Vivek N. Iyer, M.D., M.P.H.

  1. Critical Care Specialist
  2. Internist
  3. Pulmonologist
  1. Al-Samkari H, Kasthuri RS, Iyer VN, Pishko AM, Decker JE, Weiss CR, Whitehead KJ, Conrad MB, Zumberg MS, Zhou JY, Parambil J, Marsh D, Clancy M, Bradley L, Wisniewski L, Carper BA, Thomas SM, McCrae KR. Pomalidomide for Epistaxis in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. N Engl J Med. 2024 Sep 19; 391 (11):1015-1027
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  2. Inglis SS, Asleh R, Iyer VN, Schettle SD, Spencer PJ, Villavicencio MA, Rodeheffer RJ, Kushwaha SS, Behfar A, Rosenbaum AN. Inhibition of angiogenesis in the management of refractory gastrointestinal bleeding in patients with LVAD support. Artif Organs. 2024 Jun; 48 (6):646-654 Epub 2023 Dec 22
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  3. Ola R, Hessels J, Hammill A, Friday C, Clancy M, Al-Samkari H, Meadows S, Iyer V, Akhurst R. Executive summary of the 14th HHT international scientific conference. Angiogenesis. 2023 Aug; 26 (Suppl 1):27-37 Epub 2023 Sept 11
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  4. Sethi AK, Muddaloor P, Anvekar P, Agarwal J, Mohan A, Singh M, Gopalakrishnan K, Yadav A, Adhikari A, Damani D, Kulkarni K, Aakre CA, Ryu AJ, Iyer VN, Arunachalam SP. Digital Pulmonology Practice with Phonopulmography Leveraging Artificial Intelligence: Future Perspectives Using Dual Microwave Acoustic Sensing and Imaging. Sensors (Basel). 2023 Jun 12; 23 (12) Epub 2023 June 12
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  5. Vergidis P, Levy ER, Ristagno EH, Iyer VN, O'Horo JC, Joshi AY. COVID-19 in patients with B cell immune deficiency. J Immunol Methods. 2022 Nov; 510:113351 Epub 2022 Sept 07
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  6. Albitar HAH, Iyer V, Nelson DR, Kern RM, Leise M, Gallo De Moraes A. Early thoracentesis correlated with survival benefit in patients with spontaneous bacterial empyema. Dig Liver Dis. 2022 Aug; 54 (8):1015-1020 Epub 2022 Mar 26
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  7. Chiarella SE, Jenkins SM, Smith CY, Prasad V, Shakuntulla F, Ahluwalia V, Iyer VN, Theel ES, Joshi AY. Predictors of seroconversion after coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2022 Aug; 129 (2):189-193 Epub 2022 May 28
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  8. Ahmad SR, Iyer VN. The Evolving Clinical Practice of Chronic Cough. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Jun; 97 (6):1164-1175 Epub 2022 Apr 26
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  9. Kilari S, Wang Y, Singh A, Graham RP, Iyer V, Thompson SM, Torbenson MS, Mukhopadhyay D, Misra S. Neuropilin-1 deficiency in vascular smooth muscle cells is associated with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia arteriovenous malformations. JCI Insight. 2022 May 9; 7 (9) Epub 2022 May 09
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  10. Devara J, Iyer VN, Warad DM, Brinjikji W, Aljobeh A, Lanzino G, Demirel N. Acute thrombosis of a giant perimedullary arteriovenous fistula in a pediatric HHT patient. Interv Neuroradiol. 2022 Apr; 28(2):132-135. Epub 2021 May 29.
