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Matt J. Ziegelmann, M.D.

  1. Urologist


  1. Dullea A, Khodamoradi K, Campbell K, Ghomeshi A, Ramasamy R, Ziegelmann M, Masterson T. In vitro efficacy of intralesional Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum for the treatment of calcified Peyronie's disease plaques. Int J Impot Res. 2024 Sep; 36 (6):572-575 Epub 2023 July 31
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  2. Kohler TS, Bonakdar Hashemi M, Helo S, Morey AF, Nelson CJ, Trost L, Ziegelmann MJ, Khera M. Lessons learned from the Sexual Medicine Society of North America fellowship bootcamp. J Sex Med. 2024 Aug 26 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Ziegelmann MJ. Commentary on 'Anatomic considerations of inflatable penile prosthetics: lessons gleaned from surgical body donor workshops'. Int J Impot Res. 2024 Aug; 36 (5):547-548 Epub 2023 June 26
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  4. Miller JA, Hammad M, Amini E, Andrianne R, Burnett AL, Gross K, Gross MS, Hatzichristodoulou G, Hotaling J, Hsieh TC, Jenkins LC, Jones JM, Lentz A, Levy J, Modgil V, Osmonov D, Park SH, Pearce I, Perito P, Sadeghi-Nejad H, Sempels M, Simhan J, Suarez-Sarmiento A Jr, van Renterghem K, Warner JN, Yafi FA, Ziegelmann M, Barham DW. Factors Affecting Implant Length in Primary Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Placement. Urology. 2024 Jul 5 Epub 2024 July 05
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  5. Gutierrez WR, Gross MS, Ziegelmann MJ. Variability in Methodology of Erectile Dysfunction Regenerative Therapy Trials on ClinicalTrials.gov. Urology. 2024 Jul; 189:135-143 Epub 2024 May 20
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  6. Trost L, Watter DN, Carrier S, Khera M, Yafi FA, Bernie HL, Ziegelmann M, Kohler T. Cosmetic penile enhancement procedures: an SMSNA position statement. J Sex Med. 2024 May 28; 21 (6):573-578
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  7. Barham DW, Pyrgidis N, Amini E, Hammad M, Miller J, Andrianne R, Burnett AL, Gross K, Hatzichristodoulou G, Hotaling J, Hsieh TC, Jenkins LC, Jones JM, Lentz A, Modgil V, Osmonov D, Park SH, Pearce I, Perito P, Sadeghi-Nejad H, Sempels M, Suarez-Sarmiento A, Simhan J, van Renterghem K, Warner JN, Ziegelmann M, Yafi FA, Gross MS, PUMP (Prosthetic Urology Multi-institutional Partnership) collaborators. Does climate impact inflatable penile prosthesis infection (IPP) risk? Assessment of temperature and dew point on IPP infections. J Sex Med. 2024 Apr 30; 21 (5):500-504
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  8. El-Achkar A, Hammad M, Barham D, Service CA, Patel D, Hsieh TC, Mills J, Kianian R, Eleswarapu S, Ziegelmann M, Smith R, Bryk D, Bernie HL, Egert M, Raheem O, Fendereski K, Gross K, Pastuszak A, Hotaling J, Yafi F. Stripping versus ligation of vas deferens in microscopic denervation of spermatic cord in men with chronic orchialgia: A multicenter study. Andrology. 2024 Apr 19 [Epub ahead of print]
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  9. Ziegelmann M. Is there a new role for oral therapy to treat peyronie's disease? Commentary on Daily low-dose tadalafil may reduce the penile curvature progression rate in patients with acute Peyronie's Disease: a retrospective comparative analysis. Int J Impot Res. 2024 Apr; 36 (2):160-161 Epub 2023 Feb 24
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  10. Bernstein AP, Shayegh N, Piraino J, Ziegelmann M. Optimal timing of surgical intervention for penile fracture: a narrative review of the modern literature. Sex Med Rev. 2024 Mar 26; 12 (2):230-239
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  11. Kohler T, Mian A, Ziegelmann M, Dodge N, Mian R, Helo S, Suarez-Sarmiento A Jr, Brennan M, Perito P. Glans hypermobility scale (GHS): A simple grading scale and description of a modified glanspexy technique. Int J Impot Res. 2024 Mar 5 Epub 2024 Mar 05
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  12. Larson H, Warner J, Savage J, Kohler T, Ziegelmann M, Trost L. Changes in Point of Maximal Curvature During Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injections for Peyronie's Disease. Urology. 2024 Feb; 184:122-127 Epub 2023 Dec 06
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  13. Larson H, Savage J, Brearton K, Warner R, Ziegelmann M, Kohler T, Trost L. Outcomes of collagenase Clostridium histolyticum in men with ventral curvatures: an updated series. J Sex Med. 2024 Jan 30; 21 (2):169-174
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  14. Lehner K, Byrne E, Roshandel MR, Alom M, Helo S, Kohler T, Ziegelmann M. The Discontinuation Rate With Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum for Peyronie's Disease in a High-volume Practice Is Unexpectedly High: Identifying Opportunities for Patient Care Improvement. Urology. 2024 Jan; 183:121-126 Epub 2023 Nov 08
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  15. Ziegelmann M. Commentary on diagnosis and treatment patterns of Peyronie's disease among different racial, ethnic, and regional groups in the Veterans Affairs health care system. Int J Impot Res. 2023 Dec; 35 (8):764-765 Epub 2023 Mar 08
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  16. Helo S, Betcher HK, Ziegelmann M. Assessing psychiatric risk with a focus on optimizing patient satisfaction with penile prosthesis placement-a narrative review. Transl Androl Urol. 2023 Nov 30; 12 (11):1761-1771 Epub 2023 Nov 07
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  17. Chang C, Barham DW, Dalimov Z, Swerdloff D, Sadeghi-Nejad H, Andrianne R, Sempels M, Hsieh TC, Hatzichristodoulou G, Hammad M, Miller J, Osmonov D, Lentz A, Perito P, Suarez-Sarmiento A, Hotaling J, Gross K, Jones JM, van Renterghem K, Park SH, Nicholas Warner J, Ziegelmann M, Modgil V, Jones A, Pearce I, Gross MS, Yafi FA, Simhan J. Single Dilation in Primary Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Placement Is Associated With Fewer Corporal Complications Than Sequential Dilation. Urology. 2023 Nov; 181:150-154 Epub 2023 Sept 15
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  18. Sischka M, Krueger A, Parikh N, Köhler T, Helo S, Ziegelmann M. Significant Geographic Variation in Access to Certified Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum Injectors for Peyronie's Disease Throughout the United States. Urol Pract. 2023 Nov; 10(6):680-687. Epub 2023 Sep 07.
