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Mike M. Bierle, M.D.

  1. Internist


  1. Johnson PW, Kunze KL, Senefeld JW, Sinclair JE, Isha S, Satashia PH, Bhakta S, Cowart JB, Bosch W, O'Horo J, Shah SZ, Wadei HM, Edwards MA, Pollock BD, Edwards AJ, Scheitel-Tulledge S, Clune CG, Hanson SN, Arndt R, Heyliger A, Kudrna C, Bierle DM, Buckmeier JR, Seville MTA, Orenstein R, Libertin C, Ganesh R, Franco PM, Razonable RR, Carter RE, Sanghavi DK, Speicher LL. Association of Neutralizing Antispike Monoclonal Antibody Treatment With Coronavirus Disease 2019 Hospitalization and Assessment of the Monoclonal Antibody Screening Score. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2023 Apr; 7 (2):109-121 Epub 2023 Jan 11
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  2. Yang J, Shin KM, Do A, Bierle DM, Abu Dabrh AM, Yin Z, Bauer BA, Mohabbat AB. The Safety and Efficacy of Low-Dose Naltrexone in Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Systematic Review. J Pain Res. 2023; 16:1017-1023 Epub 2023 Mar 21
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  3. Sahai SK, Balonov K, Bentov N, Bierle DMM, Browning LM, Cummings KC 3rd, Dougan BM, Maxwell M, Merli GJ, Oprea AD, Sweitzer B, Mauck KF, Urman RD. Preoperative Management of Cardiovascular Medications: A Society for Perioperative Assessment and Quality Improvement (SPAQI) Consensus Statement. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Sep; 97 (9):1734-1751
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  4. Bierle DM, Wight EC, Ganesh R, Himes CP, Sundsted KK, Jacob AK, Mohabbat AB. Preoperative Evaluation and Management of Patients With Select Chronic Gastrointestinal, Liver, and Renal Diseases. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Jul; 97 (7):1380-1395
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  5. Wang L, Scherer SE, Bielinski SJ, Muzny DM, Jones LA, Black JL 3rd, Moyer AM, Giri J, Sharp RR, Matey ET, Wright JA, Oyen LJ, Nicholson WT, Wiepert M, Sullard T, Curry TB, Rohrer Vitek CR, McAllister TM, St Sauver JL, Caraballo PJ, Lazaridis KN, Venner E, Qin X, Hu J, Kovar CL, Korchina V, Walker K, Doddapaneni H, Wu TJ, Raj R, Denson S, Liu W, Chandanavelli G, Zhang L, Wang Q, Kalra D, Karow MB, Harris KJ, Sicotte H, Peterson SE, Barthel AE, Moore BE, Skierka JM, Kluge ML, Kotzer KE, Kloke K, Vander Pol JM, Marker H, Sutton JA, Kekic A, Ebenhoh A, Bierle DM, Schuh MJ, Grilli C, Erickson S, Umbreit A, Ward L, Crosby S, Nelson EA, Levey S, Elliott M, Peters SG, Pereira N, Frye M, Shamoun F, Goetz MP, Kullo IJ, Wermers R, Anderson JA, Formea CM, El Melik RM, Zeuli JD, Herges JR, Krieger CA, Hoel RW, Taraba JL, St Thomas SR, Absah I, Bernard ME, Fink SR, Gossard A, Grubbs PL, Jacobson TM, Takahashi P, Zehe SC, Buckles S, Bumgardner M, Gallagher C, Fee-Schroeder K, Nicholas NR, Powers ML, Ragab AK, Richardson DM, Stai A, Wilson J, Pacyna JE, Olson JE, Sutton EJ, Beck AT, Horrow C, Kalari KR, Larson NB, Liu H, Wang L, Lopes GS, Borah BJ, Freimuth RR, Zhu Y, Jacobson DJ, Hathcock MA, Armasu SM, McGree ME, Jiang R, Koep TH, Ross JL, Hilden MG, Bosse K, Ramey B, Searcy I, Boerwinkle E, Gibbs RA, Weinshilboum RM. Implementation of preemptive DNA sequence-based pharmacogenomics testing across a large academic medical center: The Mayo-Baylor RIGHT 10K Study. Genet Med. 2022 May; 24(5):1062-1072. Epub 2022 Mar 21.
