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Kit V. Anstine, M.D.

  1. Internist


  1. El-Fetouh Katamesh B, Futela Pragyat, Vincent A, Thilagar B, Whipple Mary, Hassan Abdul Rhman, Abuelazm Mohamed, Nanda S, Anstine CV, Singla A. Navigating The Proteomic Landscape of Menopause: A Review Medicina. 2024.
  2. Singla A, Anstine CV, Huang L, Rosedahl JK, Mohabbat AB, Philpot LM. A Cross-Sectional Survey Study of Cannabis Use for Fibromyalgia Symptom Management. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 Apr; 99 (4):542-550
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  3. Knight DR, Aakre CA, Anstine CV, Munipalli B, Biazar P, Mitri G, Valery JR, Brigham T, Niazi S, Perlman AI, Halamka JD, Abu AM. Artificial intelligence for patient scheduling in the real-world health care setting: A metanarrative review Health Policy and Technology. 2023; 12(4).
  4. Ganesh R, Grach SL, Ghosh AK, Bierle DM, Salonen BR, Collins NM, Joshi AY, Boeder ND Jr, Anstine CV, Mueller MR, Wight EC, Croghan IT, Badley AD, Carter RE, Hurt RT. The Female-Predominant Persistent Immune Dysregulation of the Post-COVID Syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Mar; 97 (3):454-464 Epub 2022 Feb 05
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  5. Ganesh R, Ghosh AK, Nyman MA, Croghan IT, Grach SL, Anstine CV, Salonen BR, Hurt RT. PROMIS Scales for Assessment of Persistent Post-COVID Symptoms: A Cross Sectional Study. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211030413.
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  6. Bhatia S, Anstine C, Jaffe AS, Gersh BJ, Chandrasekaran K, Foley TA, Hodge D, Anavekar NS. Cardiac magnetic resonance in patients with elevated troponin and normal coronary angiography. Heart. 2019 Aug; 105 (16):1231-1236 Epub 2019 Apr 04
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  7. Robinson S, Corbett CJ, Winer JL, Chan LAS, Maxwell JR, Anstine CV, Yellowhair TR, Andrews NA, Yang Y, Sillerud LO, Jantzie LL. Neonatal erythropoietin mitigates impaired gait, social interaction and diffusion tensor imaging abnormalities in a rat model of prenatal brain injury. Exp Neurol. 2018 Apr; 302:1-13 Epub 2017 Dec 26
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  8. Yellowhair TR, Noor S, Maxwell JR, Anstine CV, Oppong AY, Robinson S, Milligan ED, Jantzie LL. Preclinical chorioamnionitis dysregulates CXCL1/CXCR2 signaling throughout the placental-fetal-brain axis. Exp Neurol. 2018 Mar; 301 (Pt B):110-119 Epub 2017 Nov 05
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  9. Robinson S, Berglass JB, Denson JL, Berkner J, Anstine CV, Winer JL, Maxwell JR, Qiu J, Yang Y, Sillerud LO, Meehan WP 3rd, Mannix R, Jantzie LL. Microstructural and microglial changes after repetitive mild traumatic brain injury in mice. J Neurosci Res. 2017 Apr; 95 (4):1025-1035 Epub 2016 July 25
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