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  11. Aragon Pinto C, Iyer V, Almodallal YA, Albitar H, Dubrock H, Cajigas H, Heimbach JK, Rosen CB, Watt K, Taner T, Nyberg S, Vargas H, Cartin-Ceba R, Keaveny AP, Krowka M, Gallo de Moraes A. ICU and Hospital Outcomes in Patients with Hepatopulmonary Syndrome Undergoing Liver Transplantation. Lung. 2022 Feb; 200 (1):5-10 Epub 2022 Jan 10
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  12. Ahluwalia V, Almodallal Y, Alkurashi AK, Albitar HAH, Jenad H, Prueksaritanond S, Tedja R, Pannu B, Jagtap P, Iyer VN. Intensive Care Unit and Hospital Outcomes of Patients Admitted with Blastomycosis: A 14-Year Retrospective Study. Lung. 2022 Feb; 200 (1):129-135 Epub 2022 Jan 06
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  13. Chiarella SE, Jenkins SM, Smith CY, Prasad V, Shakuntulla F, Ahluwalia V, Iyer VN, Theel ES, Joshi AY. Predictors of seroconversion after coronavirus disease 2019 vaccination. Annals of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. 2022; 129 (2):189-93
  14. Aragon Pinto C, Iyer VN, Albitar HAH, Anderson A, Cajigas H, Simonetto DA, Krowka MJ, DuBrock HM, Gallo de Moraes A. Outcomes of liver transplantation in patients with hepatopulmonary syndrome in the pre and post-MELD eras: A systematic review. Respir Med Res. 2021 Nov; 80:100852 Epub 2021 July 30
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  15. Norton M, Almodallal Y, Albitar HAH, Alkurashi AK, Diehn FE, Iyer V. Stabbed in the Back! Neurosarcoidosis with Spinal Cord Involvement. Am J Med. 2021 Oct; 134 (10):e514-e515 Epub 2021 May 23
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  16. Lawler PR, Goligher EC, Berger JS, Neal MD, McVerry BJ, Nicolau JC, Gong MN, Carrier M, Rosenson RS, Reynolds HR, Turgeon AF, Escobedo J, Huang DT, Bradbury CA, Houston BL, Kornblith LZ, Kumar A, Kahn SR, Cushman M, McQuilten Z, Slutsky AS, Kim KS, Gordon AC, Kirwan BA, Brooks MM, Higgins AM, Lewis RJ, Lorenzi E, Berry SM, Berry LR, Aday AW, Al-Beidh F, Annane D, Arabi YM, Aryal D, Baumann Kreuziger L, Beane A, Bhimani Z, Bihari S, Billett HH, Bond L, Bonten M, Brunkhorst F, Buxton M, Buzgau A, Castellucci LA, Chekuri S, Chen JT, Cheng AC, Chkhikvadze T, Coiffard B, Costantini TW, de Brouwer S, Derde LPG, Detry MA, Duggal A, Dzavik V, Effron MB, Estcourt LJ, Everett BM, Fergusson DA, Fitzgerald M, Fowler RA, Galanaud JP, Galen BT, Gandotra S, Garcia-Madrona S, Girard TD, Godoy LC, Goodman AL, Goossens H, Green C, Greenstein YY, Gross PL, Hamburg NM, Haniffa R, Hanna G, Hanna N, Hegde SM, Hendrickson CM, Hite RD, Hindenburg AA, Hope AA, Horowitz JM, Horvat CM, Hudock K, Hunt BJ, Husain M, Hyzy RC, Iyer VN, Jacobson JR, Jayakumar D, Keller NM, Khan A, Kim Y, Kindzelski AL, King AJ, Knudson MM, Kornblith AE, Krishnan V, Kutcher ME, Laffan MA, Lamontagne F, Le Gal G, Leeper CM, Leifer ES, Lim G, Lima FG, Linstrum K, Litton E, Lopez-Sendon J, Lopez-Sendon Moreno JL, Lother SA, Malhotra S, Marcos M, Saud Marinez A, Marshall JC, Marten N, Matthay MA, McAuley DF, McDonald EG, McGlothlin A, McGuinness SP, Middeldorp S, Montgomery SK, Moore SC, Morillo Guerrero R, Mouncey PR, Murthy S, Nair GB, Nair R, Nichol AD, Nunez-Garcia B, Pandey A, Park PK, Parke RL, Parker JC, Parnia S, Paul JD, Perez Gonzalez YS, Pompilio M, Prekker ME, Quigley JG, Rost NS, Rowan K, Santos FO, Santos M, Olombrada Santos M, Satterwhite L, Saunders CT, Schutgens REG, Seymour CW, Siegal DM, Silva DG Jr, Shankar-Hari M, Sheehan JP, Singhal AB, Solvason D, Stanworth SJ, Tritschler T, Turner AM, van Bentum-Puijk W, van de Veerdonk FL, van Diepen S, Vazquez-Grande G, Wahid L, Wareham V, Wells BJ, Widmer RJ, Wilson JG, Yuriditsky E, Zampieri FG, Angus DC, McArthur CJ, Webb SA, Farkouh ME, Hochman JS, Zarychanski R, ATTACC Investigators//ACTIV-4a Investigators//REMAP-CAP Investigators. Therapeutic Anticoagulation with Heparin in Noncritically Ill Patients with Covid-19. N Engl J Med. 2021 Aug 26; 385 (9):790-802 Epub 2021 Aug 04
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  17. Al-Samkari H, Kasthuri RS, Parambil JG, Albitar HA, Almodallal YA, Vazquez C, Serra MM, Dupuis-Girod S, Wilsen CB, McWilliams JP, Fountain EH, Gossage JR, Weiss CR, Latif MA, Issachar A, Mei-Zahav M, Meek ME, Conrad M, Rodriguez-Lopez J, Kuter DJ, Iyer VN. An international, multicenter study of intravenous bevacizumab for bleeding in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: the InHIBIT-Bleed study. Haematologica. 2021 Aug 1; 106 (8):2161-2169 Epub 2021 Aug 01
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  18. Sitek AN, Ade JM, Chiarella SE, Divekar RD, Pitlick MM, Iyer VN, Wang Z, Joshi AY. Outcomes among patients with COVID-19 and asthma: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2021 Jul 1; 42 (4):267-273
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  19. Hasan Albitar HA, Van Houten H, Sangaralingham LR, Knoedler M, Almodallal Y, Alkurashi AK, De Moraes AG, Cajigas H, DuBrock H, Warad D, Demirel N, Krowka M, Brinjikji W, Iyer VN. Healthcare Utilization and Costs associated with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Patients in a Large US Claims Database. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Feb; 5(1):55-64. Epub 2020 Nov 20.
