البحث عن طبيب

Joseph H. Skalski, M.D.

  1. Critical Care Specialist
  2. Internist
  3. Pulmonologist


  1. Kanj AN, Skalski JH. Gut Mycobiome and Asthma. J Fungi (Basel). 2024 Mar 1; 10 (3) Epub 2024 Mar 01
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  2. Gupta VK, Rajendraprasad S, Ozkan M, Ramachandran D, Ahmad S, Bakken JS, Laudanski K, Gajic O, Bauer B, Zec S, Freeman DW, Khanna S, Shah A, Skalski JH, Sung J, Karnatovskaia LV. Safety, feasibility, and impact on the gut microbiome of kefir administration in critically ill adults. BMC Med. 2024 Feb 20; 22 (1):80
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  3. Sung J, Rajendraprasad SS, Philbrick KL, Bauer BA, Gajic O, Shah A, Laudanski K, Bakken JS, Skalski J, Karnatovskaia LV. The human gut microbiome in critical illness: disruptions, consequences, and therapeutic frontiers. J Crit Care. 2024 Feb; 79:154436 Epub 2023 Sept 26
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  4. Kanj AN, Guiance IR, Kottom TJ, Schaefbauer KJ, Choudhury M, Limper AH, Skalski JH. The intestinal commensal fungus Wallemia mellicola enhances asthma in mice through Dectin-2. Med Mycol. 2024 Jan 27; 62 (2)
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  5. Martin MJ, Pennington KM, Skalski JH, Yi ES, Levin DL, Durani U, Ryu JH. Emphysematous Lung Lesions Caused by Perivascular and Alveolar-Septal Deposition of Amyloid Light-Chain Amyloidosis. Chest. 2021 Aug; 160(2):e169-e171.
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  6. Limon JJ, Tang J, Li D, Wolf AJ, Michelsen KS, Funari V, Gargus M, Nguyen C, Sharma P, Maymi VI, Iliev ID, Skalski JH, Brown J, Landers C, Borneman J, Braun J, Targan SR, McGovern DPB, Underhill DM. Malassezia Is Associated with Crohn's Disease and Exacerbates Colitis in Mouse Models. Cell Host Microbe. 2019 Mar 13; 25 (3):377-388.e6 Epub 2019 Mar 05
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  7. Skalski JH, Limon JJ, Sharma P, Gargus MD, Nguyen C, Tang J, Coelho AL, Hogaboam CM, Crother TR, Underhill DM. Expansion of commensal fungus Wallemia mellicola in the gastrointestinal mycobiota enhances the severity of allergic airway disease in mice. PLoS Pathog. 2018 Sep; 14 (9):e1007260 Epub 2018 Sept 20
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  8. Limon JJ, Skalski JH, Underhill DM. Commensal Fungi in Health and Disease. Cell Host Microbe. 2017 Aug 9; 22 (2):156-165
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  9. Kelm DJ, Skalski JH, Ramar K. "Fellow of the Day": A Novel Trainee Role to Improve Fellows' Outpatient Continuity Clinics. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2017 Apr; 14 (4):524-528
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  10. Skalski JH, Dulohery MM, Kelm DJ, Ramar k. Impact of a Preinterview Dinner Candidate Perception of a Fellowship Training Program J Grad Med Educ. 2016 Dec; 8(5):763-766.
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  11. Skalski JH, Pannu J, Sasieta HC, Edell ES, Maldonado F. Tunneled Indwelling Pleural Catheters for Refractory Pleural Effusions after Solid Organ Transplant. A Case-Control Study. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 Aug; 13 (8):1294-8
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  12. Skalski JH, Limper AH. Fungal, Viral, and Parasitic Pneumonias Associated with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2016 Apr; 37: (2)257-66.
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  13. Kelm DJ, Skalski JH, Nelson DR, Kashani KB, Lee AS, Wesselius LJ, Ramar K. Attributes Influencing the Selection of Fellowship Programs by Pulmonary and Critical Care Applicants: A Pilot Study. Ann Am Thorac Soc 2016 Apr; 13 (4):572-4
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  14. Skalski JH, Kern RM, Midthun DE, Edell ES, Maldonado F. Pulmonary Abscess as a Complication of Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2016 Jan; 23: (1)63-6.
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  15. Gilbert CR, Lee HJ, Skalski JH, Maldonado F, Wahidi M, Choi PJ, Bessich J, Sterman D, Argento AC, Shojaee S, Gorden JA, Wilshire CL, Feller-Kopman D, Amador RO, Nonyane BAS, Yarmus L. The Use of Indwelling Tunneled Pleural Catheters for Recurrent Pleural Effusions in Patients With Hematologic Malignancies: A Multicenter Study. Chest. 2015 Sep; 148 (3):752-758
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  16. Skalski JH, Kottom TJ, Limper AH. Pathobiology of Pneumocystis pneumonia: life cycle, cell wall and cell signal transduction. FEMS Yeast Res. 2015 Sep; 15: (6).
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  17. Skalski JH, Elrashidi M, Reed DA, McDonald FS, Bhagra A. Using Standardized Patients to Teach Point-of-Care Ultrasound-Guided Physical Examination Skills to Internal Medicine Residents. J Grad Med Educ. 2015 Mar; 7 (1):95-7
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  18. Skalski JH, Astoul PJ, Maldonado F. Medical thoracoscopy. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2014 Dec; 35 (6):732-43 Epub 2014 Dec 02
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  19. Maldonado F, Moua T, Skalski J. Parenchymal cryobiopsies for interstitial lung diseases: a step forward in disease management. Respirology 2014 Aug; 19 (6):773-4 Epub 2014 June 26
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  20. Varghese C, Sharain K, Skalski J, Ramar K. Mycoplasma pneumonia-associated mucositis. BMJ Case Rep. 2014 Mar 13; 2014
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  21. Liang JJ, Skalski JH, Mankad R. Spontaneous coronary artery dissection: is there a metabolic association? Perfusion. 2013 Sep; 28(5):457-8. Epub 2013 May 20.
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  22. Sweitzer NK, Hetzel SJ, Skalski J, Velez M, Eggleston K, Mitchell GF. Left ventricular responses to acute changes in late systolic pressure augmentation in older adults. Am J Hypertens. 2013 Jul; 26(7):866-71. Epub 2013 Mar 28.
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  23. Skalski J, Allison TG, Miller TD. The safety of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in a population with high-risk cardiovascular diseases. Circulation. 2012 Nov 20; 126: (21)2465-72.
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  24. Skalski J, Edwards WD, Matteson EL. Erdheim-Chester Disease with Right Atrial Tumor and Temporal Arteritis Open Journal for Rheumatology and Autoimmune Diseases.2012;2:(3):37-38.
  25. Butts MJ, Skalski JH, Wittich CM. 85-year-old man with epistaxis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2011 Apr; 86 (4):344-7
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  26. Onuigbo MA, Skalski J. Newly symptomatic central diabetes insipidus in ESRD with adult polycystic kidney disease following intracranial hemorrhage: the first reported case. Med Sci Monit. 2010 Mar; 16(3):CS29-32.
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  27. Skalski J, Wahl RL, Meyer CR. Comparison of mutual information-based warping accuracy for fusing body CT and PET by 2 methods: CT mapped onto PET emission scan versus CT mapped onto PET transmission scan. J Nucl Med. 2002 Sep; 43 (9):1184-7
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