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Dawn Owen, M.D., Ph.D.


  1. Kowalchuk RO, Mullikin TC, Spears GM, Johnson-Tesch BA, Rose PS, Siontis BL, Kun Kim D, Costello BA, Morris JM, Gao RW, Shiraishi S, Lucido JJ, Olivier KR, Owen D, Stish BJ, Waddle MR, Laack NN, Park SS, Brown PD, Merrell KW. Assessment of minimum target dose as a predictor of local failure after spine SBRT. Radiother Oncol. 2024 Jun; 195:110260 Epub 2024 Mar 27
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  2. Gits HC, Khosravi Flanigan MA, Kapplinger JD, Reisenauer JS, Eiken PW, Breen WG, Vu LH, Welch BT, Harmsen WS, Day CN, Olivier KR, Park SS, Garces YI, Hallemeier CL, Merrell KW, Ashman JB, Schild SE, Grams MP, Lucido JJ, Shen KR, Cassivi SD, Wigle D, Nichols FC, Blackmon S, Tapias LF, Callstrom MR, Owen D. Sublobar Resection, Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy, and Percutaneous Ablation Provide Comparable Outcomes for Lung Metastasis-Directed Therapy. Chest. 2024 May; 165 (5):1247-1259 Epub 2023 Dec 14
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  3. Riely GJ, Wood DE, Ettinger DS, Aisner DL, Akerley W, Bauman JR, Bharat A, Bruno DS, Chang JY, Chirieac LR, DeCamp M, Desai AP, Dilling TJ, Dowell J, Durm GA, Gettinger S, Grotz TE, Gubens MA, Juloori A, Lackner RP, Lanuti M, Lin J, Loo BW, Lovly CM, Maldonado F, Massarelli E, Morgensztern D, Mullikin TC, Ng T, Owen D, Owen DH, Patel SP, Patil T, Polanco PM, Riess J, Shapiro TA, Singh AP, Stevenson J, Tam A, Tanvetyanon T, Yanagawa J, Yang SC, Yau E, Gregory KM, Hang L. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, Version 4.2024. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2024 May; 22 (4):249-274
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  4. Jabbour SK, Kumar R, Anderson B, Chino JP, Jethwa KR, McDowell L, Lo AC, Owen D, Pollom EL, Tree AC, Tsang DS, Yom SS. Combinatorial Approaches for Chemotherapies and Targeted Therapies With Radiation: United Efforts to Innovate in Patient Care. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2024 Apr 1; 118 (5):1240-1261 Epub 2024 Jan 10
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  5. Deufel C, Dodoo C, Kavanaugh J, Finley R, Lang K, Sorenson K, Spreiter S, Brooks J, Moseley D, Ahmed SK, Haddock MG, Ma D, Park SS, Petersen IA, Owen DW, Grams MP. Automated target placement for VMAT lattice radiation therapy: enhancing efficiency and consistency. Phys Med Biol. 2024 Mar 18; 69 (7)
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  6. Ahmed SK, Petersen IA, Grams MP, Finley RR, Haddock MG, Owen D. Spatially Fractionated Radiation Therapy in Sarcomas: A Large Single-Institution Experience. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2024 Mar; 9 (3):101401 Epub 2023 Nov 04
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  7. Stevenson J, Ettinger DS, Wood DE, Aisner DL, Akerley W, Bauman JR, Bharat A, Bruno DS, Chang JY, Chirieac LR, DeCamp M, Desai A, Dilling TJ, Dowell J, Durm GA, Garassino MC, Gettinger S, Grotz TE, Gubens MA, Lackner RP, Lanuti M, Lin J, Loo BW Jr, Lovly CM, Maldonado F, Massarelli E, Morgensztern D, Mullikin TC, Ng T, Otterson GA, Owen D, Patel SP, Patil T, Polanco PM, Riely GJ, Riess J, Shapiro TA, Singh AP, Tam A, Tanvetyanon T, Yanagawa J, Yang SC, Yau E, Gregory K, Hang L. Mesothelioma: Pleural, Version 1.2024. J Natl Compr Canc Netw. 2024 Mar; 22 (2):72-81
