
Jian L. Campian, M.D., Ph.D.

  1. Oncologist


  1. Webb LM, Webb MJ, Campian JL, Caron SJ, Ruff MW, Uhm JH, Sener U. A case series of osseous metastases in patients with glioblastoma. Medicine (Baltimore). 2024 Jul 5; 103 (27):e38794
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  2. Huang J, Campian JL, DeWees TA, Skrott Z, Mistrik M, Johanns TM, Ansstas G, Butt O, Leuthardt E, Dunn GP, Zipfel GJ, Osbun JW, Abraham C, Badiyan S, Schwetye K, Cairncross JG, Rubin JB, Kim AH, Chheda MG. A Phase 1/2 Study of Disulfiram and Copper With Concurrent Radiation Therapy and Temozolomide for Patients With Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2024 May 19 [Epub ahead of print]
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  3. Webb LM, Campian JL, Caron SJ, Roh M, Sener U. A Rare Case of Glioblastoma with Osseous Metastases. Can J Neurol Sci. 2024 May; 51 (3):425-426 Epub 2023 July 24
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  4. Ser MH, Webb MJ, Sener U, Campian JL. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors and Glioblastoma: A Review on Current State and Future Directions. J Immunother Precis Oncol. 2024 May; 7 (2):97-110 Epub 2024 May 02
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  5. Friesen JN, Saha B, Hickman A, Campian JL. Upper Tract Urothelial Carcinoma Complicated by Skeletal Muscle Metastases. J Med Cases. 2024 Apr; 15 (2-3):60-65 Epub 2024 Apr 08
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  6. Sener U, Webb M, Breen WG, Neth BJ, Laack NN, Routman D, Brown PD, Mahajan A, Frechette K, Dudek AZ, Markovic SN, Block MS, McWilliams RR, Dimou A, Kottschade LA, Montane HN, Kizilbash SH, Campian JL. Proton Craniospinal Irradiation with Immunotherapy in Two Patients with Leptomeningeal Disease from Melanoma. J Immunother Precis Oncol. 2024 Feb; 7 (1):1-6 Epub 2024 Feb 05
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  7. Neth BJ, Raghunathan A, Kizilbash SH, Uhm JH, Breen WG, Johnson DR, Daniels DJ, Sener U, Carabenciov ID, Campian JL, Khatua S, Mahajan A, Ruff MW. Management and Long-term Outcomes of Adults With Medulloblastoma: A Single-Center Experience. Neurology. 2023 Sep 19; 101 (12):e1256-e1271 Epub 2023 July 31
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  8. Webb MJ, Breen WG, Laack NN, Leventakos K, Campian JL, Sener U. Proton craniospinal irradiation with bevacizumab and pembrolizumab for leptomeningeal disease: a case report. CNS Oncol. 2023 Sep 1; 12 (3):CNS101 Epub 2023 July 25
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  9. Brastianos PK, Twohy E, Geyer S, Gerstner ER, Kaufmann TJ, Tabrizi S, Kabat B, Thierauf J, Ruff MW, Bota DA, Reardon DA, Cohen AL, De La Fuente MI, Lesser GJ, Campian J, Agarwalla PK, Kumthekar P, Mann B, Vora S, Knopp M, Iafrate AJ, Curry WT Jr, Cahill DP, Shih HA, Brown PD, Santagata S, Barker FG 2nd, Galanis E. BRAF-MEK Inhibition in Newly Diagnosed Papillary Craniopharyngiomas. N Engl J Med. 2023 Jul 13; 389 (2):118-126
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  10. Webb MJ, Campian JL, Sener U. Teaching NeuroImage: Intracranial Solitary Fibrous Tumor With Liver Metastasis. Neurology. 2023 May 2; 100 (18):884-885 Epub 2022 Dec 23
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  11. Riviere-Cazaux C, Lacey JM, Carlstrom LP, Laxen WJ, Munoz-Casabella A, Hoplin MD, Ikram S, Zubair AB, Andersen KM, Warrington AE, Decker PA, Kaufmann TJ, Campian JL, Eckel-Passow JE, Kizilbash SH, Tortorelli S, Burns TC. Cerebrospinal fluid 2-hydroxyglutarate (2-HG) as a monitoring biomarker for IDH-mutant gliomas. medRxiv. 2023 Mar 2.