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  19. Byrne ER, Ungerer GN, Ziegelmann MJ, Kohler TS. Complications and troubleshooting in primary penile prosthetic surgery-a review. Int J Impot Res. 2023 Nov; 35 (7):679-685 Epub 2023 Apr 27
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  20. Ziegelmann MJ. Penile indentation and hourglass deformities with Peyronie's disease-what can we reasonably offer our patients? J Sex Med. 2023 Oct 3; 20 (10):1230-1232
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  21. Ziegelmann MJ, Langbo WA, Bajic P, Levine LA. Comparison of patient-reported outcomes after penile prosthesis placement in men with and without Peyronie's disease. Int J Impot Res. 2023 Sep; 35 (6):569-576 Epub 2022 Aug 29
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  22. Zganjar A, Toussi A, Ziegelmann M, Frank I, Boorjian SA, Tollefson M, Kohler T, Trost L. Efficacy of RestoreX after prostatectomy: open-label phase of a randomized controlled trial. BJU Int. 2023 Aug; 132 (2):217-226 Epub 2023 May 09
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  23. Parikh N, Aro-Lambo M, Vencill JA, Collins CS, Helo S, Kohler T, Ziegelmann M. Perceived influence of medical school sexual health education on specialty selection in young urologists specializing in sexual dysfunction. Transl Androl Urol. 2023 Jul 31; 12 (7):1071-1078 Epub 2023 July 03
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  24. Henry AJ, Holler JT, Lui J, Breyer BN, Ziegelmann M, Cohen T, Smith RP, Yeaman C, Winkelman AJ, Villanueva C, Kern NG. Do patients with Peyronie's disease perceive penile curvature in adults and children differently than the general population? J Sex Med. 2023 Jun 28; 20 (7):998-1003
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  25. Ziegelmann M, Hu Y, Xiang Q, Liu G, McLane MP, Trost L. Incremental Treatment Response by Cycle With Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum for Peyronie's Disease: A Pooled Analysis of Two Phase 3 Trials. Urology. 2023 May; 175:126-131 Epub 2023 Mar 01
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  26. Sischka MF, Tentis ER, Helo S, Kohler TS, Collins CS, Ziegelmann MJ. Testicular Pain - Not Always What it Seems: A Cross-Sectional Assessment of Patients Presenting for Chronic Scrotal Content Pain at a Tertiary Care Center. Urology. 2023 Apr; 174:18-22 Epub 2023 Feb 10
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  27. Findlay BL, Bearrick EN, Hebert KJ, Britton CJ, Ziegelmann MJ, Anderson KT, Viers BR. Postoperative Opioid Prescribing Following Outpatient Male Urethral Surgery: Evidence for Change. Urol Pract. 2023 Mar; 10 (2):139-144 Epub 2023 Feb 20
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  28. Bole R, Alom M, Habashy E, Ahmed M, Ziegelmann M, Kohler T, Helo S. The clinical significance of imperfection: is idiopathic corporal asymmetry related to curvature during penile prosthesis placement? Int J Impot Res. 2023 Feb 16 [Epub ahead of print]
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  29. Kulkarni Y, Green B, Pattillo C, Stirland I, Flores A, Ziegelmann M, Kohler T, Helo S, Trost L. Efficacy of collagenase Clostridium histolyticum in men with congenital penile curvature. J Sex Med. 2023 Feb 14; 20 (2):194-199
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  30. Barham DW, Pyrgidis N, Gross MS, Hammad M, Swerdloff D, Miller J, Alkhayal A, Alrabeeah KA, Andrianne R, Burnett AL, Gross K, Hatzichristodoulou G, Hotaling JM, Hsieh TC, Jones A, Jones JM, Lentz A, Levy J, Modgil V, Osmonov D, Park SH, Pearce I, Perito P, Sadeghi-Nejad H, Sempels M, Suarez-Sarmiento A Jr, Simhan J, van Renterghem K, Warner JN, Ziegelmann M, Yafi FA. AUA-recommended Antibiotic Prophylaxis for Primary Penile Implantation Results in a Higher, Not Lower, Risk for Postoperative Infection: A Multicenter Analysis. J Urol. 2023 Feb; 209 (2):399-409 Epub 2022 Nov 16
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  31. Ziegelmann MJ, Hebert KJ, Linder BJ, Rangel LJ, Elliott DS. The "Minimal-Touch" Technique for Artificial Urinary Sphincter Placement: Description and Outcomes. Urol Res Pract. 2023 Jan; 49 (1):40-47
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  32. Ziegelmann MJ, Hebert KJ, Linder BJ, Rangel LJ, Elliott DS. The "minimal-touch" technique for artificial urinary sphincter placement: description and outcomes. Turkish Journal of Urology. 2023; 49 (1):40-7
  33. Flores A, Tyler A, Green B, Price T, Savage J, Brearton K, Helo S, Ziegelmann M, Kohler T, Trost L. Improved Peyronie's Disease Curvature Outcomes Using a Novel Collagenase Administration Protocol. Urology. 2022 Dec; 170:117-123 Epub 2022 Oct 12
