打印 科室与专家门诊 妙佑医疗国际是美国规模最大、经验最丰富的医疗机构之一,在亚利桑那州、佛罗里达州和明尼苏达州都设有院区。我们的工作人员涉及数十种专业,通过齐心协力确保高品质治疗与成功康复。 有相关专长的科室 Pediatric Hematology/Oncology 妇产科 妙佑医疗国际的癌症护理 行此手术的医生 编辑搜索过滤条件 close 缩小搜索范围 根据地点 Rochester, MN 按姓氏 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 A A 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 B B 查找姓氏以该字母开头的医生 C C 查找姓氏以该字母开头的医生 D D 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 E E 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 F F 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 G G 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 H H 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 I I 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 J J 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 K K 查找姓氏以该字母开头的医生 L L 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 M M 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 N N 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 O O 查找姓氏以该字母开头的医生 P P 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 Q Q 查找姓氏以该字母开头的医生 R R 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 S S 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 T T 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 U U 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 V V 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 W W 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 X X 主动 查找姓氏以该字母开头的医生 Y Y 未找到姓氏以该字母开头的医生 Z Z 重置所有过滤器 搜索提示 给搜索词加引号。 即使搜索栏没有显示自动建议,也请点击“搜索”,您或许仍然可以获得结果。 显示$起始范围 - $结束范围/源自可用$可用医生 姓氏首字母: Y Riley J. Young, M.D. Gynecologist Rochester, MN 擅长领域: Robotic surgery, Minimally invasive surgery, Laparoscopic surgery, Robotic hysterectomy, Oophorectomy, Minimally invasi...ve hysterectomy, Radiofrequency ablation, Tubal ligation, Myomectomy, Endometriosis surgery, Polypectomy, Intrauterine device method, Hysteroscopy, Gynecological surgery, Ovarian cyst, Heavy menstrual bleeding, Uterine polyps, Uterine fibroid, Endometriosis, Chronic pelvic pain, Adenomyosis 显示更多擅长领域 针对 Riley J. Young, M.D. 来自妙佑医疗国际员工 申请预约 关于 July 13, 2024 打印 显示参考文献 Hoffman BL, et al. Williams Gynecology. 4th ed. The McGraw-Hill Companies; 2016. https://accessmedicine.mhmedical.com. Accessed Oct. 19, 2023. Valea FA, et al. Oophorectomy and ovarian cystectomy. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Oct. 19, 2023. Muto MG. Risk-reducing salpingo-oophorectomy in patients with high risk of epithelial ovarian and fallopian tube cancer. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Oct. 19, 2023. Gershenson DM, et al. Preoperative counseling and management. In: Comprehensive Gynecology. 8th ed. Elsevier; 2022. https://www.clinicalkey.com. Accessed Oct. 19, 2023. Health Education & Content Services. Surgery to reduce the risk of ovarian cancer. Mayo Clinic; 2013. Reed SR, et al. Elective oophorectomy or ovarian conservation at the time of hysterectomy. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Oct. 19, 2023. Levy BS, et al. Endometriosis: Management of ovarian endometriomas. https://www.uptodate.com/contents/search. Accessed Nov. 14, 2023. Many ovarian cancers may start in fallopian tubes, study finds. National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/news-events/cancer-currents-blog/2017/ovarian-cancer-fallopian-tube-origins. Accessed Nov. 14, 2023. Ovarian cancer including fallopian tube cancer and primary peritoneal cancer. National Comprehensive Cancer Network. https://www.nccn.org/guidelines/guidelines-detail?category=1&id=1453. Accessed Nov. 14, 2023. 相关 卵巢囊肿 卵巢癌 卵巢癌 女性生殖系统 林奇综合征 腹腔镜卵巢切除术 显示更多相关内容 Mayo Clinic 新闻 Mayo Clinic Minute: Tips from a gynecological surgeon on recovery from surgery July 01, 2024, 03:00 p.m. CDT 卵巢切除术(卵巢切除手术)关于医生与科室 PRC-20248524 患者护理和健康信息 医学检查与医疗程序 卵巢切除术(卵巢切除手术)