Video: Mayo Clinic experts on how to deal with midday stress

We asked Mayo Clinic experts: How do you deal with midday stress?

Kay Kosberg, R.N., Transplant Center: I think getting away from the computer, getting away from that constant having to respond to everything coming at you with emails.

Laura Raffals, M.D., Gastroenterology and Hepatology: If I have a moment and I'm feeling really tense at work, I go outside and I do one lap around the building, and I find just getting off the floor and doing a lap outside can sometimes help reset me to get me better.

Kay Kosberg: Go for a walk and go browse the gift shop and maybe go sit and just watch people.

Dr. Raffals: I also have this whole box that I gave to our trainees of those squeeze balls, the stress balls. I keep those around when I'm really tense.

Jen Welper, Executive Chef, Mayo Clinic Healthy Living Program: Some people go for walks with stress. I like to just dig through it, I guess. If things are really intense, I might scream in the cooler.

Joerg Herrmann, M.D., Cardiovascular Medicine: If I have time in the middle of a workday, I might just go and get a cup of coffee. I just love that.

Jen Welper: I do a lot of breathing. I'm not your Gordon Ramsay. I'm pretty chill.

Dr. Herrmann: Believe it or not, talking to my wife. She works here too, so just giving a ring, having a little chat … that's really good.

Mikel Prieto, M.D., Transplant Surgery: Just sitting down and resting for a few minutes, putting your thoughts back together. That's about it. I don't need too much.