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  8. Yanagihara TK, Tepper JE, Moon AM, Barry A, Molla M, Seong J, Torres F, Apisarnthanarax S, Buckstein M, Cardenes H, Chang DT, Feng M, Guha C, Hallemeier CL, Hawkins MA, Hoyer M, Iwata H, Jabbour SK, Kachnic L, Kharofa J, Kim TH, Kirichenko A, Koay EJ, Makishima H, Mases J, Meyer JJ, Munoz-Schuffenegger P, Owen D, Park HC, Saez J, Sanford NN, Scorsetti M, Smith GL, Wo JY, Yoon SM, Lawrence TS, Reig M, Dawson LA. Defining Minimum Treatment Parameters of Ablative Radiation Therapy in Patients With Hepatocellular Carcinoma: An Expert Consensus. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2024 Mar-Apr; 14 (2):134-145 Epub 2024 Jan 19
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  9. Mendiratta-Lala M, Batra S, Lala K, Kohn M, Owen D. Multidisciplinary assessment of tumor response after internal and external radiation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatoma Research. 2024; 10:31
  10. Gicobi JK, Mao Z, DeFranco G, Hirdler JB, Li Y, Vianzon VV, Dellacecca ER, Hsu MA, Barham W, Yan Y, Mansfield AS, Lin Y, Wu X, Hitosugi T, Owen D, Grams MP, Orme JJ, Lucien F, Zeng H, Park SS, Dong H. Salvage therapy expands highly cytotoxic and metabolically fit resilient CD8(+) T cells via ME1 up-regulation. Sci Adv. 2023 Nov 17; 9 (46):eadi2414 Epub 2023 Nov 15
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  11. Cui S, Traverso A, Niraula D, Zou J, Luo Y, Owen D, El Naqa I, Wei L. Interpretable artificial intelligence in radiology and radiation oncology. Br J Radiol. 2023 Oct; 96 (1150):20230142 Epub 2023 July 26
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  12. Murthy V, Allen-Auerbach M, Lam R, Owen D, Czernin J, Calais J. PSMA-Negative Lesion Progression Under (177)Lu-PSMA Radioligand Therapy. J Nucl Med. 2023 Sep; 64 (9):1502-1503 Epub 2023 June 15
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  13. Herr DJ, Wang C, Mendiratta-Lala M, Matuszak M, Mayo CS, Cao Y, Parikh ND, Ten Haken R, Owen D, Evans JR, Stanescu T, Yan M, Dawson LA, Schipper M, Lawrence TS, Cuneo KC. A Phase II Study of Optimized Individualized Adaptive Radiation Therapy for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Cancer Res. 2023 Jul 20 Epub 2023 July 20
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  14. Oliver DE, Laborde JM, Singh DP, Milano MT, Videtic GM, Williams GR, LaRiviere MJ, Chan JW, Peters GW, Decker RH, Samson P, Robinson CG, Breen WG, Owen D, Tian S, Higgins KA, Almeldin D, Jabbour SK, Wang F, Grass GD, Perez BA, Dilling TJ, Strosberg J, Rosenberg SA. Early-Stage Primary Lung Neuroendocrine Tumors Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: A Multi-Institution Experience. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2023 Jul 15; 116 (4):849-857 Epub 2023 Jan 26
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  15. Grams MP, Deufel CL, Kavanaugh JA, Corbin KS, Ahmed SK, Haddock MG, Lester SC, Ma DJ, Petersen IA, Finley RR, Lang KG, Spreiter SS, Park SS, Owen D. Clinical aspects of spatially fractionated radiation therapy treatments. Phys Med. 2023 Jul; 111:102616 Epub 2023 June 11