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  20. Faughnan ME, Mager JJ, Hetts SW, Palda VA, Lang-Robertson K, Buscarini E, Deslandres E, Kasthuri RS, Lausman A, Poetker D, Ratjen F, Chesnutt MS, Clancy M, Whitehead KJ, Al-Samkari H, Chakinala M, Conrad M, Cortes D, Crocione C, Darling J, de Gussem E, Derksen C, Dupuis-Girod S, Foy P, Geisthoff U, Gossage JR, Hammill A, Heimdal K, Henderson K, Iyer VN, Kjeldsen AD, Komiyama M, Korenblatt K, McDonald J, McMahon J, McWilliams J, Meek ME, Mei-Zahav M, Olitsky S, Palmer S, Pantalone R, Piccirillo JF, Plahn B, Porteous MEM, Post MC, Radovanovic I, Rochon PJ, Rodriguez-Lopez J, Sabba C, Serra M, Shovlin C, Sprecher D, White AJ, Winship I, Zarrabeitia R. Second International Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Ann Intern Med. 2020 Dec 15; 173 (12):989-1001 Epub 2020 Sept 08
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  21. Alkurashi AK, Almodallal Y, Albitar HAH, Cheville JC, Iyer VN. Diffuse Pulmonary Meningotheliomatosis: A Rare Lung Disease Presenting with Diffuse Ground-Glass Opacities and Cavitation. Am J Case Rep. 2020 Nov 9; 21:e926172 Epub 2020 Nov 09
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  22. Al-Samkari H, Albitar HA, Olitsky SE, Clancy MS, Iyer VN. An international survey to evaluate systemic bevacizumab for chronic bleeding in hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasia. Haemophilia. 2020 Nov; 26 (6):1038-1045 Epub 2020 May 20
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  23. Voelker D, Almodallal Y, Scrodin MD, Lim K, Keogh K, Patel A, Iyer V. Newer Biological Agents in the Treatment of Severe Asthma: Real-World Results from a Tertiary Referral Center. Lung. 2020 Aug; 198 (4):653-659 Epub 2020 June 24
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  24. Albitar HAH, Segraves JM, Almodallal Y, Pinto CA, De Moraes AG, Iyer VN. Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations in Non-hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Patients: An 18-Year Retrospective Study. Lung. 2020 Aug; 198 (4):679-686 Epub 2020 July 09
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  25. Albitar HA, Almodallal Y, Nishimura R, Iyer VN. Mobile Mitral and Aortic Valvular Masses in Patients With Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Receiving Intravenous Bevacizumab. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Aug; 4 (4):460-463 Epub 2020 May 08
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  26. Albitar HAH, Almodallal Y, Gallo De Moraes A, O'Brien E, Choby GW, Pruthi RK, Stokken JK, Kamath PS, Cajigas HR, DuBrock HM, Krowka MJ, Iyer VN. Intravenous Bevacizumab in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia-Related Bleeding and High-Output Cardiac Failure: Significant Inter-Individual Variability in the Need for Maintenance Therapy. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Aug; 95 (8):1604-1612
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  27. Joshi AY, Mullakary RM, Iyer VN. Successful treatment of coronavirus disease 2019 in a patient with asthma. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2020 Jul 1; 41 (4):296-300
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  28. Irwin RS, Dudiki N, French CL, CHEST Expert Cough Panel, Abd Moain Abu Dabrh , Jay H Ryu. Life-Threatening and Non-Life-Threatening Complications Associated With Coughing: A Scoping Review. Chest. 2020 Jun 19 Epub 2020 June 19
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  29. Brinjikji W, Iyer V, Lanzino G. Micro-Arteriovenous Malformations of the Spine in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Clin Neuroradiol. 2020 Jun; 30 (2):395-398 Epub 2019 Aug 21
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  30. Kotecha AA, Vallabhajosyula S, Apala DR, Frazee E, Iyer VN. Clinical Outcomes of Weight-Based Norepinephrine Dosing in Underweight and Morbidly Obese Patients: A Propensity-Matched Analysis. J Intensive Care Med. 2020 Jun; 35 (6):554-561 Epub 2018 Apr 08
