البحث عن طبيب

Joseph Cheung, M.D.

  1. Sleep Medicine Specialist


  1. Neshat SS, Heidari A, Henriquez-Beltran M, Patel K, Colaco B, Arunthari V, Lee Mateus AY, Cheung J, Labarca G. Evaluating pharmacological treatments for excessive daytime sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea: A comprehensive network meta-analysis and systematic review. Sleep Med Rev. 2024 Aug; 76:101934 Epub 2024 Apr 30
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  2. Patel A, Cheung J. The effect of exercise on daytime sleepiness in healthy individuals. Sleep Med. 2024 Aug; 120:10-14 Epub 2024 May 28
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  3. Bock JM, Johnson S, Kashyap PC, Somers VK, Cheung J. Impact of PAP on the gut microbiome in OSA: A pilot study. Sleep Med. 2024 Jun; 118:39-42 Epub 2024 Apr 04
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  4. Punj M, Neshat SS, Mateus AYL, Cheung J, Squire JD. Assessment of Sleep Disorders in Patients with CVID. J Clin Immunol. 2024 Apr 27; 44 (5):109
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  5. Polianovskaia A, Jonelis M, Cheung J. The impact of plant-rich diets on sleep: a mini-review. Front Nutr. 2024; 11:1239580 Epub 2024 Feb 06
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  6. Punj M, Schwartz M, Morris A, Cheung J, Munipalli B. A Survey of Sleep Quality From a Post-COVID Clinic. J Prim Care Community Health. 2024 Jan-Dec; 15:21501319241233205
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  7. Castellanos PL, Satashia P, Punj M, Castillo PR, Colaco BM, Dredla BK, Festic E, Kaplan J, Ruoff CM, Speicher LL, Walsh KL, Werninck N, Yin M, Burger CD, Arunthari V, Cheung J. Assessment of sleep quality and sleep disordered breathing among post-hospitalized patients with COVID-19. Front Sleep. 2023; 2:1214036.
  8. Patel K, Lawson M, Cheung J. Whole-food plant-based diet reduces daytime sleepiness in patients with OSA. Sleep Med. 2023 Jul; 107:327-329 Epub 2023 May 12
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  9. Khosla S, Cheung J, Gurubhagavatula I, COVID-19 Task Force of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Sleep Assessment in Long COVID Clinics: A Necessary Tool for Effective Management. Neurol Clin Pract. 2023 Feb; 13 (1):e200079 Epub 2023 Jan 18
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  10. Khosla S, Beam E, Berneking M, Cheung J, Epstein LJ, Meyer BJ, Ramar K, So JY, Sullivan SS, Wolfe LF, Gurubhagavatula I. The COVID-19 pandemic and sleep medicine: a look back and a look ahead. J Clin Sleep Med. 2022 Aug 1; 18 (8):2045-2050
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  11. Collins AR, Cheung J, Croarkin PE, Kolla BP, Kung S. Effects of transcranial magnetic stimulation on sleep quality and mood in patients with major depressive disorder. J Clin Sleep Med. 2022 May 1; 18 (5):1297-1305
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  12. Arosemena MA, Ramos AR, Marcus EN, Slota KA, Cheung J, Castillo PR. Primary hypothyroidism and chronotypes in adult women. BMC Res Notes. 2022 Feb 14; 15 (1):52
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  13. Guliyeva G, Cheung JY, Avila FR, Huayllani MT, Boczar D, Broer PN, Forte AJ. Effect of Reduction Mammoplasty on Pulmonary Function Tests: A Systematic Review. Ann Plast Surg. 2021 Dec 1; 87 (6):694-698
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  14. Helgeson SA, Lim KG, Patel NM, Lee AS, Niven AS, Cheung J. Particle generation during positive airway pressure therapy. Sleep Med. 2021 Aug; 84:82-85 Epub 2021 May 18
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  15. Sullivan S, Anastasi M, Beam E, Berneking M, Cheung J, Epstein LJ, Khosla S, Meyer B, Wolfe L, Gurubhagavatula I. Opportunities and unknowns in adapting pediatric sleep practices to a pandemic world. J Clin Sleep Med 2021 Mar 1; 17 (3):361-362
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  16. Oroz R, Kung S, Croarkin P, Cheung J. Transcranial magnetic stimulation therapeutic applications on sleep and insomnia: a review. Sleep Science and Practice. 2021; 5.