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  16. Moon AM, Kim HP, Singal AG, Owen D, Mendiratta-Lala M, Parikh ND, Rose SC, McGinty KA, Agala CB, Burke LM, Abate A, Altun E, Beyer C, Do J, Folkert MR, Forbes C, Hattangadi-Gluth JA, Hayashi PH, Jones K, Khatri G, Kono Y, Lawrence TS, Maurino C, Mauro DM, Mayo CS, Pak T, Patil P, Sanders EC, Simpson DR, Tepper JE, Thapa D, Yanagihara TK, Wang K, Gerber DA. Thermal ablation compared to stereotactic body radiation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma: A multicenter retrospective comparative study. Hepatol Commun. 2023 Jul 1; 7 (7) Epub 2023 June 14
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  17. Gharzai LA, Wang C, Tang M, Jackson WC, Maurino C, Cousins M, Mendiratta-Lala M, Parikh ND, Mayo CS, Ten Haken RK, Owen D, Cuneo KC, Schipper MJ, Lawrence TS. Efficacy of a Second Course of Radiation for Patients with Metachronous Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2023 Jun 7 Epub 2023 June 07
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  18. Patel R, Aslam A, Parikh ND, Mervak B, Mubarak E, Higgins L, Lala K, Conner JF, Khaykin V, Bashir M, Do RKG, Burke LMB, Smith EN, Kim CY, Shampain KL, Owen D, Mendiratta-Lala M. Updates on LI-RADS Treatment Response Criteria for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Focusing on MRI. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2023 Jun; 57 (6):1641-1654 Epub 2023 Mar 05
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  19. Kowalchuk RO, Mullikin TC, Florez M, De BS, Spears GM, Rose PS, Siontis BL, Kim DK, Costello BA, Morris JM, Marion JT, Johnson-Tesch BA, Gao RW, Shiraishi S, Lucido JJ, Trifiletti DM, Olivier KR, Owen D, Stish BJ, Waddle MR, Laack NN, Park SS, Brown PD, Ghia AJ, Merrell KW. Development and validation of a recursive partitioning analysis-based pretreatment decision-making tool identifying ideal candidates for spine stereotactic body radiation therapy. Cancer. 2023 Mar 15; 129(6):956-965. Epub 2022 Dec 26.
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  20. Kowalchuk RO, Spears GM, Morris LK, Owen D, Yoon HH, Jethwa K, Chuong MD, Ferris MJ, Haddock MG, Hallemeier CL, Wigle D, Lin SH, Merrell KW. Risk stratification of postoperative cardiopulmonary toxicity after trimodality therapy for esophageal cancer. Front Oncol. 2023; 13:1081024 Epub 2023 Feb 09
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  21. Martin M, Aslam A, Mubarak E, Hofley C, Lala K, Arora S, Madoff DC, Smith E, Owen D, Gabr A, Kim C, Parikh N, Stein E, Mervak B, Shampain K, Mendiratta-Lala M. Imaging after liver-directed therapy: evidenced-based update of the LI-RADS treatment response algorithm. Hepatoma Research. 2023; 9:21
  22. Kowalchuk R, Mullikin TC, Breen W, Gits HC, Florez M, De B, Harmsen WS, Rose PS, Siontis BL, Costello BA, Morris JM, Lucido JJ, Olivier KR, Stish B, Laack NN, Park S, Owen D, Ghia AJ, Brown PD, Merrell KW. Development and validation of a unifying pre-treatment decision tool for intracranial and extracranial metastasis-directed radiotherapy. Front Oncol. 2023; 13:1095170 Epub 2023 Mar 27
