
  1. Bhansali S, Tipton PW, van Gerpen J. A Man with Rapid Speech and Handwriting. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2023 Aug; 10 (8):1217-1218 Epub 2023 June 28
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  2. Hopfner F, Tietz AK, Ruf VC, Ross OA, Koga S, Dickson D, Aguzzi A, Attems J, Beach T, Beller A, Cheshire WP, van Deerlin V, Desplats P, Deuschl G, Duyckaerts C, Ellinghaus D, Evsyukov V, Flanagan ME, Franke A, Frosch MP, Gearing M, Gelpi E, van Gerpen JA, Ghetti B, Glass JD, Grinberg LT, Halliday G, Helbig I, Hollerhage M, Huitinga I, Irwin DJ, Keene DC, Kovacs GG, Lee EB, Levin J, Marti MJ, Mackenzie I, McKeith I, Mclean C, Mollenhauer B, Neumann M, Newell KL, Pantelyat A, Pendziwiat M, Peters A, Molina Porcel L, Rabano A, Matej R, Rajput A, Rajput A, Reimann R, Scott WK, Seeley W, Selvackadunco S, Simuni T, Stadelmann C, Svenningsson P, Thomas A, Trenkwalder C, Troakes C, Trojanowski JQ, Uitti RJ, White CL, Wszolek ZK, Xie T, Ximelis T, Yebenes J, Muller U, Schellenberg GD, Herms J, Kuhlenbaumer G, Hoglinger G, Alzheimer's Disease Genetics Consortium. Common Variants Near ZIC1 and ZIC4 in Autopsy-Confirmed Multiple System Atrophy. Mov Disord. 2022 Oct; 37 (10):2110-2121 Epub 2022 Aug 23
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  3. Koike Y, Jansen-West KR, Hanna Al-Shaikh R, Carlomagno Y, Song Y, Dunmore JA, LeDoux MS, Friedman JH, Pena AB, Uitti RJ, Zaremba J, van Gerpen JA, Pfeiffer RF, Veerappan V, Aiba I, Hashimoto R, Giles SS, Shah JS, Tipton PW, Huang JF, Wierenga KJ, Aasly J, Fryer JD, Petrucelli L, Wszolek ZK, Prudencio M. Urine levels of the polyglutamine ataxin-3 protein are elevated in patients with spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2021 Aug; 89:151-154 Epub 2021 July 17
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  4. Koga S, Cheshire WP, Tipton PW, Driver-Dunckley ED, Wszolek ZK, Uitti RJ, Graff-Radford NR, van Gerpen JA, Dickson DW. Clinical features of autopsy-confirmed multiple system atrophy in the Mayo Clinic Florida brain bank. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2021 Aug; 89:155-161 Epub 2021 July 10
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  5. van Gerpen JA, Middlebrooks EH, Tipton PW. A movement disorder specialist gets a taste of his own medicine. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2020 Dec; 81:18-19 Epub 2020 Oct 06
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  6. Tipton PW, Ekbom DC, Rutt AL, van Gerpen JA. Vocal Fold "Paralysis": An Early Sign in Multiple System Atrophy. J Voice. 2020 Nov; 34 (6):940-944 Epub 2019 July 16
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  7. Prudencio M, Garcia-Moreno H, Jansen-West KR, Al-Shaikh RH, Gendron TF, Heckman MG, Spiegel MR, Carlomagno Y, Daughrity LM, Song Y, Dunmore JA, Byron N, Oskarsson B, Nicholson KA, Staff NP, Gorcenco S, Puschmann A, Lemos J, Januário C, LeDoux MS, Friedman JH, Polke J, Labrum R, Shakkottai V, McLoughlin HS, Paulson HL, Konno T, Onodera O, Ikeuchi T, Tada M, Kakita A, Fryer JD, Karremo C, Gomes I, Caviness JN, Pittelkow MR, Aasly J, Pfeiffer RF, Veerappan V, Eggenberger ER, Freeman WD, Huang JF, Uitti RJ, Wierenga KJ, Marin Collazo IV, Tipton PW, van Gerpen JA, van Blitterswijk M, Bu G, Wszolek ZK, Giunti P, Petrucelli L. Toward allele-specific targeting therapy and pharmacodynamic marker for spinocerebellar ataxia type 3. Sci Transl Med. 2020 Oct 21; 12(566).