  12. Riviere-Cazaux C, Lacey JM, Carlstrom LP, Laxen WJ, Munoz-Casabella A, Hoplin MD, Ikram S, Zubair AB, Andersen KM, Warrington AE, Decker PA, Kaufmann TJ, Campian JL, Eckel-Passow JE, Kizilbash SH, Tortorelli S, Burns TC. Cerebrospinal fluid 2-hydroxyglutarate as a monitoring biomarker for IDH-mutant gliomas. Neurooncol Adv. 2023 Jan-Dec; 5 (1):vdad061 Epub 2023 May 11
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  13. Webb MJ, Neth BJ, Webb LM, Van Gompel JJ, Link MJ, Neff BA, Carlson ML, Driscoll CL, Dornhoffer J, Ruff MW, Anderson KA, Kizilbash SH, Campian JL, Uhm JH, Lane JI, Benson JC, Blezek DJ, Mehta PM, Bathla G, Sener UT. Withdrawal of bevacizumab is associated with rebound growth of vestibular schwannomas in neurofibromatosis type 2-related schwannomatosis patients. Neurooncol Adv. 2023 Jan-Dec; 5(1):vdad123. Epub 2023 Sep 22.
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  14. Liau LM, Ashkan K, Brem S, Campian JL, Trusheim JE, Iwamoto FM, Tran DD, Ansstas G, Cobbs CS, Heth JA, Salacz ME, D'Andre S, Aiken RD, Moshel YA, Nam JY, Pillainayagam CP, Wagner SA, Walter KA, Chaudary R, Goldlust SA, Lee IY, Bota DA, Elinzano H, Grewal J, Lillehei K, Mikkelsen T, Walbert T, Abram S, Brenner AJ, Ewend MG, Khagi S, Lovick DS, Portnow J, Kim L, Loudon WG, Martinez NL, Thompson RC, Avigan DE, Fink KL, Geoffroy FJ, Giglio P, Gligich O, Krex D, Lindhorst SM, Lutzky J, Meisel HJ, Nadji-Ohl M, Sanchin L, Sloan A, Taylor LP, Wu JK, Dunbar EM, Etame AB, Kesari S, Mathieu D, Piccioni DE, Baskin DS, Lacroix M, May SA, New PZ, Pluard TJ, Toms SA, Tse V, Peak S, Villano JL, Battiste JD, Mulholland PJ, Pearlman ML, Petrecca K, Schulder M, Prins RM, Boynton AL, Bosch ML. Association of Autologous Tumor Lysate-Loaded Dendritic Cell Vaccination With Extension of Survival Among Patients With Newly Diagnosed and Recurrent Glioblastoma: A Phase 3 Prospective Externally Controlled Cohort Trial. JAMA Oncol. 2022 Nov 17 [Epub ahead of print]
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  15. Sener U, Ruff MW, Campian JL. Immunotherapy in Glioblastoma: Current Approaches and Future Perspectives. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Jun 24; 23 (13) Epub 2022 June 24
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  16. Damato AR, Katumba RGN, Luo J, Atluri H, Talcott GR, Govindan A, Slat EA, Weilbaecher KN, Tao Y, Huang J, Butt OH, Ansstas G, Johanns TM, Chheda MG, Herzog ED, Rubin JB, Campian JL. A randomized feasibility study evaluating temozolomide circadian medicine in patients with glioma. Neurooncol Pract. 2022 May; 9 (3):193-200 Epub 2022 Jan 31
