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Anjali Bhagra, M.D., M.B.A.

  1. Internist


  1. Decker-Tonnesen P, Kamunga K, Garcia E, Ibarra I, Martin I, Saliba K, Beards C, Jordan B, Bhagra A. A catalyst for activation against racism: case study on effectiveness of workplace equity, inclusion and diversity conversations. Journal of Workplace Learning. 2024.
  2. Kang JY, Croghan IT, Matchett CL, Raffals LE, Schletty AA, Monson TR, Fischer KM, Pagel EM, Ghosh K, Bhagra A. Reflect, Inspire, Strengthen, and Empower 2.0 Program: Advancing Careers and Leadership for Women Physician Staff in an Academic Institution. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle). 2024; 5(1):65-74. Epub 2024 Feb 01.
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  3. Chesak S, Decker-Tonnesen P, Kumbamu A, Croghan I, Jordan B, Fraser C, Bhagra A. Equity in healthcare and workforce: Outcomes from the Mayo Clinic RISE for Equity: Reflect, Inspire, Strengthen & Empower conference Social Sciences & Humanities Open. 2024.
  4. Croghan IT, Ghosh AK, Fratianni AM, Kuhle CL, Johnson RE, Hays JT, Cassmann JA, Andresen RT, Bhagra A. Grace, Inspiration, Fulfillment, Timeless, Soulful (GIFTS): The Why and How of Podcasts for Recognition and Mentoring of Faculty in Medicine. J Prim Care Community Health. 2023 Jan-Dec; 14:21501319231197162
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  5. Halamka J, Bydon M, Cerrato P, Bhagra A. Addressing racial disparities in surgical care with machine learning. NPJ Digit Med. 2022 Sep 30; 5 (1):152 Epub 2022 Sept 30
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  6. 1. Sood A, Sood R, Chesak S, Bhagra A, Cutshall S, Fuehrer D. Outcomes of an Attention and Interpretation Training (AIT) Course for Healthcare Professionals Course for Healthcare Professionals. 2022.
  7. Hoppmann RA, Mladenovic J, Melniker L, Badea R, Blaivas M, Montorfano M, Abuhamad A, Noble V, Hussain A, Prosen G, Villen T, Via G, Nogue R, Goodmurphy C, Bastos M, Nace GS, Volpicelli G, Wakefield RJ, Wilson S, Bhagra A, Kim J, Bahner D, Fox C, Riley R, Steinmetz P, Nelson BP, Pellerito J, Nazarian LN, Wilson LB, Ma IWY, Amponsah D, Barron KR, Dversdal RK, Wagner M, Dean AJ, Tierney D, Tsung JW, Nocera P, Pazeli J, Liu R, Price S, Neri L, Piccirillo B, Osman A, Lee V, Naqvi N, Petrovic T, Bornemann P, Valois M, Lanctot JF, Haddad R, Govil D, Hurtado LA, Dinh VA, DePhilip RM, Hoffmann B, Lewiss RE, Parange NA, Nishisaki A, Doniger SJ, Dallas P, Bergman K, Barahona JO, Wortsman X, Smith RS, Sisson CA, Palma J, Mallin M, Ahmed L, Mustafa H. International consensus conference recommendations on ultrasound education for undergraduate medical students. Ultrasound J. 2022 Jul 27; 14 (1):31 Epub 2022 July 27
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  8. Rawal T, van Schayck OCP, Willeboordse M, Arora M, Bhaumik S, Bhagra A, Bhagra S, Muris JWM, Tandon N. How to promote a healthy lifestyle among schoolchildren: Development of an intervention module (i-PROMISe). Public Health Pract (Oxf). 2022 Jun; 3:100262 Epub 2022 Apr 28
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  9. Prasad K, Prasad A, George M, Sandhu GS, Inojosa JRM, Bhagra A, Mahapatra S, Petterson TM, Lackore KA, Croghan IT, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler DL. Temporal Trends in Use of Complementary Therapies Among Patients With Cardiovascular Disorders. Am J Cardiol. 2022 Mar 15; 167:118-124 Epub 2022 Jan 12
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  10. Gillis Mindy, Erben Young, Bhagra Anjali, Tolaymat Leila, Kang Ji, Yin Mingyuan, Raukar Neha. Utilizing Coaching to Develop Women Physician Leaders Physician Leadership Journal. 3/8/2022; 46-49.
