Through the comprehensive multidisciplinary programs of Mayo Clinic's Department of Psychiatry and Psychology, thousands of people with mental, addictive and emotional disorders of all types find answers each year. Not all services are available in Arizona or Florida. Please ask about services when you or your referring physician request an appointment.


Learn about Mayo's flagship programs — Mayo Clinic Psychiatric Hospital, Mayo Clinic Depression Center, Pain Rehabilitation Center, Addiction Services — and other areas of excellence described below.

Mayo Clinic Psychiatric Hospital

In the hospital, psychiatrists work in integrated teams with internists, psychologists, social workers, physical and occupational therapists, and other specialists to provide comprehensive coordinated short-term care tailored to the needs of each patient. The hospital includes these units:

  • Psychiatric Acute Care Unit. This unit stabilizes and treats adults experiencing mental health crises, such as those who are suicidal, homicidal or psychotic. After being stabilized and evaluated, patients receive individualized care, which may include medical treatments, group psychotherapy, recreational therapy, and education about coping strategies, relapse prevention, and stress management.
  • Medical and Geriatric Psychiatry Unit. Admitted to this unit are adults with both medical and psychiatric conditions, as well as geriatric patients who need hospitalization for psychiatric issues — most commonly late-life mood and cognitive disorders. Treatment may include medication, recreational and relaxation therapy, and education about depression, anxiety and aging-related issues.
  • Mood Disorders Unit. This unit treats adults whose depression or bipolar illness is significantly affecting their quality of life, functioning or safety. Intensive daily treatment is personalized to each patient and may include talk therapy (psychotherapy), such as cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy or behavioral activation. Treatment may also involve medications, family and group therapy, occupational therapy, relaxation activities, and — when appropriate — electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) or transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).
  • Child, Adolescent and Family Services Unit: This secure unit specializes in stabilization and treatment for children and teenagers who are experiencing an acute mental health crisis, such as those who are suicidal, homicidal or experiencing psychosis. Treatment for a variety of conditions including mood and adjustment disorders, anxiety, self-injurious behavior and psychotic disorders is family-centered and multidisciplinary. The treatment team includes psychiatrists, advanced practice providers, psychologists, social workers, specialized nursing staff, Child Life Specialists, and occupational, physical, recreational and music therapists.

Mayo Clinic Depression Center

A member of the National Network of Depression Centers, Mayo Clinic Depression Center offers comprehensive evidence-based evaluation and treatment for adults and children with depression or bipolar disorder. Programs range from outpatient consultations to intensive inpatient treatment, with care provided by a team of Mayo Clinic psychiatrists, psychologists, nurse practitioners, social workers and other specialists with expertise in mood disorders. Services include:

  • Adult Mood Clinic. Outpatient evaluation and treatment for adults with treatment-resistant depression or bipolar disorder is available in the Mayo Mood Clinic. After an initial assessment and depending on the person's needs, he or she may be referred to the Mood Disorders Unit or the two-week Mood Program.
  • Adult Mood Disorders Unit. This inpatient unit, described above, is part of the Mayo Clinic Psychiatric Hospital, which provides expert care tailored to individual needs.
  • Pediatric Mood Clinic. Staffed by experts in childhood mood disorders such as depression, bipolar disease, cyclothymic disorder and persistent depressive disorder (dysthymia), the clinic provides team-based diagnosis and treatment. Outpatient options include: Adolescents Coping with Depression, a 12-week intervention meeting for one hour a week for teens ages 14 through 18; and Multifamily Psychoeducational Psychotherapy, an 8-week intervention meeting for one hour a week for youths ages 11 through 14.
  • Depression Improvement Across Minnesota, Offering a New Direction (DIAMOND). DIAMOND involves a primary care provider, care manager and consulting psychiatrist for Minnesota adults with depression who are seen in primary care settings, with a focus on relapse prevention. DIAMOND is currently only available for patients who have Mayo primary care providers in Rochester or Kasson, Minn.
  • Adult Mood Program. (Temporarily closed – not accepting referrals at this time.) This is a 10-day, full-day group-based outpatient multidisciplinary psychotherapy for adults with depression or bipolar disorder. It uses three evidence-based supported psychotherapies: interpersonal and social rhythm therapy (also called IPSRT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy, and behavioral activation. The program helps to develop more effective ways to manage interpersonal problems and stabilize the daily routine of activities.

Pain Rehabilitation Center

Mayo's Pain Rehabilitation Center offers adult and pediatric outpatient programs for noncancer-related chronic pain to help people regain function and quality of life. These programs treat patients with a broad range of pain types, as well as those with medical and psychiatric complications. These may include chronic fatigue and nausea, fibromyalgia, cyclic vomiting, and autonomic disorders, such as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Programs include:

  • Adult three-week program
  • Adult two-day program
  • Pediatric three-week program

Addiction Services

Since 1972, Mayo Clinic has been treating people addicted to alcohol, illegal drugs and prescription medications, using an individualized, holistic approach within a respectful environment. Multispecialty care teams include addiction psychiatrists, licensed alcohol and drug counselors, licensed clinical social workers, registered nurses and other specialists.

Learn more about Mayo's options for addiction treatment, including the Outpatient Addiction Program, an Intensive Addiction Program and continuing care programs.

Other areas of excellence

The Department of Psychiatry and Psychology provides many other areas of excellence, such as:

  • Comprehensive multidisciplinary psychiatric assessments for adults, teenagers and children
  • Formal assessment of attention, concentration, memory, reasoning and learning abilities to help diagnose neuropsychological disorders such as dementia, mild cognitive impairment, traumatic brain injury, stroke, learning disabilities and attention deficits
  • Clinic for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Pediatric Anxiety Disorders Clinic, including treatment for panic disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder and separation anxiety
  • Behavioral Medicine Program
  • Innovative memory training program called HABIT Healthy Action to Benefit Independence & Thinking ®
  • Telemedicine program for cognitively impaired elderly patients with behavior problems
  • Rehabilitative services for people with traumatic brain injury

Integrated care

Mayo Clinic psychiatrists and psychologists become part of the care team for Mayo patients who have psychiatric disorders in addition to other medical problems or diseases. The department works closely with other programs and services at Mayo Clinic, such as:

John E. Herman Home and Treatment Facility

Mayo Clinic's John E. Herman Home and Treatment Facility is a residential treatment program for adults with mental illness. Its goal is to help residents return to the community to engage in value-driven, productive and meaningful lives.

The program is organized around functional and vocational recovery. Treatment includes:

  • Group psychotherapy.
  • Individual psychotherapy.
  • Psychoeducation.
  • Medication management.
  • Vocational program.
  • Family program.
  • Daily living activities.
  • Referral to other specialty clinics based on need.

Learn more about John E. Herman Home.

Arizona and Florida

The departments of psychiatry and psychology in Arizona and Florida provide consulting services for patients referred by their Mayo Clinic physician. These services support the integrated care of the other programs and services at Mayo Clinic.

Mayo Clinic HABIT Program

Learn about HABIT Healthy Action to Benefit Independence & Thinking® — a program for mild cognitive impairment, offered at Mayo Clinic in Arizona, Florida and Minnesota.

Watch a program orientation video.

July 27, 2024