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Maxwell L. Smith, M.D.

  1. Pathologist


  1. Neil DAH, Smith ML, Minervini M, Demetris AJ. Reply: Additional viewpoints from transplant surgeons on Banff consensus recommendations for the assessment of steatotic donor livers. Hepatology 2024 Jul 1; 80 (1):E6-E7 Epub 2024 Feb 13
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  2. Mour GK, Ninan J, Butterfield D, Zhang N, Nair SS, Smith M, Ryan M, Reddy K, Heilman RL. Outcomes of Early Thrombotic Microangiopathy in Renal Transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2024 Jul; 38 (7):e15373
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  3. Bellamy COC, O'Leary JG, Adeyi O, Baddour N, Batal I, Bucuvalas J, Del Bello A, El Hag M, El-Monayeri M, Farris AB 3rd, Feng S, Fiel MI, Fischer SE, Fung J, Grzyb K, Guimei M, Haga H, Hart J, Jackson AM, Jaeckel E, Khurram NA, Knechtle SJ, Lesniak D, Levitsky J, McCaughan G, McKenzie C, Mescoli C, Miquel R, Minervini MI, Nasser IA, Neil D, O'Neil MF, Pappo O, Randhawa P, Ruiz P, Fueyo AS, Schady D, Schiano T, Sebagh M, Smith M, Stevenson HL, Taner T, Taubert R, Thung S, Trunecka P, Wang HL, Wood-Trageser M, Yilmaz F, Zen Y, Zeevi A, Demetris AJ. Banff 2022 Liver Group Meeting report: Monitoring long-term allograft health. Am J Transplant. 2024 Jun; 24 (6):905-917 Epub 2024 Mar 09
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  4. Bhasin-Chhabra B, Smith M. A Patient with Unexpected Golden Brown Tubular Staining. Kidney360. 2024 Apr 1; 5 (4):631-632
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  5. Fraune C, Tazelaar HD, Butt YM, Smith ML, Larsen BT, Kelemen K. Usefulness and Limitations of Current Diagnostic Strategies for Pulmonary Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue Lymphoma: Lessons Learned From a Large Cohort. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2024 Apr 1; 148 (4):419-429
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  6. Ambrogi E, Cavazza A, Smith ML, Graziano P. Pulmonary pathology in vasculitis. Pathologica. 2024 Apr; 116 (2):93-103
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  7. Smith ML, Mino-Kenudson M, Butterfield RJ, Dacic S, Colby TV, Churg A, Beasley MB, Hariri LP. Pulmonary Pathology Society Survey on Practice Approaches in the Histologic Diagnosis of Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease: Consensus and Opportunities. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2024 Feb 1; 148 (2):168-177
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  8. Punukollu R, Ohara SY, Budhiraja P, Smith ML, Kumm K, Ruch B, Misra S, Reddy KS, Heilman RL, Jadlowiec CC. Duration of Dialysis in Acute Kidney Injury Donors and Transplant Outcomes. J Am Coll Surg. 2024 Jan 1; 238 (1):61-69 Epub 2023 Oct 23
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  9. Budhiraja P, Butterfield R, Gea-Banacloche J, Swaminathan S, Smith ML, Khamash HA, Me HM, Kodali L, Mour GK, Nair S, Misra S, Heilman RL. Outcomes of asymptomatic histologic pyelonephritis of kidney transplant. Clin Transplant. 2023 Dec; 37 (12):e15125 Epub 2023 Sept 13
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  10. Lami K, Ota N, Yamaoka S, Bychkov A, Matsumoto K, Uegami W, Munkhdelger J, Seki K, Sukhbaatar O, Attanoos R, Berezowska S, Brcic L, Cavazza A, English JC, Fabro AT, Ishida K, Kashima Y, Kitamura Y, Larsen BT, Marchevsky AM, Miyazaki T, Morimoto S, Ozasa M, Roden AC, Schneider F, Smith ML, Tabata K, Takano AM, Tanaka T, Tsuchiya T, Nagayasu T, Sakanashi H, Fukuoka J. Standardized Classification of Lung Adenocarcinoma Subtypes and Improvement of Grading Assessment Through Deep Learning. Am J Pathol. 2023 Dec; 193 (12):2066-2079 Epub 2023 Aug 05
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  11. Denic A, Gaddam M, Moustafa A, Mullan AF, Luehrs AC, Sharma V, Thompson RH, Smith ML, Alexander MP, Lerman LO, Barisoni L, Rule AD. Tubular and Glomerular Size by Cortex Depth as Predictor of Progressive CKD after Radical Nephrectomy for Tumor. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2023 Sep 1; 34 (9):1535-1545 Epub 2023 July 11
