Leslie A. Sim, Ph.D., L.P.

  1. Psychologist
  1. Sim L, Ramachandran N, Murad ST, Lebow J, Alexander E, Johnson GL, Harbeck-Weber C. Eating concerns in youth with functional abdominal pain disorders. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2024 Sep 16 Epub 2024 Sept 16
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  2. Scheurich JA, Sim LA, Gonzalez CA, Weiss KE, Dokken PJ, Willette AT, Harbeck-Weber C. Gender Diversity Among Youth Attending an Intensive Interdisciplinary Pain Treatment Program. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2024 Sep; 31 (3):560-570 Epub 2024 Jan 24
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  3. Oetjen L, Johannsen A, Bean J, Sim L, Harrison T, Tsai Owens M, Harbeck-Weber C. The Goals and Outcomes of Adolescent and Young Adults with POTS Attending an Intensive Interdisciplinary Treatment Program. Occup Ther Health Care. 2024 Jul; 38 (3):768-782 Epub 2022 Sept 01
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  4. Moazzami M, Njeru JW, Biggs BK, Sim LA, Novotny PJ, Goodson M, Osman A, Molina LE, Ahmed Y, Capetillo GDP, Nur O, Sia IG, Wieland ML. Body Size Perceptions Associated with Body Mass Index and Weight Loss Intentions Among Two Immigrant Populations. J Racial Ethn Health Disparities. 2024 Jun 18 Epub 2024 June 18
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  5. Murad ST, Hansen AL, Sim LA, Murad MH. Heterogeneity in Treatment Effect in Posttraumatic Stress Syndrome Trials: A Meta-Regression Analysis. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2024 Jun; 8 (3):301-307 Epub 2024 May 23
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  6. Sim L, Fahrenkamp A, Geske JR, Lebow J, Thilges H, Peterson CB, Matthews A, Harbeck-Weber C. Screening for eating disorders in adolescents with chronic pain: the Eating Attitudes Test-16-Chronic Pain. J Eat Disord. 2024 May 10; 12 (1):56
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  7. Peterson CB, Weber E, Sim L. Optimizing treatment environments for trait sensitivity in eating disorders. Eat Disord. 2024 May-Jun; 32 (3):325-339 Epub 2024 Jan 30
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  8. Lebow J, Billings M, Mattke A, Partain P, Gewirtz O'Brien J, Narr C, Breland R, Jacobson RM, Loeb K, Sim L. Does embedding pediatric eating disorder treatment in primary care bridge the access gap? Eat Disord. 2024 May-Jun; 32 (3):283-296 Epub 2024 Jan 11
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  9. Scheurich JA, Klaas KM, Sim LA, Weiss KE, Case HF, Harbeck-Weber C. Characteristics and outcomes of youth with functional seizures attending intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment. Epilepsy Behav. 2024 Apr; 153:109689 Epub 2024 Mar 06
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  10. Matthews A, Lin J, Jhe G, Peters T, Sim L, Hebebrand J. Differentiating anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia nervosa with absolute weight cut-offs results in a skewed distribution for premorbid weight among youth. Int J Eat Disord. 2024 Apr; 57 (4):983-992 Epub 2024 Mar 08
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  11. Lebow J, Sim L, Redmond S, Billings M, Mattke A, Gewirtz O'Brien JR, Partain P, Narr C, Breland R, Soma D, Schmit T, Magill S, Leonard A, Crane S, Le Grange D, Loeb K, Clark M, Phelan S, Jacobson RM, Enders F, Lyster-Mensh LC, Leppin A. Adapting Behavioral Treatments for Primary Care Using a Theory-Based Framework: The Case of Adolescent Eating Disorders. Acad Pediatr. 2024 Mar; 24 (2):208-215 Epub 2023 Aug 09
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  12. Sim L, Witte MA, Lebow J, LeMahieu A, Geske J, Witte N, Whiteside S, Loth K, Harbeck Weber C. Disparities in Medical Assessment Practices for Adolescents at Risk for Eating Disorders. J Adolesc Health. 2024 Mar; 74 (3):591-596 Epub 2023 Dec 09
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  13. Tsai Owens M, Fischer PR, Sim L, Kirsch A, Homan K, Zaccariello M, Sawchuk N, LeMahieu A, Geske J, Harbeck-Weber C. The Contribution of Psychological Symptoms to Cognitive Difficulties in Youth With Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Chronic Pain. J Child Neurol. 2024 Mar; 39 (3-4):104-112 Epub 2024 May 15