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  6. Yetmar ZA, Bhaimia E, Bierle DM, Ganesh R, Razonable RR. Breakthrough COVID-19 after SARS-CoV-2 vaccination in solid organ transplant recipients: An analysis of symptomatic cases and monoclonal antibody therapy. Transpl Infect Dis. 2022 Apr; 24 (2):e13779 Epub 2022 Jan 31
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  7. Ganesh R, Grach SL, Ghosh AK, Bierle DM, Salonen BR, Collins NM, Joshi AY, Boeder ND Jr, Anstine CV, Mueller MR, Wight EC, Croghan IT, Badley AD, Carter RE, Hurt RT. The Female-Predominant Persistent Immune Dysregulation of the Post-COVID Syndrome. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Mar; 97 (3):454-464 Epub 2022 Feb 05
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  8. Bierle DM, Ganesh R, Tulledge-Scheitel S, Hanson SN, Arndt LL, Wilker CG, Razonable RR. Monoclonal Antibody Treatment of Breakthrough COVID-19 in Fully Vaccinated Individuals with High-Risk Comorbidities. J Infect Dis. 2022 Feb 15; 225 (4):598-602
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  9. O'Horo JC, Challener DW, Speicher L, Bosch W, Seville MT, Bierle DM, Ganesh R, Wilker CG, Arndt RF, Arndt LL, Tulledge-Scheitel SM, Hanson SN, Razonable RR. Effectiveness of Monoclonal Antibodies in Preventing Severe COVID-19 With Emergence of the Delta Variant. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Feb; 97 (2):327-332 Epub 2021 Dec 16
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  10. Ganesh R, Philpot LM, Bierle DM, Razonable RR. Reply to Puing et al. J Infect Dis 2022 Jan 18; 225 (2):353-355
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  11. Razonable RR, Ganesh R, Bierle DM. Clinical Prioritization of Antispike Monoclonal Antibody Treatment of Mild to Moderate COVID-19. Mayo Clin Proc. 2022 Jan; 97 (1):26-30 Epub 2021 Nov 19
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  12. Abcejo AS, Pai SL, Bierle DM, Jacob AK. Preoperative cognitive screening and brain health initiatives. Int Anesthesiol Clin. 2022 Jan 1; 60 (1):43-47
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  13. Yang J, Shin KM, Abu Dabrh AM, Bierle DM, Zhou X, Bauer BA, Mohabbat AB. Ginseng for the Treatment of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Systematic Review of Clinical Studies. Glob Adv Health Med. 2022; 11:2164957X221079790 Epub 2022 Feb 14
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  14. Bierle DM, Ganesh R, Razonable RR. Breakthrough COVID-19 and casirivimab-imdevimab treatment during a SARS-CoV-2 B1.617.2 (Delta) surge. J Clin Virol. 2021 Dec; 145:105026 Epub 2021 Nov 08
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  15. Ganesh R, Philpot LM, Bierle DM, Anderson RJ, Arndt LL, Arndt RF, Culbertson TL, Destro Borgen MJ, Hanson SN, Kennedy BD, Kottke BB, Larsen JJ, Ramar P, Rosedahl JK, Seville MT, Speicher LL, Tulledge-Scheitel SM, Wilker CG, Razonable RR. Real-World Clinical Outcomes of Bamlanivimab and Casirivimab-Imdevimab Among High-Risk Patients With Mild to Moderate Coronavirus Disease 2019. J Infect Dis. 2021 Oct 28; 224 (8):1278-1286
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  16. Razonable RR, Pawlowski C, O'Horo JC, Arndt LL, Arndt R, Bierle DM, Borgen MD, Hanson SN, Hedin MC, Lenehan P, Puranik A, Seville MT, Speicher LL, Tulledge-Scheitel SM, Venkatakrishnan AJ, Wilker CG, Badley AD, Ganesh R. Casirivimab-Imdevimab treatment is associated with reduced rates of hospitalization among high-risk patients with mild to moderate coronavirus disease-19. EClinicalMedicine. 2021 Oct; 40:101102 Epub 2021 Aug 30
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  17. Ganesh R, Pawlowski CF, O'Horo JC, Arndt LL, Arndt RF, Bell SJ, Bierle DM, Borgen MD, Hanson SN, Heyliger A, Larsen JJ, Lenehan PJ, Orenstein R, Puranik A, Speicher LL, Tulledge-Scheitel SM, Venkatakrishnan AJ, Wilker CG, Badley AD, Razonable RR. Intravenous bamlanivimab use associates with reduced hospitalization in high-risk patients with mild to moderate COVID-19. J Clin Invest. 2021 Oct 1; 131 (19)
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  18. Coffey JD, Christopherson LA, Glasgow AE, Pearson KK, Brown JK, Gathje SR, Sangaralingham LR, Carmona Porquera EM, Virk A, Orenstein R, Speicher LL, Bierle DM, Ganesh R, Cox DL, Blegen RN, Haddad TC. Implementation of a multisite, interdisciplinary remote patient monitoring program for ambulatory management of patients with COVID-19. NPJ Digit Med. 2021 Aug 13; 4 (1):123
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  19. Bierle DM, Croghan IT, Ganesh R, Wilker CG, Hanson S, Moehnke DE, Jackson TA, Ramar P, Rosedahl JK, Philpot L, Razonable RR. Influence of Social and Cultural Factors on the Decision to Consent for Monoclonal Antibody Treatment among High-Risk Patients with Mild-Moderate COVID-19 Journal of Primary Care and Community Health. 2021.
