William D. Mauck, M.D.

  1. Anesthesiologist
  1. Sheth SJ, Mauck WD, Russo DP, Keuffel EL, Gunnarsson CL, Stultz M, McGee MJ, Huntoon MA. Potential Cost Savings with 60-day Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Treatment in Chronic Axial Low Back Pain. Pain Ther. 2024 Oct; 13 (5):1187-1202 Epub 2024 July 09
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  2. Hoffmann CM, Butler CS, Pingree MJ, Moeschler SM, Mauck WD, D'Souza RS. Is Response to a Pre-implant Diagnostic Peripheral Nerve Block Associated With Efficacy After Peripheral Nerve Stimulation Implantation? A Ten-Year Enterprise-Wide Analysis. Neuromodulation. 2024 Jul; 27 (5):873-880 Epub 2023 Nov 10
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  3. Dean KP, Beck LA, Mauck WD. Catheter dysfunction in long-term intrathecal baclofen pump users and when to evaluate integrity: A case series. Interv Pain Med. 2024 Mar; 3 (1):100384 Epub 2024 Jan 17
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  4. Langford B, D'Souza RS, Pingree M, Mauck WD. Treatment of Ulnar Neuropathic Pain with Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: Two Case Reports. Pain Med. 2023 May 2; 24 (5):566-569
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  5. Hoffmann CM, Coy DS, Moeschler SM, Pingree MJ, Mauck WD. Incidence of Temporary Peripheral Nerve Stimulator Lead Tip Retention: A Retrospective Review of 80 Lead Placements. Neuromodulation. 2023 Apr; 26 (3):690-693 Epub 2022 Feb 26
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  6. Sytsma TT, Rittenberg JD, Maus TP, Air MEM, Mauck WD, Tiegs-Heiden CA, Fischer KM, Greenlund LS. Spinal region corticosteroid injections are not associated with increased risk for influenza. Spine J. 2022 Jul; 22 (7):1100-1105 Epub 2022 Feb 01
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  7. Kissoon NR, O'Brien TG, Bendel MA, Eldrige JS, Hagedorn JM, Mauck WD, Moeschler SM, Olatoye OO, Pittelkow TP, Watson JC, Pingree MJ. Comparative Effectiveness of Landmark-guided Greater Occipital Nerve (GON) Block at the Superior Nuchal Line Versus Ultrasound-guided GON Block at the Level of C2: A Randomized Clinical Trial (RCT). Clin J Pain. 2022 Feb 7; 38 (4):271-278 Epub 2022 Feb 07
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  8. Sayeed Y, Chang RG, Chhatre A, Vallabh J, Soin A, Mauck WD, Duszynski BS, Kreiner DS, Health Policy Division of the Spine Intervention Society. Response to: Invasive Treatments for Low Back Disorders and the ACOEM Practice Guidelines. J Occup Environ Med. 2022 Feb 1; 64 (2):e81-e83
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  9. D'Souza RS, Warner MA, Olatoye OO, Langford BJ, Bruns DL, Schroeder DR, Mauck WD, Schaefer KK, Warner NS. Perioperative Opioid Consumption and Clinical Outcomes in Surgical Patients With a Pre-existing Opioid-Based Intrathecal Drug Delivery System. Anesth Analg. 2022 Jan 1; 134 (1):35-43
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  10. Langford B, Hunt C, Lerman A, Mauck WD. Pre-Operative Assessment of Patients Undergoing Spinal Cord Stimulation for Refractory Angina Pectoris. Pain Med. 2021 Nov 26; 22 (11):2763-2767
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  11. Langford B, Hunt C, Lerman A, Mauck WD. Analyzing Spinal Cord Stimulator Explants in Refractory Angina Pectoris Patients. Pain Med. 2021 Jul 25; 22 (7):1699-1701
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  12. D'Souza RS, Li L, Leng S, Hunt C, Law L, Muir C, Eldrige J, Bydon M, Chi M, Shapiro S, Mauck WD, Qu W. A three-dimensional computed tomography study to determine the ideal method for fluoroscopically-guided bone marrow aspiration from the iliac crest. Bosn J Basic Med Sci. 2021 Jun 1; 21 (3):370-377 Epub 2021 June 01
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  13. Moeschler SM, Pollard EM, Pingree MJ, Pittelkow TP, Bendel MA, Mauck WD, Watson JC, Eldrige JS, Loftus CG, Hooten WM. Ultrasound-guided transversus abdominis plane block vs trigger point injections for chronic abdominal wall pain: a randomized clinical trial. Pain. 2021 Jun 1; 162 (6):1800-1805
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  14. Langford B, Hunt C, Lerman A, Mauck WD. The Use of the Seattle Angina Questionnaire in Patients Who Underwent Spinal Cord Stimulation for Refractory Angina Pectoris. Pain Med. 2021 Apr 20; 22 (4):1005-1009
