
    Dec. 08, 2023

    These phone numbers will connect you directly with an appointment coordinator in Referring Physician Services at the respective Mayo Clinic campus. Patient appointments are scheduled Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. local time at each campus. Consultations with Mayo physicians also are available during these hours.

    For fax requests, download a referral form. Fill it out on your computer, then print and fax it to the appropriate campus. You'll receive a response to your fax request within three days.

    Mayo Clinic, Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona

    Mayo Clinic, Jacksonville, Florida

    Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota

    Mayo Clinic CareLink (referring physician portal)

    We have a secure online referral service to help you refer patients to Mayo Clinic and view their clinical results, including:

    • Clinical notes
    • Discharge notes
    • Patient itinerary
    • Radiology and pathology reports
    • Test results
    • Surgical summaries
    • Visit summaries

    什么是 CareLink

    为患者提供转诊的医务人员可以使用一个网络应用程序与妙佑医疗国际合作。欢迎使用 CareLink。通过 CareLink,您可以随时提交转诊申请,还可以提交记录和图像。此外,您可以查看转诊进展和患者下一步的日程安排,并查阅妙佑医疗国际团队的备注或记录。注册只需要几分钟时间。点击“创建您的账户”。做法很简单:为您的组织申请一个账户,然后为每个用户分别申请一个。申请会在大约七个工作日内得到处理。审核通过后将以电子邮件方式通知您。

    这是妙佑医疗国际 CareLink 的主页。顶部有选项卡,页面上还有其他链接。让我们快速了解一些关键功能。点击“近期约诊”,查看患者在妙佑医疗国际的下一步就诊安排。点击“申请”,查看您已经提交的记录申请的进展。点击“报告”,查看您当前转诊患者的状态报告。点击“未读讯息”,阅读需要您注意的讯息。点击“快速链接”,查看文章和其他信息。请注意,培训和支持链接提供指南、支持和联系信息。此外,您可以随时点击问号,针对您正在查看的页面获取具体信息。

    接下来,我们来深入了解一下网站的一些关键分区。我们将从患者名单开始。在这里可以查看您有哪些患者目前正在使用妙佑医疗国际 CareLink。您为患者采取操作后,他们将在当前列表中保留 120 天。点击患者的名字可以进行其他操作,如查看他们的记录或提交转诊申请。在安排转诊时,您可以分享相关信息(包括转诊原因和行程安排说明)、上传记录或影像,以及向妙佑医疗国际医务人员作出大致说明。您的医嘱界面因申请类型而异。下面以辅助服务医嘱页面为例。



    如果您对如何使用 CareLink 有任何具体问题,请联系您的医生联络员或关系团队成员。如果您有任何技术或支持问题,请通过屏幕上的电话号码或电子邮件地址联系 CareLink 支持团队。妙佑医疗国际 CareLink 提供一种简单的协作方式,使您和您的团队能够更好地照顾患者。

    Requesting a referral

    We will need this patient information to schedule an appointment:

    • Name
    • Address
    • Phone number
    • Date of birth
    • Mayo Clinic registration number, if a previous patient
    • Type of insurance, such as HMO, workers' compensation, medical assistance
    • Nature of medical issue

    We also need to know:

    • Your referring physician National Provider Identifier (NPI) number
    • Services you would like Mayo Clinic to provide

    Patients with urgent medical or surgical needs are given priority in the appointment system. Appointments for non-urgent medical issues are scheduled several days to several weeks in advance. In general, pediatric services are offered only at Mayo Clinic's campus in Rochester, Minnesota.

    Once your patient has been seen at Mayo Clinic, you will receive the following:

    • Medical records and Summary reports
    • You will receive your patient's Mayo Clinic medical records in a timely manner once he or she is seen. Users of CareLink, our referring physician portal, will have immediate access to their patients' records and will not receive mailed or faxed reports. Our physicians will provide a summary of diagnostic reports and treatments to you as soon as it becomes available. Mayo encourages referring physicians to register for a portal account. Records will be sent via mail or fax for those medical professionals who do not use the portal.

    Hospital admissions and transfers

    Experienced nursing staff is available 24/7 to coordinate direct admission, emergency department evaluation or inpatient consultation for your patients at any Mayo Clinic Hospital location. Additionally, safe transport using Mayo Clinic Ambulance Service can be coordinated for airplane, helicopter and ground transportation through the same phone call.

    Why refer to Mayo Clinic

    Mayo Clinic respects the relationships you have with your patients and is committed to open communication and prompt follow-up after your patient is seen.

    We recognize that your patient looks to you as his or her primary provider — and we expect to entrust your patient back to your ongoing care after being seen at Mayo Clinic. Mayo sees patients from all walks of life and is an in-network provider for millions of people. To refer a patient, you don't need to know a Mayo Clinic staff member or have a previous relationship with us. Let us collaborate with you to provide the highest quality patient care.

    Quality and expertise. Mayo Clinic is continually developing new diagnosis and treatment techniques and refining and improving existing ones. Mayo Clinic has tertiary and quaternary expertise found in few other medical centers, including novel treatment options and clinical trials.

    Collaboration. Working together with medical professionals in the community and around the world has been part of Mayo's culture since our founding over 150 years ago. Let us collaborate with you to provide the highest quality patient care..

    Ease. Click, call or fax — we offer several ways to refer patients, all streamlined to save time for you and your colleagues. Use Mayo Clinic CareLink when it's convenient for you to view patient appointment times and subsequent clinical notes and test results.

    Locations. We have major campuses in three regions of the U.S. — Rochester, Minnesota; Jacksonville, Florida; and Phoenix/Scottsdale, Arizona — as well as Mayo Clinic Health System locations that serve more than 60 communities in Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. This offers your patients multiple ways to access Mayo Clinic, no matter where they live.

    Telephone consults with Mayo Clinic physicians

    Physicians in most medical and surgical specialties are available for urgent consultations. Call the Mayo Clinic operator to arrange.

    See the list of medical departments and centers at each Mayo Clinic campus.