  11. Seegmiller Renner AM, Borgwardt HL, Coyle M, Moeschler S, Bhagra A. Using an employee resource group to develop GRIT in female healthcare leaders: a case study. Leadersh Health Serv (Bradf Engl). 2022 Jan 4; ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print)
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  12. Chesak SS, Salinas M, Abraham H, Harris CE, Carey EC, Khalsa T, Mauck KF, Feely M, Licatino L, Moeschler S, Bhagra A. Experiences of Gender Inequity Among Women Physicians Across Career Stages: Findings from Participant Focus Groups. Womens Health Rep (New Rochelle). 2022; 3 (1):359-368 Epub 2022 Mar 28
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  13. Tse CS, Hinds S, Nguyen H, Xiong N, Moss SF, Bhagra A. A 12-Year North American Longitudinal Study of Gender Equity and Equality in Gastroenterology. Gastroenterology. 2022 Jan; 162 (1):63-67 Epub 2021 Oct 28
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  14. Adusumalli J, Bhagra A, Vitek S, Clark SD, Chon TY. Stress management in staff supporting electronic health record transitions: A novel approach. Explore (NY) 2021 Nov-Dec; 17 (6):584-585 Epub 2020 May 15
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  15. Vitek SM, Bhagra A, Erickson EE, Cutshall SM, Slack SM, Rodgers NJ, Smidt JM, Jordan MJ, Bauer BA, Chon TY. Optimizing delivery to meet demand for integrative medicine services in an academic hospital setting: A pilot study. Explore (NY). 2021 Jul-Aug; 17 (4):340-343 Epub 2020 Mar 07
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  16. Nordhues HC, Bhagra A, Stroud NN, Vencill JA, Kuhle CL. COVID-19 Gender Disparities and Mitigation Recommendations: A Narrative Review. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Jul; 96 (7):1907-1920 Epub 2021 Apr 20
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  17. Chesak SS, Yngve KC, Taylor JM, Voth ER, Bhagra A. Challenges and Solutions for Physician Mothers: A Critical Review of the Literature. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Jun; 96 (6):1578-1591 Epub 2021 Apr 09
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  18. Harris CE, Clark SD, Chesak SS, Khalsa TK, Salinas M, Pearson ACS, Williams AW, Moeschler SM, Bhagra A. GRIT: Women in Medicine Leadership Conference Participants' Perceptions of Gender Discrimination, Disparity, and Mitigation. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Jun; 5 (3):548-559 Epub 2021 Apr 30
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  19. Weiskittel TM, Lachman N, Bhagra A, Andersen K, St Jeor J, Pawlina W. Team-Based Ultrasound Objective Structured Practice Examination (OSPE) in the Anatomy Course. Anat Sci Educ. 2021 May; 14 (3):377-384 Epub 2021 Apr 05
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  20. Joseph J, Dao D, Hwang SM, Dotzler SM, Chesak SS, Weiskittel TM, Lang ME, Melo VD, Anderson JB, Vega B, Englund M, Boruch PM, Bhagra A. Perceptions of Barriers and Facilitators to Becoming a Medical Professional Among Underrepresented Undergraduate and Postbaccalaureate Learners. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Apr; 5 (2):347-358 Epub 2021 Apr 23
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  21. Huffman BM, Hafferty FW, Bhagra A, Leasure EL, Santivasi WL, Sawatsky AP. Resident impression management within feedback conversations: A qualitative study. Med Educ. 2021 Feb; 55 (2):266-274 Epub 2020 Sept 10
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  22. Croghan IT, Chesak SS, Adusumalli J, Fischer KM, Beck EW, Patel SR, Ghosh K, Schroeder DR, Bhagra A. Stress, Resilience, and Coping of Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211008448
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  23. Patel SR, Zayas J, Medina-Inojosa JR, Loprinzi C, Cathcart-Rake EJ, Bhagra A, Olson JE, Couch FJ, Ruddy KJ. Real-World Experiences With Yoga on Cancer-Related Symptoms in Women With Breast Cancer. Glob Adv Health Med. 2021; 10:2164956120984140 Epub 2021 Jan 08
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  24. Bhagra A, Croghan IT, Monson TR, Schletty AA, Baedke LK, Ghosh K. An Innovative, Pilot Program to Enhance Career Development and Staff Engagement for Mid- and Late-Career Physician Staff Within an Academic Institution: The RISE Program. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Dec; 4(6):786-791. Epub 2020 Oct 29.