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  14. Campos A, Marek T, Calderon G, Ghusn W, Cifuentes L, Sim LA, Camilleri M, Dayyeh BA, Port JD, Acosta A. Neurohormonal response patterns to hunger, satiation, and postprandial fullness in normal weight, anorexia nervosa, and obesity. Neurogastroenterol Motil. 2024 Jan; 36 (1):e14695 Epub 2023 Nov 05
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  15. Partain P, Sim L, Fladager Muth J, Mattke A, Billings M, Jacobson R, Le Grange D, Lebow J. The Role of Primary Care in Bridging Adolescents Awaiting Eating Disorder Treatment. Pediatrics. 2023 Nov 1; 152 (5)
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  16. Sim LA, Whiteside S, Harbeck-Weber C, Sawchuk N, Lebow J. Weight Suppression and Risk for Childhood Psychiatric Disorders. Child Psychiatry Hum Dev. 2023 Oct 18 [Epub ahead of print]
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  17. Sim LA, Vickers KS, Croarkin PE, Williams MD, Clark MM, Derscheid DJ, Lapid MI. The Relationship of Mentorship to Career Outcomes in Academic Psychiatry and Psychology: a Needs Assessment. Acad Psychiatry. 2023 Oct; 47 (5):521-525 Epub 2022 Dec 29
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  18. Witte MA, Harbeck Weber C, Lebow J, LeMahieu A, Geske J, Witte N, Whiteside S, Loth K, Sim L. Lifetime Prevalence of Psychiatric Disorders in Adolescents with Unexplained Weight Loss, Underweight, or Poor Appetite. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2023 May 1; 44 (4):e277-e283 Epub 2023 Apr 04
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  19. Lebow J, Sim L, Wonderlich S, Peterson CB. Adapting integrative cognitive-affective therapy for adolescents with full and subthreshold bulimia nervosa: A feasibility study. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2023 Jan; 31 (1):178-187 Epub 2022 Aug 15
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  20. Junghans-Rutelonis A, Sim L, Harbeck-Weber C, Dresher E, Timm W, Weiss KE. Feasibility of wearable activity tracking devices to measure physical activity and sleep change among adolescents with chronic pain-a pilot nonrandomized treatment study. Front Pain Res (Lausanne). 2023; 4:1325270 Epub 2024 Jan 25
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  21. Harbeck-Weber C, Sim L, Morrow AS, Murad MH. What about parents? A systematic review of paediatric intensive interdisciplinary pain treatment on parent outcomes. Eur J Pain. 2022 Aug; 26 (7):1424-1436 Epub 2022 June 16
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  22. Rangel Paniz G, Lebow J, Sim L, Lacy BE, Farraye FA, Werlang ME. Eating Disorders: Diagnosis and Management Considerations for the IBD Practice. Inflamm Bowel Dis. 2022 Jun 3; 28 (6):936-946
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  23. Robelin K, Senada P, Ghoz H, Sim L, Lebow J, Picco M, Cangemi J, Farraye FA, Werlang M. Prevalence and Clinician Recognition of Avoidant/Restrictive Food Intake Disorder in Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Gastroenterol Hepatol (N Y). 2021 Nov; 17 (11):510-514
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  24. Sim L, Peterson CB. The peril and promise of sensitivity in eating disorders. Int J Eat Disord 2021 Nov; 54 (11):2046-2056 Epub 2021 Sept 18
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  25. Lebow J, O'Brien JRG, Mattke A, Narr C, Geske J, Billings M, Clark MM, Jacobson RM, Phelan S, Le Grange D, Sim L. A primary care modification of family-based treatment for adolescent restrictive eating disorders. Eat Disord. 2021 Jul-Aug; 29 (4):376-389 Epub 2019 Nov 01
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  26. Gewirtz O'Brien JR, Sim L, Narr C, Mattke A, Billings M, Jacobson RM, Lebow J. Addressing Disparities in Adolescent Eating Disorders: A Case Report of Family-Based Treatment in Primary Care. J Pediatr Health Care. 2021 May-Jun; 35 (3):320-326 Epub 2021 Jan 28
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  27. Benjamin J, Sim L, Owens MT, Schwichtenberg A, Harrison T, Harbeck-Weber C. Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and Disordered Eating: Clarifying the Overlap. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2021 May 1; 42 (4):291-298