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  8. Deutschlander AB, Konno T, Soto-Beasley AI, Walton RL, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Heckman MG, Wszolek ZK, Ross OA. Association of MAPT subhaplotypes with clinical and demographic features in Parkinson's disease. Ann Clin Transl Neurol. 2020 Sep; 7 (9):1557-1563 Epub 2020 Aug 07
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  9. Cheshire WP, van Gerpen JA, Sejvar JJ. Sudor Anglicus: an epidemic targeting the autonomic nervous system. Clin Auton Res. 2020 Aug; 30 (4):317-323 Epub 2020 May 20
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  10. Ferman TJ, Aoki N, Boeve BF, Aakre JA, Kantarci K, Graff-Radford J, Parisi JE, Van Gerpen JA, Graff-Radford NR, Uitti RJ, Pedraza O, Murray ME, Wszolek ZK, Reichard RR, Fields JA, Ross OA, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Dickson DW. Subtypes of dementia with Lewy bodies are associated with alpha-synuclein and tau distribution. Neurology. 2020 Jul 14; 95 (2):e155-e165 Epub 2020 June 19
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  11. van der Lee SJ, Conway OJ, Jansen I, Carrasquillo MM, Kleineidam L, van den Akker E, Hernandez I, van Eijk KR, Stringa N, Chen JA, Zettergren A, Andlauer TFM, Diez-Fairen M, Simon-Sanchez J, Lleo A, Zetterberg H, Nygaard M, Blauwendraat C, Savage JE, Mengel-From J, Moreno-Grau S, Wagner M, Fortea J, Keogh MJ, Blennow K, Skoog I, Friese MA, Pletnikova O, Zulaica M, Lage C, de Rojas I, Riedel-Heller S, Illan-Gala I, Wei W, Jeune B, Orellana A, Then Bergh F, Wang X, Hulsman M, Beker N, Tesi N, Morris CM, Indakoetxea B, Collij LE, Scherer M, Morenas-Rodriguez E, Ironside JW, van Berckel BNM, Alcolea D, Wiendl H, Strickland SL, Pastor P, Rodriguez Rodriguez E, Boeve BF, Petersen RC, Ferman TJ, van Gerpen JA, Reinders MJT, Uitti RJ, Tarraga L, Maier W, Dols-Icardo O, Kawalia A, Dalmasso MC, Boada M, Zettl UK, van Schoor NM, Beekman M, Allen M, Masliah E, de Munain AL, Pantelyat A, Wszolek ZK, Ross OA, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Knopman D, Rademakers R, Lemstra AW, Pijnenburg YAL, Scheltens P, Gasser T, Chinnery PF, Hemmer B, Huisman MA, Troncoso J, Moreno F, Nohr EA, Sorensen TIA, Heutink P, Sanchez-Juan P, Posthuma D, Clarimon J, Christensen K, Ertekin-Taner N, Scholz SW, Ramirez A, Ruiz A, Slagboom E, van der Flier WM, Holstege H, DESGESCO (Dementia Genetics Spanish Consortium)//EADB (Alzheimer Disease European DNA biobank)//IFGC (International FTD-Genomics Consortium)//IPDGC (The International Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium)//RiMod-FTD (Risk and Modifying factors in Fronto-Temporal Dementia)//Netherlands Brain Bank . Correction to: A nonsynonymous mutation in PLCG2 reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, and increases the likelihood of longevity. Acta Neuropathol. 2020 May; 139 (5):959-962
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  12. Hanna Al-Shaikh R, Wernick AI, Strongosky AJ, Soto-Beasley AI, van Gerpen JA, Cheshire WP, Uitti RJ, Ross OA, Wszolek ZK. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 6 family with phenotypic overlap with Multiple System Atrophy. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2020; 54 (4):350-355 Epub 2020 July 20
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  13. Blackburn PR, Sullivan AE, Gerassimou AG, Kleinendorst L, Bersten DC, Cooiman M, Harris KG, Wierenga KJ, Klee EW, van Gerpen JA, Ross OA, van Haelst MM, Whitelaw ML, Caulfield TR, Atwal PS. Functional Analysis of the SIM1 Variant p.G715V in 2 Patients With Obesity. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020 Jan 1; 105 (1)
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  14. van Gerpen JA, Al-Shaikh RH, Tipton PW, Wszolek ZK, Uitti RJ, Ferman TJ, Dickson DW, Benarroch EE, Singer W, Cutsforth-Gregory JK, Heckman MG, Brushaber DE, Josephs KA, Low PA, Ahlskog JE, Cheshire WP. Progressive supranuclear palsy is not associated with neurogenic orthostatic hypotension. Neurology. 2019 Oct 1; 93 (14):e1339-e1347 Epub 2019 Sept 04