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  25. Chesak SS, Perlman AI, Gill PR, Bhagra A. Strategies for Resiliency of Medical Staff During COVID-19. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Sep; 95 (9S):S56-S59 Epub 2020 Aug 17
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  26. Chesak SS, Cutshall S, Anderson A, Pulos B, Moeschler S, Bhagra A. Burnout Among Women Physicians: a Call to Action. Curr Cardiol Rep. 2020 May 29; 22 (7):45
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  27. Huffman B, Hafferty F, Bhagra A, Leasure E, Santivasi W, Sawatsky A. Mindset and Impression Management in Residency Training: Implications for Feedback. Accepted for Publication (In Press)- Medical Education 2021. 2020.
  28. Slostad B, Khalsa T, Young K, Guerra H, Bhagra A. A case-based approach to integrative medicine for cardiovascular disease prevention. J Integr Med. 2020 Mar; 18 (2):159-162 Epub 2019 Dec 14
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  29. Chesak SS, Bhagra A, Cutshall S, Ingram A, Benoit R, Medina-Inojosa JR, Hayes SN, Carolan BJ, Luthar S. Authentic Connections Groups: A Pilot Test of an Intervention Aimed at Enhancing Resilience Among Nurse Leader Mothers. Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2020 Feb; 17 (1):39-48
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  30. Bhuiyan MN, Medina-Inojosa JR, Croghan IT, Marcelin JR, Ghosh K, Bhagra A. Internal Medicine Physicians and Social media: Knowledge, Skills, and Attitudes. J Prim Care Community Health. 2020 Jan-Dec; 11:2150132720969022
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  31. Bhagra A, Medina-Inojosa JR, Vinnakota S, Arciniegas MC, Garcia M, Sood A, Mahapatra S, Lopez-Jimenez F, Bauer BA, Cha SS, Mulvagh SL. Stress Management and Resilience Intervention in a Women's Heart Clinic: A Pilot Study. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2019 Dec; 28 (12):1705-1710 Epub 2019 Mar 23
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  32. Nelson BP, Narula S, Argulian E, Bhagra A, Narula J. Including Insonation in Undergraduate Medical School Curriculum. Ann Glob Health. 2019 Nov 12; 85 (1):135
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  33. Chesak SS, Khalsa TK, Bhagra A, Jenkins SM, Bauer BA, Sood A. Stress Management and Resiliency Training for public school teachers and staff: A novel intervention to enhance resilience and positively impact student interactions. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2019 Nov; 37:32-38 Epub 2019 Aug 03
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  34. Ireson M, Warring S, Medina-Inojosa JR, O'Malley MT, Pawlina W, Lachman N, Narula J, Bhagra A. First Year Medical Students, Personal Handheld Ultrasound Devices, and Introduction of Insonation in Medical Education. Ann Glob Health. 2019 Oct 15; 85 (1):123
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  35. Bashir MU, Bhagra A, Kapa S, McLeod CJ. Modulation of the autonomic nervous system through mind and body practices as a treatment for atrial fibrillation. Rev Cardiovasc Med. 2019 Sep 30; 20 (3):129-137
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  36. Chesak SS, Cutshall SM, Bowe CL, Montanari KM, Bhagra A. Stress Management Interventions for Nurses: Critical Literature Review. J Holist Nurs. 2019 Sep; 37 (3):288-295 Epub 2019 Apr 23
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  37. Pearson ACS, Cutshall SM, Hooten WM, Rodgers NJ, Bauer BA, Bhagra A. Perspectives on the use of aromatherapy from clinicians attending an integrative medicine continuing education event. BMC Complement Altern Med. 2019 Jul 12; 19 (1):174 Epub 2019 July 12
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  38. Medina-Inojosa JR, Vinnakota S, Garcia M, Arciniegas Calle M, Mulvagh SL, Lopez-Jimenez F, Bhagra A. Role of Stress and Psychosocial Determinants on Women's Cardiovascular Risk and Disease Development. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2019 Apr; 28 (4):483-489 Epub 2018 Nov 20
