
Brendon M. Colaco, M.B.B.S.


  1. Neshat SS, Heidari A, Henriquez-Beltran M, Patel K, Colaco B, Arunthari V, Lee Mateus AY, Cheung J, Labarca G. Evaluating pharmacological treatments for excessive daytime sleepiness in obstructive sleep apnea: A comprehensive network meta-analysis and systematic review. Sleep Med Rev. 2024 Aug; 76:101934 Epub 2024 Apr 30
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  2. Barrios-Ruiz A, Yu Lee-Mateus A, Hazelett BN, Walsh KL, Fernandez-Bussy S, Arunthari V, Colaco B, Taylor BJ, Abia-Trujillo D. Pneumatic stenting in the surgical candidacy assessment for cough variant expiratory central airway collapse. Respir Med Case Rep. 2023; 45:101889 Epub 2023 July 01
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  3. Gohar AA, Knauert M, Kalot MA, Khan A, Sider D, Javed MA, Wooldridge D, Eck L, Buckhold F, Colaco B, Bhat A, Castillo DM, Newman R, Mustafa RA. Influence of medical trainee sleep pattern (chronotype) on burn-out and satisfaction with work schedules: a multicentre observational study. Postgrad Med J. 2022 Dec; 98 (1166):936-941 Epub 2021 Dec 08
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  4. Gohar AA, Knauert M, Kalot MA, Khan A, Sider D, Javed MA, Wooldridge D, Eck L, Buckhold F, Colaco B, Bhat A, Castillo DM, Newman R, Mustafa RA. Influence of medical trainee sleep pattern (chronotype) on burn-out and satisfaction with work schedules: a multicentre observational study. Postgrad Med J. 2022 Dec 1; 98 (1166):936-941
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  5. Dupuy-McCauley KL, Mudrakola HV, Colaco B, Arunthari V, Slota KA, Morgenthaler TI. A comparison of 2 visual methods for classifying obstructive vs central hypopneas. J Clin Sleep Med. 2021 Jun 1; 17 (6):1157-1165
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  6. Colaco B, Herold D, Johnson M, Roellinger D, Naessens JM, Morgenthaler TI. Analyses of the Complexity of Patients Undergoing Attended Polysomnography in the Era of Home Sleep Apnea Tests. J Clin Sleep Med. 2018 Apr 15; 14 (4):631-639
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  7. Colaco BM, Olson EJ, Kolla BP, Kolla BP, Forde IC, Mansukhani MP. A simple intervention that markedly reduces the effectiveness of positive airway pressure. Sleep Med. 2017 Dec; 40:103-105 Epub 2017 Oct 13
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  8. Colaco B, Mansukhani MP, Kolla BP. Severe sleep apnea resistant to all treatments. Sleep Med. 2017 May; 33:160-164 Epub 2017 Mar 10
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  9. Chatterjee K, Colaco B, Colaco C, Hellman M, Meena N. Rasmussen's aneurysm: A forgotten scourge. Respir Med Case Rep. 2015; 16:74-6.
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  10. BeLue R, Francis LA, Rollins B, Colaco B. One size does not fit all: identifying risk profiles for overweight in adolescent population subsets. J Adolesc Health. 2009 Nov; 45: (5)517-24.
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  11. BeLue R, Francis LA, Colaco B. Mental health problems and overweight in a nationally representative sample of adolescents: effects of race and ethnicity. Pediatrics. 2009 Feb; 123: (2)697-702.
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