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  31. Asleh R, Albitar HAH, Schettle SD, Kushwaha SS, Pereira NL, Behfar A, Stulak JM, Rodeheffer RJ, Iyer VN. Intravenous bevacizumab as a novel treatment for refractory left ventricular assist device-related gastrointestinal bleeding. J Heart Lung Transplant 2020 May; 39 (5):492-495 Epub 2020 Feb 24
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  32. Albitar HAH, Iyer VN. Adherence to Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease guidelines in the real world: current understanding, barriers, and solutions. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2020 Mar; 26 (2):149-154
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  33. Albitar HAH, Almodallal Y, Papadakis KA, Rajan E, Kamath PS, Iyer VN. Intravenous Bevacizumab Reduces Transfusion Requirements and Endoscopic Interventions in Patients With Gastric Antral Vascular Ectasia and Small Bowel Angioectasia. Gastroenterology. 2020 Mar; 158 (4):1162-1163.e4 Epub 2019 Nov 21
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  34. Norton M, Alkurashi AK, Hasan Albitar HA, Almodallal Y, Iyer VN. A rare case of chemotherapy induced phrenic neuropathy. Respir Med Case Rep. 2020; 30:101117 Epub 2020 June 05
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  35. Zhang Z, Kern RM, Joshi AY, Iyer VN, Escalante P. Cavitary lung lesions caused by Pneumocystis jirovecii in setting of common variable immune deficiency. Respir Med Case Rep. 2020; 31:101277. Epub 2020 Nov 06.
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  36. Hasan Albitar HA, Egan AM, Alkhateeb H, Almodallal Y, Iyer VN. Marked hypereosinophilia secondary to endometrioid ovarian cancer presenting with asthma symptoms, a case report. Respir Med Case Rep. 2020; 31:101178 Epub 2020 July 28
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  37. Albitar HAH, Iyer V. Giant Liver Hemangioma with Kasabach-Merritt Syndrome. Am J Med. 2020 Jan; 133 (1):56-57 Epub 2019 July 09
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  38. Brinjikji W, Latino GA, Parvinian A, Gauthier A, Pantalone R, Yamaki V, Apala DR, Prabhudesai V, Cyr V, Chartrand-Lefebvre C, Iyer V, Faughnan ME. Diagnostic Yield of Rescreening Adults for Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2019 Dec; 30 (12):1982-1987 Epub 2019 Sept 14
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  39. Al-Samkari H, Albitar HA, Olitsky SE, Clancy MS, Iyer VN. Systemic bevacizumab for high-output cardiac failure in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: an international survey of HHT centers. Orphanet J Rare Dis. 2019 Nov 14; 14 (1):256
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  40. Smischney NJ, Nicholson WT, Brown DR, Gallo De Moraes A, Hoskote SS, Pickering B, Oeckler RA, Iyer VN, Gajic O, Schroeder DR, Bauer PR. Ketamine/propofol admixture vs etomidate for intubation in the critically ill: KEEP PACE Randomized clinical trial. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2019 Oct; 87 (4):883-891
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  41. Abrol N, Kashyap R, Frank RD, Iyer VN, Dean PG, Stegall MD, Prieto M, Kashani KB, Taner T. Preoperative Factors Predicting Admission to the Intensive Care Unit After Kidney Transplantation. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2019 Sep; 3 (3):285-293 Epub 2019 Aug 23
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  42. Haddad MM, Bendel EC, Harmsen WS, Iyer VN, Misra S. Smoking Significantly Impacts Persistence Rates in Embolized Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations in Patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Radiology. 2019 Sep; 292 (3):762-770 Epub 2019 July 30
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  43. Welle CL, Welch BT, Brinjikji W, Ehman EC, Venkatesh SK, Johnson MP, Iyer VN, Leise MD, Wood CP. Abdominal manifestations of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: a series of 333 patients over 15 years. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2019 Jul; 44(7):2384-2391.
