Description and Brand Names

Drug information provided by: Merative, Micromedex®

US Brand Name

  1. Bayhep B
  2. HepaGam B
  3. HyperHEP B
  4. Nabi-HB
  5. Nabi-HB NovaPlus


Hepatitis B immune globulin (Human) injection is used to prevent hepatitis B from occurring again in HBsAg-positive liver transplant patients who have had liver transplants. This medicine also helps keep you from getting sick if you have been exposed to hepatitis B virus.

Hepatitis B immune globulin (Human) injection may be used for the following patients:

  • Sexual partners of persons with hepatitis B.
  • Persons who may be exposed to the virus by means of blood, blood products, or human bites, such as health care workers, employees in medical facilities, patients and staff of live-in facilities and day-care programs for the developmentally disabled, morticians and embalmers, police and fire department personnel, and military personnel.
  • Those who have household exposure to persons with acute hepatitis B and babies less than 12 months old whose caregiver tests positive for hepatitis B.
  • Babies born to mothers who test positive for hepatitis B.

This medicine is to be administered only by or under the supervision of your doctor.

This product is available in the following dosage forms:

  • Solution