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  34. Ziegelmann MJ, Byrne E. EDITORIAL COMMENT. Urology 2022 Dec; 170:231-232
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  35. Piraino J, Chaudhary H, Ames K, Okoye F 3rd, Sterling M, Clavell-Hernandez J, Levine L, Ziegelmann MJ. A Consistent Lack of Consistency in Defining the Acute and Chronic Phases of Peyronie's Disease: A Review of the Contemporary Literature. Sex Med Rev. 2022 Oct; 10 (4):698-713
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  36. Piraino J, Chaudhary H, Ames K, Okoye F, Sterling M, Clavell-Hernandez J, Levine L, Ziegelmann MJ. A Consistent Lack of Consistency in Defining the Acute and Chronic Phases of Peyronie's Disease: A Review of the Contemporary Literature. Sex Med Rev. 2022 Oct 1; 10 (4):698-713
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  37. Lau B, Bole R, Ziegelmann M, Kohler T, Helo S. Current Landscape of Andrology Fellowship Programs and the Effect of Gender on Post-Fellowship Practice Patterns. Urology. 2022 Aug; 166:98-103 Epub 2022 May 14
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  38. Sokolakis I, Pyrgidis N, Ziegelmann MJ, Mykoniatis I, Kohler TS, Hatzichristodoulou G. Penile Prosthesis Implantation Combined With Grafting Techniques in Patients With Peyronie's Disease and Erectile Dysfunction: A Systematic Review. Sex Med Rev. 2022 Jul; 10 (3):451-459 Epub 2021 July 01
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  39. Bole R, Gottlich HC, Ziegelmann MJ, Corrigan D, Levine LA, Mulhall JP, Bajic P. A Critical Analysis of Reporting in Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses in the Peyronie's Disease Literature. J Sex Med. 2022 Apr; 19 (4):629-640 Epub 2022 Feb 15
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  40. van Renterghem K, Jacobs B, Yafi F, Osmonov D, Ralph D, Venturino L, Barnard JT, Ziegelmann M, Wang R, Kannady C, Lentz A, Garcia EL, Andrianne R, Bettochi C, Hatzichristodoulou G, Gross M, Faix A, Gross M, Otero JR, Salamanca JIM, Sedigh O, Albersen M, Dinkelman-Smit M, Mykoniatis I. Current practices regarding corporotomy localization during penoscrotal inflatable penile implant surgery: a multicenter cohort study. Int J Impot Res. 2022 Apr; 34 (3):302-307 Epub 2021 Apr 12
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  41. Hebert KJ, Linder BJ, Gettman MT, Ubl D, Habermann EB, Lyon TD, Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR. A Contemporary Analysis of Ureteral Reconstruction 30-Day Morbidity Utilizing the National Surgical Quality Improvement Program Database: Comparison of Minimally Invasive vs Open Approaches. J Endourol. 2022 Feb; 36 (2):209-215
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  42. Britton CJ, Jefferson FA, Findlay BL, Sharma V, Hernandez JC, Levine LA, Ziegelmann MJ. Surgical Correction of Adult Congenital Penile Curvature: A Systematic Review. J Sex Med. 2022 Feb 1; 19 (2):364-376
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  43. Pease ER, Ziegelmann M, Vencill JA, Kok SN, Collins CS, Betcher HK. Persistent Genital Arousal Disorder (PGAD): A Clinical Review and Case Series in Support of Multidisciplinary Management. Sex Med Rev. 2022 Jan; 10 (1):53-70 Epub 2021 Aug 04
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  44. Sharma KL, Bole R, Yang D, Alom M, Savage J, Ziegelmann M, Trost L. Conservative management of suspected fractures in men undergoing collagenase clostridium histolyticum for Peyronie's Disease is not associated with worsening of erectile function. Int J Impot Res. 2022 Jan; 34 (1):100-107 Epub 2020 Dec 14
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  45. Pease E, Singh B, Ziegelmann M, Betcher H. Dose-Dependent Urinary Incontinence with Sertraline Use in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Psychopharmacol Bull. 2021 Nov 3; 51 (4):117-121
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  46. Hebert KJ, Findlay BL, Yang DY, Houlihan MD, Bole R, Avant RA, Andrews JR, Jimbo M, Ziegelmann MJ, Helo S, Kohler TS. Incidence of Venous Thromboembolism and Safety of Perioperative Subcutaneous Heparin During Inflatable Penile Prosthesis Surgery. Urology. 2021 Nov; 157:155-160 Epub 2021 Aug 16
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  47. Ziegelmann MJ, Habashy E. Clinical Challenges With Penile Prosthesis Placement and Peyronie's Disease. J Sex Med. 2021 Nov; 18 (11):1822-1825 Epub 2021 Oct 02
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  48. Pease E, Singh B, Ziegelmann M, Betcher H. Dose-Dependent Urinary Incontinence with Sertraline Use in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Psychopharmacology Bulletin. October 2021; 51(4):1-5.