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  44. Iyer VN, Saberi B, Heimbach JK, Larson JJ, Raghavaiah S, Ditah I, Swanson K, Kamath PS, Watt KD, Taner T, Krowka MJ, Leise MD. Liver Transplantation Trends and Outcomes for Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia in the United States. Transplantation. 2019 Jul; 103 (7):1418-1424
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  45. Brinjikji W, Wood CP, Iyer VN. Mystery Case: Missed diagnosis of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia presenting with recurrent ischemia. Neurology. 2019 May 28; 92 (22):1068-1069
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  46. Johnson K, Iyer V, Katzka D, Ravi K, Lennon R, Pendegraft R, Geno D, Alexander J. Poor Relationship Between Fractionated Exhaled Nitric Oxide and Disease Activity in Eosinophilic Esophagitis. Dysphagia. 2019 Feb; 34 (1):138-144 Epub 2018 July 24
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  47. Vallabhajosyula S, Jentzer JC, Kotecha AA, Murphree DH Jr, Barreto EF, Khanna AK, Iyer VN. Development and performance of a novel vasopressor-driven mortality prediction model in septic shock. Ann Intensive Care. 2018 Nov 22; 8 (1):112
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  48. Nasim F, Iyer VN. Bronchial thermoplasty-an update. Ann Thorac Med. 2018 Oct-Dec; 13 (4):205-211
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  49. Hefazi M, Langer KJ, Khera N, Adamski J, Roy V, Winters JL, Gastineau DA, Jacob EK, Kreuter JD, Gandhi MJ, Hogan WJ, Litzow MR, Hashmi SK, Yadav H, Iyer VN, Scott JP, Wylam ME, Cartin-Ceba R, Patnaik MM. Extracorporeal Photopheresis Improves Survival in Hematopoietic Cell Transplant Patients with Bronchiolitis Obliterans Syndrome without Significantly Impacting Measured Pulmonary Functions. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant. 2018 Sep; 24 (9):1906-1913 Epub 2018 Apr 18
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  50. Iyer VN. Low-dose oxygen therapy in COPD patients: are there any radiation-like risks? Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2018 Mar; 24 (2):187-190
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  51. Iyer VN, Apala DR, Pannu BS, Kotecha A, Brinjikji W, Leise MD, Kamath PS, Misra S, Begna KH, Cartin-Ceba R, DuBrock HM, Krowka MJ, O'Brien EK, Pruthi RK, Schroeder DR, Swanson KL. Intravenous Bevacizumab for Refractory Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia-Related Epistaxis and Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Feb; 93 (2):155-166 Epub 2018 Jan 24
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  52. Iyer VN, Brinjikji W, Apala D, Pannu BS, Kotecha A, Leise MD, Kamath PS, Misra S, Lanzino G, Krowka MJ, Wood CP, Swanson KL. Impact of Age on Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Adv Hematol. 2018; 2018:4798425 Epub 2018 Feb 11
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  53. Clay RD, Iyer VN, Reddy DR, Siontis B, Scanlon PD. The "Complex Restrictive" Pulmonary Function Pattern: Clinical and Radiologic Analysis of a Common but Previously Undescribed Restrictive Pattern. Chest. 2017 Dec; 152 (6):1258-1265 Epub 2017 July 17
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  54. Parvinian A, Iyer VN, Pannu BS, Apala DR, Wood CP, Brinjikji W. Basal Ganglia T1 Hyperintensity in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2017 Oct; 38 (10):1929-1933 Epub 2017 Aug 03
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  55. Alkinj B, Pannu BS, Apala DR, Kotecha A, Kashyap R, Iyer VN. Saddle vs Nonsaddle Pulmonary Embolism: Clinical Presentation, Hemodynamics, Management, and Outcomes. Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Oct; 92 (10):1511-1518 Epub 2017 Sept 08
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  56. Brinjikji W, Iyer VN, Wood CP, Lanzino G. Prevalence and characteristics of brain arteriovenous malformations in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: a systematic review and meta-analysis. J Neurosurg. 2017 Aug; 127 (2):302-310 Epub 2016 Oct 21
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  57. Andersen C, Yadav H, Iyer VN. 38-Year-Old Man With Asthma and Eosinophilia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2017 Aug; 92 (8):e111-e115 Epub 2017 June 22
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  58. Hoskote SS, Racedo Africano CJ, Braun AB, O'Horo JC, Sevilla Berrios RA, Loftsgard TO, Bryant KM, Iyer VN, Smischney NJ. Improving the Quality of Handoffs in Patient Care Between Critical Care Providers in the Intensive Care Unit. Am J Med Qual. 2017 Jul/Aug; 32 (4):376-383 Epub 2016 June 20
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  59. Hartono S, Motosue MS, Khan S, Rodriguez V, Iyer VN, Divekar R, Joshi AY. Predictors of granulomatous lymphocytic interstitial lung disease in common variable immunodeficiency. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2017 May; 118 (5):614-620 Epub 2017 Feb 20