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  15. Warner NS, Schaefer KK, Eldrige JS, Lamer TJ, Pingree MJ, Bendel MA, Warner MA, Rho RH, Mauck WD. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation and Clinical Outcomes: A Retrospective Case Series. Pain Pract. 2021 Apr; 21 (4):411-418 Epub 2020 Dec 10
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  16. Langford B, Mauck WD. Peripheral Nerve Stimulation: A New Treatment for Meralgia Paresthetica. Pain Med. 2021 Feb 4; 22 (1):213-216
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  17. Martin EE, Ochs Kinney MA, Cianci MJ, Hebl JR, Mauck WD. Examining Use of Low-Dose Ketamine Infusions During the Postoperative Period: A Retrospective Study Comparing Opioid-Tolerant and Nonopioid-Tolerant Patients. AANA J. 2021 Feb; 89 (1):19-25
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  18. D'Souza RS, Lin G, Oh T, Vincent A, Orhurhu V, Jiang L, Mauck WD, Qu W. Fibromyalgia Symptom Severity and Psychosocial Outcomes in Fibromyalgia Patients with Hypovitaminosis D: A Prospective Questionnaire Study. Pain Med. 2020 Dec 25; 21 (12):3470-3478
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  19. Jiang L, D'Souza RS, Oh T, Vincent A, Mohabbat AB, Ashmore Z, Mauck WD, Ge L, Whipple MO, McAllister SJ, Wang Z, Qu W. Sex-Related Differences in Symptoms and Psychosocial Outcomes in Patients With Fibromyalgia: A Prospective Questionnaire Study. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2020 Dec; 4 (6):767-774 Epub 2020 Dec 10
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  20. Langford B, Mauck WD. Advancement in Neuromodulation Technology with the Innovation of Design-Specific Peripheral Nerve Stimulators: Sural Nerve Stimulation for Radiculopathy. Pain Med. 2020 Jun 1; 21 (6):1297-1300
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  21. Mauck WD, Hunt CL, Olatoye OO, Warner NS, Lamer TJ. Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve Stimulation for Painful Disorders. Adv Anesth. 2019 Dec; 37:163-186 Epub 2019 Sept 27
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  22. Pittelkow TP, Hagedorn JM, Bendel MA, Eldrige JS, Pingree MJ, Mauck WD, Gazelka HM, Lamer TJ, Sanders RA, Billinges HA, Moeschler SM. Pain medicine fellow neuromodulation surgical skill assessment tool: a pilot. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2019 Nov 6 Epub 2019 Nov 06
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  23. Law L, Hunt CL, van Wijnen AJ, Nassr A, Larson AN, Eldrige JS, Mauck WD, Pingree MJ, Yang J, Muir CW, Erwin PJ, Bydon M, Qu W. Office-Based Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Musculoskeletal Disease: A Systematic Review of Recent Human Studies. Pain Med. 2019 Aug 1; 20 (8):1570-1583
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  24. Ge L, D'Souza RS, Oh T, Vincent A, Mohabbat AB, Eldrige J, Jiang L, Whipple MO, McAllister SJ, Wang Z, Qu W, Mauck WD. Tobacco Use in Fibromyalgia Is Associated With Cognitive Dysfunction: A Prospective Questionnaire Study. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2019 Mar; 3 (1):78-85 Epub 2019 Feb 26
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  25. Levy MJ, Gleeson FC, Topazian MD, Fujii-Lau LL, Enders FT, Larson JJ, Mara K, Abu Dayyeh BK, Alberts SR, Hallemeier CL, Iyer PG, Kendrick ML, Mauck WD, Pearson RK, Petersen BT, Rajan E, Takahashi N, Vege SS, Wang KK, Chari ST. Combined Celiac Ganglia and Plexus Neurolysis Shortens Survival, Without Benefit, vs Plexus Neurolysis Alone. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2019 Mar; 17 (4):728-738.e9 Epub 2018 Sept 12
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  26. Pagani-Estevez GL, Cutsforth-Gregory JK, Morris JM, Mokri B, Piepgras DG, Mauck WD, Eldrige JS, Watson JC. Procedural predictors of epidural blood patch efficacy in spontaneous intracranial hypotension. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2019 Jan 13 [Epub ahead of print]
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  27. Sanders RA, Bendel MA, Moeschler SM, Mauck WD. Reply to Dr de Cassai et al. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2018 Jul; 43 (5):557
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  28. Sanders RA, Hoelzer BC, Bendel MA, Lamer TJ, Pittelkow TP, Eldrige JS, Pingree MJ, Moeschler SM, Gazelka HM, Mauck WD, Rho RH. Utilization of Leads After Permanent Implant in Spinal Cord Stimulator Systems. Pain Pract. 2018 Jun; 18 (5):562-567 Epub 2017 Nov 20
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  29. Sanders RA, Bendel MA, Moeschler SM, Mauck WD. Epidural Hematoma Following Interlaminar Epidural Injection in Patient Taking Aspirin. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2018 Apr; 43 (3):310-312
