البحث عن طبيب

Lewis J. Wesselius, M.D.

  1. Internist
  2. Pulmonologist


  1. Zamora AC, Wesselius LJ, Gotway MB, Tazelaar HD, Diaz-Arumir A, Nagaraja V. Diagnostic Approach to Interstitial Lung Diseases Associated with Connective Tissue Diseases. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2024 Jun; 45 (3):287-304 Epub 2024 Apr 17
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  2. Rodriguez-Pla A, Vikram HR, Khalid V, Wesselius LJ. COVID-19 pneumonia in a patient with granulomatosis with polyangiitis on rituximab: case-based review. Rheumatol Int. 2021 Aug; 41 (8):1509-1514 Epub 2021 June 06
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  3. Nokes BT, Raza HA, Cartin-Ceba R, Lyng PJ, Krahn LE, Wesselius L, Jokerst CE, Umar SB, Griffing WL, Neville MR, Malhotra A, Parish JM. Individuals With Scleroderma May Have Increased Risk of Sleep-Disordered Breathing. J Clin Sleep Med. 2019 Nov 15; 15 (11):1665-1669
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  4. Raza HA, Nokes B, Wesselius L, Agrwal N. Long-Term Oxygen Therapy in Patients With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Moderate Hypoxemia. J Am Osteopath Assoc. 2018 Oct 1; 118 (10):663-665
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  5. Wesselius LJ, DeLeon TT, Gotway MB. A Sarcoidlike Reaction Mimicking Metastatic Malignancy in a Patient With Melanoma Treated With Pembrolizumab. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2018 Apr; 210 (4):W183-W184
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  6. Sakata KK, Klassen CL, Bollin KB, Grys TE, Slack JL, Wesselius LJ, Vikram HR. Microbiologic yield of bronchoalveolar lavage specimens from stem cell transplant recipients. Transpl Infect Dis. 2017 Jun; 19 (3) Epub 2017 Apr 12
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  7. Sakata KK, Penupolu S, Colby TV, Gotway MB, Wesselius LJ. Pulmonary pyoderma gangrenosum without cutaneous manifestations. Clin Respir J. 2016 Jul; 10: (4)508-11.
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  8. Rank MA, Ochkur SI, Lewis JC, Teaford HG 3rd, Wesselius LJ, Helmers RA, Lee NA, Nair P, Lee JJ. Nasal and pharyngeal eosinophil peroxidase levels in adults with poorly controlled asthma correlate with sputum eosinophilia. Allergy. 2016 Apr; 71 (4):567-70 Epub 2015 Dec 24
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  9. Kelm DJ, Skalski JH, Nelson DR, Kashani KB, Lee AS, Wesselius LJ, Ramar K. Attributes Influencing the Selection of Fellowship Programs by Pulmonary and Critical Care Applicants: A Pilot Study. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2016 Apr; 13 (4):572-4
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  10. Gruden JF, Panse PM, Gotway MB, Jensen EA, Wellnitz CV, Wesselius L. Diagnosis of Usual Interstitial Pneumonitis in the Absence of Honeycombing: Evaluation of Specific CT Criteria With Clinical Follow-Up in 38 Patients. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2016 Mar; 206: (3)472-80.
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  11. Azadeh N, Rank MA, Lewis JC, Wesselius LJ, Cheng MR, Blair JE. Wheezes and desert breezes: when asthma and valley fever collide. J Asthma. 2016; 53: (2)125-32.
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  12. Helmers RA, Byrne TJ, Wesselius LJ, Leslie KO. Serious Pulmonary Toxicity Secondary to Novel Hepatitis C Antiviral Therapy in a Liver Transplant Recipient. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Sep; 90: (9)1294-7.
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  13. Williams KE, Parish JM, Lyng PJ, Viggiano RW, Wesselius LJ, Ocal IT, Vikram HR. Pseudomembranous tracheobronchitis caused by Rhizopus sp. After allogeneic stem cell transplantation. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2014 Apr; 21: (2)166-9.
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  14. Swink J, Panse PM, Gruden JF, Jensen EA, Wesselius L. Tubular pulmonary opacities detected at chest radiography: An unusual etiology. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine. 2014; 21(3):150-3.
  15. Macia NF, Wesselius LJ. Monitoring respiratory parameters as a health status indicator. IFMBE Proceedings. 2013; 33 IFMBE:830-3.
  16. Willetts L, Parker K, Wesselius LJ, Protheroe CA, Jaben E, Graziano P, Moqbel R, Leslie KO, Lee NA, Lee JJ. Immunodetection of occult eosinophils in lung tissue biopsies may help predict survival in acute lung injury. Respir Res. 2011 Aug 26; 12 (1):116
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  17. Goodman BP, Driver-Dunckley ED, Leslie KO, Patel AC, Wesselius LJ. A case of gait unsteadiness--an atypical manifestation of an unusual disease. Lancet Neurol. 2007 Nov; 6(11):1029-32.