  49. Kendall Rauchfuss LM, Kim T, Bleess JL, Ziegelmann MJ, Shenoy CC. Testicular sperm extraction vs. ejaculated sperm use for nonazoospermic male factor infertility. Fertil Steril. 2021 Oct; 116 (4):963-970 Epub 2021 July 04
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  50. Jimbo M, Jefferson FA 4th, Ungerer GN, Ziegelmann MJ, Kohler TS, Helo S. Vasectomy Reversal Online Marketing Practices: What Are We Putting Out There? Urology. 2021 Oct; 156:129-133 Epub 2021 July 09
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  51. Toussi A, Ziegelmann M, Yang D, Manka M, Frank I, Boorjian SA, Tollefson M, Kohler T, Trost L. Efficacy of a Novel Penile Traction Device in Improving Penile Length and Erectile Function Post Prostatectomy: Results from a Single-Center Randomized, Controlled Trial. J Urol. 2021 Aug; 206 (2):416-426 Epub 2021 June 01
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  52. Bole R, Jimbo M, Parikh N, Britton C, Gopalakrishna A, Yang D, Trost L, Helo S, Kohler T, Ziegelmann M. Patient Attitudes Towards Surgical Management of Peyronie's Disease Prior to Men's Health Consultation. Urology. 2021 Jul; 153:199-203. Epub 2021 Mar 04.
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  53. de Oliveira PS, Ziegelmann MJ. Low-intensity shock wave therapy for the treatment of vasculogenic erectile dysfunction: a narrative review of technical considerations and treatment outcomes. Transl Androl Urol. 2021 Jun; 10 (6):2617-2628
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  54. Ziegelmann MJ. EDITORIAL COMMENTS. Urology 2021 Jun; 152:23
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  55. Findlay BL, Britton CJ, Glasgow AE, Gettman MT, Tyson MD, Pak RW, Viers BR, Habermann EB, Ziegelmann MJ. Long-term Success With Diminished Opioid Prescribing After Implementation of Standardized Postoperative Opioid Prescribing Guidelines: An Interrupted Time Series Analysis. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 May; 96 (5):1135-1146
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  56. Ziegelmann MJ, Yafi FA. Collagenase clostridium histolyticum is no longer available in Europe: what does this mean for our patients with Peyronie's Disease? Int J Impot Res. 2021 Apr; 33 (3):376-377 Epub 2020 Apr 15
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  57. Bole R, White L, Parikh N, Helo S, Kohler T, Ziegelmann M. A modern review of penile traction monotherapy and combination therapy for the treatment of peyronie's disease. Int J Impot Res. 2021 Apr; 33 (3):251-258 Epub 2020 Mar 09
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  58. Gopalakrishna A, Bole R, Alom M, Meng Y, Jimbo M, Trost L, Helo S, Kohler T, Ziegelmann M. Characteristics of men who are bothered by rapid ejaculation: results from clinical intake surveys. Int J Impot Res. 2021 Apr; 33 (3):369-375 Epub 2020 Apr 24
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  59. Manka MG, White LA, Yafi FA, Mulhall JP, Levine LA, Ziegelmann MJ. Comparing and Contrasting Peyronie's Disease Guidelines: Points of Consensus and Deviation. J Sex Med. 2021 Feb; 18 (2):363-375 Epub 2021 Jan 07
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  60. Yang D, Savage J, Kohler T, Helo S, Trost L, Ziegelmann M. Vascular Necrosis of the Upper Extremity After Self-Treatment for Peyronie's Disease. Sex Med. 2021 Feb; 9 (1):100282 Epub 2020 Dec 08
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  61. Oh PJ, Bajic P, Lundy SD, Ziegelmann M, Levine LA. Chronic Scrotal Content Pain: a Review of the Literature and Management Schemes. Curr Urol Rep. 2021 Jan 15; 22 (2):12
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  62. Westerman ME, Maldonado F, Andrews JR, Sharma V, Trost L, Ziegelmann MJ. Intercourse frequency among men presenting to a sexual health clinic: does age matter? Int J Impot Res. 2021 Jan; 33(1):49-54. Epub 2020 Jan 02.
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  63. Bole R, Ziegelmann M, Gopalakrishna A, Collins CS, Alom M, Trost L, Helo S, Kohler TS. Predictors of Patient Willingness to Consider Surgery Prior to Consultation at Sexual Health Clinic. Urology. 2021 Jan; 147:172-177 Epub 2020 Sept 15
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  64. Britton CJ, Findlay BL, Parikh N, Kohler T, Helo S, Ziegelmann MJ. Long-acting liposomal bupivacaine and postoperative opioid use after Peyronie's disease surgery: a pilot study. Transl Androl Urol. 2021 Jan; 10(1):174-183.