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  15. Sakae N, Josephs KA, Litvan I, Murray ME, Duara R, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, van Gerpen J, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW. Clinicopathologic subtype of Alzheimer's disease presenting as corticobasal syndrome. Alzheimers Dement. 2019 Sep; 15 (9):1218-1228 Epub 2019 Aug 06
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  16. Ali F, Martin PR, Botha H, Ahlskog JE, Bower JH, Masumoto JY, Maraganore D, Hassan A, Eggers S, Boeve BF, Knopman DS, Drubach D, Petersen RC, Dunkley ED, van Gerpen J, Uitti R, Whitwell JL, Dickson DW, Josephs KA. Sensitivity and Specificity of Diagnostic Criteria for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy. Mov Disord. 2019 Aug; 34 (8):1144-1153 Epub 2019 Feb 06
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  17. van der Lee SJ, Conway OJ, Jansen I, Carrasquillo MM, Kleineidam L, van den Akker E, Hernandez I, van Eijk KR, Stringa N, Chen JA, Zettergren A, Andlauer TFM, Diez-Fairen M, Simon-Sanchez J, Lleo A, Zetterberg H, Nygaard M, Blauwendraat C, Savage JE, Mengel-From J, Moreno-Grau S, Wagner M, Fortea J, Keogh MJ, Blennow K, Skoog I, Friese MA, Pletnikova O, Zulaica M, Lage C, de Rojas I, Riedel-Heller S, Illan-Gala I, Wei W, Jeune B, Orellana A, Then Bergh F, Wang X, Hulsman M, Beker N, Tesi N, Morris CM, Indakoetxea B, Collij LE, Scherer M, Morenas-Rodriguez E, Ironside JW, van Berckel BNM, Alcolea D, Wiendl H, Strickland SL, Pastor P, Rodriguez Rodriguez E, Boeve BF, Petersen RC, Ferman TJ, van Gerpen JA, Reinders MJT, Uitti RJ, Tarraga L, Maier W, Dols-Icardo O, Kawalia A, Dalmasso MC, Boada M, Zettl UK, van Schoor NM, Beekman M, Allen M, Masliah E, de Munain AL, Pantelyat A, Wszolek ZK, Ross OA, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Knopman D, Rademakers R, Lemstra AW, Pijnenburg YAL, Scheltens P, Gasser T, Chinnery PF, Hemmer B, Huisman MA, Troncoso J, Moreno F, Nohr EA, Sorensen TIA, Heutink P, Sanchez-Juan P, Posthuma D, Clarimon J, Christensen K, Ertekin-Taner N, Scholz SW, Ramirez A, Ruiz A, Slagboom E, van der Flier WM, Holstege H, DESGESCO (Dementia Genetics Spanish Consortium), EADB (Alzheimer Disease European DNA biobank)//EADB (Alzheimer Disease European DNA biobank)//IFGC (International FTD-Genomics Consortium), IPDGC (The International Parkinson Disease Genomics Consortium)//IPDGC (The International Parkinson Disease G. A nonsynonymous mutation in PLCG2 reduces the risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia with Lewy bodies and frontotemporal dementia, and increases the likelihood of longevity. Acta Neuropathol. 2019 Aug; 138 (2):237-250 Epub 2019 May 27
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  18. Heckman MG, Brennan RR, Labbe C, Soto AI, Koga S, DeTure MA, Murray ME, Petersen RC, Boeve BF, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Rademakers R, Dickson DW, Ross OA. Association of MAPT Subhaplotypes With Risk of Progressive Supranuclear Palsy and Severity of Tau Pathology. JAMA Neurol. 2019 Jun 1; 76 (6):710-717
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  19. Conway OJ, Carrasquillo MM, Wang X, Bredenberg JM, Reddy JS, Strickland SL, Younkin CS, Burgess JD, Allen M, Lincoln SJ, Nguyen T, Malphrus KG, Soto AI, Walton RL, Boeve BF, Petersen RC, Lucas JA, Ferman TJ, Cheshire WP, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Ross OA, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Ertekin-Taner N. ABI3 and PLCG2 missense variants as risk factors for neurodegenerative diseases in Caucasians and African Americans. Mol Neurodegener. 2018 Oct 11; 13 (1):53
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  20. Dickson DW, Heckman MG, Murray ME, Soto AI, Walton RL, Diehl NN, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Ertekin-Taner N, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR, Boeve BF, Bu G, Ferman TJ, Ross OA. APOE epsilon4 is associated with severity of Lewy body pathology independent of Alzheimer pathology. Neurology. 2018 Sep 18; 91 (12):e1182-e1195 Epub 2018 Aug 24
