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أعد ضبط جميع المرشحات

عرض 11-15 خارج الأطباء 15 المتاحين

  1. Carlos D. Pinheiro Neto, M.D., Ph.D.

    Carlos D. Pinheiro Neto, M.D., Ph.D.

    1. Otolaryngologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Reconstructive surgery, Endoscopic orbital surgery, Open skull base surgery, Endoscopic pituitary surgery, Endoscopic s...inus surgery, Facial fracture repair, Endoscopic skull base surgery, Pituitary tumor, Esthesioneuroblastoma, Chondrosarcoma, Craniopharyngioma, CSF leak, Chordoma, Nasal and paranasal tumors, Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, Encephalocele, Nasal polyps, Sinusitis, Nasal obstruction, Skull base tumor, Inverting papilloma, Sinonasal cancer, Sinonasal melanoma

  2. Daniel L. Price, M.D.

    Daniel L. Price, M.D.

    1. Otolaryngologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Cancer rehabilitation, Cancer treatment, Facial reanimation surgery, Thyroidectomy, Skin biopsy, Trauma care, Sentinel ...node biopsy, Transoral robotic surgery, Parathyroidectomy, Tracheostomy, Oral cancer screening, Nerve graft, Microvascular surgery, Fibula free flap, Skin cancer reconstruction, Reconstructive surgery, Orbital reconstruction, Facial fracture repair, Jaw surgery, Submandibular gland removal, Skin cancer excision, Microvascular reconstruction, Skull base surgery, Laryngectomy, Facial reconstruction, Parotid gland surgery, Neck surgery, Head and neck reconstruction, Neck dissection, Parotidectomy, Glossectomy, Head and neck cancer surgery, Minimally invasive cancer surgery , Maxillary reconstruction, Radial forearm free flap, Mandibular reconstruction, Oral biopsy, Cancer, Head and neck cancer, Facial fracture, Osteoradionecrosis, Chondrosarcoma, Nasal and paranasal tumors, Thyroid cancer, Soft tissue sarcoma, Melanoma, Tonsil cancer, Sarcoma, Mouth cancer, Salivary gland tumor, Skin cancer, Throat cancer, Tongue cancer, Lip cancer, Soft palate cancer, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Floor of the mouth cancer, Osteosarcoma, Basal cell carcinoma, Osteomyelitis, Paraganglioma, Parotid gland tumor, Jaw tumors and cysts, Fibrous dysplasia, Osteoblastoma, Oral and throat cancer, Laryngeal cancer, Facial skin cancer, Skull base tumor, Facial injury, Tongue base cancer, Mouth tumor, Salivary gland cancer, Parotid cancer, Warthin's tumor, Adenoid cystic carcinoma, Nasal cancer, Roof of mouth cancer, Inner cheek cancer, Radiation injury, Jaw cancer

  3. Janalee K. Stokken, M.D.

    Janalee K. Stokken, M.D.

    1. Otolaryngologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Pituitary tumor surgery, Orbital decompression surgery, Dacryocystorhinostomy, Endoscopic sinus surgery, Sinus surgery,... Skull base surgery, Septoplasty, Orbital tumor removal, Pituitary tumor, CSF leak, Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia, Nasal and paranasal tumors, Thyroid eye disease, Graves' disease, Nasal polyps, Chronic sinusitis, Nasal cancer

  4. Katie M. Van Abel, M.D.

    Katie M. Van Abel, M.D.

    1. Otolaryngologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Facial reanimation surgery, Transoral robotic surgery, Reconstructive surgery, Neck surgery, Head surgery, Head and nec...k cancer, Nasal and paranasal tumors, Thyroid cancer, Mouth cancer, Salivary gland tumor, Ameloblastoma, Throat cancer, Soft palate cancer, Oral and throat cancer, Laryngeal cancer, Skin tumor

  5. Linda X. Yin, M.D.

    Linda X. Yin, M.D.

    1. Otolaryngologist
    1. Rochester, MN
    مناطق التركيز:

    Robotic surgery, Thyroidectomy, Transoral robotic surgery, Microvascular reconstruction, Laryngectomy, Transoral laser ...microsurgery, Facial reconstruction, Parotid gland surgery, Neck surgery, Neck dissection, Parotidectomy, Glossectomy, Mandibular reconstruction, Free flap, Tonsillectomy, Salivary gland surgery, Head and neck cancer, Rhabdomyosarcoma, Nasal and paranasal tumors, Thyroid cancer, Melanoma, Tonsil cancer, Sarcoma, Mouth cancer, Salivary gland tumor, Ameloblastoma, Skin cancer, Throat cancer, Tongue cancer, Lip cancer, Soft palate cancer, Nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Squamous cell carcinoma of the skin, Paraganglioma, Parotid gland tumor, Jaw tumors and cysts, Oral and throat cancer, Adenocarcinoma, Laryngeal cancer, Carotid body tumor, Tongue base cancer, Mouth tumor, Salivary gland cancer, Parotid cancer, Oropharyngeal cancer, Schwannoma, Mucoepidermoid carcinoma, Warthin's tumor, Acinic cell carcinoma, Adenoid cystic carcinoma, Nasal cancer, Jaw cancer, Pleomorphic adenoma, Ear cancer, Pharyngeal cancer, HPV-associated cancer


يدرس الأطباء والعلماء في مايو كلينك طرقًا جديدة لتشخيص الأورام الأنفية والمجاورة للأنف وعلاجها، مثل البحث في تحسين تقنيات جراحة الرأس والرقبة وابتكارها.

تُجرى أبحاث السرطان بالتنسيق مع مركز مايو كلينك الشامل للسرطان. يتلقى مركز مايو كلينك الشامل للسرطان تمويلاً من المعهد الوطني للسرطان، ويُصنَّف كمركز شامل لعلاج السرطان. يدل هذا التصنيف على التميز العلمي للمركز وموارده متعددة التخصصات التي تركز على الوقاية من السرطان وتشخيصه وعلاجه.


راجع قائمة المنشورات حول الأورام الأنفية والمجاورة للأنف، والمقدمة من أطباء Mayo Clinic على PubMed، وهي إ‎ ‎حدى خدمات المكتبة الوطنية للطب.

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شاهد جميع الأطباء • جميع المواقع


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Head & Neck Cancer Discussions

How do I go through 6 weeks radiation and chemotherapy, alone?

49 Replies Sun, Feb 16, 2025

Diagnosed with Ameloblastoma

231 Replies Fri, Feb 14, 2025

Scheduled for a Vermilionectomy for premalignant lip tissue

36 Replies Wed, Feb 12, 2025

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