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  60. Trivedi V, Apala DR, Iyer VN. Occupational asthma: diagnostic challenges and management dilemmas. Curr Opin Pulm Med. 2017 Mar; 23 (2):177-183
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  61. Brinjikji W, Iyer VN, Lanzino G, Thielen KR, Wood CP. Natural history of brain capillary vascular malformations in hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia patients. J Neurointerv Surg. 2017 Jan; 9 (1):26-28 Epub 2016 Feb 26
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  62. Pannu BS, Apala DR, Kotecha A, Boland JM, Iyer VN. Multifocal micronodular pneumocyte hyperplasia (MMPH) in a patient with tuberous sclerosis-evidence for long term stability. Respir Med Case Rep. 2017; 20:113-115 Epub 2017 Jan 18
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  63. Brinjikji W, Nasr DM, Wood CP, Iyer VN. Pulmonary Arteriovenous Malformations Are Associated with Silent Brain Infarcts in Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia Patients. Cerebrovasc Dis. 2017; 44 (3-4):179-185 Epub 2017 July 27
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  64. Segraves JM, Iyer VN. Microscopic polyangiitis: Atypical presentation with extensive small bowel necrosis, diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, and renal failure. Respir Med Case Rep. 2017; 21:12-15 Epub 2017 Mar 04
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  65. Bauer PR, Iyer VN. Corticosteroids and influenza A associated acute respiratory distress syndrome. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. .2016;13:(5)248-51.
  66. Iyer VN, Brinjikji W, Pannu BS, Apala DR, Lanzino G, Cloft HJ, Misra S, Krowka MJ, Wood CP, Swanson KL. Effect of Center Volume on Outcomes in Hospitalized Patients With Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Dec; 91 (12):1753-1760 Epub 2016 Nov 01
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  67. Carrera P, Thongprayoon C, Cheungpasitporn W, Iyer VN, Moua T. Epidemiology and outcome of new-onset atrial fibrillation in the medical intensive care unit. J Crit Care. 2016 Dec; 36:102-106 Epub 2016 July 09
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  68. Nanah R, Zblewski D, Patnaik MS, Begna K, Ketterling R, Iyer VN, Hogan WJ, Litzow MR, Al-Kali A. Deletion 5q is frequent in myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS) patients diagnosed with interstitial lung diseases (ILD): Mayo Clinic experience. Leuk Res. 2016 Nov; 50:112-115 Epub 2016 Oct 03
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  69. Sasieta HC, Iyer VN, Orbelo DM, Patton C, Pittelko R, Keogh K, Lim KG, Ekbom DC. Bilateral Thyroarytenoid Botulinum Toxin Type A Injection for the Treatment of Refractory Chronic Cough. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2016 Sep 1; 142 (9):881-8
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  70. Brinjikji W, Wood CP, Lanzino G, Cloft HJ, Misra S, Kallmes DF, Kamath P, Pruthi RK, Krowka MJ, Swanson KL, Iyer VN. High Rates of Bleeding Complications among Hospitalized Patients with Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia in the United States. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2016 Sep; 13 (9):1505-11
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  71. Brinjikji W, Iyer VN, Yamaki V, Lanzino G, Cloft HJ, Thielen KR, Swanson KL, Wood CP. Neurovascular Manifestations of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia: A Consecutive Series of 376 Patients during 15 Years. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2016 Aug; 37 (8):1479-86 Epub 2016 Mar 24
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  72. Bohman JK, Hyder JA, Iyer V, Pannu SR, Moreno Franco P, Seelhammer TG, Schenck LA, Schears GJ. Early prediction of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation eligibility for severe acute respiratory distress syndrome in adults. J Crit Care. 2016 Jun; 33:125-31 Epub 2016 Jan 27
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  73. Brinjikji W, Nasr DM, Cloft HJ, Iyer VN, Lanzino G. Spinal arteriovenous fistulae in patients with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia: A case report and systematic review of the literature. Interv Neuroradiol. 2016 Jun; 22 (3):354-61 Epub 2016 Jan 27
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  74. Srivali N, Pannu BS, Iyer VN. Isolated Intravascular Large B-cell Lymphoma Presenting with Diffuse Ground Glass Pulmonary Infiltrates. Indian J Hematol Blood Transfus. 2016 Jun; 32 (Suppl 1):366-7 Epub 2016 Jan 11
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  75. Guru PK, Iyer VN. An Unsusual Case of Lower Gastrointestinal Bleeding. Am J Case Rep. 2016 Mar 16; 17:170-2
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  76. Pannu BS, Sanghavi DK, Guru PK, Reddy DR, Iyer VN. Fatal right ventricular failure and pulmonary hypertension after protamine administration during cardiac transplantation. Indian J Crit Care Med. 2016 Mar; 20(3):185-7.
