7 steps to start strength training

Solid Screen: Boost bone health, fat loss and calorie burn while you get stronger.

  1. Learn proper technique. To get stronger safely, work with a trainer to nail down optimal technique.
  2. Go slowly. Let your body adjust. Start with less weight and add more over time. Ask what's safe for you.
  3. Warm up first. To help avoid injury, kick off each session with five or 10 minutes of heart-pumping cardio.
  4. Lift just enough. Get results with just 12 to 15 reps of a weight that tires out your muscles, twice a week.
  5. Listen to your body. Don't overdo it. If it hurts, stop. Try less weight. Or wait a few days and give it another try.
  6. Lift what you like. Free weights, machines, resistance bands, your own body weight. They all build strength.
  7. Take time to rest. Don't work the same muscle group two days in a row. Think legs on Monday, arms on Tuesday.

Guidance from the experts at Mayo Clinic.