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Manuel Arteta, M.D.

  1. Pediatric Pulmonologist


  1. Guler S, Hull NC, Arteta M, Allen-Rhoades W, Shahi M, Ishitani MB, Demirel N. An unusual case of metastatic trophoblastic neoplasm presenting with diffuse cystic lung disease and pulmonary artery pseudoaneurysms in a teenager. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2024 May; 59 (5):1482-1486 Epub 2024 Feb 23
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  2. Smith JD, Arteta M, Baptist AP, Van Harrison R, Kelley SA, Lindell VA, Lugogo NL, Noble JA, Rew KT, Van Harrison R, Proudlock AL. Asthma Ann Arbor (MI): Michigan Medicine University of Michigan. 2021 Jul.
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  3. Zhang X, Kershaw KN, Minniti CP, Campbell A, Rana SR, Darbari DS, Luchtman-Jones L, Sable C, Dham N, Ensing G, Arteta M, Taylor JG, Hsu LL, Nekhai S, Gordeuk VR. Influence of single parenthood on cardiopulmonary function in pediatric patients with sickle cell anemia. Blood Adv. 2020 Jul 28; 4 (14):3311-3314
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  4. Nouraie M, Darbari DS, Rana S, Minniti CP, Castro OL, Luchtman-Jones L, Sable C, Dham N, Kato GJ, Gladwin MT, Ensing G, Arteta M, Campbell A, Taylor 6th, Nekhai S, Gordeuk VR. Tricuspid regurgitation velocity and other biomarkers of mortality in children, adolescents and young adults with sickle cell disease in the United States: The PUSH study. Am J Hematol. 2020 Jul; 95 (7):766-774 Epub 2020 Apr 21
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  5. Simon Caroline T. MD, Lewis Toby C. MD, MPH, Neemuchwala Fatima MD, Arteta Manuel MD, Rabah Raja MD. Pulmonary alveolar microlithiasis: A case report with a novel mutation in the SLC34A2 gene and review of the literature Human Pathology: Case Reports. 2018; 13:33-35.
  6. Castner L., Nasr S. Z., Arteta M.. Progressive Idiopathic Scoliosis in a Child with Cystic Fibrosis: A Case Report ATSJournals. 2018.
  7. Safi KH, Bernat JA, Keegan CE, Ahmad A, Hershenson MB, Arteta M. Interstitial lung disease of infancy caused by a new NKX2-1 mutation. Clin Case Rep. 2017 Jun; 5 (6):739-743 Epub 2017 Apr 04
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  8. Safi Khalid, Stoermer-Grossman Karla, Kidwell Kelley, Sturza Julie, Ramirez Ixsy, Saba Thomas, Hershenson Marc, Lewis Toby, Arteta Manuel. A Comprehensive Pediatric Asthma Management Program Reduces Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations Pediatric Allergy, Immunology, and Pulmonology. 2016; VOL. 29, NO. 1.
  9. Saba TG, Hershenson MB, Arteta M, Ramirez IA, Mullan PB, Owens ST. Pre-clinical medical student experience in a pediatric pulmonary clinic. Med Educ Online. 2015; 20:28654 Epub 2015 Nov 04
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  10. Arteta M, Campbell A, Nouraie M, Rana S, Onyekwere OC, Ensing G, Sable C, Dham N, Darbari D, Luchtman-Jones L, Kato GJ, Gladwin MT, Castro OL, Minniti CP, Gordeuk VR. Abnormal pulmonary function and associated risk factors in children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol. 2014 Apr; 36 (3):185-9
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  11. Paul R, Minniti CP, Nouraie M, Luchtman-Jones L, Campbell A, Rana S, Onyekwere O, Darbari DS, Ajayi O, Arteta M, Ensing G, Sable C, Dham N, Kato GJ, Gladwin MT, Castro OL, Gordeuk VR. Clinical correlates of acute pulmonary events in children and adolescents with sickle cell disease. Eur J Haematol. 2013 Jul; 91 (1):62-8 Epub 2013 May 03
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  12. Darbari DS, Onyekwere O, Nouraie M, Minniti CP, Luchtman-Jones L, Rana S, Sable C, Ensing G, Dham N, Campbell A, Arteta M, Gladwin MT, Castro O, Taylor 6th, Kato GJ, Gordeuk V. Markers of severe vaso-occlusive painful episode frequency in children and adolescents with sickle cell anemia. J Pediatr. 2012 Feb; 160 (2):286-90 Epub 2011 Sept 03
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  13. Campbell A, Minniti CP, Nouraie M, Arteta M, Rana S, Onyekwere O, Sable C, Ensing G, Dham N, Luchtman-Jones L, Kato GJ, Gladwin MT, Castro OL, Gordeuk VR. Prospective evaluation of haemoglobin oxygen saturation at rest and after exercise in paediatric sickle cell disease patients. Br J Haematol. 2009 Nov; 147 (3):352-9 Epub 2009 Aug 19
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  14. Dham N, Ensing G, Minniti C, Campbell A, Arteta M, Rana S, Darbari D, Nouraie M, Onyekwere O, Lasota M, Kato GJ, Gladwin MT, Castro O, Gordeuk V, Sable C. Prospective echocardiography assessment of pulmonary hypertension and its potential etiologies in children with sickle cell disease. Am J Cardiol. 2009 Sep 1; 104 (5):713-20 Epub 2009 June 24
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