  17. Green ME, Bernet V, Cheung J. Thyroid Dysfunction and Sleep Disorders. Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). 2021; 12:725829 Epub 2021 Aug 24
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  18. Miglis MG, Schneider L, Kim P, Cheung J, Trotti LM. Frequency and severity of autonomic symptoms in idiopathic hypersomnia. J Clin Sleep Med. 2020 May 15; 16 (5):749-756 Epub 2020 Feb 10
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  19. Cheung J, Leary EB, Lu H, Zeitzer JM, Mignot E. PSG Validation of minute-to-minute scoring for sleep and wake periods in a consumer wearable device. PLoS One. 2020; 15 (9):e0238464 Epub 2020 Sept 17
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  20. Smith MT, McCrae CS, Cheung J, Martin JL, Harrod CG, Heald JL, Carden KA. Use of Actigraphy for the Evaluation of Sleep Disorders and Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Clinical Practice Guideline. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Jul 15; 14 (7):1231-1237 Epub 2018 July 15
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  21. Smith MT, McCrae CS, Cheung J, Martin JL, Harrod CG, Heald JL, Carden KA. Use of Actigraphy for the Evaluation of Sleep Disorders and Circadian Rhythm Sleep-Wake Disorders: An American Academy of Sleep Medicine Systematic Review, Meta-Analysis, and GRADE Assessment. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Jul 15; 14 (7):1209-1230 Epub 2018 July 15
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  22. Olsen M, Schneider LD, Cheung J, Peppard PE, Jennum PJ, Mignot E, Sorensen HBD. Automatic, electrocardiographic-based detection of autonomic arousals and their association with cortical arousals, leg movements, and respiratory events in sleep. Sleep. 2018 Mar 1; 41 (3)
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  23. Cheung J, Ruoff C, Moore H, Hagerman KA, Perez J, Sakamuri S, Warby SC, Mignot E, Day J, Sampson J. Increased EEG Theta Spectral Power in Sleep in Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Feb 15; 14 (2):229-235
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  24. Ruoff C, Pizza F, Trotti LM, Sonka K, Vandi S, Cheung J, Pinto S, Einen M, Simakajornboon N, Han F, Peppard P, Nevsimalova S, Plazzi G, Rye D, Mignot E. The MSLT is Repeatable in Narcolepsy Type 1 But Not Narcolepsy Type 2: A Retrospective Patient Study. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Jan 15; 14(1):65-74.
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  25. Cheung J, Zeitzer JM, Lu H, Mignot E. Validation of minute-to-minute scoring for sleep and wake periods in a consumer wearable device compared to an actigraphy device Sleep Science and Practice. 2018; 2(11).
  26. Roomkham S, Lovell D, Cheung J, Perrin D. Promises and Challenges in the Use of Consumer-Grade Devices for Sleep Monitoring. IEEE Rev Biomed Eng. 2018; 11:53-67 Epub 2018 Mar 08
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  27. Pettee Gabriel K, Sternfeld B, Shiroma EJ, Perez A, Cheung J, Lee IM. Bidirectional associations of accelerometer-determined sedentary behavior and physical activity with reported time in bed: Women's Health Study. Sleep Health. 2017 Feb; 3 (1):49-55 Epub 2016 Nov 04
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  28. Kalmbach DA, Schneider LD, Cheung J, Pack AI, Gehrman PR. Time is on our side: How three landmark GWAS affect our understanding of chronotype. SLEEP. 2007; 40(2).