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  17. Campian JL, Ghosh S, Kapoor V, Yan R, Thotala S, Jash A, Hu T, Mahadevan A, Rifai K, Page L, Lee BH, Ferrando-Martinez S, Wolfarth AA, Yang SH, Hallahan D, Chheda MG, Thotala D. Long-Acting Recombinant Human Interleukin-7, NT-I7, Increases Cytotoxic CD8 T Cells and Enhances Survival in Mouse Glioma Models. Clin Cancer Res. 2022 Mar 15; 28 (6):1229-1239
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  18. Hwang H, Huang J, Khaddour K, Butt OH, Ansstas G, Chen J, Katumba RG, Kim AH, Leuthardt EC, Campian JL. Prolonged response of recurrent IDH-wild-type glioblastoma to laser interstitial thermal therapy with pembrolizumab. CNS Oncol. 2022 Mar 1; 11 (1):CNS81 Epub 2022 Jan 19
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  19. de Groot JF, Kim AH, Prabhu S, Rao G, Laxton AW, Fecci PE, O'Brien BJ, Sloan A, Chiang V, Tatter SB, Mohammadi AM, Placantonakis DG, Strowd RE, Chen C, Hadjipanayis C, Khasraw M, Sun D, Piccioni D, Sinicrope KD, Campian JL, Kurz SC, Williams B, Smith K, Tovar-Spinoza Z, Leuthardt EC. Efficacy of laser interstitial thermal therapy (LITT) for newly diagnosed and recurrent IDH wild-type glioblastoma. Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4 (1):vdac040 Epub 2022 Apr 06
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  20. Galanis E, Anderson SK, Twohy E, Butowski NA, Hormigo A, Schiff D, Omuro A, Jaeckle KA, Kumar S, Kaufmann TJ, Geyer S, Kumthekar PU, Campian J, Giannini C, Buckner JC, Wen PY. Phase I/randomized phase II trial of TRC105 plus bevacizumab versus bevacizumab in recurrent glioblastoma: North Central Cancer Treatment Group N1174 (Alliance). Neurooncol Adv. 2022 Jan-Dec; 4 (1):vdac041 Epub 2022 Apr 04
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  21. Nduom EK, Gephart MH, Chheda MG, Suva ML, Amankulor N, Battiste JD, Campian JL, Dacey RG, Das S, Fecci PE, Hadjipanayis CG, Hoang KB, Jalali A, Orringer D, Patel AJ, Placantonakis D, Rodriguez A, Yang I, Yu JS, Zipfel GJ, Dunn GP, Leuthardt EC, Kim AH. Re-evaluating Biopsy for Recurrent Glioblastoma: A Position Statement by the Christopher Davidson Forum Investigators. Neurosurgery. 2021 Jun 15; 89 (1):129-132
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  22. Hassanzadeh C, Rudra S, Ma S, Brenneman R, Huang Y, Henke L, Abraham C, Campian J, Tsien C, Huang J. Evaluation of interim MRI changes during limited-field radiation therapy for glioblastoma and implications for treatment planning. Radiother Oncol. 2021 May; 158:237-243 Epub 2021 Feb 13
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  23. Xi J, Hassan B, Katumba RGN, Khaddour K, Govindan A, Luo J, Huang J, Campian JL. The predictive value of absolute lymphocyte counts on tumor progression and pseudoprogression in patients with glioblastoma. BMC Cancer. 2021 Mar 16; 21 (1):285