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  28. Lebow J, Mattke A, Narr C, Partain P, Breland R, Gewirtz O'Brien JR, Geske J, Billings M, Clark MM, Jacobson RM, Phelan S, Harbeck-Weber C, Le Grange D, Sim L. Can adolescents with eating disorders be treated in primary care? A retrospective clinical cohort study. J Eat Disord. 2021 Apr 23; 9 (1):55
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  29. Whiteside SPH, O'Dell SM, Baker AM, Leffler JM, Sim LA, Harrison NL, Bieber ED, Kosmach JJ, Geske JR. From the laboratory to the office: implementation and sequencing of evidence-based treatment components for newly diagnosed childhood psychiatric disorders in a large health system Professional Psychology: Research and Practice. 2021 Apr; 52 (2):156-64
  30. Sim L, Harbeck Weber C, Harrison T, Peterson C. Central Sensitization in Chronic Pain and Eating Disorders: A Potential Shared Pathogenesis. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2021 Mar; 28 (1):40-52
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  31. Weiss KE, Steinman KJ, Kodish I, Sim L, Yurs S, Steggall C, Fobian AD. Functional Neurological Symptom Disorder in Children and Adolescents within Medical Settings. J Clin Psychol Med Settings. 2021 Mar; 28 (1):90-101
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  32. Lebow J, Narr C, Mattke A, Gewirtz O'Brien JR, Billings M, Hathaway J, Vickers K, Jacobson R, Sim L. Engaging primary care providers in managing pediatric eating disorders: a mixed methods study. J Eat Disord. 2021 Jan 14; 9 (1):11
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  33. Homan KJ, Matthews A, Schmit TL, McIlrath BN, Lebow JR, Kransdorf LN, Sim LA. Insufficient Assessment and Treatment of Vitamin D in the Medical Management of Adolescents with Anorexia Nervosa. J Pediatr Nurs. 2021 Sep-Oct; 60:177-180. Epub 2021 Jun 30.
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  34. Werlang ME, Sim LA, Lebow JR, Lacy BE. Assessing for Eating Disorders: A Primer for Gastroenterologists. Am J Gastroenterol. 2021 Jan 1; 116 (1):68-76
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  35. Brockman TA, Sim LA, Biggs BK, Bronars CA, Meiers SJ, Tolleson E, Ridgeway JL, Asiedu GB, Hanza MM, Olson MA, Slowiak KA, Weis JA, Patten CA, Clark MM, Millerbernd J, Sia IG, Wieland ML. Healthy eating in a Boys & Girls Club afterschool programme: Barriers, facilitators and opportunities Health Education Journal. 2020; 79(8):914-931.
  36. Accurso EC, Sim L, Muhlheim L, Lebow J. Parents know best: Caregiver perspectives on eating disorder recovery. Int J Eat Disord. 2020 Aug; 53 (8):1252-1260 Epub 2019 Nov 19
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  37. Wieland ML, Biggs BK, Brockman TA, Johnson A, Meiers SJ, Sim LA, Tolleson E, Hanza MM, Weis JA, Rosenman JR, Novotny PJ, Patten CA, Clark MM, Millerbernd J, Sia IG. Club Fit: Development of a Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Intervention at a Boys & Girls Club After School Program. J Prim Prev. 2020 Apr; 41 (2):153-170
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  38. Fahrenkamp A, Sim L, Roers L, Canny M, Harrison T, Harbeck-Weber C. An Innovative and Accessible Biofeedback Intervention for Improving Self-Regulatory Skills in Pediatric Chronic Pain: A Pilot Study. J Altern Complement Med. 2020 Mar; 26 (3):212-218 Epub 2020 Jan 22
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  39. Whiteside SPH, Sim LA, Morrow AS, Farah WH, Hilliker DR, Murad MH, Wang Z. A Meta-analysis to Guide the Enhancement of CBT for Childhood Anxiety: Exposure Over Anxiety Management. Clin Child Fam Psychol Rev. 2020 Mar; 23 (1):102-121
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  40. Whiteside SPH, Leffler JM, Hord MK, Sim LA, Schmidt MM, Geske JR. The compatibility of clinical child mental health treatment and evidence-based treatment protocols. Psychol Serv. 2020 Feb; 17(1):25-32. Epub 2018 Jul 16.
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  41. *Benjamin JZ, Harbeck-Weber C, Ale C, Sim L. Becoming flexible: Increase in parent psychological flexibility uniquely predicts better well-being following participation in a pediatric interdisciplinary pain rehabilitation program J Contextual Behav Sci. 2020; 15:181-188.