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  39. Soni NJ, Schnobrich D, Mathews BK, Tierney DM, Jensen TP, Dancel R, Cho J, Dversdal RK, Mints G, Bhagra A, Reierson K, Kurian LM, Liu GY, Candotti C, Boesch B, LoPresti CM, Lenchus J, Wong T, Johnson G, Maw AM, Franco-Sadud R, Lucas BP. Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Hospitalists: A Position Statement of the Society of Hospital Medicine. J Hosp Med. 2019 Jan 2; 14:E1-E6 Epub 2019 Jan 02
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  40. Cho J, Jensen TP, Reierson K, Mathews BK, Bhagra A, Franco-Sadud R, Grikis L, Mader M, Dancel R, Lucas BP, Soni NJ, Society of Hospital Medicine Point-of-care Ultrasound Task Force. Recommendations on the Use of Ultrasound Guidance for Adult Abdominal Paracentesis: A Position Statement of the Society of Hospital Medicine. J Hosp Med. 2019 Jan 2; 14:E7-E15 Epub 2019 Jan 02
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  41. Cutshall SM, Khalsa TK, Chon TY, Vitek SM, Clark SD, Blomberg DL, Mustafa R, Bhagra A. Curricular Development and Implementation of a Longitudinal Integrative Medicine Education Experience for Trainees and Health-Care Professionals at an Academic Medical Center. Glob Adv Health Med. 2019; 8:2164956119837489 Epub 2019 Apr 01
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  42. Millstine DM, Bhagra A, Jenkins SM, Croghan IT, Stan DL, Boughey JC, Nguyen MT, Pruthi S. Use of a Wearable EEG Headband as a Meditation Device for Women With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Integr Cancer Ther. 2019 Jan-Dec; 18:1534735419878770
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  43. Ma IWY, Cogliati C, Bosch FH, Tonelli de Oliveira AC, Arienti V, Blans MJ, Chan B, Bhagra A. Point-of-Care Ultrasound for Internal Medicine: An International Perspective. South Med J. 2018 Jul; 111 (7):439-443
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  44. Hoversten P, Beachey J, Pham M, Bhagra A. A rare cause of oligoarthritis with septic presentation. BMJ Case Rep. 2018 Apr 17; 2018
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  45. Mahapatra S, Bhagra A, Fekadu B, Li Z, Bauer BA, Wahner-Roedler DL. Incorporation of integrative medicine education into undergraduate medical education: a longitudinal study. J Integr Med. 2017 Nov; 15 (6):442-449
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  46. Viscuse PV, Price K, Millstine D, Bhagra A, Bauer B, Ruddy KJ. Integrative medicine in cancer survivors. Curr Opin Oncol. 2017 Jul; 29 (4):235-242
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  47. Ruddy KJ, Stan DL, Bhagra A, Jurisson M, Cheville AL. Alternative Exercise Traditions in Cancer Rehabilitation. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2017 Feb; 28 (1):181-192
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  48. Bhagra A, Tierney DM, Sekiguchi H, Soni NJ. Point-of-Care Ultrasonography for Primary Care Physicians and General Internists. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Dec; 91 (12):1811-1827 Epub 2016 Nov 05
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  49. Mallory MJ, Do A, Bublitz SE, Veleber SJ, Bauer BA, Bhagra A. Puncturing the myths of acupuncture. J Integr Med. 2016 Sep; 14 (5):311-4
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  50. Tracy SI, Brown SA, Ratelle JT, Bhagra A. Rare case of simultaneous enterococcal endocarditis and prosthetic joint infection. BMJ Case Rep. 2016 May 20; 2016
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  51. Cutshall SM, Cha SS, Ness SM, Stan DL, Christensen SA, Bhagra A, Price KA, Thompson CA, Hashmi SK, Chon TY, McCray TJ, Sood A, Bauer BA, Ruddy KJ. Symptom burden and integrative medicine in cancer survivorship. Support Care Cancer. 2015 Oct; 23 (10):2989-94 Epub 2015 Feb 28
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  52. Kelm DJ, Ratelle JT, Azeem N, Bonnes SL, Halvorsen AJ, Oxentenko AS, Bhagra A. Longitudinal Ultrasound Curriculum Improves Long-Term Retention Among Internal Medicine Residents. J Grad Med Educ. 2015 Sep; 7 (3):454-7
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  53. Narula N, Bourne M Jr, Bhagra A. Immunosuppression and a serious opportunistic infection: an unfortunate price to pay. BMJ Case Rep. 2015 Jul 7; 2015 Epub 2015 July 07
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  54. Lyle MA, Seaburg LA, Bhagra A. 59-Year-Old Man With Aphasia and Proteinuria. Mayo Clin Proc. 2015 Jul; 90(7):952-6.