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  18. Grasseschi RM, Ramaswanty RB, Levine DJ, Klaassen CD, Wesselius LJ. Cadmium accumulation and detoxification by alveolar macrophages of cigarette smokers. Chest. 2003 Nov; 124(5):1924-8.
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  19. Smith JJ, O'Brien-Ladner AR, Kaiser CR, Wesselius LJ. Effects of hypoxia and nitric oxide on ferritin content of alveolar cells. J Lab Clin Med. 2003 May; 141(5):309-17.
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  20. Janjua TM, Bohan AE, Wesselius LJ. Increased lower respiratory tract iron concentrations in alkaloidal ("crack") cocaine users. Chest. 2001 Feb; 119(2):422-7.
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  21. Plautz MW, Bailey K, Wesselius LJ. Influence of cigarette smoking on crocidolite-induced ferritin release by human alveolar macrophages. J Lab Clin Med. 2000 Dec; 136(6):449-56.
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  22. O'Brien-Ladner AR, Nelson SR, Murphy WJ, Blumer BM, Wesselius LJ. Iron is a regulatory component of human IL-1beta production. Support for regional variability in the lung. Am J Respir Cell Mol Biol. 2000 Jul; 23(1):112-9.
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  23. Stites SW, Plautz MW, Bailey K, O'Brien-Ladner AR, Wesselius LJ. Increased concentrations of iron and isoferritins in the lower respiratory tract of patients with stable cystic fibrosis. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 1999 Sep; 160(3):796-801.
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  24. Smirnov IM, Bailey K, Flowers CH, Garrigues NW, Wesselius LJ. Effects of TNF-alpha and IL-1beta on iron metabolism by A549 cells and influence on cytotoxicity. Am J Physiol. 1999 Aug; 277(2 Pt 1):L257-63.
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  25. Wesselius LJ. Pulmonary complications of cancer therapy. Compr Ther. 1999 May; 25(5):272-7.
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  26. Nelson ME, Wald TC, Bailey K, Wesselius LJ. Intrapulmonary cytokine accumulation following BAL and the role of endotoxin contamination. Chest. 1999 Jan; 115(1):151-7.
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  27. Wesselius LJ, Williams WL, Bailey K, Vamos S, O'Brien-Ladner AR, Wiegmann T. Iron uptake promotes hyperoxic injury to alveolar macrophages. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 1999 Jan; 159(1):100-6.
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  28. Wesselius LJ. Intrapulmonary cytokine accumulation following bronchoalveolar lavage. Chest. 1999; 116:583-4.
  29. O'Brien-Ladner AR, Blumer BM, Wesselius LJ. Differential regulation of human alveolar macrophage-derived interleukin-1beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha by iron. J Lab Clin Med. 1998 Dec; 132(6):497-506.
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  30. Stites SW, Walters B, O'Brien-Ladner AR, Bailey K, Wesselius LJ. Increased iron and ferritin content of sputum from patients with cystic fibrosis or chronic bronchitis. Chest. 1998 Sep; 114(3):814-9.
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  31. Wesselius LJ, Nelson ME, Bailey K, O'Brien-Ladner AR. Rapid lung cytokine accumulation and neutrophil recruitment after lipopolysaccharide inhalation by cigarette smokers and nonsmokers. J Lab Clin Med. 1997 Jan; 129(1):106-14.
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  32. Wesselius LJ. Pulmonary disorders associated with use of illicit drugs. Clin Pul Med. 1997; 4:71-5.
  33. Wesselius LJ, Smirnov IM, Nelson ME, O'Brien-Ladner AR, Flowers CH, Skikne BS. Alveolar macrophages accumulate iron and ferritin after in vivo exposure to iron or tungsten dusts. J Lab Clin Med. 1996 Apr; 127(4):401-9.
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  34. Nelson ME, O'Brien-Ladner AR, Wesselius LJ. Regional variation in iron and iron-binding proteins within the lungs of smokers. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 1996 Apr; 153(4 Pt 1):1353-8.
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  35. Wesselius LJ. Update on drug-induced lung disorders. Hosp Med. 1996; 32:32-6.
  36. Barry SG, Wesselius LJ. Drug-induced lung disease: keys to diagnosis and management. Clin Pul Med. 1996; 3:157-63.
  37. Stites SW, Nelson ME, Wesselius LJ. Transferrin concentrations in serum and lower respiratory tract fluid of mechanically ventilated patients with COPD or ARDS. Chest. 1995 Jun; 107(6):1681-5.