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  65. Farrell MR, Ziegelmann MJ, Bajic P, Levine LA. Peyronie's Disease and the Female Sexual Partner: A Comparison of the Male and Female Experience. J Sex Med. 2020 Dec; 17 (12):2456-2461 Epub 2020 Oct 14
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  66. Helo Sevann, Ziegelmann Matthew. AUA Core Curriculum: Erectile Dysfunction Patient Evaluation, Investigations American Urological Association. 2020.
  67. Joseph J, Ziegelmann MJ, Alom M, Savage J, Kohler TS, Trost L. Outcomes of RestoreX Penile Traction Therapy in Men With Peyronie's Disease: Results From Open Label and Follow-up Phases. J Sex Med. 2020 Dec; 17 (12):2462-2471 Epub 2020 Nov 20
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  68. Bole R, Linder BJ, Gopalakrishna A, Kuang R, Boon AL, Habermann EB, Ziegelmann MJ, Gettman MT, Husmann DA, Viers BR, Enterprise-wide, Value-based, Evaluation of Notable Therapies in Urologic Surgery (EVENTUS) working group. Malpractice Litigation in Iatrogenic Ureteral Injury: a Legal Database Review. Urology. 2020 Dec; 146:19-24 Epub 2020 Sept 09
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  69. Manka MG, Miller A, Sharma V, Butaney M, Trost L, Ziegelmann M. Discrepancy between Post-Vasectomy Semen Analysis Recommendation and Practice Patterns in the Post-2012 American Urological Association Guideline Era. J Urol. 2020 Dec; 204 (6):1312-1317 Epub 2020 Aug 17
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  70. Ziegelmann MJ. Penile prosthesis infection-moving the needle forward: a commentary on risk factors associated with penile prosthesis infection: systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Impot Res. 2020 Nov; 32 (6):635-637 Epub 2020 Mar 09
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  71. Nguyen HMT, Yousif A, Chung A, Virasoro R, Tapscott A, Ziegelmann M, Trost L, Gelbard M, Hellstrom WJG. Safety and Efficacy of Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum in the Treatment of Acute Phase Peyronie's Disease: A Multi-institutional Analysis. Urology. 2020 Nov; 145:147-151 Epub 2020 Aug 07
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  72. Parikh NN, Heslop DL, Bajic P, Bole R, Farrell MR, Levine LA, Ziegelmann MJ. A Review of Treatment-Related Outcomes in Female Partners of Men With Peyronie's Disease-An Opportunity for Improved Assessment. Sex Med Rev. 2020 Oct; 8 (4):548-560 Epub 2020 July 01
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  73. Gopalakrishna A, Bole R, Lipworth R, Jimbo M, Helo S, Kohler T, Ziegelmann M. Use of Nitrous Oxide in Office-based Urologic Procedures: A Review. Urology. 2020 Sep; 143:33-41 Epub 2020 May 20
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  74. Levine LA, Betcher HK, Ziegelmann MJ, Bajic P. Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine Salts for Delayed Orgasm and Anorgasmia in Men: A Pilot Study. Urology. 2020 Aug; 142:141-145 Epub 2020 Apr 30
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  75. Ziegelmann M, Joseph J, Glasgow A, Tyson M, Pak R, Gazelka H, Leibovich B, Habermann E, Gettman M. Comparison of prescribing patterns before and after implementation of evidence-based opioid prescribing guidelines for the postoperative urologic surgery patient. Am J Surg. 2020 Aug; 220 (2):499-504 Epub 2019 Dec 06
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  76. Bole R, Gopalakrishna A, Kuang R, Alamiri J, Yang DY, Helo S, Ziegelmann MJ, Köhler TS. Comparative Postoperative Outcomes of Rezum Prostate Ablation in Patients with Large Versus Small Glands. J Endourol. 2020 Jul; 34(7):778-781. Epub 2020 Jun 12.