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  55. Chesak SS, Bhagra A, Schroeder DR, Foy DA, Cutshall SM, Sood A. Enhancing resilience among new nurses: feasibility and efficacy of a pilot intervention. Ochsner J. 2015 Spring; 15 (1):38-44
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  56. Skalski JH, Elrashidi M, Reed DA, McDonald FS, Bhagra A. Using Standardized Patients to Teach Point-of-Care Ultrasound-Guided Physical Examination Skills to Internal Medicine Residents. J Grad Med Educ. 2015 Mar; 7 (1):95-7
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  57. Dulohery MM, Stoven S, Kurklinsky AK, Halvorsen A, McDonald FS, Bhagra A. Ultrasound for internal medicine physicians: the future of the physical examination. J Ultrasound Med. 2014 Jun; 33 (6):1005-11
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  58. Chowdhary VR, Crowson CS, Bhagra AS, Warrington KJ, Vrtiska TJ. CT angiographic imaging characteristics of thoracic idiopathic aortitis. J Cardiovasc Comput Tomogr. 2013 Sep-Oct; 7 (5):297-302 Epub 2013 Sept 26
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  59. Sah RP, Wilson ME, Seningen J, Bhagra A. Relapsing fevers and lymphadenopathy in a young woman. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jul 13; 2013 Epub 2013 July 13
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  60. Sekiguchi H, Bhagra A, Gajic O, Kashani KB. A general Critical Care Ultrasonography workshop: results of a novel Web-based learning program combined with simulation-based hands-on training. J Crit Care. 2013 Apr; 28: (2)217.e7-12.
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  61. Bhagra A, Syed H, Reed DA, Poterucha TH, Cha SS, Baumgartner TJ, Takahashi PY. Efficacy of musculoskeletal injections by primary care providers in the office: a retrospective cohort study. Int J Gen Med. 2013; 6:237-43 Epub 2013 Apr 15
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  62. Toledano M, Bhagra A. Pericardial calcification in constrictive pericarditis. Int J Emerg Med. 2012 Oct 13; 5 (1):37
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  63. Larsen CM, Nakamura KM, Bhagra A. 34-year-old woman with abdominal pain and blood-streaked diarrhea. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Sep; 87 (9):905-8
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  64. Bhagra A, Takahashi PY. Ultrasound and landmark guided arthrocentesis and musculoskeletal injections in elderly. Arizona Geriatrics Society Journal. 2012; 17(1):3-6 Epub 2012.
  65. Thompson CA, Mauck K, Havyer R, Bhagra A, Kalsi H, Hayes SN. Care of the adult Hodgkin lymphoma survivor. Am J Med. 2011 Dec; 124 (12):1106-12
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  66. Keddis MT, Cullen MW, Reed DA, Halvorsen AJ, McDonald FS, Takahashi PY, Bhagra A. Effectiveness of an ultrasound training module for internal medicine residents. BMC Med Educ. 2011 Sep 28; 11:75 Epub 2011 Sept 28
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  67. Kurklinsky AK, Kalsi H, Wysokinski WE, Mauck KF, Bhagra A, Havyer RD, Thompson CA, Hayes SN, McBane RD 2nd. Fibrin d-dimer concentration, deep vein thrombosis symptom duration, and venous thrombus volume. Angiology. 2011 Apr; 62: (3)253-6.
