5 ways your body says it's stressed

  1. You hurt

    Try: Meditate for a few minutes. Breathe through your nose, focusing on each breath, to relieve muscle tension.

  2. You reach for unhealthy foods

    Try: Make eating a conscious decision. Before you eat, ask yourself, "Am I really hungry right now?"

  3. You cry more or feel angry or depressed

    Try: Take a timeout. A few moments of quiet time can help you feel more prepared to handle what's ahead.

  4. You're only able to see what's wrong

    Try: Pay attention to your thoughts. Are they mostly negative? Stop and consider the positives in your life.

  5. You turn to smoking, alcohol or drugs

    Try: Distract yourself. Refocus your attention on a healthy activity, like taking a walk or reaching out to a friend.

Guidance from the experts at Mayo Clinic.