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  77. Ziegelmann MJ, Bajic P, Levine LA. Peyronie's disease: Contemporary evaluation and management. Int J Urol. 2020 Jun; 27 (6):504-516 Epub 2020 Apr 06
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  78. Jimbo M, Alom M, Pfeifer ZD, Haile ES, Stephens DA, Gopalakrishna A, Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR, Trost LW, Kohler TS. Prevalence and Predictors of Climacturia and Associated Patient/Partner Bother in Patients With History of Definitive Therapy for Prostate Cancer. J Sex Med. 2020 Jun; 17 (6):1126-1132 Epub 2020 Mar 13
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  79. Bajic P, Wiggins AB, Ziegelmann MJ, Levine LA. Characteristics of Men With Peyronie's Disease and Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Treatment Failure: Predictors of Surgical Intervention and Outcomes. J Sex Med. 2020 May; 17 (5):1005-1011 Epub 2020 Feb 29
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  80. Ziegelmann MJ, Heslop D, Houlihan M, Bajic P, Helo S, Trost L, Kohler T. The Influence of Indentation Deformity on Outcomes With Intralesional Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Monotherapy for Peyronie's Disease. Urology. 2020 May; 139:122-128 Epub 2020 Feb 10
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  81. Ziegelmann MJ, Trost LW, Russo GI, Levine LA. Peyronie's Disease Intervention Studies: An Exploration of Modern-Era Challenges in Study Design and Evaluating Treatment Outcomes. J Sex Med. 2020 Mar; 17 (3):364-377 Epub 2020 Jan 10
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  82. Ziegelmann MJ, Farrell MR, Levine LA. Modern treatment strategies for penile prosthetics in Peyronie's disease: a contemporary clinical review. Asian J Androl. 2020 Jan-Feb; 22 (1):51-59
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  83. Ziegelmann M. Commentary on posteroperative vaccuum therapy following AMS LGX 700 inflatable penile prosthesis placement: penile dimension outcomes and overall satisfaction : Is there a benefit to adjunctive vacuum therapy after penile prosthesis placement? Int J Impot Res 2020 Jan; 32 (1):142-143 Epub 2019 Sept 02
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  84. Ziegelmann M, Dodge N, Alom M, Wymer K, Kohler T, Trost L. Office-based, Minimal-Incision Modified Fenestration Technique for Symptomatic Hydroceles Under Local Anesthesia. Urology. 2020 Jan; 135:159-164 Epub 2019 Oct 15
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  85. Ziegelmann M, Savage J, Toussi A, Alom M, Yang D, Kohler T, Trost L. Outcomes of a Novel Penile Traction Device in Men with Peyronie's Disease: A Randomized, Single-Blind, Controlled Trial. J Urol. 2019 Sep; 202 (3):599-610 Epub 2019 Aug 08
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  86. Valenzuela RJ, Ziegelmann MJ, Hillelsohn JH, Farrell MR, Kent MA, Levine LA. Preliminary Outcomes of the Male Urethral "Mini-Sling": A Modified Approach to the Andrianne Mini-Jupette Procedure With Penile Prosthesis Placement for Climacturia and Mild Stress Urinary Incontinence. J Sex Med. 2019 Aug; 16 (8):1310-1317 Epub 2019 May 17
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  87. Farrell MR, Ziegelmann MJ, Levine LA. Minimally invasive therapies for Peyronie's disease: the current state of the art Translational Andrology and Urology. 2019.
  88. Farrell MR, Abdelsayed GA, Ziegelmann MJ, Levine LA. A Comparison of Hemostatic Patches Versus Pericardium Allograft for the Treatment of Complex Peyronie's Disease With Penile Prosthesis and Plaque Incision. Urology. 2019 Jul; 129:113-118 Epub 2019 Mar 23
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  89. Ziegelmann MJ, Linder BJ, Avant RA, Elliott DS. Bacterial Cultures at the Time of Artificial Urinary Sphincter Revision Surgery in Clinically Uninfected Devices: A Contemporary Series. J Urol. 2019 Jun; 201 (6):1152-1157
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  90. Ziegelmann MJ, Farrell MR, Levine LA. Clinical characteristics and surgical outcomes in men undergoing tunica albuginea plication for congenital penile curvature who present with worsening penile deformity. World J Urol. 2019 May 11 [Epub ahead of print]
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  91. Lomas DJ, Ziegelmann MJ, Elliott DS. How informed is our consent? Patient awareness of radiation and radical prostatectomy complications. Turk J Urol. 2019 May; 45 (3):191-195 Epub 2018 Dec 20
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  92. Hellstrom WJG, Tue Nguyen HM, Alzweri L, Chung A, Virasoro R, Tapscott A, Ziegelmann M, Trost L, Gelbard M. Intralesional Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum Causes Meaningful Improvement in Men with Peyronie's Disease: Results of a Multi-Institutional Analysis. J Urol. 2019 Apr; 201 (4):777-782
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  93. Avant RA, Ziegelmann M, Nehra A, Alom M, Kohler T, Trost L. Penile Traction Therapy and Vacuum Erection Devices in Peyronie's Disease. Sex Med Rev. 2019 Apr; 7 (2):338-348 Epub 2018 Apr 07
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  94. Ziegelmann MJ, Levine LA. A Modern Approach to the Clinical Evaluation of Peyronie's Disease in the Era of Collagenase. J Sex Med. 2019 Apr; 16 (4):483-488 Epub 2019 Mar 07
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  95. Ziegelmann MJ, Linder BJ, Viers BR, Rangel LJ, Rivera ME, Elliott DS. Risk factors for subsequent urethral atrophy in patients undergoing artificial urinary sphincter placement. Turk J Urol. 2019 Mar; 45 (2):124-128 Epub 2018 Nov 26
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  96. Ziegelmann MJ, Joseph JP, Glasgow AE, Tyson MD, Pak RW, Gazelka HM, Schatz AL, Leibovich BC, Habermann EB, Gettman MT. Wide Variation in Opioid Prescribing After Urological Surgery in Tertiary Care Centers. Mayo Clin Proc. 2019 Feb; 94 (2):262-274