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  23. Yu NY, DeWees TA, Voss MM, Breen WG, Chiang JS, Ding JX, Daniels TB, Owen D, Olivier KR, Garces YI, Park SS, Sarkaria JN, Yang P, Savvides PS, Ernani V, Liu W, Schild SE, Merrell KW, Sio TT. Cardiopulmonary Toxicity Following Intensity-Modulated Proton Therapy (IMPT) Versus Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy (IMRT) for Stage III Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Clin Lung Cancer. 2022 Dec; 23 (8):e526-e535 Epub 2022 Aug 10
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  24. Lucido JJ, Mullikin TC, Abraha F, Harmsen WS, Vaishnav BD, Brinkmann DH, Kowalchuk RO, Marion JT, Johnson-Tesch BA, El Sherif O, Brown PD, Rose PS, Owen D, Morris JM, Waddle MR, Siontis BL, Stish BJ, Pafundi DH, Laack NN, Olivier KR, Park SS, Merrell KW. Single and Multifraction Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy and the Risk of Radiation Induced Myelopathy. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2022 Nov-Dec; 7 (6):101047 Epub 2022 Aug 13
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  25. Grams MP, Tseung HSWC, Ito S, Zhang Y, Owen D, Park SS, Ahmed SK, Petersen IA, Haddock MG, Harmsen WS, Ma DJ. A Dosimetric Comparison of Lattice, Brass, and Proton Grid Therapy Treatment Plans. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2022 Sep-Oct; 12 (5):e442-e452 Epub 2022 Apr 10
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  26. Simeth J, Aryal M, Owen D, Cuneo K, Lawrence TS, Cao Y. Gadoxetic Acid Uptake Rate as a Measure of Global and Regional Liver Function as Compared With Indocyanine Green Retention, Albumin-Bilirubin Score, and Portal Venous Perfusion. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2022 Sep-Oct; 7 (5):100942 Epub 2022 Mar 16
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  27. Gao RW, Day CN, Yu NY, Bush A, Amundson AC, Prodduturvar P, Majeed U, Butts E, Oliver T, Schwecke AJ, Moffett JN, Routman DM, Breen WG, Potter AL, Rivera-Concepcion J, Hoppe BS, Schild SE, Sio TT, Lou Y, Ernani V, Ko S, Olivier KR, Merrell KW, Garces YI, Manochakian R, Harmsen WS, Leventakos K, Owen D. Dosimetric predictors of pneumonitis in locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer patients treated with chemoradiation followed by durvalumab. Lung Cancer. 2022 Aug; 170:58-64 Epub 2022 June 13
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  28. Kowalchuk RO, Mullikin TC, Harmsen WS, Rose PS, Siontis BL, Kim DK, Costello BA, Morris JM, Marion JT, Johnson-Tesch BA, Gao RW, Shiraishi S, Lucido JJ, Olivier KR, Owen D, Stish BJ, Laack NN, Park SS, Brown PD, Merrell KW. Development and internal validation of a recursive partitioning analysis-based model predictive of pain flare incidence after spine stereotactic body radiation therapy. Practical Radiation Oncology. 2022 Jul-aug; 12 (4):E269-77
  29. Kowalchuk RO, Johnson-Tesch BA, Marion JT, Mullikin TC, Harmsen WS, Rose PS, Siontis BL, Kim DK, Costello BA, Morris JM, Gao RW, Shiraishi S, Lucido JJ, Sio TT, Trifiletti DM, Olivier KR, Owen D, Stish BJ, Waddle MR, Laack NN, Park SS, Brown PD, Merrell KW. Development and Assessment of a Predictive Score for Vertebral Compression Fracture After Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy for Spinal Metastases. JAMA Oncol. 2022 Mar 01; 8(3):412-419.