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  29. Cheung J, Lucey BP, Duntley SP, Darken RS. gamma-Hydroxybutyric acid-induced electrographic seizures. J Clin Sleep Med. 2014 Jul 15; 10 (7):811-2 Epub 2014 July 15
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  30. Hammack SE, Cheung J, Rhodes KM, Schutz KC, Falls WA, Braas KM, May V. Chronic stress increases pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide (PACAP) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST): roles for PACAP in anxiety-like behavior. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2009 Jul; 34 (6):833-43 Epub 2009 Jan 31
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  31. Wang D, Zhuang L, Gao B, Shi CX, Cheung J, Liu M, Jin T, Wen XY. The Blimp-1 gene regulatory region directs EGFP expression in multiple hematopoietic lineages and testis in mice. Transgenic Res. 2008 Apr; 17 (2):193-203 Epub 2007 Sept 19
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  32. Wilson MD, Cheung J, Martindale DW, Scherer SW, Koop BF. Comparative analysis of the paired immunoglobulin-like receptor (PILR) locus in six mammalian genomes: duplication, conversion, and the birth of new genes. Physiol Genomics. 2006 Nov 27; 27 (3):201-18 Epub 2006 Aug 22
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  33. Schwarzbraun T, Windpassinger C, Ofner L, Vincent JB, Cheung J, Scherer SW, Wagner K, Kroisel PM, Petek E. Genomic analysis of five chromosome 7p deletion patients with Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome (GCPS). Eur J Med Genet. 2006 Jul-Aug; 49 (4):338-45 Epub 2005 Nov 28
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  34. Carson AR, Cheung J, Scherer SW. Duplication and relocation of the functional DPY19L2 gene within low copy repeats. BMC Genomics. 2006 Mar 9; 7:45 Epub 2006 Mar 09
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  35. Armengol L, Marques-Bonet T, Cheung J, Khaja R, Gonzalez JR, Scherer SW, Navarro A, Estivill X. Murine segmental duplications are hot spots for chromosome and gene evolution. Genomics. 2005 Dec; 86 (6):692-700 Epub 2005 Oct 26
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  36. Armengol L, Pujana MA, Cheung J, Scherer SW, Estivill X. Enrichment of segmental duplications in regions of breaks of synteny between the human and mouse genomes suggest their involvement in evolutionary rearrangements. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 Sep 1; 12 (17):2201-8 Epub 2003 July 08
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  37. Hudek AK, Cheung J, Boright AP, Scherer SW. Genescript: DNA sequence annotation pipeline. Bioinformatics. 2003 Jun 12; 19 (9):1177-8
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  38. Hitzler JK, Cheung J, Li Y, Scherer SW, Zipursky A. GATA1 mutations in transient leukemia and acute megakaryoblastic leukemia of Down syndrome. Blood. 2003 Jun 1; 101 (11):4301-4 Epub 2003 Feb 13
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  39. Wen XY, Hegele RA, Wang J, Wang DY, Cheung J, Wilson M, Yahyapour M, Bai Y, Zhuang L, Skaug J, Young TK, Connelly PW, Koop BF, Tsui LC, Stewart AK. Identification of a novel lipase gene mutated in lpd mice with hypertriglyceridemia and associated with dyslipidemia in humans. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 May 15; 12(10):1131-43.