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  12. Lami K, Bychkov A, Matsumoto K, Attanoos R, Berezowska S, Brcic L, Cavazza A, English JC, Fabro AT, Ishida K, Kashima Y, Larsen BT, Marchevsky AM, Miyazaki T, Morimoto S, Roden AC, Schneider F, Soshi M, Smith ML, Tabata K, Takano AM, Tanaka K, Tanaka T, Tsuchiya T, Nagayasu T, Fukuoka J. Overcoming the Interobserver Variability in Lung Adenocarcinoma Subtyping: A Clustering Approach to Establish a Ground Truth for Downstream Applications. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2023 Aug 1; 147 (8):885-895
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  13. Kim JH, Sakata KK, Smith M, Azadeh N. Robotic-assisted Bronchoscopy to Diagnose Malakoplakia. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2023 Apr 1; 30 (2):174-176 Epub 2023 Apr 01
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  14. Fraune C, Churg A, Yi ES, Khoor A, Kelemen K, Larsen BT, Butt YM, Smith ML, Gotway MB, Ryu JH, Tazelaar HD. Lymphoid Interstitial Pneumonia (LIP) Revisited: A Critical Reappraisal of the Histologic Spectrum of "Radiologic" and "Pathologic" LIP in the Context of Diffuse Benign Lymphoid Proliferations of the Lung. Am J Surg Pathol. 2023 Mar 1; 47 (3):281-295 Epub 2023 Jan 03
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  15. Smith B, Grande J, Ryan M, Smith M, Denic A, Hermsen M, Park W, Kremers W, Stegall M. Automated scoring of total inflammation in renal allograft biopsies. Clin Transplant. 2023 Jan; 37 (1):e14837 Epub 2022 Nov 30
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  16. Abu Jawdeh BG, Smith ML, Hudson MR, Mour GK, Budhiraja P, Rosenthal JL. Case report: JC polyomavirus nephropathy in simultaneous heart-kidney transplantation: the role of viral-specific in situ hybridization staining. Front Med (Lausanne). 2023; 10:1282827 Epub 2023 Oct 20
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  17. Lami K, Bychkov A, Matsumoto K, Attanoos R, Berezowska S, Brcic L, Cavazza A, English JC, Fabro AT, Ishida K, Kashima Y, Larsen BT, Marchevsky AM, Miyazaki T, Morimoto S, Roden AC, Schneider F, Soshi M, Smith ML, Tabata K, Takano AM, Tanaka K, Tanaka T, Tsuchiya T, Nagayasu T, Fukuoka J. Overcoming the interobserver variability in lung adenocarcinoma subtyping: a clustering approach to establish a ground truth for downstream applications. Archives of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine. 2023; 147 (8):888-95
  18. Zhao N, Qiao W, Li F, Ren Y, Zheng J, Martens YA, Wang X, Li L, Liu CC, Chen K, Zhu Y, Ikezu TC, Li Z, Meneses AD, Jin Y, Knight JA, Chen Y, Bastea L, Linares C, Sonustun B, Job L, Smith ML, Xie M, Liu YU, Umpierre AD, Haruwaka K, Quicksall ZS, Storz P, Asmann YW, Wu LJ, Bu G. Elevating microglia TREM2 reduces amyloid seeding and suppresses disease-associated microglia. J Exp Med. 2022 Dec 5; 219 (12) Epub 2022 Sept 15
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  19. Denic A, Bogojevic M, Mullan AF, Sabov M, Asghar MS, Sethi S, Smith ML, Fervenza FC, Glassock RJ, Hommos MS, Rule AD. Prognostic Implications of a Morphometric Evaluation for Chronic Changes on All Diagnostic Native Kidney Biopsies. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2022 Oct; 33 (10):1927-1941 Epub 2022 Aug 03
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  20. Das D, Wagler J, Ohara S, Nguyen M, Frasco PE, Smith M, Khamash H, Mathur AK, Budhiraja P, Reddy K, Heilman R, Jadlowiec C. Outcomes of dual kidney transplants from high KDPI kidneys are superior compared to single kidney high KDPI transplants at 1 year. Clin Transplant. 2022 Aug; 36 (8):e14737 Epub 2022 June 05
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  21. Roden AC, Boland JM, Johnson TF, Aubry MC, Lo YC, Butt YM, Maleszewski JJ, Larsen BT, Tazelaar HD, Khoor A, Smith ML, Moua T, Jenkins SM, Moyer AM, Yi ES, Bois MC. Late Complications of COVID-19. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2022 Jul 01; 146(7):791-804.