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  38. Wesselius LJ, Smirnov IM, O'Brien-Ladner AR, Nelson ME. Synergism of intratracheally administered tumor necrosis factor with interleukin-1 in the induction of lung edema in rats. J Lab Clin Med. 1995 May; 125(5):618-25.
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  39. O'Brien-Ladner AR, Nelson ME, Cowley BD Jr, Bailey K, Wesselius LJ. Hyperoxia amplifies TNF-alpha production in LPS-stimulated human alveolar macrophages. Am J Resp Cell Molec Biol. 1995 Mar; 12(3):275-9.
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  40. Wesselius LJ, Nelson ME, Skikne BS. Increased release of ferritin and iron by iron-loaded alveolar macrophages in cigarette smokers. Am J Resp Crit Care Med. 1994 Sep; 150(3):690-5.
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  41. O'Brien-Ladner A, Nelson ME, Kimler BF, Wesselius LJ. Release of interleukin-1 by human alveolar macrophages after in vitro irradiation. Radiat Res. 1993 Oct; 136(1):37-41.
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  42. Dixon AY, Moran JF, Wesselius LJ, McGregor DH. Pulmonary mucinous cystic tumor. Case report with review of the literature. Am J Surg Pathol. 1993 Jul; 17(7):722-8.
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  43. O'Brien-Ladner AR, Wesselius LJ, Stechschulte DJ. Bleomycin injury of the lung in a mast-cell-deficient model. Agents & Actions. 1993 May; 39(1-2):20-4.
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  44. Wesselius LJ. Pulmonary complications of cancer therapy. Compr Ther. 1992 Mar; 18(3):17-20.
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  45. Wesselius LJ, Flowers CH, Skikne BS. Alveolar macrophage content of isoferritins and transferrin. Comparison of nonsmokers and smokers with and without chronic airflow obstruction. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1992 Feb; 145(2 Pt 1):311-6.
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  46. Dark DS, Campbell DR, Wesselius LJ. Monitoring during gastrointestinal endoscopy. Am J Gastroenterol. 1991; 86:648-9.
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  47. Dark DS, Campbell DR, Wesselius LJ. Arterial oxygen desaturation during gastrointestinal endoscopy. Am J Gastroenterol. 1990 Oct; 85(10):1317-21.
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  48. Wesselius LJ, Dark DS, Papasian CJ. Airway carcinoembryonic antigen concentrations in patients with central lung cancer or chronic bronchitis. Chest. 1990 Aug; 98(2):393-7.
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  49. Wesselius LJ, Floreani AA, Kimler BF, Papasian CJ, Dixon AY. Effect of corticosteroid treatment on cell recovery by lung lavage in acute radiation-induced lung injury. Radiat Res. 1989 Nov; 120(2):313-22.
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  50. Wesselius LJ, Dark DS, Hanson FN, Wheaton DL. Airway secretory IgA concentrations in patients with lung cancer. Evaluation of the uninvolved lung. Chest. 1989 Jun; 95(6):1265-8.
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  51. Wesselius LJ, Kimler BF. Alveolar macrophage proliferation in situ after thoracic irradiation of rats. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1989 Jan; 139(1):221-5.
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  52. Hanson FN, Wesselius LJ. Effect of bronchial brush size on cell recovery. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1987 Dec; 136(6):1450-2.
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  53. Wesselius LJ, Wheaton DL, Manahan-Wahl LJ, Sherard SL, Taylor SA, Abdou NA. Lymphocyte subsets in lung cancer. Chest. 1987 May; 91(5):725-9.
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  54. Harrison GF, Wesselius LJ. Clinical uses of bronchoscopic lung lavage. Kans Med. 1986 Jan; 87(1):15-6.
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  55. Wesselius LJ. Advances in interstitial lung disorders. Compr Ther. 1984 May; 10(5):27-34.
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  56. Wesselius LJ, Catanzaro A, Wasserman SI. Neutrophil chemotactic activity generation by alveolar macrophages after bleomycin injury. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1984 Mar; 129(3):485-90.
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  57. Pingleton SK, Harrison GF, Stechschulte DJ, Wesselius LJ, Kerby GR, Ruth WE. Effect of location, pH, and temperature of instillate in bronchoalveolar lavage in normal volunteers. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1983 Dec; 128(6):1035-7.
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  58. Wesselius LJ, Witztum KF, Taylor AT, Hartman MT, Moser KM. Computer-assisted versus visual lung gallium-67 index in normal subjects and in patients with interstitial lung disorders. Am Rev Respir Dis. 1983 Dec; 128(6):1084-9.
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  59. Wesselius LJ, Brooks RJ, Gall EP. Vertebral coccidioidomycosis presenting as Pott's disease. JAMA. 1977 Sep 26; 238(13):1397-8.
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