heart Association
  2. 2017
    Carman Award for Research ExcellenceDepartment of Radiology, Mayo Clinic
  3. 2006
    Postdoctoral FellowshipAmerican Heart Association
  4. 2002
    Senior Research ScholarshipCouncil of Scientific and Industrial Research, Government of India
  5. 1999
    Junior Research ScholarshipMinistry of Environment and Forests, Government of India
  6. 1998
    Lectureship AwardUniversity Grant Commission, Govt. of India

Professional memberships

  1. 2022 - present
    MemberResearch Committee, Department of Neurologic Surgery
  2. 2021 - present
    Commiittee MemberIndia MERG
  3. 2015 - present
    Session ChairBioInterface Workshop & Symposium
  4. 2015 - 2017
    Voting MemberInstitutional Animal Care and Use Committee
  5. 2011 - present
    Research Committee - MemberAmerican Society of Neuroradiology
  6. 2010 - present
    MemberResearch Committee, Department of Radiology
  7. 2008 - present
    Abstract Selection ReviewerSociety for Free Radical Biology and Medicine
  8. 2006 - present
    MemberAmerican Physiological Society
  9. 2005 - present
    Abstract ReviewerAmerican Heart Association
  10. 2005 - present
    Professional MemberAmerican Stroke Association
  11. 2005 - present
    MemberSociety for Free Radical Biology and Medicine


Research activities

See a description of research activities.