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  22. Butt YM, Smith ML, Tazelaar HD, Roden AC, Mengoli MC, Larsen BT. Surgical Pathology of Diffuse Parenchymal Lung Disease in Patients With Psoriasis or Psoriatic Arthritis. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2022 May 1; 147 (5):525-533
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  23. Nandy S, Raphaely RA, Muniappan A, Shih A, Roop BW, Sharma A, Keyes CM, Colby TV, Auchincloss HG, Gaissert HA, Lanuti M, Morse CR, Ott HC, Wain JC, Wright CD, Garcia-Moliner ML, Smith ML, VanderLaan PA, Berigei SR, Mino-Kenudson M, Horick NK, Liang LL, Davies DL, Szabari MV, Caravan P, Medoff BD, Tager AM, Suter MJ, Hariri LP. Reply to Kalverda et al.: Endobronchial Optical Coherence Tomography: Shining New Light on Diagnosing Usual Interstitial Pneumonitis? Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2022 Apr 15; 205 (8):968-971
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  24. Neil DAH, Minervini M, Smith ML, Hubscher SG, Brunt EM, Demetris AJ. Banff consensus recommendations for steatosis assessment in donor livers. Hepatology. 2022 Apr; 75 (4):1014-1025 Epub 2021 Dec 06
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  25. Ninan J, Smith ML, Mathur AK, Harbell JW, Jadlowiec CC, Nair SS, Moss A, Reddy KS, Heilman RL. Correlation of Chronic Histologic Changes on Preimplantation Frozen Section Biopsy With Transplant Outcomes After Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2022 Jan 2; 146 (2):205-212
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  26. Smith ML. The histologic diagnosis of usual interstitial pneumonia of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Where we are and where we need to go. Mod Pathol. 2022 Jan; 35 (Suppl 1):8-14 Epub 2021 Aug 31
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  27. Nandy S, Raphaely RA, Muniappan A, Shih A, Roop BW, Sharma A, Keyes CM, Colby TV, Auchincloss HG, Gaissert HA, Lanuti M, Morse CR, Ott HC, Wain JC, Wright CD, Garcia-Moliner ML, Smith ML, VanderLaan PA, Berigei SR, Mino-Kenudson M, Horick NK, Liang LL, Davies DL, Szabari MV, Caravan P, Medoff BD, Tager AM, Suter MJ, Hariri LP. Reply to Kalverda et al. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. 2022; 205 (8):971-3
  28. Dolomisiewicz AC, Redford AH, Trost JR, Muruganadam M, Martin DR, Franklin MM, Smith ML, Emil NS. Localized, ANCA-Negative, Granulomatosis With Polyangiitis Presenting as Isolated Pulmonary Lesions. J Clin Rheumatol. 2021 Dec 1; 27 (8S):S800-S803
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  29. Park WD, Kim DY, Mai ML, Reddy KS, Gonwa T, Ryan MS, Herrera Hernandez LP, Smith ML, Geiger XJ, Turkevi-Nagy S, Cornell LD, Smith BH, Kremers WK, Stegall MD. Progressive decline of function in renal allografts with normal 1-year biopsies: Gene expression studies fail to identify a classifier. Clin Transplant. 2021 Dec; 35 (12):e14456 Epub 2021 Nov 09
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  30. Budhiraja P, Heilman RL, Jadlowiec CC, Smith ML, Ryan MS, Khamash HA, Kodali L, Moss AA, Mathur AK, Reddy KS. Successful outcomes with transplanting kidneys from deceased donors with acute kidney injuryon temporary renal replacement therapy. Clin Transplant. 2021 Dec; 35 (12):e14465 Epub 2021 Sept 23
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  31. Nandy S, Raphaely RA, Muniappan A, Shih A, Roop BW, Sharma A, Keyes CM, Colby TV, Auchincloss HG, Gaissert HA, Lanuti M, Morse CR, Ott HC, Wain JC, Wright CD, Garcia-Moliner ML, Smith ML, VanderLaan PA, Berigei SR, Mino-Kenudson M, Horick NK, Liang LL, Davies DL, Szabari MV, Caravan P, Medoff BD, Tager AM, Suter MJ, Hariri LP. Diagnostic Accuracy of Endobronchial Optical Coherence Tomography for the Microscopic Diagnosis of Usual Interstitial Pneumonia. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2021 Nov 15; 204 (10):1164-1179
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  32. Ricaurte Archila L, Denic A, Mullan AF, Narasimhan R, Bogojevic M, Thompson RH, Leibovich BC, Sangaralingham SJ, Smith ML, Alexander MP, Rule AD. A Higher Foci Density of Interstitial Fibrosis and Tubular Atrophy Predicts Progressive CKD after a Radical Nephrectomy for Tumor. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2021 Oct; 32 (10):2623-2633 Epub 2021 June 18
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  33. Wilbur DC, Smith ML, Cornell LD, Andryushkin A, Pettus JR. Automated identification of glomeruli and synchronised review of special stains in renal biopsies by machine learning and slide registration: a cross-institutional study. Histopathology. 2021 Oct; 79 (4):499-508 Epub 2021 Aug 03
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  34. Kriegshauser JS, Dahiya N, Smith ML, Zhang N, Heilman RL, Stanton ML, Young SW, Patel MD. Added Benefit and Risk of an Additional Biopsy or Targeting With Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound for Patients With Renal Transplants. J Ultrasound Med. 2021 Aug; 40 (8):1603-1611 Epub 2020 Oct 26
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  35. Camp R, Smith ML, Larsen BT, Roden AC, Farver C, Moreira AL, Attanoos R, Pillappa R, Sansano I, Fabro AT, Homer RJ. Reliability of histopathologic diagnosis of fibrotic interstitial lung disease: an international collaborative standardization project. BMC Pulm Med. 2021 Jun 1; 21 (1):184 Epub 2021 June 01
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  36. Eldersveld JM, Yi ES, Kunze KL, Smith ML, Tazelaar HD, Larsen BT. Usual Interstitial Pneumonia in Contemporary Surgical Pathology Practice: Impact of International Consensus Guidelines for Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis on Pathologists. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2021 Jun 1; 145 (6):717-727
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  37. Jadlowiec CC, Hanna WA, Ninan J, Ryan MS, Das DM, Smith M, Khamash H, Mathur AK, Singer A, Moss A, Reddy KS, Heilman RL. Transplant outcomes using kidneys from high KDPI acute kidney injury donors. Clin Transplant. 2021 May; 35(5):e14279. Epub 2021 Mar 31.