  20. Yetmar ZA, Beam E, O'Horo JC, Ganesh R, Bierle DM, Brumble L, Seville MT, Razonable RR. Monoclonal Antibody Therapy for COVID-19 in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients. Open Forum Infect Dis. 2021 Jun; 8 (6):ofab255 Epub 2021 June 07
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  21. Croghan IT, Hurt RT, Ganesh R, Bhagra O, Fischer KM, Vincent A, Hays JT, Bierle DM, Schroeder DR, Fuehrer DL, Nanda S. The Association of Current Tobacco Status With Pain and Symptom Severity in Fibromyalgia Patients. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Jun; 5(3):614-624. Epub 2021 May 26.
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  22. Razonable RR, Aloia NCE, Anderson RJ, Anil G, Arndt LL, Arndt RF, Ausman SE, Bell SJ, Bierle DM, Billings ML, Bishop RK, Cramer CH, Culbertson TL, Dababneh AS, Derr AN, Epps K, Flaker SM, Ganesh R, Gilmer MA, Urena EG, Gulden CR, Haack TL, Hanson SN, Herzog JR, Heyliger A, Hokanson LD, Hopkins LH, Horecki RJ, Krishna BH, Huskins WC, Jackson TA, Johnson RR, Jorgenson B, Kudrna C, Kennedy BD, Klingsporn MK, Kottke B, Larsen JJ, Lessard SR, Lutwick LI, Malone EJ 3rd, Matoush JA, Micallef IN, Moehnke DE, Mohamed M, Ness CN, Olson SM, Orenstein R, Palraj R, Patel J, Paulson DJ, Phelan D, Peinovich MT, Ramsey WL, Rau-Kane TJ, Reid KI, Reinschmidt KJ, Seville MT, Skold EC, Smith JM, Speicher LL, Spielman LA, Springer DJ, Sweeten PW, Tempelis JM, Tulledge-Scheitel S, Vergidis P, Whipple DC, Wilker CG, Destro Borgen MJ. A Framework for Outpatient Infusion of Antispike Monoclonal Antibodies to High-Risk Patients with Mild-to-Moderate Coronavirus Disease-19: The Mayo Clinic Model. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 May; 96 (5):1250-1261 Epub 2021 Mar 09
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  23. Tulledge-Scheitel S, Bell SJ, Larsen JJ, Bierle DM, Takahashi P, Moehnke DE, Destro Borgen MJ, Springer DJ, Reinschmidt KJ, Baumbach LJ, Matoush JA, Heyliger A, Hanson SN, Razonable RR, Ganesh R. A mobile unit overcomes the challenges to monoclonal antibody infusion for COVID-19 in skilled care facilities. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2021 Apr; 69 (4):868-873 Epub 2021 Mar 05
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  24. O'Horo JC, Cerhan JR, Cahn EJ, Bauer PR, Temesgen Z, Ebbert J, Abril A, Abu Saleh OM, Assi M, Berbari EF, Bierle DM, Bosch W, Burger CD, Cano Cevallos EJ, Clements CM, Carmona Porquera EM, Castillo Almeida NE, Challener DW, Chesdachai S, Comba IY, Corsini Campioli CG, Crane SJ, Dababneh AS, Enzler MJ, Fadel HJ, Ganesh R, De Moraes AG, Go JR, Gordon JE, Gurram PR, Guru PK, Halverson EL, Harrison MF, Heaton HA, Hurt R, Kasten MJ, Lee AS, Levy ER, Libertin CR, Mallea JM, Marshall WF 3rd, Matcha G, Meehan AM, Franco PM, Morice WG 2nd, O'Brien JJ, Oeckler R, Ommen S, Oravec CP, Orenstein R, Ough NJ, Palraj R, Patel BM, Pureza VS, Pickering B, Phelan DM, Razonable RR, Rizza S, Sampathkumar P, Sanghavi DK, Sen A, Siegel JL, Singbartl K, Shah AS, Shweta F, Speicher LL, Suh G, Tabaja H Jr, Tande A, Ting HH, Tontz RC 3rd, Vaillant JJ, Vergidis P, Warsame MY, Yetmar ZA, Zomok CCD, Williams AW, Badley AD. Outcomes of COVID-19 With the Mayo Clinic Model of Care and Research. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Mar; 96 (3):601-618 Epub 2020 Dec 26
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  25. Ganesh R, Salonen BR, Bhuiyan MN, Bierle DM, Moehnke D, Haddad TC, Tande AJ, Wilson J, Hurt RT. Managing Patients in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Virtual Multidisciplinary Approach. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Feb; 5 (1):118-126 Epub 2020 Dec 15
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  26. Littrell LA, Leslie DF, Bierle DM, Wenger DE. Progressive Monoarticular Inflammatory Arthritis Following Influenza Vaccination. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2021 Feb; 5(1):204-209. Epub 2020 Nov 06.