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  21. Koga S, Kouri N, Walton RL, Ebbert MTW, Josephs KA, Litvan I, Graff-Radford N, Ahlskog JE, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Boeve BF, Parks A, Ross OA, Dickson DW. Corticobasal degeneration with TDP-43 pathology presenting with progressive supranuclear palsy syndrome: a distinct clinicopathologic subtype. Acta Neuropathol. 2018 Sep; 136 (3):389-404 Epub 2018 June 20
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  22. Ogaki K, Heckman MG, Koga S, Martens YA, Labbe C, Lorenzo-Betancor O, Walton RL, Soto AI, Vargas ER, Fujioka S, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Cheshire WP, Younkin SG, Wszolek ZK, Low PA, Singer W, Bu G, Dickson DW, Ross OA. Association study between multiple system atrophy and TREM2 p.R47H. Neurol Genet. 2018 Aug; 4 (4):e257 Epub 2018 Aug 01
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  23. Kasanuki K, Josephs KA, Ferman TJ, Murray ME, Koga S, Konno T, Sakae N, Parks A, Uitti RJ, Van Gerpen JA, Graff-Radford NR, Wszolek ZK, Dickson DW. Diffuse Lewy body disease manifesting as corticobasal syndrome: A rare form of Lewy body disease. Neurology. 2018 Jul 17; 91 (3):e268-e279 Epub 2018 June 13
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  24. Tian J, Vemula SR, Xiao J, Valente EM, Defazio G, Petrucci S, Gigante AF, Rudzinska-Bar M, Wszolek ZK, Kennelly KD, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Hedera P, Trimble EJ, LeDoux MS. Whole-exome sequencing for variant discovery in blepharospasm. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2018 May 16; 6 (4):601-26 [Epub ahead of print]
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  25. Konno T, Blackburn PR, Rozen TD, van Gerpen JA, Ross OA, Atwal PS, Wszolek ZK. Anticipation in a family with primary familial brain calcification caused by an SLC20A2 variant. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2018 May - Jun; 52 (3):386-389 Epub 2018 Apr 11
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  26. Kasanuki K, Ferman TJ, Murray ME, Heckman MG, Pedraza O, Hanna Al-Shaikh FS, Mishima T, Diehl NN, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW. Daytime sleepiness in dementia with Lewy bodies is associated with neuronal depletion of the nucleus basalis of Meynert. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2018 May; 50:99-103 Epub 2018 Feb 03
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  27. Ogaki K, Martens YA, Heckman MG, Koga S, Labbe C, Lorenzo-Betancor O, Wernick AI, Walton RL, Soto AI, Vargas ER, Nielsen HM, Fujioka S, Kanekiyo T, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Cheshire WP, Wszolek ZK, Low PA, Singer W, Dickson DW, Bu G, Ross OA. Multiple system atrophy and apolipoprotein E. Mov Disord. 2018 Apr; 33 (4):647-650 Epub 2018 Feb 14
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  28. Konno T, Deutschlander A, Heckman MG, Ossi M, Vargas ER, Strongosky AJ, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Ross OA, Wszolek ZK. Comparison of clinical features among Parkinson's disease subtypes: A large retrospective study in a single center. J Neurol Sci. 2018 Mar 15; 386:39-45 Epub 2018 Jan 11
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  29. Ferman TJ, Aoki N, Crook JE, Murray ME, Graff-Radford NR, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Graff-Radford J, Pedraza O, Kantarci K, Boeve BF, Dickson DW. The limbic and neocortical contribution of alpha-synuclein, tau, and amyloid beta to disease duration in dementia with Lewy bodies. Alzheimers Dement. 2018 Mar; 14 (3):330-339 Epub 2017 Oct 31
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  30. DeMeo NN, Burgess JD, Blackburn PR, Gass JM, Richter J, Atwal HK, van Gerpen JA, Atwal PS. Co-occurrence of a novel PDGFRB variant and likely pathogenic variant in CASR in an individual with extensive intracranial calcifications and hypocalcaemia. Clin Case Rep. 2018 Jan; 6 (1):8-13 Epub 2017 Nov 20