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  38. Smith ML, Gotway MB, Crotty Alexander LE, Hariri LP. Vaping-related lung injury. Virchows Arch. 2021 Jan; 478 (1):81-88 Epub 2020 Oct 27
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  39. Cecchini MJ, Mukhopadhyay S, Arrossi AV, Beasley MB, Butt YM, Jones KD, Pambuccian S, Mehrad M, Monaco SE, Saqi A, Smith ML, Tazelaar HD, Larsen BT. E-Cigarette or Vaping Product Use-Associated Lung Injury: A Review for Pathologists. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020 Dec 1; 144 (12):1490-1500
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  40. Smith ML, Hariri LP, Mino-Kenudson M, Dacic S, Attanoos R, Borczuk A, Colby TV, Cooper W, Jones KD, Leslie KO, Mahar A, Larsen BT, Cavazza A, Fukuoka J, Roden AC, Sholl LM, Tazelaar HD, Churg A, Beasley MB. Histopathologic Assessment of Suspected Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2020 Dec 1; 144 (12):1477-1489
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  41. Panse PM, Feller FF, Butt YM, Smith ML, Larsen BT, Tazelaar HD, Harvin HJ, Gotway MB. Radiologic and Pathologic Correlation in EVALI. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2020 Nov; 215 (5):1057-1064 Epub 2020 Sept 02
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  42. Larsen BT, Smith ML, Tazelaar HD, Yi ES, Ryu JH, Churg A. GLILD Revisited: Pulmonary Pathology of Common Variable and Selective IgA Immunodeficiency. Am J Surg Pathol. 2020 Aug; 44 (8):1073-1081
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  43. Panse PM, Feller FF, Butt YM, Smith ML, Larsen BT, Tazelaar HD, Harvin HJ, Gotway MB. Pulmonary Injury Resulting from Vaping or e-Cigarette Use: Imaging Appearances at Presentation and Follow-up. Radiol Cardiothorac Imaging. 2020 Aug; 2 (4):e200081 Epub 2020 Aug 27
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  44. Hariri LP, Smith ML, Mino-Kenudson M, Allen TC, Attanoos R, Borczuk A, Burke L, Cagle PT, Capelozzi V, Dacic S, Guinee D, Raparia K, Roden AC, Roy-Chowdhuri S, Sholl LM, Beasley MB, Churg A. Pulmonary Pathology Society Perspective on the 2018 American Thoracic Society, European Respiratory Society, Japanese Respiratory Society, and Latin American Thoracic Society Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis Clinical Practice Guidelines. Ann Am Thorac Soc. 2020 May; 17 (5):550-554
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  45. Maly CJ, Cumsky HJL, Costello CM, Schmidt JE, Butterfield RJ, Zhang N, DiCaudo DJ, Nelson SA, Smith ML, Ochoa SA, Baum CL, Nagel TH, Pittelkow MR, Sekulic A, Mangold AR. Prognostic value of inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase expression in recurrent and metastatic cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2020 Apr; 82 (4):846-853 Epub 2019 Aug 19
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  46. Jadlowiec C, Smith M, Neville M, Mao S, Abdelwahab D, Reddy K, Moss A, Aqel B, Taner T. Acute Kidney Injury Patterns Following Transplantation of Steatotic Liver Allografts. J Clin Med. 2020 Mar 30; 9 (4)
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  47. Jadlowiec CC, Heilman RL, Smith ML, Khamash HA, Huskey JL, Harbell J, Reddy KS, Moss AA. Transplanting kidneys from donation after cardiac death donors with acute kidney injury. Am J Transplant. 2020 Mar; 20 (3):864-869 Epub 2019 Nov 20
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  48. Wilbur DC, Pettus JR, Smith ML, Cornell LD, Andryushkin A, Wingard R, Wirch E. Using Image Registration and Machine Learning to Develop a Workstation Tool for Rapid Analysis of Glomeruli in Medical Renal Biopsies. J Pathol Inform. 2020; 11:37 Epub 2020 Nov 07
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  49. Zanelli M, Smith M, Zizzo M, Carloni A, Valli R, De Marco L, Foroni M, Palicelli A, Martino G, Ascani S. A tricky and rare cause of pulmonary eosinophilia: myeloid/lymphoid neoplasm with eosinophilia and rearrangement of PDGFRA. BMC Pulm Med. 2019 Nov 19; 19 (1):216
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  50. Butt YM, Smith ML, Tazelaar HD, Vaszar LT, Swanson KL, Cecchini MJ, Boland JM, Bois MC, Boyum JH, Froemming AT, Khoor A, Mira-Avendano I, Patel A, Larsen BT. Pathology of Vaping-Associated Lung Injury. N Engl J Med 2019 Oct 31; 381 (18):1780-1781 Epub 2019 Oct 02
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  51. Rosenfeld DM, Smith ML, Seamans DP, Giorgakis E, Gaitan BD, Khurmi N, Aqel BA, Reddy KS. Fatal diffuse pulmonary fat microemboli following reperfusion in liver transplantation with the use of marginal steatotic allografts. Am J Transplant. 2019 Sep; 19 (9):2640-2645 Epub 2019 May 21
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  52. Heilman RL, Smith ML, Smith BH, Kumar A, Srinivasan A, Huskey JL, Khamash HA, Jadlowiec CC, Mathur AK, Moss AA, Reddy KS. Long-term Outcomes Following Kidney Transplantation From Donors With Acute Kidney Injury. Transplantation. 2019 Sep; 103 (9):e263-e272