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  77. Jinnur PK, Pannu BS, Boland JM, Iyer VN. Occult pulmonary lymphangitic carcinomatosis presenting as 'chronic cough' with a normal HRCT chest. Ann Med Surg (Lond). 2016 Mar; 6:77-80 Epub 2016 Feb 01
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  78. Pannu BS, Egan AM, Iyer VN. Phenytoin induced Steven-Johnson syndrome and bronchiolitis obliterans - case report and review of literature. Respir Med Case Rep. 2016; 17:54-6 Epub 2016 Jan 20
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  79. Fussner LA, Iyer VN, Cartin-Ceba R, Lin G, Watt KD, Krowka MJ. Intrapulmonary vascular dilatations are common in portopulmonary hypertension and may be associated with decreased survival. Liver Transpl. 2015 Nov; 21: (11)1355-64.
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  80. Brinjikji W, Iyer VN, Sorenson T, Lanzino G. Cerebrovascular Manifestations of Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangiectasia. Stroke. 2015 Nov; 46: (11)3329-37.
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  81. Jinnur PK, Yi ES, Ryu JH, Iyer VN. Cavitating Lung Disease: A Novel Presentation of IgG4-Related Disease. Am J Case Rep. 2015 Jul 21; 16:478-82 Epub 2015 July 21
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  82. Iyer VN, Lim KG. Bronchial thermoplasty: Where there is smoke, there is fire. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2015 Jul-Aug; 36: (4)251-5.
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  83. Vakil A, Guru P, Reddy DR, Iyer V. Diffuse cholangiocarcinoma presenting with hepatic failure and extensive portal and mesenteric vein thrombosis. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Jun 29; 2015 Epub 2015 June 29
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  84. Aakre CA, Iyer VN. 73-year-old man with dyspnea on exertion. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Mar; 90(3):404-7.
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  85. Pannu BS, Iyer VN. Lung adenocarcinoma presenting with isolated 'chronic cough' of 3 years duration-a cautionary tale. Respir Med Case Rep. 2015; 16:157-9 Epub 2015 Oct 27
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  86. Carrera P, Iyer VN. Profound hypoglycemia with ecstasy intoxication. Case Rep Emerg Med. 2015; 2015:483153 Epub 2015 Jan 27
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  87. Iyer VN. Liver transplantation for hepatopulmonary syndrome. Clin Liver Dis (Hoboken). 2014 Aug; 4 (2):38-41 Epub 2014 Aug 25
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  88. Iyer VN, Lim KG. Bronchial thermoplasty: reappraising the evidence (or lack thereof). Chest. 2014 Jul; 146 (1):17-21
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  89. Schiavo DN, Bauer PR, Iyer VN, Ryu JH. Fatal fulminant necrotizing pneumonia: a case report. J Med Case Rep. 2014 Feb 5; 8:37 Epub 2014 Feb 05
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  90. Al-Qadi MO, Reddy DR, Larsen BT, Iyer VN. Chronic pulmonary aspergillosis complicating bronchial atresia. Case Rep Med. 2014; 2014:208963 Epub 2014 Dec 22
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  91. Carey EJ, Iyer VN, Nelson DR, Nguyen JH, Krowka MJ. Outcomes for recipients of liver transplantation for alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency-related cirrhosis. Liver Transpl. 2013 Dec; 19: (12)1370-6.