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  97. Valenzuela R, Ziegelmann M, Tokar S, Hillelsohn J. The use of penile traction therapy in the management of Peyronie's disease: current evidence and future prospects. Ther Adv Urol. 2019 Jan-Dec; 11:1756287219838139 Epub 2019 Mar 29
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  98. Ziegelmann MJ, Farrell MR, Levine LA. Evaluation and Management of Chronic Scrotal Content Pain-A Common Yet Poorly Understood Condition. Rev Urol. 2019; 21 (2-3):74-84
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  99. Bole R, Ziegelmann M, Avant R, Montgomery B, Kohler T, Trost L. Patient's choice of health information and treatment modality for Peyronie's disease: a long-term assessment. Int J Impot Res. 2018 Oct; 30 (5):243-248 Epub 2018 May 25
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  100. Godwin CA, Linder BJ, Rivera ME, Ziegelmann MJ, Elliott DS. Effects of Smoking Status on Device Survival Among Individuals Undergoing Artificial Urinary Sphincter Placement. Am J Mens Health. 2018 Sep; 12 (5):1398-1402 Epub 2016 May 29
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  101. Wymer K, Ziegelmann M, Savage J, Kohler T, Trost L. Plaque Calcification: An Important Predictor of Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Treatment Outcomes for Men With Peyronie's Disease. Urology. 2018 Sep; 119:109-114 Epub 2018 Aug 10
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  102. Montgomery BD, Lomas DJ, Ziegelmann MJ, Trost LW. Infection risk of undergoing multiple penile prostheses: an analysis of referred patient surgical histories. Int J Impot Res. 2018 Aug; 30 (4):147-152 Epub 2018 May 25
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  103. Armstrong JM, Avant RA, Charchenko CM, Westerman ME, Ziegelmann MJ, Miest TS, Trost LW. Impact of anabolic androgenic steroids on sexual function. Transl Androl Urol. 2018 Jun; 7 (3):483-489
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  104. Ziegelmann MJ, Alom M, Bole R, Kohler T, Trost L. Modified Glanulopexy Technique for Supersonic Transporter Deformity and Glanular Hypermobility in Men With Penile Prostheses. J Sex Med. 2018 Jun; 15 (6):914-919 Epub 2018 May 03
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  105. Ziegelmann M, Bole R, Avant R, Yang D, Montgomery B, Trost L. Conservatively Managed Peyronie's Disease-Long-term Survey Results From Patients Undergoing Nonsurgical and Noninjection Therapies. Urology. 2018 Mar; 113:99-104. Epub 2017 Nov 22.
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  106. Ziegelmann MJ, Alom M, Hebert K, Avant R, Kohler T, Trost L. Clinical Factors Negatively Impacting Sexual Relationships in Men With Peyronie's Disease. J Sex Marital Ther. 2018; 44 (5):468-474 Epub 2018 Jan 31
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  107. Narayan VM, Adejoro O, Schwartz I, Ziegelmann M, Elliott S, Konety BR. The Prevalence and Impact of Urinary Marker Testing in Patients with Bladder Cancer. J Urol. 2018 Jan; 199 (1):74-80 Epub 2017 Aug 30
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  108. Rullo JE, Lorenz T, Ziegelmann MJ, Meihofer L, Herbenick D, Faubion SS. Genital vibration for sexual function and enhancement: a review of evidence. Sex Relation Ther. 2018; 33 (3):263-274 Epub 2018 Jan 02
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  109. Rullo JE, Lorenz T, Ziegelmann MJ, Meihofer L, Herbenick D, Faubion SS. Genital vibration for sexual function and enhancement: best practice recommendations for choosing and safely using a vibrator. Sex Relation Ther. 2018; 33 (3):275-285 Epub 2018 Jan 04
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  110. Ziegelmann M, Kohler TS, Bailey GC, Miest T, Alom M, Trost L. Surgical patient selection and counseling. Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Aug; 6 (4):609-619
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  111. Alom M, Ziegelmann M, Savage J, Miest T, Kohler TS, Trost L. Office-based andrology and male infertility procedures-a cost-effective alternative. Transl Androl Urol. 2017 Aug; 6 (4):761-772
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  112. Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR, Montgomery BD, Westerman ME, Savage JB, Trost LW. Self-reported Clinical Meaningfulness Early in the Treatment Course Predicts Objective Outcomes in Men Undergoing Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum Injections for Peyronie Disease. Urology. 2017 Aug; 106:107-112 Epub 2017 May 05
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  113. Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR, Montgomery BD, Avant RA, Savage JB, Trost LW. Clinical Experience With Penile Traction Therapy Among Men Undergoing Collagenase Clostridium histolyticum for Peyronie Disease. Urology. 2017 Jun; 104:102-109 Epub 2017 Mar 24
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  114. Bailey GC, Boorjian SA, Ziegelmann MJ, Westerman ME, Lohse CM, Leibovich BC, Cheville JC, Thompson RH. Urinary collecting system invasion is associated with poor survival in patients with clear-cell renal cell carcinoma. BJU Int. 2017 Apr; 119 (4):585-590 Epub 2016 Oct 20
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  115. Linder BJ, Viers BR, Ziegelmann MJ, Rivera ME, Elliott DS. Artificial urinary sphincter revision for urethral atrophy: Comparing single cuff downsizing and tandem cuff placement. Int Braz J Urol. 2017 Mar-Apr; 43 (2):264-270
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  116. Ziegelmann MJ, Boorjian SA, Joyce DD, Montgomery BD, Linder BJ. Intravesical formalin for hemorrhagic cystitis: A contemporary cohort. Can Urol Assoc J. 2017 Mar-Apr; 11 (3-4):E79-E82 Epub 2017 Mar 16
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  117. Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR, Cockerill PA, Viers LD, Matsumoto JM, Granberg CF. The Utility of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Evaluation of Accessory Scrotum in the Newborn. Urology. 2017 Jan; 99:228-230. Epub 2016 Jun 16.