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  24. Galdieri L, Jash A, Malkova O, Mao DD, DeSouza P, Chu YE, Salter A, Campian JL, Naegle KM, Brennan CW, Wakimoto H, Oh ST, Kim AH, Chheda MG. Defining phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of glioblastoma stem cells by mass cytometry. JCI Insight. 2021 Feb 22; 6 (4)
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  25. Ma S, Rudra S, Campian JL, Chheda MG, Johanns TM, Ansstas G, Abraham CD, Chicoine MR, Leuthardt EC, Dowling JL, Dunn GP, Kim AH, Huang J. Salvage therapies for radiation-relapsed isocitrate dehydrogenase-mutant astrocytoma and 1p/19q codeleted oligodendroglioma. Neurooncol Adv. 2021 Jan-Dec; 3 (1):vdab081 Epub 2021 June 18
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  26. Ellingson BM, Patel K, Wang C, Raymond C, Brenner A, de Groot JF, Butowski NA, Zach L, Campian JL, Schlossman J, Rizvi S, Cohen YC, Lowenton-Spier N, Minei TR, Shmueli SF, Wen PY, Cloughesy TF. Validation of diffusion MRI as a biomarker for efficacy using randomized phase III trial of bevacizumab with or without VB-111 in recurrent glioblastoma. Neurooncol Adv. 2021 Jan-Dec; 3 (1):vdab082 Epub 2021 June 19
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  27. Butt OH, Zhou AY, Huang J, Leidig WA, Silberstein AE, Chheda MG, Johanns TM, Ansstas G, Liu J, Talcott G, Nakiwala R, Shimony JS, Kim AH, Leuthardt EC, Tran DD, Campian JL. A phase II study of laser interstitial thermal therapy combined with doxorubicin in patients with recurrent glioblastoma. Neurooncol Adv. 2021 Jan-Dec; 3 (1):vdab164 Epub 2021 Nov 15
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  28. Damato AR, Luo J, Katumba RGN, Talcott GR, Rubin JB, Herzog ED, Campian JL. Temozolomide chronotherapy in patients with glioblastoma: a retrospective single-institute study. Neurooncol Adv. 2021 Jan-Dec; 3 (1):vdab041 Epub 2021 Mar 02
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  29. COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium. Electronic address: jeremy.warner@vumc.org, COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium. A Systematic Framework to Rapidly Obtain Data on Patients with Cancer and COVID-19: CCC19 Governance, Protocol, and Quality Assurance. Cancer Cell. 2020 Dec 14; 38(6):761-766. Epub 2020 Oct 29.
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  30. Nabors LB, Portnow J, Ahluwalia M, Baehring J, Brem H, Brem S, Butowski N, Campian JL, Clark SW, Fabiano AJ, Forsyth P, Hattangadi-Gluth J, Holdhoff M, Horbinski C, Junck L, Kaley T, Kumthekar P, Loeffler JS, Mrugala MM, Nagpal S, Pandey M, Parney I, Peters K, Puduvalli VK, Robins I, Rockhill J, Rusthoven C, Shonka N, Shrieve DC, Swinnen LJ, Weiss S, Wen PY, Willmarth NE, Bergman MA, Darlow SD. Central Nervous System Cancers, Version 3.2020, NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2020 Nov 02; 18(11):1537-1570.
