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Brian J. Arizmendi, Ph.D., L.P., ABPP

  1. Psychologist


  1. Arizmendi BJ, Craven MR, Martinez-Camblor P, Tormey LK, Salwen-Deremer JK. Engagement in GI Behavioral Health Is Associated with Reduced Portal Messages, Phone Calls, and ED Visits. Dig Dis Sci. 2024 Jun; 69 (6):1939-1947 Epub 2024 Apr 15
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  2. Rameshkumar S, Arizmendi BJ, Salwen-Deremer JK. The role of arousal in maintaining the relationship between insomnia and gastrointestinal conditions. Transl Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2024; 9:41 Epub 2024 July 09
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  3. Arizmendi BJ, Seeley SH, Allen JJB, Killgore WDS, Andrews-Hanna J, Weihs K, O'Connor MF. A pull to be close: The differentiating effects of oxytocin and grief stimulus type on approach behavior in complicated grief. Eur J Trauma Dissociation. 2023 Sep; 7 (3) Epub 2023 July 28
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  4. Arizmendi BJ, Gress-Smith JL, Krieg C, Waddell J. Adapting Group CBT-I for Telehealth-to-Home With Military Veterans in Primary Care. J Prim Care Community Health. 2023 Jan-Dec; 14:21501319221143722
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  5. De M, O'Connor MF, Arizmendi BJ, Ikram MA, Luik AI. The longitudinal association of actigraphy-estimated sleep with grief in middle-aged and elderly persons. Journal of Psychiatric Research. 2021; 137:66-72.
  6. Arizmendi B, Kaszniak AW, O’Connor M-F. Disrupted prefrontal activity during emotion processing in complicated grief: an fMRI investigation. NeuroImage. 2016; 164:968-76.
  7. O’Connor M-F, Arizmendi B. Neuropsychological correlates of Complicated Grief in older spousally bereaved adults. Journals of Gerontology B Psychological Sciences & Social Sciences. 2013; 69B(1):12-18.
  8. Arizmendi B, O’Connor M-F. What is “normal” in grief? Australian Critical Care. 2015; 28(2):58-62.
  9. O’Connor M-F, Arizmendi B, Kaszniak AW. Virtually supportive: A feasibility pilot study of an online support group for dementia caregivers in a 3D virtual environment. Journal of Aging Studies. 2014; 30:87-93.
  10. Parsons TD, Courtney C, Dawson M, Rizzo A, Arizmendi B. Visuospatial processing and learning effects in virtual reality based mental rotation and navigational tasks. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 2013; 8019:75-83.
  11. Courtney C, Dawson M, Rizzo A, Arizmendi B, Parsons TD. Predicting navigation performance with psychophysiological responses to threat in a virtual environment. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2013; 8021:129-38.
  12. Parsons TD, Courtney C, Arizmendi B, Dawson M. Virtual reality Stroop task for neurocognitive assessment. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2011; 143:433-9.