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  30. Mendiratta-Lala M, Aslam A, Maturen KE, Westerhoff M, Maurino C, Parikh ND, Sun Y, Sonnenday CJ, Stein EB, Shampain KL, Kaza RK, Cuneo K, Masch W, Do RKG, Lawrence TS, Owen D. LI-RADS Treatment Response Algorithm: Performance and Diagnostic Accuracy With Radiologic-Pathologic Explant Correlation in Patients With SBRT-Treated Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2022 Mar 1; 112 (3):704-714 Epub 2021 Oct 10
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  31. Kowalchuk RO, Mullikin TC, Harmsen WS, Rose PS, Siontis BL, Kim DK, Costello BA, Morris JM, Marion JT, Johnson-Tesch BA, Gao RW, Shiraishi S, Lucido JJ, Olivier KR, Owen D, Stish BJ, Laack NN, Park SS, Brown PD, Merrell KW. Development and Internal Validation of a Recursive Partitioning Analysis-Based Model Predictive of Pain Flare Incidence After Spine Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2022 Jul-Aug; 12(4):e269-e277. Epub 2022 Feb 10.
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  32. Apisarnthanarax S, Barry A, Cao M, Czito B, DeMatteo R, Drinane M, Hallemeier CL, Koay EJ, Lasley F, Meyer J, Pursley J, Schaub SK, Smith G, Venepalli NK, Zibari G, Cardenes H. External Beam Radiation Therapy for Primary Liver Cancers: An ASTRO Clinical Practice Guideline. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2022 Jan-Feb; 12 (1):28-51 Epub 2021 Oct 21
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  33. Gits HC, Tang AH, Harmsen WS, Bamlet WR, Graham RP, Petersen GM, Smyrk TC, Mahipal A, Kowalchuk RO, Ashman JB, Rule WG, Owen D, Neben Wittich MA, McWilliams RR, Halfdanarson T, Ma WW, Sio TT, Cleary SP, Truty MJ, Haddock MG, Hallemeier CL, Merrell KW. Intact SMAD-4 is a predictor of increased locoregional recurrence in upfront resected pancreas cancer receiving adjuvant therapy. J Gastrointest Oncol. 2021 Oct; 12 (5):2275-2286
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  34. Heller M, Parikh ND, Fidelman N, Owen D. Frontiers of therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2021 Aug; 46 (8):3648-3659 Epub 2021 Apr 10
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  35. Shampain KL, Hackett CE, Towfighi S, Aslam A, Masch WR, Harris AC, Chang SD, Khanna K, Mendiratta V, Gabr AM, Owen D, Mendiratta-Lala M. SBRT for HCC: Overview of technique and treatment response assessment. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2021 Aug; 46 (8):3615-3624 Epub 2021 May 07
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  36. Wilkie JR, Lipson R, Johnson MC, Williams C, Moghanaki D, Elliott D, Owen D, Atluri N, Jolly S, Chapman CH. Use and Outcomes of SBRT for Early Stage NSCLC Without Pathologic Confirmation in the Veterans Health Care Administration. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2021 Jul-Aug; 6 (4):100707 Epub 2021 Apr 20
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  37. Kruser TJ, Robinson C, Owen D, Salama JK, Daly ME. Strike or Spare? A Review of Lung-Sparing Therapies for Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2021 Jun 1; 110 (2):257-260
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  38. Lee G, Kim DW, Oladeru OT, Niemierko A, Gergelis KR, Haddock MG, Toesca DAS, Koong AJ, Owen D, Weekes C, Hong TS, Chang DT, Hallemeier CL, Wo JY. Liver Metastasis-Directed Ablative Radiotherapy in Pancreatic Cancer Offers Prolonged Time Off Systemic Therapy in Selected Patients: Data From a Multi-institutional Retrospective Study. Pancreas. 2021 May-Jun 01; 50(5):736-743.