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  31. Ye Z, Price RL, Liu X, Lin J, Yang Q, Sun P, Wu AT, Wang L, Han RH, Song C, Yang R, Gary SE, Mao DD, Wallendorf M, Campian JL, Li JS, Dahiya S, Kim AH, Song SK. Diffusion Histology Imaging Combining Diffusion Basis Spectrum Imaging (DBSI) and Machine Learning Improves Detection and Classification of Glioblastoma Pathology. Clin Cancer Res. 2020 Oct 15; 26 (20):5388-5399 Epub 2020 July 21
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  32. Khaddour K, Harrison N, Govindan A, Campian JL. Development of Aplastic Anemia during Treatment of Anaplastic Astrocytoma with Temozolomide. Case Rep Oncol. 2020 Sep-Dec; 13 (3):1244-1251 Epub 2020 Oct 13
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  33. Lee EQ, Weller M, Sul J, Bagley SJ, Sahebjam S, van den Bent M, Ahluwalia M, Campian JL, Galanis E, Gilbert MR, Holdhoff M, Lesser GJ, Lieberman FS, Mehta MP, Penas-Prado M, Schreck KC, Strowd RE, Vogelbaum MA, Walbert T, Chang SM, Nabors LB, Grossman S, Reardon DA, Wen PY. Optimizing eligibility criteria and clinical trial conduct to enhance clinical trial participation for primary brain tumor patients. Neuro Oncol. 2020 May 15; 22 (5):601-612
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  34. Cloughesy TF, Brenner A, de Groot JF, Butowski NA, Zach L, Campian JL, Ellingson BM, Freedman LS, Cohen YC, Lowenton-Spier N, Rachmilewitz Minei T, Fain Shmueli S, Wen PY, GLOBE Study Investigators. A randomized controlled phase III study of VB-111 combined with bevacizumab vs bevacizumab monotherapy in patients with recurrent glioblastoma (GLOBE). Neuro Oncol. 2020 May 15; 22 (5):705-717
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  35. Xu L, Khaddour K, Chen J, Rich KM, Perrin RJ, Campian JL. Pituitary carcinoma: Two case reports and review of literature. World J Clin Oncol. 2020 Feb 24; 11 (2):91-102
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  36. Ma S, Rudra S, Campian JL, Dahiya S, Dunn GP, Johanns T, Goldstein M, Kim AH, Huang J. Prognostic impact of CDKN2A/B deletion, TERT mutation, and EGFR amplification on histological and molecular IDH-wildtype glioblastoma. Neurooncol Adv. 2020 Jan-Dec; 2 (1):vdaa126 Epub 2020 Sept 18
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  37. Plotkin SR, Duda DG, Muzikansky A, Allen J, Blakeley J, Rosser T, Campian JL, Clapp DW, Fisher MJ, Tonsgard J, Ullrich N, Thomas C, Cutter G, Korf B, Packer R, Karajannis MA. Multicenter, Prospective, Phase II and Biomarker Study of High-Dose Bevacizumab as Induction Therapy in Patients With Neurofibromatosis Type 2 and Progressive Vestibular Schwannoma. J Clin Oncol. 2019 Dec 10; 37 (35):3446-3454 Epub 2019 Oct 18
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  38. Matthew Kaufman, Jian Li Campian, Kanti R. Rai. Management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia: an update. Community Oncology. 2019.
  39. Hui CY, Rudra S, Ma S, Campian JL, Huang J. Impact of overall corticosteroid exposure during chemoradiotherapy on lymphopenia and survival of glioblastoma patients. J Neurooncol. 2019 May; 143 (1):129-136 Epub 2019 Mar 12
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  40. Huang J, Chaudhary R, Cohen AL, Fink K, Goldlust S, Boockvar J, Chinnaiyan P, Wan L, Marcus S, Campian JL. A multicenter phase II study of temozolomide plus disulfiram and copper for recurrent temozolomide-resistant glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2019 May; 142 (3):537-544 Epub 2019 Feb 15
