
  1. Couser GP, Newcomb RD, Swift MD, Hagen PT, Cowl CT. Physician Health Series, Part 3: Physician Mental Health. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 Jul; 99 (7):1178-1186
    View PubMed
  2. Couser GP, Hagen PT, Cowl CT, Newcomb RD, Swift MD. Part Two: Managing Physicians as Patients and Their Safe Return to Work. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 Jun; 99 (6):997-1005
    View PubMed
  3. Couser GP, Hagen PT, Swift MD, Newcomb RD, Cowl CT. Physician Health Series Part One: Characteristics of Physicians as Patients. Mayo Clin Proc. 2024 May; 99 (5):836-843
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  4. Vanichkachorn G, Newcomb R, Cowl CT, Murad MH, Breeher L, Miller S, Trenary M, Neveau D, Higgins S. Post-COVID-19 Syndrome (Long Haul Syndrome): Description of a Multidisciplinary Clinic at Mayo Clinic and Characteristics of the Initial Patient Cohort. Mayo Clin Proc. 2021 Jul; 96 (7):1782-1791 Epub 2021 May 11
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  5. Swift MD, Molella RG, Vaughn AIS, Breeher LE, Newcomb RD, Abdellatif S, Murad MH. Determinants of Latent Tuberculosis Treatment Acceptance and Completion in Healthcare Personnel. Clin Infect Dis. 2020 Jul 11; 71 (2):284-290
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  6. Breeher LE, Molella RG, Vaughn AI, Swift MD, Spaulding AC, Brueggen CM, Green-McKenzie J, Newcomb RD. Medical Surveillance Programs for Workers Exposed to Hazardous Medications: A Survey of Current Practices in Health Care Institutions. J Occup Environ Med. 2019 Feb; 61 (2):120-125
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  7. Newcomb RD, Frasso R, Cruz P, Breeher LE, Molella RG, Green-McKenzie J. Medical Surveillance for Hazardous Drugs: A Qualitative Assessment of Current Practices. J Occup Environ Med. 2018 Jun; 60 (6):521-527
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  8. Adaji A, Newcomb RD, Wang Z, Williams M. Impact of Collaborative Care on Absenteeism for Depressed Employees Seen in Primary Care Practices: A Retrospective Cohort Study. J Occup Environ Med. 2018 Jan; 60 (1):83-89
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  9. Farah WH, Breeher LE, Newcomb RD, Murad MH, Vaughn AIS, Hagen PT, Molella RG. Late boosting phenomenon in TST conversion among health care workers. Occup Med (Lond). 2017 Aug 1; 67 (6):484-489
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  10. Abu Dabrh AM, Murad MH, Newcomb RD, Buchta WG, Steffen MW, Wang Z, Lovett AK, Steinkraus LW. Proficiency in identifying, managing and communicating medical errors: feasibility and validity study assessing two core competencies. BMC Med Educ. 2016 Sep 2; 16 (1):233 Epub 2016 Sept 02
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  11. Newcomb RD, Steffen MW, Breeher LE, Sturchio GM, Murad MH, Wang Z, Molella RG. Screening for depression in the occupational health setting. Occup Med (Lond). 2016 Jul; 66 (5):390-3 Epub 2016 May 06
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  12. Steffen MW, Hagen PT, Benkhadra K, Molella RG, Newcomb RD, Murad MH. A survey of physicians' perceptions of their health care needs. Occup Med (Lond). 2015 Jan; 65 (1):49-53 Epub 2014 Oct 21
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  13. Steffen MW, Murad MH, Hays JT, Newcomb RD, Molella RG, Cha SS, Hagen PT. Self-report of tobacco use status: comparison of paper-based questionnaire, online questionnaire, and direct face-to-face interview--implications for meaningful use. Popul Health Manag. 2014 Jun; 17 (3):185-9 Epub 2014 Jan 29
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  14. Sturchio GM, Newcomb RD, Molella R, Varkey P, Hagen PT, Schueler BA. Protective eyewear selection for interventional fluoroscopy. Health Phys. 2013 Feb; 104(2 Suppl 1):S11-6.
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  15. Newcomb RD, Molella RG, Varkey P, Sturchio GM, Hagen PT, Cha SS, Buchta WG. Is an occupational examination superior to an occupational health history alone for preplacement screening in health care settings? J Occup Environ Med. 2012 Mar; 54: (3)276-9.
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  16. Newcomb R. Treatment and Prevention for Blood and Body Fluid Exposures. Department of Internal Medicine Intramural Newsletter, Mayo Clinic. 2001.
  17. Kaguni LS, Newcomb RD. Mitochondrial DNA polymerase: Structure, mechanism and function. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry. 1989.
  18. Juni E, Newcomb R. Identification of Moraxella bovis by qualitative genetic transformation and nutritional assays. Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 1988 May; 54(5):1304-6.
  19. Wotring LL, Borysko KA, Newcomb RD, Townsend LB. Triciribine (TCN): A novel tricyclic adenosine analogue with anticancer activity. Nucleosides and Nucleotides. 1988.