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  39. Breen WG, Jeans EB, Gergelis KR, Garces YI, Park SS, Merrell KW, Peikert TD, Mansfield AS, Wigle DA, Harmsen WS, Ellerbusch DC, Olivier KR, John Lucido J, Owen D. Ablative radiotherapy for ultracentral lung cancers: Dosimetric, geometric, and volumetric predictors of outcomes and toxicity. Radiother Oncol. 2021 May; 158:246-252 Epub 2021 Mar 10
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  40. Grams MP, Owen D, Park SS, Petersen IA, Haddock MG, Jeans EB, Finley RR, Ma DJ. VMAT Grid Therapy: A Widely Applicable Planning Approach. Pract Radiat Oncol. 2021 May-Jun; 11 (3):e339-e347 Epub 2020 Oct 31
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  41. Daly ME, Ismaila N, Decker RH, Higgins K, Owen D, Saxena A, Franklin GE, Donaldson D, Schneider BJ. Radiation Therapy for Small-Cell Lung Cancer: ASCO Guideline Endorsement of an ASTRO Guideline. J Clin Oncol. 2021 Mar 10; 39 (8):931-939 Epub 2021 Jan 27
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  42. Wei L, Owen D, Rosen B, Guo X, Cuneo K, Lawrence TS, Ten Haken R, El Naqa I. A deep survival interpretable radiomics model of hepatocellular carcinoma patients. Phys Med. 2021 Feb; 82:295-305 Epub 2021 Mar 10
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  43. Kowalchuk RO, Lester SC, Graham RP, Harmsen WS, Zhang L, Halfdanarson TR, Smoot RL, Gits HC, Ma WW, Owen D, Mahipal A, Miller RC, Wittich MAN, Cleary SP, McWilliams RR, Haddock MG, Hallemeier CL, Truty MJ, Merrell KW. Predicting Adverse Pathologic Features and Clinical Outcomes of Resectable Pancreas Cancer With Preoperative CA 19-9. Front Oncol. 2021; 11:651119 Epub 2021 May 11
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  44. Jackson WC, Tang M, Maurino C, Mendiratta-Lala M, Parikh ND, Matuszak MM, Dow JS, Cao Y, Mayo CS, Ten Haken RK, Schipper MJ, Cuneo KC, Owen D, Lawrence TS. Individualized Adaptive Radiation Therapy Allows for Safe Treatment of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Patients With Child-Turcotte-Pugh B Liver Disease. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2021 Jan 1; 109 (1):212-219 Epub 2020 Aug 24
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  45. Cousins MM, Morris E, Maurino C, Devasia TP, Karnak D, Ray D, Parikh ND, Owen D, Ten Haken RK, Schipper MJ, Lawrence TS, Cuneo KC. TNFR1 and the TNFalpha axis as a targetable mediator of liver injury from stereotactic body radiation therapy. Transl Oncol. 2021 Jan; 14 (1):100950 Epub 2020 Dec 13
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  46. Cazoulat G, Balter JM, Matuszak MM, Jolly S, Owen D, Brock KK. Mapping lung ventilation through stress maps derived from biomechanical models of the lung Medical Physics. 2020.