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  41. Lin AJ, Gang M, Rao YJ, Campian J, Daly M, Gay H, Oppelt P, Jackson RS, Rich J, Paniello R, Zevallos J, Hallahan D, Adkins D, Thorstad W. Association of Posttreatment Lymphopenia and Elevated Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio With Poor Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Human Papillomavirus-Negative Oropharyngeal Cancers. JAMA Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2019 May 1; 145 (5):413-421
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  42. Patel DA, Xi J, Luo J, Hassan B, Thomas S, Ma CX, Campian JL. Neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio as a predictor of survival in patients with triple-negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2019 Apr; 174 (2):443-452 Epub 2019 Jan 02
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  43. Johanns TM, Miller CA, Liu CJ, Perrin RJ, Bender D, Kobayashi DK, Campian JL, Chicoine MR, Dacey RG, Huang J, Fritsch EF, Gillanders WE, Artyomov MN, Mardis ER, Schreiber RD, Dunn GP. Detection of neoantigen-specific T cells following a personalized vaccine in a patient with glioblastoma. Oncoimmunology. 2019; 8 (4):e1561106 Epub 2019 Jan 25
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  44. Lin AJ, Rao YJ, Chin RI, Campian J, Mullen D, Thotala D, Daly M, Gay H, Oppelt P, Hallahan D, Adkins D, Thorstad W. Post-operative radiation effects on lymphopenia, neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio, and clinical outcomes in palatine tonsil cancers. Oral Oncol. 2018 Nov; 86:1-7 Epub 2018 Sept 07
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  45. Lin AJ, Hui C, Dahiya S, Lu HC, Kim AH, Campian JL, Tsien C, Zipfel GJ, Rich KM, Chicoine M, Huang J. Radiologic Response and Disease Control of Recurrent Intracranial Meningiomas Treated With Reirradiation. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Sep 1; 102 (1):194-203 Epub 2018 June 30
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  46. Contreras JA, Lin AJ, Weiner A, Speirs C, Samson P, Mullen D, Campian J, Bradley J, Roach M, Robinson C. Cardiac dose is associated with immunosuppression and poor survival in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2018 Sep; 128 (3):498-504 Epub 2018 May 30
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  47. Liau LM, Ashkan K, Tran DD, Campian JL, Trusheim JE, Cobbs CS, Heth JA, Salacz M, Taylor S, D'Andre SD, Iwamoto FM, Dropcho EJ, Moshel YA, Walter KA, Pillainayagam CP, Aiken R, Chaudhary R, Goldlust SA, Bota DA, Duic P, Grewal J, Elinzano H, Toms SA, Lillehei KO, Mikkelsen T, Walbert T, Abram SR, Brenner AJ, Brem S, Ewend MG, Khagi S, Portnow J, Kim LJ, Loudon WG, Thompson RC, Avigan DE, Fink KL, Geoffroy FJ, Lindhorst S, Lutzky J, Sloan AE, Schackert G, Krex D, Meisel HJ, Wu J, Davis RP, Duma C, Etame AB, Mathieu D, Kesari S, Piccioni D, Westphal M, Baskin DS, New PZ, Lacroix M, May SA, Pluard TJ, Tse V, Green RM, Villano JL, Pearlman M, Petrecca K, Schulder M, Taylor LP, Maida AE, Prins RM, Cloughesy TF, Mulholland P, Bosch ML. Correction to: First results on survival from a large Phase 3 clinical trial of an autologous dendritic cell vaccine in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. J Transl Med. 2018 Jun 29; 16 (1):179 Epub 2018 June 29
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  48. Acharya S, Robinson CG, Michalski JM, Mullen D, DeWees TA, Campian JL, Chundury A, Bottani B, Hallahan DE, Bradley JD, Huang J. Association of 1p/19q Codeletion and Radiation Necrosis in Adult Cranial Gliomas After Proton or Photon Therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Jun 01; 101(2):334-343. Epub 2018 Feb 09.