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  53. Monroig-Bosque PDC, Morales-Rosado JA, Roden AC, Churg A, Barrios R, Cagle P, Ge Y, Allen TC, Smith ML, Larsen BT, Sholl LM, Beasley MB, Borczuk A, Raparia K, Ayala A, Tazelaar HD, Miller R, Kalhor N, Moran CA, Ro JY. Micropapillary adenocarcinoma of lung: Morphological criteria and diagnostic reproducibility among pulmonary pathologists. Ann Diagn Pathol. 2019 Aug; 41:43-50 Epub 2019 Apr 24
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  54. Smith B, Cornell LD, Smith M, Cortese C, Geiger X, Alexander MP, Ryan M, Park W, Morales Alvarez MC, Schinstock C, Kremers W, Stegall M. A method to reduce variability in scoring antibody-mediated rejection in renal allografts: implications for clinical trials - a retrospective study. Transpl Int. 2019 Feb; 32 (2):173-183 Epub 2018 Oct 02
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  55. Larsen BT, Smith ML, Roden AC, Sukov WR, Hornychova H, Thirumala S, Colby TV, Tazelaar HD. Molecular and Ultrastructural Features of Diffuse Intrapulmonary Malignant Mesothelioma. Am J Surg Pathol 2019 Jan; 43 (1):147-150
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  56. Firth C, Harris LA, Smith ML, Thomas LF. A Case Report of Cronkhite-Canada Syndrome Complicated by Membranous Nephropathy. Case Rep Nephrol Dial. 2018 Sep-Dec; 8 (3):261-267 Epub 2018 Nov 27
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  57. Salvatore M, Smith ML. Cross sectional imaging of pulmonary fibrosis translating pathology into radiology. Clin Imaging. 2018 Sep - Oct; 51:332-336 Epub 2018 June 27
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  58. Zanelli M, Smith M, Mengoli MC, Spaggiari L, De Marco L, Lococo F, Puma F, Ascani S. Erdheim-Chester disease: description of two illustrative cases involving the lung. Histopathology. 2018 Jul; 73 (1):167-172 Epub 2018 Apr 19
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  59. Neil DAH, Bellamy CO, Smith M, Haga H, Zen Y, Sebagh M, Ruppert K, Lunz J, Hubscher SG, Demetris AJ. Global quality assessment of liver allograft C4d staining during acute antibody-mediated rejection in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. Hum Pathol. 2018 Mar; 73:144-155 Epub 2017 Dec 27
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  60. Miller R, Allen TC, Barrios RJ, Beasley MB, Burke L, Cagle PT, Capelozzi VL, Ge Y, Hariri LP, Kerr KM, Khoor A, Larsen BT, Mark EJ, Matsubara O, Mehrad M, Mino-Kenudson M, Raparia K, Roden AC, Russell P, Schneider F, Sholl LM, Smith ML. Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis A Perspective From Members of the Pulmonary Pathology Society. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2018 Jan; 142 (1):120-126 Epub 2017 June 14
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  61. Patel AB, Mangold AR, Costello CM, Nagel TH, Smith ML, Hayden RE, Sekulic A. Frequent loss of inositol polyphosphate-5-phosphatase in oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 2018 Jan; 32 (1):e36-e37 Epub 2017 Aug 02
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  62. Capelozzi VL, Allen TC, Beasley MB, Cagle PT, Guinee D, Hariri LP, Husain AN, Jain D, Lantuejoul S, Larsen BT, Miller R, Mino-Kenudson M, Mehrad M, Raparia K, Roden A, Schneider F, Sholl LM, Smith ML. Molecular and Immune Biomarkers in Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome: A Perspective From Members of the Pulmonary Pathology Society. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2017 Dec; 141 (12):1719-1727 Epub 2017 June 14
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  63. Patel R, Collazo-Gonzalez C, Andrews A, Johnson J, Rumbak M, Smith M. Diffuse idiopathic pulmonary neuroendocrine cell hyperplasia diagnosed by tranbronchoscopic cryoprobe biopsy technique. Respirol Case Rep. 2017 Nov; 5 (6):e0275 Epub 2017 Oct 05
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  64. Larsen BT, Smith ML, Elicker BM, Fernandez JM, de Morvil GAA, Pereira CAC, Leslie KO. Diagnostic Approach to Advanced Fibrotic Interstitial Lung Disease: Bringing Together Clinical, Radiologic, and Histologic Clues. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2017 Jul; 141 (7):901-915 Epub 2016 Sept 15
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  65. Roden AC, Aisner DL, Allen TC, Aubry MC, Barrios RJ, Beasley MB, Cagle PT, Capelozzi VL, Dacic S, Ge Y, Hariri LP, Lantuejoul S, Miller RA, Mino-Kenudson M, Moreira AL, Raparia K, Rekhtman N, Sholl L, Smith ML, Tsao MS, Vivero M, Yatabe Y, Yi ES. Diagnosis of Acute Cellular Rejection and Antibody-Mediated Rejection on Lung Transplant Biopsies: A Perspective From Members of the Pulmonary Pathology Society. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2017 Mar; 141 (3):437-444 Epub 2016 Nov 07
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  66. Smith ML. March 2017 Pulmonary case of the month. Southwest Journal of Pulmonary and Critical Care.2017;14()89-93.