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  27. Bierle DM, Aakre CA, Grach SL, Salonen BR, Croghan IT, Hurt RT, Ganesh R. Central Sensitization Phenotypes in Post Acute Sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 Infection (PASC): Defining the Post COVID Syndrome. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211030826.
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  28. Bierle DM, Ganesh R, Wilker CG, Hanson SN, Moehnke DE, Jackson TA, Ramar P, Rosedahl JK, Philpot LM, Razonable RR. Influence of Social and Cultural Factors on the Decision to Consent for Monoclonal Antibody Treatment among High-Risk Patients with Mild-Moderate COVID-19. J Prim Care Community Health. 2021 Jan-Dec; 12:21501327211019282
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  29. Rockey NG, Ramos GP, Romanski S, Bierle D, Bartlett M, Halland M. Patient participation in medical student teaching: a survey of hospital patients. BMC Med Educ. 2020 May 7; 20 (1):142 Epub 2020 May 07
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  30. Raslau D, Bierle DM, Stephenson CR, Mikhail MA, Kebede EB, Mauck KF. Preoperative Cardiac Risk Assessment. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 May; 95 (5):1064-1079 Epub 2020 Feb 24
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  31. Cullen MW, McCully RB, Widmer RJ, Schroeder DR, Salonen BR, Raslau D, Sundsted KK, Mohabbat AB, Dougan BM, Bierle DM, Widmer A, Banerjee D, Gaba P, Tellez R, Kane GC, Pellikka PA, Mauck KF. Preoperative Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography and Clinical Factors for Assessment of Cardiac Risk after Noncardiac Surgery. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2020 Apr; 33 (4):423-432 Epub 2020 Feb 20
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  32. Bierle DM, Raslau D, Regan DW, Sundsted KK, Mauck KF. Preoperative Evaluation Before Noncardiac Surgery. Mayo Clin Proc. 2020 Apr; 95 (4):807-822 Epub 2019 Nov 18
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  33. Shlensky JA, Thurber KM, O'Meara JG, Ou NN, Osborn JL, Dierkhising RA, Mara KC, Bierle DM, Daniels PR. Unfractionated heparin infusion for treatment of venous thromboembolism based on actual body weight without dose capping. Vasc Med. 2020 Feb; 25 (1):47-54 Epub 2019 Oct 18
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  34. Bartlett MA, Bierle DM, Saadiq RA, Mauck KF, Daniels PR. Updates in venous thromboembolism management: evidence published in 2017. Hosp Pract (1995). 2018 Oct; 46 (4):183-188 Epub 2018 June 20
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  35. Widmer RJ, Cullen MW, Salonen BR, Sundsted KK, Raslau D, Mohabbat AB, Dougan BM, Bierle DM, Lawson DK, Widmer AJ, Bundrick M, Gaba P, Tellez R, Schroeder DR, McCully RB, Mauck KF. Cardiac Events after Noncardiac Surgery in Patients Undergoing Preoperative Dobutamine Stress Echocardiography: Findings From the Mayo Poce-DSE Investigators. Am J Med. 2018 Jun; 131 (6):702.e15-702.e22 Epub 2018 Jan 17
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  36. Bartlett M, Mauck KF, Bierle DM, Saadiq RA, Daniels PR. Updates in venous thromboembolism management: evidence published in 2016. Hosp Pract (1995). 2017 Aug; 45 (3):65-69 Epub 2017 June 19
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