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  92. Iyer VN, Lim KG. Chronic cough: an update. Mayo Clin Proc. 2013 Oct; 88 (10):1115-26
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  93. Iyer VN, Swanson KL, Cartin-Ceba R, Dierkhising RA, Rosen CB, Heimbach JK, Wiesner RH, Krowka MJ. Hepatopulmonary syndrome: favorable outcomes in the MELD exception era. Hepatology. 2013 Jun; 57: (6)2427-35.
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  94. Wilson ME, Samirat R, Yilmaz M, Gajic O, Iyer VN. Physician staffing models impact the timing of decisions to limit life support in the ICU. Chest. 2013 Mar; 143 (3):656-663
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  95. Maldonado F, Patel RR, Iyer VN, Yi ES, Ryu JH. Are respiratory complications common causes of death in inflammatory myopathies? An autopsy study. Respirology. 2012 Apr; 17(3):455-60.
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  96. Joshi AY, Iyer VN, Hartz MF, Patel AM, Li JT. Effectiveness of trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine in influenza-related hospitalization in children: a case-control study. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2012 Mar-Apr; 33: (2)e23-7.
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  97. Iyer VN, Joshi AY, Boyce TG, Brutinel MW, Scalcini MC, Wilson JW, McCoy K, Aksamit TR. Bronchoscopy in suspected pulmonary TB with negative induced-sputum smear and MTD((R)) Gen-probe testing. Respir Med. 2011 Jul; 105 (7):1084-90 Epub 2011 Mar 21
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  98. Iyer VN, Schroeder DR, Parker KO, Hyatt RE, Scanlon PD. The nonspecific pulmonary function test: longitudinal follow-up and outcomes. Chest. 2011 Apr; 139 (4):878-886 Epub 2010 Aug 19
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  99. Cartin-Ceba R, Swanson K, Iyer V, Wiesner RH, Krowka MJ. Safety and efficacy of ambrisentan for the treatment of portopulmonary hypertension. Chest. 2011 Jan; 139: (1)109-14.
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  100. Iyer VN, Hoel R, Rabinstein AA. Propofol infusion syndrome in patients with refractory status epilepticus: an 11-year clinical experience. Crit Care Med. 2009 Dec; 37 (12):3024-30
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  101. Iyer VN, Mandrekar JN, Danielson RD, Zubkov AY, Elmer JL, Wijdicks EF. Validity of the FOUR score coma scale in the medical intensive care unit. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009 Aug; 84 (8):694-701
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  102. Joshi AY, Iyer VN, St Sauver JL, Jacobson RM, Boyce TG. Effectiveness of inactivated influenza vaccine in children less than 5 years of age over multiple influenza seasons: a case-control study. Vaccine. 2009 Jul 16; 27(33):4457-61. Epub 2009 May 31.
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  103. Iyer VN, Joshi AY, Ryu JH. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum: analysis of 62 consecutive adult patients. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009 May; 84 (5):417-21
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  104. Joshi AY, Iyer VN, Hagan JB, St Sauver JL, Boyce TG. Incidence and temporal trends of primary immunodeficiency: a population-based cohort study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2009; 84 (1):16-22
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  105. Joshi AY, Iyer VN, Boyce TG, Hagan JB, Park MA, Abraham RS. Elevated serum immunoglobulin E (IgE): when to suspect hyper-IgE syndrome-A 10-year pediatric tertiary care center experience. Allergy Asthma Proc. 2009 Jan-Feb; 30: (1)23-7.
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  106. Cartin-Ceba R, Gajic O, Iyer VN, Vlahakis NE. Fetal outcomes of critically ill pregnant women admitted to the intensive care unit for nonobstetric causes. Crit Care Med. 2008 Oct; 36 (10):2746-51
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  107. Amin BK, Iyer VN, Bhuriya R, Saiyed A, Pothiwala R, Thakkar P. Lead Encephalopathy- a case report. Gujarat Medical Journal. 2003 Aug; 60(2):23-6.
  108. Amin BK, Saiyed A, Pothiwala R, Bhuriya R, Iyer VN. Tuberous Sclerosis- a case report. Gujarat Medical Journal.. 2002 Dec; 59: (3)15-7.
  109. Saiyed A, Amin BK, Iyer VN. ESR and its clinical uses- A review Gujarat Medical Journal. 2002 Sep; 59(2):35-7.