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  49. Liau LM, Ashkan K, Tran DD, Campian JL, Trusheim JE, Cobbs CS, Heth JA, Salacz M, Taylor S, D'Andre SD, Iwamoto FM, Dropcho EJ, Moshel YA, Walter KA, Pillainayagam CP, Aiken R, Chaudhary R, Goldlust SA, Bota DA, Duic P, Grewal J, Elinzano H, Toms SA, Lillehei KO, Mikkelsen T, Walbert T, Abram SR, Brenner AJ, Brem S, Ewend MG, Khagi S, Portnow J, Kim LJ, Loudon WG, Thompson RC, Avigan DE, Fink KL, Geoffroy FJ, Lindhorst S, Lutzky J, Sloan AE, Schackert G, Krex D, Meisel HJ, Wu J, Davis RP, Duma C, Etame AB, Mathieu D, Kesari S, Piccioni D, Westphal M, Baskin DS, New PZ, Lacroix M, May SA, Pluard TJ, Tse V, Green RM, Villano JL, Pearlman M, Petrecca K, Schulder M, Taylor LP, Maida AE, Prins RM, Cloughesy TF, Mulholland P, Bosch ML. First results on survival from a large Phase 3 clinical trial of an autologous dendritic cell vaccine in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. J Transl Med. 2018 May 29; 16 (1):142
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  50. Rudra S, Hui C, Rao YJ, Samson P, Lin AJ, Chang X, Tsien C, Fergus S, Mullen D, Yang D, Thotala D, Hallahan D, Campian JL, Huang J. Effect of Radiation Treatment Volume Reduction on Lymphopenia in Patients Receiving Chemoradiotherapy for Glioblastoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 May 1; 101 (1):217-225 Epub 2018 Feb 01
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  51. Huang J, Campian JL, Gujar AD, Tsien C, Ansstas G, Tran DD, DeWees TA, Lockhart AC, Kim AH. Final results of a phase I dose-escalation, dose-expansion study of adding disulfiram with or without copper to adjuvant temozolomide for newly diagnosed glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2018 May; 138 (1):105-111 Epub 2018 Jan 27
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  52. Mahlokozera T, Vellimana AK, Li T, Mao DD, Zohny ZS, Kim DH, Tran DD, Marcus DS, Fouke SJ, Campian JL, Dunn GP, Miller CA, Kim AH. Biological and therapeutic implications of multisector sequencing in newly diagnosed glioblastoma. Neuro Oncol. 2018 Mar 27; 20 (4):472-483
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  53. Lin AJ, Campian JL, Hui C, Rudra S, Rao YJ, Thotala D, Hallahan D, Huang J. Impact of concurrent versus adjuvant chemotherapy on the severity and duration of lymphopenia in glioma patients treated with radiation therapy. J Neurooncol. 2018 Jan; 136 (2):403-411 Epub 2017 Nov 16
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  54. Campian JL, Ye X, Sarai G, Herman J, Grossman SA. Severe Treatment-Related Lymphopenia in Patients with Newly Diagnosed Rectal Cancer. Cancer Invest. 2018; 36 (6):356-361 Epub 2018 Aug 10
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  55. Campian JL, Piotrowski AF, Ye X, Hakim FT, Rose J, Yan XY, Lu Y, Gress R, Grossman SA. Serial changes in lymphocyte subsets in patients with newly diagnosed high grade astrocytomas treated with standard radiation and temozolomide. J Neurooncol. 2017 Nov; 135 (2):343-351 Epub 2017 July 29
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  56. Patel DA, Campian JL. Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies for Patients with Malignant Epidural Spinal Cord Compression. Curr Treat Options Oncol. 2017 Aug 10; 18 (9):53
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  57. Campian J, Gutmann DH. CNS Tumors in Neurofibromatosis. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Jul 20; 35 (21):2378-2385 Epub 2017 June 22
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  58. Huang J, Samson P, Perkins SM, Ansstas G, Chheda MG, DeWees TA, Tsien CI, Robinson CG, Campian JL. Impact of concurrent chemotherapy with radiation therapy for elderly patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma: a review of the National Cancer Data Base. J Neurooncol. 2017 Feb; 131(3):593-601. Epub 2016 Nov 14.
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  59. Huang J, Campian JL, Gujar AD, Tran DD, Lockhart AC, DeWees TA, Tsien CI, Kim AH. A phase I study to repurpose disulfiram in combination with temozolomide to treat newly diagnosed glioblastoma after chemoradiotherapy. J Neurooncol. 2016 Jun; 128(2):259-66. Epub 2016 Mar 10.
