
Angela C. Mattke, M.D.

  1. Pediatrician


  1. Lebow J, Billings M, Mattke A, Partain P, Gewirtz O'Brien J, Narr C, Breland R, Jacobson RM, Loeb K, Sim L. Does embedding pediatric eating disorder treatment in primary care bridge the access gap? Eat Disord. 2024 May-Jun; 32 (3):283-296 Epub 2024 Jan 11
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  2. Lebow J, Sim L, Redmond S, Billings M, Mattke A, Gewirtz O'Brien JR, Partain P, Narr C, Breland R, Soma D, Schmit T, Magill S, Leonard A, Crane S, Le Grange D, Loeb K, Clark M, Phelan S, Jacobson RM, Enders F, Lyster-Mensh LC, Leppin A. Adapting Behavioral Treatments for Primary Care Using a Theory-Based Framework: The Case of Adolescent Eating Disorders. Acad Pediatr. 2024 Mar; 24 (2):208-215 Epub 2023 Aug 09
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  3. Partain P, Sim L, Fladager Muth J, Mattke A, Billings M, Jacobson R, Le Grange D, Lebow J. The Role of Primary Care in Bridging Adolescents Awaiting Eating Disorder Treatment. Pediatrics. 2023 Nov 1; 152 (5)
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  4. Lebow J, O'Brien JRG, Mattke A, Narr C, Geske J, Billings M, Clark MM, Jacobson RM, Phelan S, Le Grange D, Sim L. A primary care modification of family-based treatment for adolescent restrictive eating disorders. Eat Disord. 2021 Jul-Aug; 29 (4):376-389 Epub 2019 Nov 01
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  5. Gewirtz O'Brien JR, Sim L, Narr C, Mattke A, Billings M, Jacobson RM, Lebow J. Addressing Disparities in Adolescent Eating Disorders: A Case Report of Family-Based Treatment in Primary Care. J Pediatr Health Care. 2021 May-Jun; 35 (3):320-326 Epub 2021 Jan 28
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  6. Lebow J, Mattke A, Narr C, Partain P, Breland R, Gewirtz O'Brien JR, Geske J, Billings M, Clark MM, Jacobson RM, Phelan S, Harbeck-Weber C, Le Grange D, Sim L. Can adolescents with eating disorders be treated in primary care? A retrospective clinical cohort study. J Eat Disord. 2021 Apr 23; 9 (1):55
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  7. Lebow J, Narr C, Mattke A, Gewirtz O'Brien JR, Billings M, Hathaway J, Vickers K, Jacobson R, Sim L. Engaging primary care providers in managing pediatric eating disorders: a mixed methods study. J Eat Disord. 2021 Jan 14; 9 (1):11
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  8. Veetil BM, Reed AM, Mattke AC. Coronary artery thickening with mucosal lesions in Henoch-Schonlein purpura. Pediatr Dermatol. 2012 May-Jun; 29 (3):377-8 Epub 2011 Sept 09
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  9. Mattke A, Schmitz JJ, Zink T. Call it what it is: sexual harassment. Acad Med. 2009 Feb; 84(2):191.
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