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  31. Koga S, Parks A, Kasanuki K, Sanchez-Contreras M, Baker MC, Josephs KA, Ahlskog JE, Uitti RJ, Graff-Radford N, van Gerpen JA, Wszolek ZK, Rademakers R, Dickson DW. Cognitive impairment in progressive supranuclear palsy is associated with tau burden. Mov Disord. 2017 Dec; 32 (12):1772-1779 Epub 2017 Oct 30
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  32. Gass JM, Cheema A, Jackson J, Blackburn PR, Van Gerpen J, Atwal PS. Novel GFAP Variant in Adult-onset Alexander Disease With Progressive Ataxia and Palatal Tremor. Neurologist. 2017 Nov; 22 (6):247-248
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  33. Gass J, Blackburn PR, Jackson J, Macklin S, van Gerpen J, Atwal PS. Expanded phenotype in a patient with spastic paraplegia 7. Clin Case Rep. 2017 Oct; 5 (10):1620-1622 Epub 2017 Aug 24
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  34. Fujioka S, Curry SE, Kennelly KD, Tacik P, Heckman MG, Tsuboi Y, Strongosky AJ, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Ross OA, Ikezu T, Wszolek ZK. Occurrence of Crohn's disease with Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord 2017 Apr; 37:116-117 Epub 2017 Feb 10
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  35. Koga S, Parks A, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Cheshire WP, Wszolek ZK, Dickson DW. Profile of cognitive impairment and underlying pathology in multiple system atrophy. Mov Disord. 2017 Mar; 32 (3):405-413 Epub 2016 Nov 15
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  36. Gass JM, McKay J, Guthrie KJ, Boczek N, Atwal PS, Van Gerpen J. A Case of Two Repeats: Huntington's Disease and Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 8. Mov Disord Clin Pract. 2017 Mar-Apr; 4 (2):270-272 Epub 2016 July 23
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  37. Lopez Chiriboga AS, Konno T, van Gerpen JA. Personality Changes, Executive Dysfunction, and Motor and Memory Impairment. JAMA Neurol. 2017 Feb 1; 74 (2):245-246
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  38. Koga S, Sanchez-Contreras M, Josephs KA, Uitti RJ, Graff-Radford N, van Gerpen JA, Cheshire WP, Wszolek ZK, Rademakers R, Dickson DW. Distribution and characteristics of transactive response DNA binding protein 43 kDa pathology in progressive supranuclear palsy. Mov Disord. 2017 Feb; 32 (2):246-255 Epub 2016 Dec 23
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  39. McKay JH, van Gerpen JA. Different orthostatic hyperkinesias go "Thump". Clin Neurophysiol Pract. 2017; 2:144-146 Epub 2017 July 10
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  40. Blackburn PR, Zimmermann MT, Gass JM, Harris KG, Cousin MA, Boczek NJ, Ross OA, Klee EW, Brazis PW, Van Gerpen JA, Atwal PS. A novel ANO3 variant identified in a 53-year-old woman presenting with hyperkinetic dysarthria, blepharospasm, hyperkinesias, and complex motor tics. BMC Med Genet. 2016 Dec 5; 17 (1):93 Epub 2016 Dec 05
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  41. Heckman MG, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Contreras MYS, Sanchez Contreras MY, Murray ME, Pedraza O, Diehl NN, Walton R, Labbe C, Lorenzo-Betancor O, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen J, Ertekin-Taner N, Smith GE, Kantarci K, Savica R, Jones DT, Graff-Radford J, Knopman DS, Lowe VJ, Jack CR Jr, Petersen RC, Parisi JE, Rademakers R, Wszolek ZK, Graff-Radford NR, Ferman TJ, Dickson DW, Boeve BF, Ross OA. LRRK2 variation and dementia with Lewy bodies. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016 Oct; 31:98-103 Epub 2016 July 29
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  42. Tacik P, Curry S, Fujioka S, Strongosky A, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Diehl NN, Heckman MG, Wszolek ZK. Cancer in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016 Oct; 31:28-33 Epub 2016 June 20
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  43. van Gerpen JA, Ahlskog JE, Chen R, Fung VS, Hallett M, Govert F, Deuschl G, Leypoldt F. Orthostatic myoclonus associated with Caspr2 antibodies. Neurology. 2016 Sep 13; 87: (11)1187-8.