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  118. Viers BR, Linder BJ, Rivera ME, Andrews JR, Rangel LJ, Ziegelmann MJ, Elliott DS. The Impact of Diabetes Mellitus and Obesity on Artificial Urinary Sphincter Outcomes in Men. Urology. 2016 Dec; 98:176-182. Epub 2016 Jun 29.
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  119. Bailey GC, Blackburne A, Ziegelmann MJ, Lightner DJ. Outcomes of Surgical Management in Patients with Stress Urinary Incontinence and/or Neovesicovaginal Fistula after Orthotopic Neobladder Diversion. J Urol. 2016 Nov; 196 (5):1478-1483 Epub 2016 June 08
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  120. Ziegelmann MJ, Linder BJ, Rivera ME, Viers BR, Elliott DS. The impact of prior urethral sling on artificial urinary sphincter outcomes. Can Urol Assoc J. 2016 Nov-Dec; 10 (11-12):405-409
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  121. Rullo J, Lorenz T, Ziegelmann MJ, Meihofer L, Herbenick D, Faubion SS. Genital Vibration: A Review of Evidence and Best Practice Journal of Sexual Medicine. 2016.
  122. Bailey GC, Linder BJ, Rivera ME, Ziegelmann MJ, Rangel LJ, Elliott DS. The impact of androgen deprivation on artificial urinary sphincter outcomes. Transl Androl Urol. 2016 Oct; 5 (5):756-761
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  123. Montgomery BD, Boorjian SA, Ziegelmann MJ, Joyce DD, Linder BJ. Intravesical silver nitrate for refractory hemorrhagic cystitis. Turk J Urol. 2016 Sep; 42 (3):197-201
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  124. Viers BR, Linder BJ, Rivera ME, Rangel LJ, Ziegelmann MJ, Elliott DS. Long-Term Quality of Life and Functional Outcomes among Primary and Secondary Artificial Urinary Sphincter Implantations in Men with Stress Urinary Incontinence. J Urol. 2016 Sep; 196 (3):838-43 Epub 2016 Mar 17
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  125. Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR, Lomas DJ, Westerman ME, Trost LW. Ectopic Penile Prosthesis Reservoir Placement: An Anatomic Cadaver Model of the High Submuscular Technique. J Sex Med. 2016 Sep; 13 (9):1425-1431 Epub 2016 July 27
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  126. Ziegelmann M, Carrasco A, Knoedler J, Krambeck AE. Buckshot colic: utilizing holmium:yag laser for ureteroscopic removal of a bullet fragment within the proximal ureter. Can J Urol. 2016 Jun; 23 (3):8321-3
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  127. Adejoro O, Gupta P, Ziegelmann M, Weight C, Konety B. Effect of minimally invasive radical prostatectomy in older men. Urol Oncol. 2016 May; 34 (5):234.e1-11 Epub 2016 Jan 12
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  128. Ziegelmann MJ, Linder BJ, Rivera ME, Viers BR, Rangel LJ, Elliott DS. Outcomes of artificial urinary sphincter placement in octogenarians. Int J Urol. 2016 May; 23 (5):419-23 Epub 2016 Feb 18
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  129. Linder BJ, Viers BR, Ziegelmann MJ, Rivera ME, Rangel LJ, Elliott DS. Artificial Urinary Sphincter Mechanical Failures-Is it Better to Replace the Entire Device or Just the Malfunctioning Component? J Urol. 2016 May; 195 (5):1523-1528 Epub 2015 Oct 19
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  130. Rivera ME, Linder BJ, Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR, Rangel LJ, Elliott DS. The Impact of Prior Radiation Therapy on Artificial Urinary Sphincter Device Survival. J Urol. 2016 Apr; 195 (4 Pt 1):1033-7 Epub 2015 Oct 27
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  131. Ziegelmann MJ, Viers BR, McAlvany KL, Bailey GC, Savage JB, Trost LW. Restoration of Penile Function and Patient Satisfaction with Intralesional Collagenase Clostridium Histolyticum Injection for Peyronie's Disease. J Urol. 2016 Apr; 195 (4 Pt 1):1051-6 Epub 2015 Oct 23
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  132. Jaeger CD, Rule AD, Mehta RA, Vaughan LE, Vrtiska TJ, Holmes DR 3rd, McCollough CM, Ziegelmann MJ, Herrera Hernandez LP, Lieske JC, Krambeck AE. Endoscopic and Pathologic Characterization of Papillary Architecture in Struvite Stone Formers. Urology. 2016 Apr; 90:39-44 Epub 2016 Jan 06
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  133. Westerman ME, Charchenko CM, Ziegelmann MJ, Bailey GC, Nippoldt TB, Trost L. Heavy Testosterone Use Among Bodybuilders: An Uncommon Cohort of Illicit Substance Users. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Feb; 91 (2):175-82 Epub 2016 Jan 05
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  134. Linder BJ, Piotrowski JT, Ziegelmann MJ, Rivera ME, Rangel LJ, Elliott DS. Perioperative Complications following Artificial Urinary Sphincter Placement. J Urol. 2015 Sep; 194 (3):716-20 Epub 2015 Mar 14
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  135. Linder BJ, Rivera ME, Ziegelmann MJ, Elliott DS. Long-term Outcomes Following Artificial Urinary Sphincter Placement: An Analysis of 1082 Cases at Mayo Clinic. Urology. 2015 Sep; 86 (3):602-7 Epub 2015 June 30
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