Nutrition Clinical Specialty Group Overview

The Nutrition Clinical Specialty Group operates a full-time outpatient consultative clinic and a hospital consultation and management service for the complete spectrum of nutritionally related medical problems.

Outpatient Nutrition Clinic

The Outpatient Nutrition Clinic operates daily and full time to provide:

  • Comprehensive multispecialty approach to obesity and weight gain, including evaluation for bariatric surgery
  • Clinical nutritional analysis of eating disorders, including bulimia and anorexia nervosa
  • General ambulatory nutrition advice and education, as well as scientific advice on vitamin, supplement and antioxidant use
  • Professional and technical support for patients requiring long-term tube feedings

Home Enteral Nutrition Program

Mayo's Home Enteral Nutrition Program sees approximately 500 new patients each year, 80 percent of whom originate from the hospital setting and 20 percent of whom started on the program as outpatients.

The Home Enteral Nutrition Program team consists of dietitians, nurses, physician assistants and consultants who guide patients through the entire process of home enteral nutrition, from screening and assessment to development of an appropriate care plan followed by monitoring.

Mayo Clinic's home enteral coordinators are well versed in the nutrition care, home needs, reimbursement environment, Joint Commission requirements, and American Society for Parenteral and Enteral (ASPEN) standards for nutrition support.

Clinical Dietetics

Clinical dietitians are involved with outpatient nutrition counseling and care for the nutritional needs of hospitalized patients. Patients under the care of Mayo physicians can be referred to clinical dietitians for nutrition counseling. Education and counseling related to nutrition are available for patients with:

  • Diabetes
  • Lipid disorders
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Renal conditions
  • Gastroenterological (GI) conditions
  • Hypertensive disorders
  • Transplantation

Services are also available for patients with pediatric or geriatric disease who are receiving enteral and parenteral nutrition and those who are scheduled for surgery.