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  44. Hodges K, Brewer SS, Labbe C, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Walton RL, Strongosky AJ, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Ertekin-Taner N, Kantarci K, Lowe VJ, Parisi JE, Savica R, Graff-Radford J, Jones DT, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Murray ME, Graff-Radford NR, Ferman TJ, Dickson DW, Wszolek ZK, Boeve BF, Ross OA, Lorenzo-Betancor O. RAB39B gene mutations are not a common cause of Parkinson's disease or dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurobiol Aging. 2016 Sep; 45:107-108 Epub 2016 Mar 24
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  45. Labbe C, Heckman MG, Lorenzo-Betancor O, Murray ME, Ogaki K, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Walton RL, Fujioka S, Koga S, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR, Younkin SG, Boeve BF, Cheshire WP Jr, Low PA, Sandroni P, Coon EA, Singer W, Wszolek ZK, Dickson DW, Ross OA. MAPT haplotype diversity in multiple system atrophy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016 Sep; 30:40-5 Epub 2016 June 16
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  46. Walton RL, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Murray ME, Lorenzo-Betancor O, Ogaki K, Heckman MG, Rayaprolu S, Rademakers R, Ertekin-Taner N, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Wszolek ZK, Smith GE, Kantarci K, Lowe VJ, Parisi JE, Jones DT, Savica R, Graff-Radford J, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Graff-Radford NR, Ferman TJ, Dickson DW, Boeve BF, Ross OA, Labbe C. TREM2 p.R47H substitution is not associated with dementia with Lewy bodies. Neurol Genet. 2016 Aug; 2 (4):e85 Epub 2016 July 14
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  47. Sebesto JR, van Gerpen JA. Teaching Video NeuroImages: Palatal tremor in adult-onset Alexander disease. Neurology. 2016 Jun 14; 86 (24):e252
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  48. Fujioka S, Algom AA, Murray ME, Sanchez-Contreras MY, Tacik P, Tsuboi Y, Van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Rademakers R, Ross OA, Wszolek ZK, Dickson DW. Tremor in progressive supranuclear palsy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016 Jun; 27:93-7 Epub 2016 Mar 22
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  49. LeDoux MS, Vemula SR, Xiao J, Thompson MM, Perlmutter JS, Wright LJ, Jinnah HA, Rosen AR, Hedera P, Comella CL, Weissbach A, Junker J, Jankovic J, Barbano RL, Reich SG, Rodriguez RL, Berman BD, Chouinard S, Severt L, Agarwal P, Stover NP. Clinical and genetic features of cervical dystonia in a large multicenter cohort. Neurol Genet. 2016 Jun; 2: (3)e69.
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  50. Koga S, Josephs KA, Ogaki K, Labbe C, Uitti RJ, Graff-Radford N, van Gerpen JA, Cheshire WP, Aoki N, Rademakers R, Wszolek ZK, Ross OA, Dickson DW. Cerebellar ataxia in progressive supranuclear palsy: An autopsy study of PSP-C. Mov Disord. 2016 May; 31 (5):653-62 Epub 2016 Feb 03
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  51. Hassan A, Heckman MG, Ahlskog JE, Wszolek ZK, Serie DJ, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Okun MS, Rayaprolu S, Ross OA. Association of Parkinson disease age of onset with DRD2, DRD3 and GRIN2B polymorphisms. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2016 Jan; 22:102-5 Epub 2015 Nov 25
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  52. Hassan A, van Gerpen JA. Orthostatic Tremor and Orthostatic Myoclonus: Weight-bearing Hyperkinetic Disorders: A Systematic Review, New Insights, and Unresolved Questions. Tremor Other Hyperkinet Mov (N Y). 2016; 6:417 Epub 2016 Nov 18
