
Ana-Maria Chindris, M.D.

  1. Endocrinologist
  2. Internist


  1. McKenna AL, Wilson JR, Dumitrascu AG, Meek SE, Chindris AM. Hypoglycemia After Ingestion of "Street Valium" Containing Glyburide, Alcohol, and Cocaine. AACE Clin Case Rep. 2024 Jul-Aug; 10 (4):149-151 Epub 2024 Apr 24
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  2. Chindris AM, Rao SN, Chirila RM, Dumitrascu AG. A case of celiac plexus block causing iatrogenic Cushing's syndrome. Clin Case Rep. 2024 Apr; 12 (4):e8777 Epub 2024 Apr 15
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  3. Dumitrascu AG, Chindris AM, Matei C, Chirila RM. When a "Low T" Diagnosis Can Be the Clue to a More Complex Problem. Cureus. 2023 Dec; 15 (12):e51215 Epub 2023 Dec 28
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  4. Castellanos Sanchez PL, Chindris AM, Paz-Fumagalli R, Ismail S, Bernet VJ. A Middle-aged Woman With Recurrent Intrathyroidal Parathyroid Cyst Treated With Ethanol Sclerotherapy. AACE Clin Case Rep. 2023 Nov-Dec; 9(6):186-188. Epub 2023 Oct 10.
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  5. Chindris AM, Desai K, Ozgursoy SK, Heckman MG, Casler JD. A Parathyroid Hormone-Guided Calcium and Calcitriol Supplementation Protocol Reduces Hypocalcemia-Related Readmissions Following Total Thyroidectomy. Endocr Pract. 2023 Apr; 29 (4):260-265 Epub 2023 Jan 20
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  6. Dumitrascu AG, Perry MF, Boone RJ, Guzman MP, Chirila RM, McNally AW, Colibaseanu DT, Meek SE, Ball CT, White LJ, Chindris AM. Continuous Glucose Monitoring for Patients with COVID-19 Pneumonia: Initial Experience at a Tertiary Care Center. Endocr Pract. 2023 Mar; 29(3):155-161. Epub 2022 Dec 22.
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  7. Bernet VJ, Chindris AM. Update on the Evaluation of Thyroid Nodules. J Nucl Med. 2021 Jul; 62 (Suppl 2):13S-19S
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  8. Alhumaidi H, Manochakian R, Cochuyt J, Chindris A, Hodge D, Abdulazeez MF, David S, Biswas S, Aggarwal CS, Smallridge RC, Ailawadhi S. Initial treatment of patients with thyroid cancer: Outcomes and factors associated with care at academic versus nonacademic cancer centers. Cancer. 2021 Jun 1; 127 (11):1770-1778 Epub 2021 Jan 15
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  9. Chindris AM, Tribus L, Bernet V, Chirila R. Incidental Intra-Infundibular Pituicytoma. Acta Endocrinol (Buchar). 2021 Apr-Jun; 17 (1):137
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  10. Cao C, Jasim S, Cherian A, Nassar A, Chindris AM, Rivas AM, Bonnett S, Caserta M, Stan MN, Bernet VJ. Patient Discomfort in Relation to Thyroid Nodule Fine-Needle Aspiration (FNA) Performed with or without Parenteral and/or Topical Anesthetic. Endocr Pract. 2020 Dec; 26 (12):1497-1504
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  11. Klubo-Gwiezdzinska J, Auh S, Gershengorn M, Daley B, Bikas A, Burman K, Wartofsky L, Urken M, Dewey E, Smallridge R, Chindris AM, Kebebew E. Association of Thyrotropin Suppression With Survival Outcomes in Patients With Intermediate- and High-Risk Differentiated Thyroid Cancer. JAMA Netw Open. 2019 Feb 1; 2 (2):e187754 Epub 2019 Feb 01
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  12. Rivas AM, Nassar A, Zhang J, Casler JD, Chindris AM, Smallridge R, Bernet V. THYROSEQ((R))V2.0 MOLECULAR TESTING: A COST-EFFECTIVE APPROACH FOR THE EVALUATION OF INDETERMINATE THYROID NODULES. Endocr Pract. 2018 Sep; 24 (9):780-788 Epub 2018 Aug 07
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  13. Akturk HK, Chindris AM, Hines JM, Singh RJ, Bernet VJ. Over-the-Counter "Adrenal Support" Supplements Contain Thyroid and Steroid-Based Adrenal Hormones. Mayo Clin Proc. 2018 Mar; 93 (3):284-290
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  14. Sood N, Desai K, Chindris AM, Lewis J, Dinh TA. Symptomatic Ovarian Steroid Cell Tumor not Otherwise Specified in a Post-Menopausal Woman. Rare Tumors. 2016 Jun 28; 8 (2):6200 Epub 2016 June 28
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  15. Kasaian K, Chindris AM, Wiseman SM, Mungall KL, Zeng T, Tse K, Schein JE, Rivera M, Necela BM, Kachergus JM, Casler JD, Mungall AJ, Moore RA, Marra MA, Copland JA, Thompson EA, Smallridge RC, Jones SJ. MEN1 mutations in Hurthle cell (oncocytic) thyroid carcinoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2015 Apr; 100 (4):E611-5 Epub 2015 Jan 27
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  16. Smallridge RC, Chindris AM, Asmann YW, Casler JD, Serie DJ, Reddi HV, Cradic KW, Rivera M, Grebe SK, Necela BM, Eberhardt NL, Carr JM, McIver B, Copland JA, Thompson EA. RNA sequencing identifies multiple fusion transcripts, differentially expressed genes, and reduced expression of immune function genes in BRAF (V600E) mutant vs BRAF wild-type papillary thyroid carcinoma. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2014 Feb; 99 (2):E338-47 Epub 2013 Dec 02
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  17. Chindris AM, Diehl NN, Crook JE, Fatourechi V, Smallridge RC. Undetectable sensitive serum thyroglobulin (<0.1 ng/ml) in 163 patients with follicular cell-derived thyroid cancer: results of rhTSH stimulation and neck ultrasonography and long-term biochemical and clinical follow-up. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2012 Aug; 97: (8)2714-23.
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  18. Bernet V, Chindris AM. The potential dangers of supplements and herbal products marketed for improved thyroid function. Expert Rev Endocrinol Metab. 2012 May; 7 (3):247-249
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  19. Jamil LH, Chindris AM, Gill KR, Scimeca D, Stauffer JA, Heckman MG, Meek SE, Nguyen JH, Asbun HJ, Raimondo M, Woodward TA, Wallace MB. Glycemic control after total pancreatectomy for intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm: an exploratory study. HPB Surg. 2012; 2012:381328 Epub 2012 Aug 26
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