Video: Top reasons men skip their doctor visits

Top reasons men skip their doctor visits

Men are 24% less likely than women to get their annual checkups. Here's why the most common excuses don't add up.

  1. "I'm healthy. I don't need a doctor." Some experts believe that doctor avoidance is one reason men live about 5 fewer years than women.
  2. "I can tough it out." People with "macho" attitudes are more likely to skip doctors. That's risky.
  3. "I hate getting my prostate checked." If you're young with no symptoms, you may not need to. Talk to your doctor about your risks.
  4. "I'd rather not know there's a problem." Knowledge is power. One example: When colon cancer is found early, the survival rate is 90%.
  5. "It's too expensive." A flu shot costs about $30 with no insurance. A hospital stay for the flu costs much more.
  6. "I don't have time." Spend a little time with your doctor now; save time avoiding chronic conditions later.

Guidance from the cardiology and cardiovascular surgery doctors and nurses at Mayo Clinic.