  47. Mendiratta-Lala M, Masch W, Owen D, Aslam A, Maurino C, Devasia T, Schipper MJ, Parikh ND, Cuneo K, Lawrence TS, Davenport MS. Natural history of hepatocellular carcinoma after stereotactic body radiation therapy. Abdom Radiol (NY). 2020 Nov; 45 (11):3698-3708
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  48. Mayo CS, Mierzwa M, Moran JM, Matuszak MM, Wilkie J, Sun G, Yao J, Weyburn G, Anderson CJ, Owen D, Rao A. Combination of a Big Data Analytics Resource System With an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm to Identify Clinically Actionable Radiation Dose Thresholds for Dysphagia in Head and Neck Patients. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2020 Nov-Dec; 5 (6):1296-1304 Epub 2020 Jan 12
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  49. Owen D, Sio TT. Stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) for central and ultracentral node-negative lung tumors. J Thorac Dis. 2020 Nov; 12 (11):7024-7031
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  50. Mathew AS, Atenafu EG, Owen D, Maurino C, Brade A, Brierley J, Dinniwell R, Kim J, Cho C, Ringash J, Wong R, Cuneo K, Feng M, Lawrence TS, Dawson LA. Long term outcomes of stereotactic body radiation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma without macrovascular invasion. Eur J Cancer. 2020 Jul; 134:41-51 Epub 2020 May 24
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  51. Razavian N, Laucis A, Sun Y, Spratt DE, Owen D, Schonewolf C, Uppal S, Maturen KE, Jolly S. Radiation-Induced Insufficiency Fractures after Pelvic Irradiation for Gynecologic Malignancies: A Systematic Review. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2020 May 19 [Epub ahead of print]
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  52. Siontis BL, McHugh JB, Roberts E, Zhao L, Thomas DG, Owen D, Baker LH, Biermann JS, Schuetze SM, Chugh R. Differential Outcomes and Biologic Markers of Radiation-Associated vs. Sporadic Osteosarcoma: A Single-Institution Experience. Front Oncol. 2019; 9:1523 Epub 2020 Jan 22
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  53. Paradis KC, Mayo CS, Owen D, Spratt DE, Hearn J, Rosen B, Kashani R, Moran J, Tatro DS, Beeler WH, Vineberg K, Smith DC, Matuszak MM. The Special Medical Physics Consult Process for Reirradiation Patients Advances in Radiation Oncology. 2019; 4(4):559–565.
  54. Beeler WH, Speth KA, Broderick MT, Jairath NK, Ballouz D, Gharzai LA, Jackson WC, Kim MM, Owen D, Szerlip NJ, Paradis KC, Spratt DE. Local Control and Toxicity of Multilevel Spine Stereotactic Body Radiotherapy. Neurosurgery. 2019 Sep 20 Epub 2019 Sept 20
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  55. Jackson WC, Suresh K, Maurino C, Feng M, Cuneo KC, Ten Haken RK, Lawrence TS, Schipper MJ, Owen D. A mid-treatment break and reassessment maintains tumor control and reduces toxicity in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma treated with stereotactic body radiation therapy. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Aug 17 [Epub ahead of print]
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  56. Mikell JK, Majdalany BS, Owen D, Paradis KC, Dewaraja YK. Assessing Spatial Concordance Between Theranostic Pairs Using Phantom and Patient-Specific Acceptance Criteria: Application to (99m)Tc-MAA SPECT/(90)Y-Microsphere PET. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2019 Aug 1; 104 (5):1133-1140 Epub 2019 Apr 22
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  57. Cuneo KC, Devasia T, Sun Y, Schipper MJ, Karnak D, Davis MA, Owen D, Feng M, El Naqa I, Bazzi L, Ten Haken R, Lawrence TS. Serum Levels of Hepatocyte Growth Factor and CD40 Ligand Predict Radiation-Induced Liver Injury. Transl Oncol. 2019 Jul; 12 (7):889-894 Epub 2019 May 09
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  58. Dewaraja YK, Devasia T, Kaza RK, Mikell JK, Owen D, Roberson PL, Schipper M. Prediction of tumor control in (90)Y radioembolization by logit models with PET/CT based dose metrics. J Nucl Med. 2019 May 30 [Epub ahead of print]
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  59. Arnett ALH, Mou B, Owen D, Park SS, Nelson K, Hallemeier CL, Sio T, Garces YI, Olivier KR, Merrell KW. Long-term Clinical Outcomes and Safety Profile of SBRT for Centrally Located NSCLC. Adv Radiat Oncol. 2019 Apr-Jun; 4 (2):422-428 Epub 2019 Jan 24