  42. Sattler AF, Leffler JM, Harrison NL, Bieber ED, Kosmach JJ, Sim LA, Whiteside SPH. The quality of assessments for childhood psychopathology within a regional medical center. Psychol Serv. 2019 Nov; 16 (4):596-604 Epub 2018 May 17
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  43. Adrian M, Zeman J, Erdley C, Whitlock K, Sim L. Trajectories of non-suicidal self-injury in adolescent girls following inpatient hospitalization. Clin Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2019 Oct; 24 (4):831-846 Epub 2019 Apr 05
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  44. Homan KJ, Crowley SL, Sim LA. Motivation for sport participation and eating disorder risk among female collegiate athletes. Eat Disord. 2019 Jul-Aug; 27 (4):369-383 Epub 2018 Sept 17
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  45. Tsai Owens M, Harbeck-Weber C, Kirsch A, Sim L, Zaccariello M, Homan K, Fischer P. Neurocognitive Difficulties Among Youth with POTS within an Intensive Pain Rehabilitation Program. J Pediatr Psychol. 2019 Jun 1; 44 (5):567-575
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  46. Whiteside SP, Sim LA, Olsen MW, Hord MK. The 5-Year Course of Medication Treatment in Childhood Anxiety Disorders. J Clin Psychiatry. 2019 May 14; 80 (3)
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  47. Benjamin JZ, Harbeck-Weber C, Sim L. Pain is a family matter: Quality of life in mothers and fathers of youth with chronic pain. Child Care Health Dev. 2019 May; 45 (3):440-447 Epub 2019 Apr 03
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  48. Crow S, Blom TJ, Sim L, Cuellar-Barboza AB, Biernacka JM, Frye MA, McElroy SL. Factor analysis of the eating disorder diagnostic scale in individuals with bipolar disorder. Eat Behav. 2019 Apr; 33:30-33 Epub 2019 Feb 18
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  49. Homan KJ, Sim LA, Crowley SL, Lebow JR, Kransdorf LN. Medical Assessment and Triage of Pediatric Patients with Anorexia Nervosa in Primary Care. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2019 Feb/Mar; 40 (2):92-98
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  50. Lebow J, Sim L, Crosby RD, Goldschmidt AB, Le Grange D, Accurso EC. Weight gain trajectories during outpatient family-based treatment for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord. 2018 Dec 22 [Epub ahead of print]
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  51. Morrow AS, Whiteside SP, Sim LA, Brito JP, Wang Z, Murad MH. Developing tools to enhance the use of systematic reviews for clinical care in health systems. BMJ Evid Based Med. 2018 Dec; 23 (6):206-209 Epub 2018 Sept 07
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  52. Casey LJ, Van Rooy KM, Sutherland SJ, Jenkins SM, Rosedahl JK, Wood NG, Ebbert JO, Lopez-Jimenez F, Egginton JS, Sim LA, Clark MM. Improved Self-Acceptance, Quality of Life, and Stress Level from Participation in a Worksite Yoga Foundations Program: A Pilot Study. Int J Yoga Therap. 2018 Nov; 28 (1):15-21 Epub 2018 Mar 29
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  53. Lebow J, Sim LA, Accurso EC. Is there clinical consensus in defining weight restoration for adolescents with anorexia nervosa? Eat Disord. 2018 May-Jun; 26 (3):270-277 Epub 2017 Oct 31
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  54. Wang Z, Whiteside SPH, Sim L, Farah W, Morrow AS, Alsawas M, Barrionuevo P, Tello M, Asi N, Beuschel B, Daraz L, Almasri J, Zaiem F, Larrea-Mantilla L, Ponce OJ, LeBlanc A, Prokop LJ, Murad MH. Comparative Effectiveness and Safety of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Pharmacotherapy for Childhood Anxiety Disorders: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Pediatr. 2017 Nov 1; 171 (11):1049-1056
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  55. Wang Z, Whiteside S, Sim L, Farah W, Morrow A, Alsawas M, Barrionuevo Moreno P, Tello M, Asi N, Beuschel B, Daraz L, Almasri J, Zaiem F, Gunjal S, Larrea Mantilla L, Ponce Ponte O, LeBlanc A, Prokop LJ, Murad MH. Anxiety in Children. Comparative Effectiveness Review” No. 192 - Prepared by the Mayo Clinic Evidence-based Practice Center under Contract No. 290-2015-00013-I AHRQ Publication No. 17-EHC023-EF.2017;
  56. Morrison EJ, Clark MM, Wieland ML, Weis JA, Hanza MMK, Meiers SJ, Patten CA, Sloan JA, Novotny PJ, Sim LA, Nigon JA, Sia IG. Relationship Between Negative Mood and Health Behaviors in an Immigrant and Refugee Population. J Immigr Minor Health. 2017 Jun; 19 (3):655-664
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  57. Homan KJ, Sim LA, Fargo JD, Twohig MP. Five-year prospective investigation of self-harm/suicide-related behaviors in the development of borderline personality disorder. Personal Disord. 2017 Apr; 8 (2):183-188 Epub 2016 Jan 11
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  58. Wilfahrt RP, Matthews A, Lenz KR, Sim LA. Successful use of family-based therapy interventions for uncontrolled type 1 diabetes in an adolescent Practical Diabetes. 2017; 34: (3)95-8.