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  53. Lorenzo-Betancor O, Ogaki K, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Labbe C, Walton RL, Strongosky AJ, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, McLean PJ, Springer W, Siuda J, Opala G, Krygowska-Wajs A, Barcikowska M, Czyzewski K, McCarthy A, Lynch T, Puschmann A, Rektorova I, Sanotsky Y, Vilarino-Guell C, Farrer MJ, Ferman TJ, Boeve BF, Petersen RC, Parisi JE, Graff-Radford NR, Dickson DW, Wszolek ZK, Ross OA. DNAJC13 p.Asn855Ser mutation screening in Parkinson's disease and pathologically confirmed Lewy body disease patients. Eur J Neurol. 2015 Sep; 22 (9):1323-5
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  54. Koga S, Aoki N, Uitti RJ, van Gerpen JA, Cheshire WP, Josephs KA, Wszolek ZK, Langston JW, Dickson DW. When DLB, PD, and PSP masquerade as MSA: an autopsy study of 134 patients. Neurology. 2015 Aug 4; 85 (5):404-12 Epub 2015 July 02
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  55. Rajput A, Ross JP, Bernales CQ, Rayaprolu S, Soto-Ortolaza AI, Ross OA, van Gerpen J, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Rajput AH, Vilarino-Guell C. VPS35 and DNAJC13 disease-causing variants in essential tremor. Eur J Hum Genet. 2015 Jun; 23 (6):887-8 Epub 2014 Aug 13
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  56. Fujioka S, Sanchez Contreras MY, Strongosky AJ, Ogaki K, Whaley NR, Tacik PM, van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Ross OA, Wszolek ZK, Rademakers R, Dickson DW. Three sib-pairs of autopsy-confirmed progressive supranuclear palsy. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2015 Feb; 21 (2):101-5 Epub 2014 Nov 15
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  57. van Gerpen JA. A retrospective study of the clinical and electrophysiological characteristics of 32 patients with orthostatic myoclonus. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2014 Aug; 20 (8):889-93 Epub 2014 May 22
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  58. Shannon B, Soto-Ortolaza A, Rayaprolu S, Cannon HD, Labbe C, Benitez BA, Choi J, Lynch T, Boczarska-Jedynak M, Opala G, Krygowska-Wajs A, Barcikowska M, Van Gerpen JA, Uitti RJ, Springer W, Cruchaga C, Wszolek ZK, Ross OA. Genetic variation of the retromer subunits VPS26A/B-VPS29 in Parkinson's disease. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Aug; 35 (8):1958.e1-2 Epub 2014 Mar 05
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  59. Vemula SR, Xiao J, Zhao Y, Bastian RW, Perlmutter JS, Racette BA, Paniello RC, Wszolek ZK, Uitti RJ, Van Gerpen JA, Hedera P, Truong DD, Blitzer A, Rudzinska M, Momcilovic D, Jinnah HA, Frei K, Pfeiffer RF, LeDoux MS. A rare sequence variant in intron 1 of THAP1 is associated with primary dystonia. Mol Genet Genomic Med. 2014 May; 2 (3):261-72 Epub 2014 Feb 11
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  60. Ross JP, Rayaprolu S, Bernales CQ, Soto-Ortolaza AI, van Gerpen J, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Rajput A, Rajput AH, Rajput ML, Ross OA, Vilarino-Guell C. SLC1A2 rs3794087 does not associate with essential tremor. Neurobiol Aging. 2014 Apr; 35 (4):935.e9-10 Epub 2013 Oct 16
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  61. Ferman TJ, Smith GE, Dickson DW, Graff-Radford NR, Lin SC, Wszolek Z, Van Gerpen JA, Uitti R, Knopman DS, Petersen RC, Parisi JE, Silber MH, Boeve BF. Abnormal daytime sleepiness in dementia with Lewy bodies compared to Alzheimer's disease using the Multiple Sleep Latency Test. Alzheimers Res Ther. 2014; 6 (9):76 Epub 2014 Dec 10
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  73. LeDoux MS, Xiao J, Rudzinska M, Bastian RW, Wszolek ZK, Van Gerpen JA, Puschmann A, Momcilovic D, Vemula SR, Zhao Y. Genotype-phenotype correlations in THAP1 dystonia: molecular foundations and description of new cases. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2012 Jun; 18(5):414-25. Epub 2012 Feb 28.
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  75. Freeman WD, Dorsher PT, Safford RE, Van Gerpen J, Edwards WD. Combined pergolide-associated valvular heart disease and achilles tendon contractures. Acta Med Acad. 2012; 41(2):228-30.
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