  67. Smith ML. Pathology of Antineutrophil Cytoplasmic Antibody-Associated Pulmonary and Renal Disease. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2017 Feb; 141: (2)223-231.
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  68. Liapis H, Gaut JP, Klein C, Bagnasco S, Kraus E, Farris AB 3rd, Honsova E, Perkowska-Ptasinska A, David D, Goldberg J, Smith M, Mengel M, Haas M, Seshan S, Pegas KL, Horwedel T, Paliwa Y, Gao X, Landsittel D, Randhawa P, Banff Working Group. Banff Histopathological Consensus Criteria for Preimplantation Kidney Biopsies. Am J Transplant. 2017 Jan; 17 (1):140-150 Epub 2016 July 22
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  69. Smith ML, Gotway MB, Larson BT, Colby TV, Tazelaar HD, Leslie KO. Pathologic approach to cystic lung disease. AJSP: Reviews and Reports.2017 Jan-Feb;22:(1):36-45.
  70. Panse P, Smith M, Cummings K, Jensen E, Gotway M, Jokerst C. The many faces of pulmonary aspergillosis: Imaging findings with pathologic correlation. ScienceDirect, Radiology of Infectious Diseases.2016 Dec;2016:192-200.
  71. Heilman RL, Smith ML, Smith BH, Qaqish I, Khamash H, Singer AL, Kaplan B, Reddy KS. Progression of Interstitial Fibrosis during the First Year after Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation among Patients with and without Delayed Graft Function. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2016 Dec 7; 11 (12):2225-2232 Epub 2016 Oct 24
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  72. Heilman RL, Mathur A, Smith ML, Kaplan B, Reddy KS. Increasing the Use of Kidneys From Unconventional and High-Risk Deceased Donors. Am J Transplant. 2016 Nov; 16 (11):3086-3092 Epub 2016 June 14
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  73. Demetris AJ, Bellamy C, Hubscher SG, O'Leary J, Randhawa PS, Feng S, Neil D, Colvin RB, McCaughan G, Fung JJ, Del Bello A, Reinholt FP, Haga H, Adeyi O, Czaja AJ, Schiano T, Fiel MI, Smith ML, Sebagh M, Tanigawa RY, Yilmaz F, Alexander G, Baiocchi L, Balasubramanian M, Batal I, Bhan AK, Bucuvalas J, Cerski CTS, Charlotte F, de Vera ME, ElMonayeri M, Fontes P, Furth EE, Gouw ASH, Hafezi-Bakhtiari S, Hart J, Honsova E, Ismail W, Itoh T, Jhala NC, Khettry U, Klintmalm GB, Knechtle S, Koshiba T, Kozlowski T, Lassman CR, Lerut J, Levitsky J, Licini L, Liotta R, Mazariegos G, Minervini MI, Misdraji J, Mohanakumar T, Molne J, Nasser I, Neuberger J, O'Neil M, Pappo O, Petrovic L, Ruiz P, Sagol O, Sanchez Fueyo A, Sasatomi E, Shaked A, Shiller M, Shimizu T, Sis B, Sonzogni A, Stevenson HL, Thung SN, Tisone G, Tsamandas AC, Wernerson A, Wu T, Zeevi A, Zen Y. 2016 Comprehensive Update of the Banff Working Group on Liver Allograft Pathology: Introduction of Antibody-Mediated Rejection. Am J Transplant. 2016 Oct; 16 (10):2816-2835 Epub 2016 July 14
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  74. Raparia K, Aisner DL, Allen TC, Beasley MB, Borczuk A, Cagle PT, Capelozzi V, Dacic S, Hariri LP, Kerr KM, Lantuejoul S, Mino-Kenudson M, Rekhtman N, Roden AC, Roy-Chowdhuri S, Sholl L, Smith ML, Thunnissen E, Tsao MS, Yatabe Y. Transbronchial Lung Cryobiopsy for Interstitial Lung Disease Diagnosis: A Perspective From Members of the Pulmonary Pathology Society. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2016 Jul 21;
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  75. Sakata KK, Gotway MB, Smith ML, Parish JM, Agrwal N, Karlin NJ, Swanson KL. Pulmonary Epithelioid Hemangioendothelioma Diagnosed With Endobronchial Biopsies: A Case Report and Literature Review. J Bronchology Interv Pulmonol. 2016 Apr; 23 (2):168-73
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  76. Kransdorf LN, Millstine D, Smith ML, Aqel BA. Hepatic glycogen deposition in a patient with anorexia nervosa and persistently abnormal transaminase levels. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2016 Apr; 40: (2)e15-8.
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  77. Batra RK, Heilman RL, Smith ML, Thomas LF, Khamash HA, Katariya NN, Hewitt WR, Singer AL, Mathur AK, Huskey J, Chakkera HA, Moss A, Reddy KS. Rapid Resolution of Donor-Derived Glomerular Fibrin Thrombi After Deceased Donor Kidney Transplantation. Am J Transplant. 2016 Mar; 16 (3):1015-20 Epub 2015 Dec 21
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  78. Smith ML. Update on Pulmonary Fibrosis: Not All Fibrosis Is Created Equally. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2016 Mar; 140: (3)221-9.
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  79. Sista RR, Smith ML, Wesselius LJ. March 2016 pulmonary case of the month Southwest J Pulm Crit Care.;12(3)74-80.
