Sudhakar K. Venkatesh, M.D.

  1. Radiologist


Specialty Groups


  1. Rochester, Minnesota


  • MRI of liver including MR elastography for evaluation of chronic liver diseases and tumours
  • Infectious diseases — particularly abdominal manifestation
  • MRI of chronic liver disease including NAFLD, Primary sclerosing cholangitis and Primary Biliary Cholangitis
  • MR elastography of liver
  • Liver tumors including Hepatocellular Carcinoma and Cholangiocarcinoma

Rochester, Minnesota

  1. 2007
    Research FellowshipMayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
  2. 2004
    Chief RegistrarNational University Hospital
  3. 2003
    Special Clinical Fellow - Specialist Medical OfficerNational University Hospital
  4. 2002
    Clinical FellowshipNational University Hospital
  5. 2000
    Senior Resident - Radio-DiagnosisSanjay Gandhi Post-Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences
  6. 1997
    Senior Resident - Radio-DiagnosisLady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals
  7. 1997
    MD - Radio-DiagnosisLady Hardinge Medical College and Associated Hospitals
  8. 1994
    Junior ResidentAll-India Institute of Medical Sciences
  9. 1993
    InternshipBangalore Medical College and Associated Hospitals
  10. 1992
    MB BSBangalore Medical College, Bangalore University


  1. 2016
    Diagnostic RadiologyAmerican Board of Radiology
  2. 2003
    Diagnostic RadiologyRoyal College of Radiologists

Awards and honors

  1. 2024
    Cum Laude AwardSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  2. 2024
    Editor's Recognition Award RadioGraphics
  3. 2023
    Cum Laude AwardRSNA 2023
  4. 2023
    Certificate of MeritRSNA 2023
  5. 2023
    Bronze award for third best paper published in abdominal imaging section, European Radiology ESGAR (European Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology)
  6. 2023
    Editor’s Recognition AwardRadioGraphics
  7. 2022
    Certificate of MeritRadiological Society of North America
  8. 2022
    Magna Cum LaudeRadiological Society of North America
  9. 2022
    Certificate of Excellence in Abdominal Radiology - Level IIESGAR
  10. 2022
    Editor's Recognition AwardRadiographics
  11. 2019
    Cum Laude AwardEuropean Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology
  12. 2018
    Certificate of Merit RSNA
  13. 2018
    Cum LaudeRSNA
  14. 2017
    Honored Educator of the Year Radiological Society of North America
  15. 2017
    Honored Educator AwardRadiology Society of North America
  16. 2015
    Magna Cum LaudeInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  17. 2015
    Cum Laude AwardRadiologic Society of North America
  18. 2015
    Best MRI Power PosterSociety for computerized tomography and body imaging
  19. 2014
    Certificate of Merit: Education ExhibitRadiological Society of North America
  20. 2014
    Fellowship Society of Computed Body Tomography & Magnetic Resonance
  21. 2014
    Certificate of MeritSociety of Computed Body Tomography & Magnetic Resonance Conference
  22. 2013
    Magna Cum LaudeInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine Annual Meeting (ISMRM)
  23. 2012
    Cum Laude AwardSociety of Body Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance (SCBTMR)
  24. 2012
    Cum Laude AwardRadiological Society of North America
  25. 2012
    Merit AwardRadiological Society of North America
  26. 2011
    The Annals Gold Reviewer AwardAnnals, Academy of Medicine
  27. 2011
    Cum Laude for Educational ExhibitRadiological Society of North America Annual Meeting
  28. 2011
    Young Radiologists Award-Runner UpSRS-ASEAN Conference
  29. 2010
    Best Scientific PresentationEuropean Congress of Radiology
  30. 2010
    Radiology FellowshipFederation of Immunological Societies of Asia-Oceania Congress of Radiology
  31. 2009
    Best Scientific PresentationAsian Congress of Abdominal Radiology Annual Meeting
  32. 2009
    Excellence in Design and Certificate of MeritRadiological Society of North America Annual Meeting
  33. 2009
    Cum Laude AwardSociety for Body CT and MR (SCBTMR) Annual Meeting
  34. 2009
    Young Investigator AwardSingapore Radiological Society Annual Meeting
  35. 2008
    Alexander Margulis First Time Presenter AwardSociety of Gastrointestinal Radiologists Annual Meeting
  36. 2008
    Best Scientific PresentationEuropean Congress of Radiology
  37. 2008
    Magna Cum LaudeEuropean Congress of Radiology
  38. 2008
    First Prize - Grand ChallengeThe Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention Society
  39. 2008
    Certificate of MeritRadiological Society of North America
  40. 2007
    William Nagendak New Investigator Award in MR of CancerInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM)
  41. 2006
    Magna Cum LaudeEuropean Congress of Radiology
  42. 2006
    Traveling FellowshipAsia-Ocean Congress of Radiology
  43. 2006
    Best Scientific Poster AwardSingapore Radiological Society
  44. 2006
    China Medical Board FellowshipNational University of Singapore
  45. 2005
    Best Scientific PresentationEuropean Congress of Radiology
  46. 2005
    Traveling FellowshipNational Health and Medical Research Council
  47. 2004
    Young Radiologists AwardSingapore Radiological Society Annual Meeting
  48. 2000
    Young Radiologists Award and Best Research PaperIndian Radiological and Imaging Association Meeting
  49. 1994
    Fourth RankAll India Post Graduate Entrance Examination
  50. 1987
    National Merit ScholarshipNational Merit Scholarship
  51. 1987
    Honors in Biochemistry, Pathology, Microbiology and OphthalmologyBangalore Medical College, Bangalore University