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  60. Mendez JS, Govindan A, Leong J, Gao F, Huang J, Campian JL. Association between treatment-related lymphopenia and overall survival in elderly patients with newly diagnosed glioblastoma. J Neurooncol. 2016 Apr; 127 (2):329-35 Epub 2016 Jan 04
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  61. Leuthardt EC, Duan C, Kim MJ, Campian JL, Kim AH, Miller-Thomas MM, Shimony JS, Tran DD. Hyperthermic Laser Ablation of Recurrent Glioblastoma Leads to Temporary Disruption of the Peritumoral Blood Brain Barrier. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (2):e0148613 Epub 2016 Feb 24
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  62. Grossman SA, Ellsworth S, Campian J, Wild AT, Herman JM, Laheru D, Brock M, Balmanoukian A, Ye X. Survival in Patients With Severe Lymphopenia Following Treatment With Radiation and Chemotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Solid Tumors. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2015 Oct; 13 (10):1225-31
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  63. Kapoor V, Khudanyan A, de la Puente P, Campian J, Hallahan DE, Azab AK, Thotala D. Stem Cell Transfusion Restores Immune Function in Radiation-Induced Lymphopenic C57BL/6 Mice. Cancer Res. 2015 Sep 1; 75 (17):3442-5 Epub 2015 June 30
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  64. Campian JL, Ye X, Gladstone DE, Ambady P, Nirschl TR, Borrello I, Golightly M, King KE, Holdhoff M, Karp J, Drake CG, Grossman SA. Pre-radiation lymphocyte harvesting and post-radiation reinfusion in patients with newly diagnosed high grade gliomas. J Neurooncol. 2015 Sep; 124 (2):307-16 Epub 2015 June 13
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  65. Huang J, DeWees TA, Badiyan SN, Speirs CK, Mullen DF, Fergus S, Tran DD, Linette G, Campian JL, Chicoine MR, Kim AH, Dunn G, Simpson JR, Robinson CG. Clinical and Dosimetric Predictors of Acute Severe Lymphopenia During Radiation Therapy and Concurrent Temozolomide for High-Grade Glioma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2015 Aug 01; 92(5):1000-1007. Epub 2015 Apr 08.
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  66. Wild AT, Ye X, Ellsworth SG, Smith JA, Narang AK, Garg T, Campian J, Laheru DA, Zheng L, Wolfgang CL, Tran PT, Grossman SA, Herman JM. The Association Between Chemoradiation-related Lymphopenia and Clinical Outcomes in Patients With Locally Advanced Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma. Am J Clin Oncol. 2015 Jun; 38 (3):259-65
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  67. Campian JL, Sarai G, Ye X, Marur S, Grossman SA. Association between severe treatment-related lymphopenia and progression-free survival in patients with newly diagnosed squamous cell head and neck cancer. Head Neck. 2014 Dec; 36(12):1747-53. Epub 2014 Apr 15.
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  68. Campian JL, Ye X, Brock M, Grossman SA. Treatment-related lymphopenia in patients with stage III non-small-cell lung cancer. Cancer Invest. 2013 Mar; 31 (3):183-8 Epub 2013 Feb 22
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  69. Gao X, Qian M, Campian JL, Marshall J, Zhou Z, Roberts AM, Kang YJ, Prabhu SD, Sun XF, Eaton JW. Mitochondrial dysfunction may explain the cardiomyopathy of chronic iron overload. Free Radic Biol Med. 2010 Aug 1; 49 (3):401-7 Epub 2010 May 05
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  70. Gao X, Campian JL, Qian M, Sun XF, Eaton JW. Mitochondrial DNA damage in iron overload. J Biol Chem. 2009 Feb 20; 284 (8):4767-75 Epub 2008 Dec 18
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  71. Mehta JP, Campian JL, Guardiola J, Cabrera JA, Weir EK, Eaton JW. Generation of oxidants by hypoxic human pulmonary and coronary smooth-muscle cells. Chest. 2008 Jun; 133 (6):1410-1414 Epub 2008 Mar 13
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