  80. Kriegshauser JS, Patel MD, Young SW, Chen F, Eversman WG, Chang YH, Smith M. Factors Contributing to the Success of Ultrasound-Guided Native Renal Biopsy. J Ultrasound Med. 2016 Feb; 35: (2)381-7.
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  81. Panse PM, Jensen EA, Cummings KW, Jokerst CE, Viggiano RW, Smith ML, Gotway MB. Multifocal recurrent lung opacities in a renal failure patient Clinical Pulmonary Medicine. 2016; 23: (5)231-6.
  82. Corey R, Werner KT, Singer A, Moss A, Smith M, Noelting J, Rakela J. Acute liver failure associated with Garcinia cambogia use. Ann Hepatol. 2016 Jan-Feb; 15 (1):123-6
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  83. Raparia K, Aisner DL, Craig Allen T, Beasley MB, Borczuk A, Cagle PT, Capelozzi V, Dacic S, Hariri LP, Kerr KM, Lantuejoul S, Mino-Kenudson M, Rekhtman N, Roden AC, Roy-Chowdhuri S, Sholl L, Smith ML, Thunnissen E, Tsao MS, Yatabe Y. Transbronchial lung cryobiopsy for interstitial lung disease diagnosis Archives of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine. 2016; 140: (11)1281-4.
  84. Smith ML, Wendel-Spiczka AJ, Zarka MA. Decreased faux addenda following standardisation of pathologist practice. J Clin Pathol. 2015 Nov; 68: (11)931-4.
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  85. Horsley-Silva JL, Dow EN, Menias CO, Smith ML, Carballido EM, Lindor KD, Vargas HE. Docetaxel Induced Sclerosing Cholangitis. Dig Dis Sci. 2015 Oct 26. [Epub ahead of print]
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  86. Heilman RL, Smith ML, Reddy KS. Utilization of Kidneys With Acute Kidney Injury in the Extended Criteria Donor Setting. Am J Transplant. 2015 Oct; 15(10):2783. Epub 2015 Jul 24
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  87. Smith ML, Larsen BT, Tazelaar HT, Leslie KO. Histopathology of connective tissue disease-associated pleuropulmonary disease. Current Respir Med Rev.2015 Sep;11:(2):90-7.
  88. Heilman RL, Smith ML, Kurian SM, Huskey J, Batra RK, Chakkera HA, Katariya NN, Khamash H, Moss A, Salomon DR, Reddy KS. Transplanting Kidneys from Deceased Donors With Severe Acute Kidney Injury. Am J Transplant. 2015 Aug; 15 (8):2143-51 Epub 2015 Mar 24
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  89. Larsen BT, Smith ML, Grys TE, Vikram HR, Colby TV. Histopathology of Disseminated Mycobacterium bovis Infection Complicating Intravesical BCG Immunotherapy for Urothelial Carcinoma. Int J Surg Pathol. 2015 May; 23: (3)189-95.
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  90. Williams KE, Smith ML, Lyng PJ, Vaszar LT. Pulmonary Case of the Month: I've Heard of Katy Perry. Southwest J Pulm Crit Care. 2015; 11(4):126-35.
  91. Simmons SC, Smith ML, Chang-Miller A, Keddis MT. Antinuclear Antibody-Negative Lupus Nephritis with Full House Nephropathy: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Am J Nephrol. 2015; 42: (6)451-9.
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  92. Lambert JR, Whitson RJ, Iczkowski KA, La Rosa FG, Smith ML, Wilson RS, Smith EE, Torkko KC, Gari HH, Lucia MS. Reduced expressionof GDF-15 is associated with atrophic inflammatory lesions of the prostate. Prostate. 2015; 75(3):255-65.
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  93. Heilman RL, Nijim A, Desmarteau YM, Khamash H, Pando MJ, Smith ML, Chakkera HA, Huskey J, Valdez R, Reddy KS. De novo donor-specific human leukocyte antigen antibodies early after kidney transplantation. Transplantation. 2014 Dec 27; 98 (12):1310-5
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  94. West DR, James KA, Fernald DH, Zelie C, Smith ML, Raab SS. Laboratory medicine handoff gaps experienced by primary care practices: A report from the shared networks of collaborative ambulatory practices and partners (SNOCAP). J Am Board Fam Med. 2014 Nov-Dec; 27: (6)796-803.
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  95. Smith M, Colby T. The diagnosis of thoracic malignant mesothelioma: practical considerations and recent developments. Turk Patoloji Derg. 2014; 30 (1):1-10
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  96. Chen L, Caldero SG, Gmitro S, Smith ML, De Petris G, Zarka MA. Small orangiophilic squamous-like cells: an underrecognized and useful morphological feature for the diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma in pleural effusion cytology. Cancer Cytopathol. 2014 Jan; 122 (1):70-5 Epub 2013 Aug 26
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  97. Alhamad T, Smith ML. Gross hematuria after kidney transplantation. Clin Kidney J. 2013 Dec; 6 (6):664
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  98. Huskey J, Rivard C, Myint H, Lucia S, Smith M, Shimada M, Ishimoto T, Araya C, Garin EH, Johnson RJ. Minimal change disease in graft versus host disease: a podocyte response to the graft? Clin Nephrol. 2013 Dec; 80(6):469-73.