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  60. Kong FS, Li L, Wang W, Campbell J, Waller JL, Piert M, Gross M, Cheng M, Owen D, Stenmark M, Huang KC, Frey KA, Ten Haken RK, Lawrence TS. Greater reduction in mid-treatment FDG-PET volume may be associated with worse survival in non-small cell lung cancer. Radiother Oncol. 2019 Mar; 132:241-249 Epub 2018 Oct 30
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  61. Mendiratta-Lala M, Masch W, Shankar PR, Hartman HE, Davenport MS, Schipper MJ, Maurino C, Cuneo KC, Lawrence TS, Owen D. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy: Long Term Imaging Follow-Up. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2019 Jan 1; 103 (1):169-179 Epub 2018 Sept 10
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  62. Cao Y, Aryal M, Li P, Lee C, Schipper M, Hawkins PG, Chapman C, Owen D, Dragovic AF, Swiecicki P, Casper K, Worden F, Lawrence TS, Eisbruch A, Mierzwa M. Predictive Values of MRI and PET Derived Quantitative Parameters for Patterns of Failure in Both p16+ and p16- High Risk Head and Neck Cancer. Front Oncol. 2019; 9:1118 Epub 2019 Nov 14
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  63. Mikell JK, Kaza RK, Roberson PL, Younge KC, Srinivasa RN, Majdalany BS, Cuneo KC, Owen D, Devasia T, Schipper MJ, Dewaraja YK. Impact of (90)Y PET gradient-based tumor segmentation on voxel-level dosimetry in liver radioembolization. EJNMMI Phys. 2018 Nov 30; 5 (1):31
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  64. Mendiratta-Lala M, Gu E, Owen D, Cuneo KC, Bazzi L, Lawrence TS, Hussain HK, Davenport MS. Imaging Findings Within the First 12 Months of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Treated With Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2018 Nov 15; 102 (4):1063-1069 Epub 2017 Aug 24
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  65. Hawkins PG, Tang M, Vineberg K, Young L, Kovach K, Lee C, Maturen KE, Uppal S, Owen D, Schipper MJ, Priscinadaro JI, Jolly S. A Framework for Evaluation and Mitigation of the Dosimetric Impact of Interfractional Organs at Risk Variation in Patients Treated with Interstitial High-dose Rate Brachytherapy for gynecologic malignancies Med Dosim. 2018; 44(3):239-244.
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  66. Matuszak MM, Fuller CD, Yock TI, Hess CB, McNutt T, Jolly S, Gabriel P, Mayo CS, Thor M, Caissie A, Rao A, Owen D, Smith W, Palta J, Kapoor R, Hayman J, Waddle M, Rosenstein B, Miller R, Choi S, Moreno A, Herman J, Feng M. Performance/outcomes data and physician process challenges for practical big data efforts in radiation oncology. Med Phys. 2018 Oct; 45 (10):e811-e819 Epub 2018 Sept 19
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  67. Toesca DAS, Barry A, Sapisochin G, Beecroft R, Dawson L, Owen D, Mouli S, Lewandowski R, Salem R, Chang DT. Clinical Case Panel: Treatment Alternatives for Inoperable Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Semin Radiat Oncol. 2018 Oct; 28 (4):295-308
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  68. Parikh ND, Marshall VD, Green M, Lawrence TS, Razumilava N, Owen D, Singal AG, Feng M. Effectiveness and cost of radiofrequency ablation and stereotactic body radiotherapy for treatment of early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma: An analysis of SEER-medicare. J Med Imaging Radiat Oncol. 2018 Oct; 62 (5):673-681 Epub 2018 June 07
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  69. Allred JD, Niedbala J, Mikell JK, Owen D, Frey KA, Dewaraja YK. The value of (99m)Tc-MAA SPECT/CT for lung shunt estimation in (90)Y radioembolization: a phantom and patient study. EJNMMI Res. 2018 Jun 15; 8 (1):50 Epub 2018 June 15
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  70. Simeth J, Johansson A, Owen D, Cuneo K, Mierzwa M, Feng M, Lawrence TS, Cao Y. Quantification of liver function by linearization of a two-compartment model of gadoxetic acid uptake using dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. NMR Biomed. 2018 Jun; 31 (6):e3913 Epub 2018 Apr 19
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