
Drug information provided by: Merative, Micromedex®

It is very important that your doctor check your progress closely while you are receiving this medicine to make sure that it is working properly. Blood tests may be needed to check for unwanted effects.

This medicine may cause infusion-related reactions, which can be life-threatening and require immediate medical attention. Tell your doctor right away if you start to have a fever, chill or shaking, dizziness, headache, trouble breathing, itching or skin rash, lightheadedness, fainting, or fast, pounding, or uneven heartbeat after receiving this medicine.

While you are being treated with atoltivimab, maftivimab, and odesivimab-ebgn, and after you stop treatment with it, do not have any immunizations (vaccines) without your doctor's approval. Atoltivimab, maftivimab, and odesivimab-ebgn may lower your body's resistance and there is a chance you might get the infection the vaccine is meant to prevent. In addition, you should not be around other persons living in your household who receive live virus vaccines because there is a chance they could pass the virus on to you. Some examples of live vaccines include measles, mumps, influenza (nasal flu vaccine), poliovirus (oral form), rotavirus, and rubella. Do not get close to them and do not stay in the same room with them for very long. If you have questions about this, talk to your doctor.