
  1. Esterov D, Schultz BA, Bottemiller KL, Boontaveekul SD. Serotonin Syndrome Precipitated by Amantadine in a Patient With Persistent Post Concussive Symptoms - A Case Report. Arch Rehabil Res Clin Transl. 2023 Sep; 5 (3):100283 Epub 2023 July 24
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  2. Brandenburg JE, Schultz BA, Prideaux CC, Driscoll SW. Physician distress: Where are we and what can be done. J Pediatr Rehabil Med. 2023; 16 (3):435-442
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  3. Schultz BA, Bellamkonda E. Management of Medical Complications During the Rehabilitation of Moderate-Severe Traumatic Brain Injury. Phys Med Rehabil Clin N Am. 2017 May; 28 (2):259-270 Epub 2017 Mar 01
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  4. Brown AW, Therneau TM, Schultz BA, Niewczyk PM, Granger CV. Measure of functional independence dominates discharge outcome prediction after inpatient rehabilitation for stroke. Stroke. 2015 Apr; 46 (4):1038-44 Epub 2015 Feb 24
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  5. Wang E, Schultz BA. Hypoxic brain injury. PM&R Knowledge.2012;
  6. Schultz BA, Cifu DX, McNamee S, Nichols M, Carne W. Assessment and treatment of common persistent sequelae following blast induced mild traumatic brain injury. NeuroRehabilitation. 2011; 28: (4)309-20.
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  7. Brown AW, Schultz BA. Recovery and rehabilitation after stroke. Semin Neurol. 2010 Nov; 30: (5)511-7.
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  8. Tulik GR, Chodavarapu S, Edgar R, Giannunzio L, Langland A, Schultz B, Beckmann JD. Inhibition of bovine phenol sulfotransferase (bSULT1A1) by CoA thioesters. Evidence for positive cooperativity and inhibition by interaction with both the nucleotide and phenol binding sites. J Biol Chem. 2002 Oct 18; 277(42):39296-303. Epub 2002 Aug 06.
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