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  30. Warner NS, Bendel MA, Warner MA, Strand JJ, Gazelka HM, Hoelzer BC, Mauck WD, Lamer TJ, Kor DJ, Moeschler SM. Bleeding Complications in Patients Undergoing Intrathecal Drug Delivery System Implantation. Pain Med. 2017 Dec 1; 18 (12):2422-2427
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  31. Warner NS, Hooten WM, Warner MA, Lamer TJ, Eldrige JS, Gazelka HM, Kor DJ, Hoelzer BC, Mauck WD, Moeschler SM. Bleeding and Neurologic Complications in 58,000 Interventional Pain Procedures. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2017 Nov/Dec; 42 (6):782-787
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  32. Hunt ,, Her ,, Law ,, Bydon ,, Nassr ,, Smith ,, Mauck ,, Eldrige ,, Malanga ,, Qu ,. Five generations of cell preparation: a translational framework Journal of the American Academy of Regenerative Medicine.2017;1:
  33. Strand JJ, Carey EC, Moeschler SM, Wu KL, Mauck WD, Christensen KJ, Feely MA. Outpatient Palliative Care Growth and Increased Pain Procedural Volumes: Report of a Single Academic Institution´s Collaborative Practice Model. [Abstract] European Association for Palliative Care Meeting. Madrid, Spain, May 18-20, 2017. 2017.
  34. Kissoon NR, Pingree MJ, O'Brien TG, Mauck WD, Eldrige JS, Bendel MA, Moeschler SM, Pittelkow TP, Watson JC. RCT comparing us guided occipital nerve block with landmark based occipital nerve block. In Progress. 2017.
  35. Moeschler SM, Warner NS, Lamer TJ, Bendel MA, Warner MA, Eldrige JS, Mauck WD, Gazelka HM, Kor DJ, Hoelzer BC. Bleeding Complications in Patients Undergoing Percutaneous Spinal Cord Stimulator Trials and Implantations. Pain Med. 2016 Nov; 17 (11):2076-2081 Epub 2016 June 12
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  36. Lamer TJ, Smith J, Hoelzer BC, Mauck WD, Qu W, Gazelka HM. Safety of Lumbar Spine Radiofrequency Procedures in Patients Who Have Posterior Spinal Hardware. Pain Med. 2016 Sep; 17 (9):1634-7 Epub 2016 Jan 13
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  37. Warner NS, Moeschler SM, Warner MA, Hoelzer BC, Eldrige JS, Bendel MA, Mauck WD, Watson JC, Gazelka HM, Lamer TJ, Kor DJ, Hooten WM. Bleeding Complications in Patients Undergoing Celiac Plexus Block. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2016 Jul-Aug; 41 (4):488-93
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  38. Watson RE, Cradick CM, Epps S, Mauck WD, Luetmer PH. Implementing an Electronic Health Record Medical Device Module-A Critical Patient Safety Enhancement. J Am Coll Radiol. 2016 Jun; 13 (6):705-8 Epub 2015 Nov 21
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  39. Elwood JJ, Dewan M, Smith JM, Mokri B, Mauck WD, Eldrige JS. Efficacy of epidural blood patch with fibrin glue additive in refractory headache due to intracranial hypotension: preliminary report. Springerplus. 2016; 5:317 Epub 2016 Mar 11
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  40. Wang Z, Perez-Terzic CM, Smith J, Mauck WD, Shelerud RA, Maus TP, Yang TH, Murad MH, Gou S, Terry MJ, Dauffenbach JP, Pingree MJ, Eldrige JS, Mohammed K, Benkhadra K, van Wijnen AJ, Qu W. Efficacy of intervertebral disc regeneration with stem cells - a systematic review and meta-analysis of animal controlled trials. Gene. 2015 Jun 10; 564 (1):1-8 Epub 2015 Mar 19
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  41. Gazelka HM, Freeman ED, Hooten WM, Eldrige JS, Hoelzer BC, Mauck WD, Moeschler SM, Pingree MJ, Rho RH, Lamer TJ. Incidence of clinically significant percutaneous spinal cord stimulator lead migration. Neuromodulation. 2015 Feb; 18 (2):123-5; discussion 125 Epub 2014 May 05
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  42. Trainor D, Moeschler S, Pingree M, Hoelzer B, Wang Z, Mauck W, Qu W. Landmark-based versus ultrasound-guided ilioinguinal/iliohypogastric nerve blocks in the treatment of chronic postherniorrhaphy groin pain: a retrospective study. J Pain Res. 2015; 8:767-70 Epub 2015 Oct 23
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  43. Hunt CL, Shen S, Nassr A, van Wijnen AJ, Larson AN, Eldrige JS, Mauck WD, Pingree MJ, Erwin PJ, Bydon M, Qu W. Current understanding of safety and efficacy of stem cell therapy for discogenic pain. A systematic review of human studies Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management. 2015; 19(1-2):32-7. Epub 1900 Jan 01.