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  40. Scherer SW, Cheung J, MacDonald JR, Osborne LR, Nakabayashi K, Herbrick JA, Carson AR, Parker-Katiraee L, Skaug J, Khaja R, Zhang J, Hudek AK, Li M, Haddad M, Duggan GE, Fernandez BA, Kanematsu E, Gentles S, Christopoulos CC, Choufani S, Kwasnicka D, Zheng XH, Lai Z, Nusskern D, Zhang Q, Gu Z, Lu F, Zeesman S, Nowaczyk MJ, Teshima I, Chitayat D, Shuman C, Weksberg R, Zackai EH, Grebe TA, Cox SR, Kirkpatrick SJ, Rahman N, Friedman JM, Heng HH, Pelicci PG, Lo-Coco F, Belloni E, Shaffer LG, Pober B, Morton CC, Gusella JF, Bruns GA, Korf BR, Quade BJ, Ligon AH, Ferguson H, Higgins AW, Leach NT, Herrick SR, Lemyre E, Farra CG, Kim HG, Summers AM, Gripp KW, Roberts W, Szatmari P, Winsor EJ, Grzeschik KH, Teebi A, Minassian BA, Kere J, Armengol L, Pujana MA, Estivill X, Wilson MD, Koop BF, Tosi S, Moore GE, Boright AP, Zlotorynski E, Kerem B, Kroisel PM, Petek E, Oscier DG, Mould SJ, Dohner H, Dohner K, Rommens JM, Vincent JB, Venter JC, Li PW, Mural RJ, Adams MD, Tsui LC. Human chromosome 7: DNA sequence and biology. Science. 2003 May 2; 300 (5620):767-72 Epub 2003 Apr 10
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  41. Gimelli G, Pujana MA, Patricelli MG, Russo S, Giardino D, Larizza L, Cheung J, Armengol L, Schinzel A, Estivill X, Zuffardi O. Genomic inversions of human chromosome 15q11-q13 in mothers of Angelman syndrome patients with class II (BP2/3) deletions. Hum Mol Genet. 2003 Apr 15; 12 (8):849-58
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  42. Cheung J, Estivill X, Khaja R, MacDonald JR, Lau K, Tsui LC, Scherer SW. Genome-wide detection of segmental duplications and potential assembly errors in the human genome sequence. Genome Biol. 2003; 4 (4):R25 Epub 2003 Mar 17
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  43. Cheung J, Wilson MD, Zhang J, Khaja R, MacDonald JR, Heng HH, Koop BF, Scherer SW. Recent segmental and gene duplications in the mouse genome. Genome Biol. 2003; 4 (8):R47 Epub 2003 July 09
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  44. Vincent JB, Petek E, Thevarkunnel S, Kolozsvari D, Cheung J, Patel M, Scherer SW. The RAY1/ST7 tumor-suppressor locus on chromosome 7q31 represents a complex multi-transcript system. Genomics. 2002 Sep; 80 (3):283-94
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  45. Estivill X, Cheung J, Pujana MA, Nakabayashi K, Scherer SW, Tsui LC. Chromosomal regions containing high-density and ambiguously mapped putative single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) correlate with segmental duplications in the human genome. Hum Mol Genet. 2002 Aug 15; 11 (17):1987-95
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  46. Khabazian I, Bains JS, Williams DE, Cheung J, Wilson JM, Pasqualotto BA, Pelech SL, Andersen RJ, Wang YT, Liu L, Nagai A, Kim SU, Craig UK, Shaw CA. Isolation of various forms of sterol beta-D-glucoside from the seed of Cycas circinalis: neurotoxicity and implications for ALS-parkinsonism dementia complex. J Neurochem. 2002 Aug; 82 (3):516-28
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  47. Xiong H, Chen Y, Yi Y, Tsuchiya K, Moeckel G, Cheung J, Liang D, Tham K, Xu X, Chen XZ, Pei Y, Zhao ZJ, Wu G. A novel gene encoding a TIG multiple domain protein is a positional candidate for autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease. Genomics. 2002 Jul; 80(1):96-104.
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  48. Hellman A, Zlotorynski E, Scherer SW, Cheung J, Vincent JB, Smith DI, Trakhtenbrot L, Kerem B. A role for common fragile site induction in amplification of human oncogenes. Cancer Cell. 2002 Feb; 1 (1):89-97
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  49. Cheung J, Petek E, Nakabayashi K, Tsui LC, Vincent JB, Scherer SW. Identification of the human cortactin-binding protein-2 gene from the autism candidate region at 7q31. Genomics. 2001 Nov; 78 (1-2):7-11
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  50. Scherer SW, Cheung J. Discovery of the human genome sequence in the public and private databases. Curr Biol. 2001 Oct 16; 11 (20):R808-11
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  51. Petek E, Windpassinger C, Vincent JB, Cheung J, Boright AP, Scherer SW, Kroisel PM, Wagner K. Disruption of a novel gene (IMMP2L) by a breakpoint in 7q31 associated with Tourette syndrome. Am J Hum Genet. 2001 Apr; 68 (4):848-58 Epub 2001 Mar 09
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