  59. Sim LA, Lebow J, Weiss K, Harrison T, Bruce B. Eating disorders in adolescents with chronic pain Journal Of Pediatric Health Care. 2017 Jan-feb; 31: (1)67-74.
  60. Rienecke RD, Sim L, Lock J, Le Grange D. Patterns of expressed emotion in adolescent eating disorders. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2016 Dec; 57 (12):1407-1413 Epub 2016 July 05
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  61. Whiteside SP, McCarthy DM, Sim LA, Biggs BK, Petrikin JE, Mellon MW. Development of the Friendships and Social Skills Test (FASST): A Parent Report Measure. Journal of Child and Family Studies.2016;
  62. Sim LA, Lebow J, Wang Z, Koball A, Murad MH. Brief Primary Care Obesity Interventions: A Meta-analysis. Pediatrics. 2016 Oct; 138 (4) Epub 2016 Sept 12
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  63. Koball AM, Himes SM, Sim L, Clark MM, Collazo-Clavell ML, Mundi M, Kellogg T, Graszer K, Grothe KB. Distress Tolerance and Psychological Comorbidity in Patients Seeking Bariatric Surgery. Obes Surg. 2016 Jul; 26 (7):1559-64
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  64. Lebow J, Chuy JA, Cedermark K, Cook K, Sim LA. The development or exacerbation of eating disorder symptoms after topiramate initiation. Pediatrics. 2015 May; 135 (5):e1312-6 Epub 2015 Apr 06
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  65. Lebow J, Sim LA, Kransdorf LN. Prevalence of a history of overweight and obesity in adolescents with restrictive eating disorders. J Adolesc Health. 2015 Jan; 56: (1)19-24.
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  66. Biggs BK, Lebow J, Smith CM, Harper KL, Patten CA, Sim LA, Kumar S. Adolescents' preferences for social support for healthful eating and physical activity. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2014 Oct; 35(8):494-509.
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  67. Malik S, Kanwar A, Sim LA, Prokop LJ, Wang Z, Benkhadra K, Murad MH. The association between sleep disturbances and suicidal behaviors in patients with psychiatric diagnoses: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Syst Rev. 2014 Feb 25; 3:18
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  68. Kanwar A, Malik S, Prokop LJ, Sim LA, Feldstein D, Wang Z, Murad MH. The association between anxiety disorders and suicidal behaviors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Depress Anxiety. 2013 Oct; 30(10):917-29. Epub 2013 Feb 13
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  69. Sim LA, Lebow J, Billings M. Eating disorders in adolescents with a history of obesity. Pediatrics. 2013 Oct; 132(4):e1026-30. Epub 2013 Sep 09.
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  70. Lebow J, Sim LA, Erwin PJ, Murad MH. The effect of atypical antipsychotic medications in individuals with anorexia nervosa: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Eat Disord. 2013 May; 46 (4):332-9 Epub 2012 Sept 24
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  71. Wall CA, Croarkin PE, McClintock SM, Murphy LL, Bandel LA, Sim LA, Sampson SM. Neurocognitive effects of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in adolescents with major depressive disorder. Front Psychiatry. 2013; 4:165 Epub 2013 Dec 12
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  72. Sim L, Matthews A. The role of maternal illness perceptions in family functioning in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2013; 22(4):541-50.
  73. Wallace DP, Sim LA, Harrison TE, Bruce BK, Harbeck-Weber C. Covert video monitoring in the assessment of medically unexplained symptoms in children. J Pediatr Psychol. 2012 Apr; 37(3):329-37. Epub 2011 Dec 2.