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  68. Stead LG, Suravaram S, Bellolio MF, Enduri S, Rabinstein A, Gilmore RM, Bhagra A, Manivannan V, Decker WW. An assessment of the incremental value of the ABCD2 score in the emergency department evaluation of transient ischemic attack. Ann Emerg Med. 2011 Jan; 57 (1):46-51 Epub 2010 Sept 19
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  69. Moseley BD, Bhagra A. The coffee bean sign. Int J Emerg Med. 2009 Nov 20; 2 (4):267-8
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  70. Nassaralla CL, Naessens JM, Hunt VL, Bhagra A, Chaudhry R, Hansen MA, Tulledge-Scheitel SM. Medication reconciliation in ambulatory care: attempts at improvement. Qual Saf Health Care. 2009 Oct; 18 (5):402-7
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  71. Stead LG, Gilmore RM, Bellolio MF, Mishra S, Bhagra A, Vaidyanathan L, Decker WW, Brown RD Jr. Hyperglycemia as an independent predictor of worse outcome in non-diabetic patients presenting with acute ischemic stroke. Neurocrit Care. 2009; 10 (2):181-6
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  72. Stead LG, Bellolio MF, Suravaram S, Brown RD Jr, Bhagra A, Gilmore RM, Boie ET, Decker WW. Evaluation of transient ischemic attack in an emergency department observation unit. Neurocrit Care. 2009; 10 (2):204-8 Epub 2008 Oct 11
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  73. Stead LG, Wijdicks EF, Bhagra A, Kashyap R, Bellolio MF, Nash DL, Enduri S, Schears R, William B. Validation of a new coma scale, the FOUR score, in the emergency department. Neurocrit Care. 2009; 10 (1):50-4 Epub 2008 Sept 20
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  74. Stead LG, Vaidyanathan L, Bellolio MF, Kashyap R, Bhagra A, Gilmore RM, Decker WW, Enduri S, Suravaram S, Mishra S, Nash D, Wood HM, Yassa AS, Hoff AM, Brown RD. Knowledge of signs, treatment and need for urgent management in patients presenting with an acute ischaemic stroke or transient ischaemic attack: a prospective study. Emerg Med J. 2008 Nov; 25 (11):735-9
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  75. Bhagra A, Suravaram S, Anderson JL. Chest pain in an adolescent male. Int J Emerg Med. 2008 Sep; 1 (3):225-6 Epub 2008 Sept 03
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  76. Bhagra A, Suravaram S, Schears RM. Testicular torsion-a common surgical emergency. Int J Emerg Med. 2008 Jun; 1 (2):147 Epub 2008 Mar 19
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  77. Bhagra A, Anand N, Bellolio MF. A pulled muscle: Aortic Dissection. The Internet Journal of Radiology.2008;9:(1):
  78. Bhagra A, Rao RD. Chemotherapy-induced neuropathy. Curr Oncol Rep. 2007 Jul; 9 (4):290-9
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  79. Bhagra A, Stead LG. Images in emergency medicine. Ramsay Hunt syndrome: a rare entity. Ann Emerg Med. 2006 Jun; 47(6):579, 584. Epub 2006 Feb 02.
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  80. Bhagra A, Stead LG. Basilar invagination, a rare condition mimicking posterior circulation stroke. Neurocrit Care. 2006; 5(3):213-4.
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  81. Gilmore RM, Bhagra A, Stead LG. Pneumocephalus secondary to lumbar catheterization. Neurocrit Care. 2006; 5 (1):49-50
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  82. Bhagra A, Gilmore RM, Stead LG. A sinister cause of nausea and vomiting. Neurocrit Care. 2006; 5: (1)43-4.
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  83. Sethi S, Solanki RS, Hemal U, Bhagra A. Chorioangioma of Placenta-Case Report. Indian J Radiol Imag. 2004; 14(1):165-6.
  84. Sethi S, Solanki RS, Hemal U, Bhagra A. Radiological Quiz - Orbit. Indian J Radiol Imag. 2004; 14(1):93-4.
  85. Arora A. Cystic Hygroma of the Chest Wall. Indian J Radiol Imag. 2003; 13(1):120-1.
  86. Hemal U, Arora A. Chondrodysplasia punctata. Indian J Radiol Imag. 2002; 12(3):425-6.