  44. Moeschler SM, Rosenberg C, Trainor D, Rho RH, Mauck WD. Interventional modalities to treat cancer-related pain. Hosp Pract (1995). 2014 Dec; 42(5):14-23.
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  45. Hooten WM, Smith JM, Eldrige JS, Olsen DA, Mauck WD, Moeschler SM. Pain severity is associated with muscle strength and peak oxygen uptake in adults with fibromyalgia. J Pain Res. 2014; 7:237-42 Epub 2014 May 03
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  46. Sadarangani S, Berg ML, Mauck W, Rizza S. Iatrogenic cushing syndrome secondary to ritonavir-epidural triamcinolone interaction: an illustrative case and review. Interdiscip Perspect Infect Dis. 2014; 2014:849432 Epub 2014 May 07
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  47. Gazelka HM, Knievel S, Mauck WD, Moeschler SM, Pingree MJ, Rho RH, Lamer TJ. Incidence of neuropathic pain after radiofrequency denervation of the third occipital nerve. J Pain Res. 2014; 7:195-8 Epub 2014 Apr 10
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  48. Brown MJ, Kor DJ, Allen MS, Kinney MO, Shen KR, Deschamps C, Nichols FC, Mauck WD, Mantilla CB. Dual-epidural catheter technique and perioperative outcomes after Ivor-Lewis esophagectomy. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2013 Jan-Feb; 38 (1):3-8
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  49. Kinney MA, Mantilla CB, Carns PE, Passe MA, Brown MJ, Hooten WM, Curry TB, Long TR, Wass CT, Wilson PR, Weingarten TN, Huntoon MA, Rho RH, Mauck WD, Pulido JN, Allen MS, Cassivi SD, Deschamps C, Nichols FC, Shen KR, Wigle DA, Hoehn SL, Alexander SL, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR. Preoperative gabapentin for acute post-thoracotomy analgesia: a randomized, double-blinded, active placebo-controlled study. Pain Pract. 2012 Mar; 12 (3):175-83 Epub 2011 June 16
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  50. Pachman DR, Swetz KM, Mauck WD, Pingree MJ, Hoelzer BC, Haugland AJ, Novotny PJ, Sloan JA, Moynihan TJ, Rho RH. An exploratory pilot study of palliative medicine compared to anesthesia-pain consultation for pain in patients with cancer. J Support Oncol. 2011 May-Jun; 9 (3):113-9
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  51. Diehn FE, Wood CP, Watson RE Jr, Mauck WD, Burke MM, Hunt CH. Clinical safety of magnetic resonance imaging in patients with implanted SynchroMed EL infusion pumps. Neuroradiology. 2011 Feb; 53 (2):117-22 Epub 2010 June 29
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  52. Mauck WD, Rho RH. The role of neurolytic sympathetic blocks in treating cancer pain. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management. 2010; 14(1):32-9.
  53. Burgher AH, Barnett CF, Obray JB, Mauck WD. Introduction of infection control measures to reduce infection associated with implantable pain therapy devices. Pain Pract. 2007 Sep; 7(3):279-84.
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  54. Mauck WD, Hurdle MFB. Complications of nonopiate pharmacotherapy. Seminars in Pain Medicine. 2004; 2(4):220-7.