Professional memberships

  1. 2023 - 2026
    MemberInternational Liver Transplantation Society
  2. 2022 - present
    Editorial Board MemberJournal of Clinical Medicine
  3. 2022 - present
    Executive Committee MemberHepato-Pancreatico-Biliary (HPB) Disease Group
  4. 2021 - present
    Co-ChairAmerican College of Radiology
  5. 2021 - present
    Associate EditorSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  6. 2021 - present
    Associate EditorJournal of Computer Assisted Tomography
  7. 2018 - present
    FellowSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  8. 2017 - present
    ChairSociety of Computed Body Tomography & Magnetic Resonance
  9. 2017 - 2020
    ChairSociety of Abdominal Radiology
  10. 2015
    FacultySociety of Abdominal Radiology (Merger of SGR and SUR)
  11. 2014
    FellowSociety of Computed Body Tomography & Magnetic Resonance
  12. 2014
    MemberSociety for computerized tomography and body imaging
  13. 2014 - present
    FellowSociety of Advanced Body Imaging
  14. 2012
    MemberSociety for computerized tomography and body imaging
  15. 2011
    Scientific Program ChairASEAN Association of Radiology
  16. 2011
    ChairpersonRadioPath 2011
  17. 2011
    MemberAmerican Association for the Study of Liver Diseases (AASLD)
  18. 2011
    ConvenerRadioPath 2011
  19. 2011
    Teaching StaffRadioPath 2011
  20. 2010
    Teaching StaffAsia Pacific Association for Study of Liver Diseases (APASL)
  21. 2010
    MemberAsia Pacific Association for Study of Liver Diseases (APASL)
  22. 2009
    DirectorNational University Hospital
  23. 2009
    MemberNational University of Singapore
  24. 2009
    MemberNational University Health System, Technical Recommendation & Accreditation Cmte
  25. 2008
    EducatorNational University Hospital
  26. 2008
    EducatorNational University Hospital
  27. 2008
    MemberNational University of Singapore
  28. 2008
    MemberNational University Hospital Clinician Scientist Unit
  29. 2008
    Scientific Reviewer ConsultantNational Healthcare Group, Institutional Review Board
  30. 2007
    MemberRadiological Society of North America
  31. 2007
    MemberSociety of Abdominal Radiology (Merger of SGR and SUR)
  32. 2006
    Scientific Council MemberSingapore Radiological Society
  33. 2006
    MemberInternational Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine
  34. 2006
    Teaching StaffSingapore Radiological Society
  35. 2005
    MemberEuropean Society of Gastrointestinal and Abdominal Radiology
  36. 2003
    MemberEuropean Society of Radiology
  37. 2003
    MemberSingapore Radiological Society
  38. 1998
    MemberIndian Association of Vascular & Interventional Radiology
  39. 1994
    MemberIndian Radiological and Imaging Association