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  99. Smith M, Dalurzo M, Panse P, Parish J, Leslie K. Usual interstitial pneumonia-pattern fibrosis in surgical lung biopsies. Clinical, radiological and histopathological clues to aetiology. J Clin Pathol. 2013 Oct; 66 (10):896-903 Epub 2013 May 23
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  100. Heilman RL, Khamash HA, Smith ML, Chakkera HA, Moss AA, Reddy KS. Delayed allograft inflammation following alemtuzumab induction for kidney transplantation. Clin Transplant. 2013 Sep-Oct; 27 (5):772-80 Epub 2013 Aug 08
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  101. Blas JV, Smith ML, Wasif N, Cook CB, Schlinkert RT. Ewing sarcoma of the adrenal gland: a rare entity. BMJ Case Rep. 2013 Jul 13; 2013 Epub 2013 July 13
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  102. McMahan RH, Wang XX, Cheng LL, Krisko T, Smith M, El Kasmi K, Pruzanski M, Adorini L, Golden-Mason L, Levi M, Rosen HR. Bile acid receptor activation modulates hepatic monocyte activity and improves nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. J Biol Chem. 2013 Apr 26; 288(17):11761-70. Epub 2013 Mar 04.
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  103. Smith ML, Raab SS, Fernald DH, James KA, Lebin JA, Grzybicki DM, Zelie C, West DR. Evaluating the connections between primary care practice and clinical laboratory testing: a review of the literature and call for laboratory involvement in the solutions. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2013 Jan; 137 (1):120-5
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  104. Panse PM, Gruden JF, Viggiano RW, Smith ML, Gotway MB. Multiple ground-glass opacity pulmonary nodules: An unusual thoracic ct appearance of a rare diagnosis. Clinical Pulmonary Medicine. 2013; 20(4):199-201.
  105. Smith ML, Wilkerson T, Grzybicki DM, Raab SS. The effect of a Lean quality improvement implementation program on surgical pathology specimen accessioning and gross preparation error frequency. Am J Clin Pathol. 2012 Sep; 138(3):367-73.
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  106. Smith ML, Raab SS. Directed peer review in surgical pathology. Adv Anat Pathol. 2012 Sep; 19(5):331-7.
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  107. Grimsby GM, Tyson MD, Salevitz B, Smith ML, Castle EP. Bladder Outlet Obstruction Secondary to a Brunn's Cyst. Curr Urol. 2012 May; 6 (1):50-2 Epub 2012 Apr 30
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  108. Hu HH, Tovar JP, Pavlova Z, Smith ML, Gilsanz V. Unequivocal identification of brown adipose tissue in a human infant. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2012 Apr; 35 (4):938-42 Epub 2011 Dec 16
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  109. Harry BL, Smith ML, Burton JR Jr, Dasari A, Eckhardt SG, Diamond JR. Medullary thyroid cancer and pseudocirrhosis: case report and literature review. Curr Oncol. 2012 Feb; 19(1):e36-41.
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  110. Smith ML, Raab SS. Assessment of latent factors contributing to error: addressing surgical pathology error wisely. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2011 Nov; 135(11):1436-40.
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  111. Ryan MS, Smith ML, Grzybicki DM, Raab SS. Resident education and quality of gross tissue examination practices of benign uteri. J Clin Pathol. 2011 Sep; 64(9):761-4. Epub 2011 May 18.
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  112. Mengshol JA, Golden-Mason L, Arikawa T, Smith M, Niki T, McWilliams R, Randall JA, McMahan R, Zimmerman MA, Rangachari M, Dobrinskikh E, Busson P, Polyak SJ, Hirashima M, Rosen HR. A crucial role for Kupffer cell-derived galectin-9 in regulation of T cell immunity in hepatitis C infection. PLoS One. 2010; 5(3):e9504. Epub 2010 Mar 04.
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  113. Smith ML, Lucia MS, Werahera PN, La Rosa FG. Carcinoid tumor of the verumontanum (colliculus seminalis) of the prostatic urethra with a coexisting prostatic adenocarcinoma: a case report. J of Med Case Reports. 2010; 4(16):1-4.
  114. Dalton K, Smith M, Thurman J. The development of membranous lupus nephritis during treatment with mycophenolate mofetil for proliferative renal disease. NDT Plus. 2010; 3(4):346-348.
  115. Ghosh R, Schoolfield J, Yeh IT, Smith ML, Hursting SD, Chan DC, Lucia MS, Kumar AP. Loss of NADPH quinone oxidoreductase in the prostate and enhanced serum levels of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant 2alpha in hormone-stimulated noble rats: potential role in prostatic intraepithelial neoplasia development. Transl Oncol. 2009 May; 2(2):65-72.
  116. Yalavarthy R, Smith ML, Edelstein CL. HIV-associated nephropathy in Caucasians: case report and review of literature. Int J STD AIDS. 2008 Nov; 19(11):789-90.
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  117. Bashir Q, Lee CK, Stuart RW, Smith ML, Ryder J, Gonzalez R. Phenotypic evolution of Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia to extramedullary plasmacytoma. J Clin Oncol. 2008 May 10; 26(14):2408-10.
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  118. Yalavarthy R, Smith ML, Edelstein C. Acute kidney injury complicating minimal change disease: the case for careful use of diuretics and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors. Nephrology (Carlton). 2007 Oct; 12(5):529-31.
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