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  74. Wall CA, Croarkin PE, Sim LA, Husain MM, Janicak PG, Kozel FA, Emslie GJ, Dowd SM, Sampson SM. Adjunctive use of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation in depressed adolescents: a prospective, open pilot study. J Clin Psychiatry. 2011 Sep; 72 (9):1263-9
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  75. Adrian M, Zeman J, Erdley C, Lisa L, Sim L. Emotional dysregulation and interpersonal difficulties as risk factors for nonsuicidal self-injury in adolescent girls. J Abnorm Child Psychol. 2011 Apr; 39(3):389-400.
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  76. Sim LA, Matthews A, Lisy L, Adrian M, Zeman J, Erdley C. Family conflict and internalizing symptoms in adolescent girls: The Mediating Role of Specific Emotional Regulation Skills R Emotion Behav Dis Youth. 2011; 91-97.
  77. Sim LA, McAlpine DE, Grothe KB, Himes SM, Cockerill RG, Clark MM. Identification and treatment of eating disorders in the primary care setting. Mayo Clin Proc. 2010 Aug; 85 (8):746-51 Epub 2010 July 06
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  78. Sim LA, McGovern L, Elamin MB, Swiglo BA, Erwin PJ, Montori VM. Effect on bone health of estrogen preparations in premenopausal women with anorexia nervosa: a systematic review and meta-analyses. Int J Eat Disord. 2010 Apr; 43 (3):218-25
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  79. Adrian M, Zeman J, Erdley C, Lisa L, Homan K, Sim L. Social contextual links to emotion regulation in an adolescent psychiatric inpatient population: do gender and symptomatology matter? J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2009 Nov; 50(11):1428-36. Epub 2009 Oct 01.
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  80. Sim LA, Homme JH, Lteif AN, Vande Voort JL, Schak KM, Ellingson J. Family functioning and maternal distress in adolescent girls with anorexia nervosa. Int J Eat Disord. 2009 Sep; 42(6):531-9.
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  81. Wherry JN, Berres AK, Sim L, Friedrich WN. Factor structure of the Adolescent Clinical Sexual Behavior Inventory. J Child Sex Abus. 2009 May-Jun; 18(3):233-46.
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  82. Sim L, Adrian M, Zeman J, Cassano M, Friedrich WN. Adolescent deliberate self-harm: Linkages to emotion regulation and family emotional climate. J Res Adolesc. 2009 Mar; 19(1):75-91.
  83. Sim L. Severe mental illness needs empirically supported assessment and treatments. Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. 2006 Dec; 13(4):384-7.
  84. Sim L, Whiteside SP, Dittner CA, Mellon M. Effectiveness of a social skills training program with school age children: transition to the clinical setting. Journal of Child and Family Studies. 2006 Aug; 15(4):409-18.
  85. Sim L, Zeman J. The contribution of emotion regulation to body dissatisfaction and disordered eating in early adolescent girls. J Youth Adolesc. 2006 Apr; 35(2):219-28.
  86. Sim L, Friedrich WN, Davies WH, Trentham B, Lengua L, Pithers W. The Child Behavior Checklist as an indicator of posttraumatic stress disorder and dissociation in normative, psychiatric, and sexually abused children. J Trauma Stress. 2005 Dec; 18 (6):697-705
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  87. Sim L, Zeman J. Emotion regulation factors as mediators between body dissatisfaction and bulimic symptoms in early adolescent girls. Journal of Early Adolescence. 2005 Nov; 25(4):478-96.
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  88. Sim L, Zeman J. Emotion awareness and identification skills in adolescent girls with bulimia nervosa. J Clin Child Adolesc Psychol. 2004 Dec; 33 (4):760-71
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  89. Sim LA, Sadowski CM, Whiteside SP, Wells LA. Family-based therapy for adolescents with anorexia nervosa. Mayo Clin Proc. 2004 Oct; 79(10):1305-8.
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  90. Friedrich WN, Lysne M, Sim L, Shamos S. Assessing sexual behavior in high-risk adolescents with the adolescent clinical sexual behavior inventory (ACSBI). Child Maltreat. 2004 Aug; 9 (3):239-50
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  91. Zeman J, Nangle DW, Sim L. Incorporating a developmental perspective in doctoral training: survey of clinical child psychology training programs and introduction to the special section. J Clin Child Psychol. 1999 Dec; 28(4):426-34.
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  92. Simonet WT, Saylor HL 3rd, Sim L. Abdominal wall muscle tears in hockey players. Int J Sports Med. 1995 Feb; 16(2):126-8.
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  93. Simonet WT, Sim L. Boot-top tendon laceration in hockey players. J Trauma. 1995 Jan; 38(1):30-1.
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