
  1. Fogler JM, Weaver AL, Katusic S, Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ. Recalled Experiences of Bullying and Victimization in a Longitudinal, Population-Based Birth Cohort: The Influence of ADHD and Co-Occurring Psychiatric Disorder. J Atten Disord. 2022 Jan; 26 (1):15-24 Epub 2020 Nov 11
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  2. Harstad EB, Katusic S, Sideridis G, Weaver AL, Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ. Children With ADHD Are at Risk for a Broad Array of Adverse Adult Outcomes That Cross Functional Domains: Results From a Population-Based Birth Cohort Study. J Atten Disord. 2022 Jan; 26 (1):3-14 Epub 2020 Oct 22
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  3. Ostermaier KK, Weaver AL, Myers SM, Stoeckel RE, Katusic SK, Voigt RG. Incidence of Celiac Disease in Down Syndrome: A Longitudinal, Population-Based Birth Cohort Study. Clin Pediatr (Phila). 2020 Oct; 59 (12):1086-1091 Epub 2020 July 15
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  4. Leibson C, Weaver A, Myers S, Long K, Ransom J, Voigt R, Katusic S. Objective Estimates of Direct-Medical Costs Among Persons Aged 3 to 38 Years With and Without Research-Defined Autism Spectrum Disorder Ascertained During Childhood: A Population-Based Birth-Cohort Study. Value Health. 2020 May; 23 (5):595-605 Epub 2020 Feb 27
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  5. Brumbaugh JE, Weaver AL, Myers SM, Voigt RG, Katusic SK. Gestational Age, Perinatal Characteristics, and Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Birth Cohort Study. J Pediatr. 2020 May; 220:175-183.e8 Epub 2020 Feb 21
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  6. Kirsch AC, Huebner ARS, Mehta SQ, Howie FR, Weaver AL, Myers SM, Voigt RG, Katusic SK. Association of Comorbid Mood and Anxiety Disorders With Autism Spectrum Disorder. JAMA Pediatr. 2020 Jan 1; 174 (1):63-70
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  7. Yoshimasu K, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Voigt RG, Killian JM, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. Psychiatric Comorbidities Modify the Association Between Childhood ADHD and Risk for Suicidality: A Population-Based Longitudinal Study. J Atten Disord. 2019 Jun; 23 (8):777-786 Epub 2017 July 10
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  8. Zaccariello MJ, Frank RD, Lee M, Kirsch AC, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Katusic SK, Flick RP, Warner DO. Patterns of neuropsychological changes after general anaesthesia in young children: secondary analysis of the Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids study. Br J Anaesth. 2019 May; 122 (5):671-681
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  9. Warner DO, Chelonis JJ, Paule MG, Frank RD, Lee M, Zaccariello MJ, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Flick RP. Performance on the Operant Test Battery in young children exposed to procedures requiring general anaesthesia: the MASK study. Br J Anaesth. 2019 Apr; 122 (4):470-479 Epub 2019 Feb 04
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  10. Homan KJ, Barbaresi WJ, Mellon MW, Weaver AL, Killian JM, Lucchetti AR, Katusic SK. Psychiatric disorders in mothers of children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a population-based perspective J Child Fam Stud. 2019; 28(4):1042-1051. Epub 2019 Jan 19.
  11. Myers SM, Voigt RG, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Storlie CB, Stoeckel RE, Port JD, Katusic SK. Autism Spectrum Disorder: Incidence and Time Trends Over Two Decades in a Population-Based Birth Cohort. J Autism Dev Disord. 2019 Apr; 49 (4):1455-1474
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  12. Warner DO, Zaccariello MJ, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Schulte PJ, Buenvenida SL, Gleich SJ, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Hu D, Voigt RG, Paule MG, Chelonis JJ, Flick RP. Neuropsychological and Behavioral Outcomes after Exposure of Young Children to Procedures Requiring General Anesthesia: The Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids (MASK) Study. Anesthesiology. 2018 Jul; 129 (1):89-105
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  13. Shi Y, Hu D, Rodgers EL, Katusic SK, Gleich SJ, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Flick RP, Warner DO. Epidemiology of general anesthesia prior to age 3 in a population-based birth cohort. Paediatr Anaesth. 2018 Jun; 28 (6):513-519 Epub 2018 Mar 13
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  14. Storlie CB, Myers SM, Katusic SK, Weaver AL, Voigt RG, Croarkin PE, Stoeckel RE, Port JD. Clustering and variable selection in the presence of mixed variable types and missing data. Stat Med. 2018 May 17 [Epub ahead of print]
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  15. Yoshimasu K, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Voigt RG, Killian JM, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. Adults With Persistent ADHD: Gender and Psychiatric Comorbidities-A Population-Based Longitudinal Study. J Atten Disord. 2018 Apr; 22 (6):535-546 Epub 2016 Nov 18
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  16. Barbaresi WJ, Weaver AL, Voigt RG, Killian JM, Katusic SK. Comparing Methods to Determine Persistence of Childhood ADHD Into Adulthood: A Prospective, Population-Based Study. J Atten Disord. 2018 Apr; 22 (6):571-580 Epub 2015 Dec 22
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  17. Hu D, Flick RP, Zaccariello MJ, Colligan RC, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Buenvenida SL, Gleich SJ, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Warner DO. Association between Exposure of Young Children to Procedures Requiring General Anesthesia and Learning and Behavioral Outcomes in a Population-based Birth Cohort. Anesthesiology. 2017 Aug; 127 (2):227-240
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  18. Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Myers SM, Voigt RG, Yoshimasu K, Stoeckel RE, Weaver AL. What can large population-based birth cohort study ask about past, present and future of children with disorders of development, learning and behaviour? J Epidemiol Community Health. 2017 Apr; 71 (4):410-416 Epub 2017 Feb 06
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  19. Crow SS, Undavalli C, Warner DO, Katusic SK, Kandel P, Murphy SL, Schroeder DR, Watson RS. Epidemiology of Pediatric Critical Illness in a Population-Based Birth Cohort in Olmsted County, MN. Pediatr Crit Care Med. 2017 Mar; 18 (3):e137-e145
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  20. Voigt RG, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Killian JM, Weaver AL, Barbaresi WJ. Academic Achievement in Adults with a History of Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Population-Based Prospective Study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2017 Jan; 38 (1):1-11
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  21. Wi CI, Gauger J, Bachman M, Rand-Weaver J, Krusemark E, Ryu E, King KS, Katusic SK, Juhn YJ. Role of individual-housing-based socioeconomic status measure in relation to smoking status among late adolescents with asthma. Ann Epidemiol. 2016 Jul; 26 (7):455-460 Epub 2016 May 11
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  22. Aguirre Castaneda RL, Kumar S, Voigt RG, Leibson CL, Barbaresi WJ, Weaver AL, Killian JM, Katusic SK. Childhood Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Sex, and Obesity: A Longitudinal Population-Based Study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2016 Mar; 91 (3):352-61 Epub 2016 Feb 04
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  23. Hu D, Flick RP, Gleich SJ, Scanlon MM, Zaccariello MJ, Colligan RC, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson AC, Buenvenida SL, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Warner DO. Construction and Characterization of a Population-Based Cohort to Study the Association of Anesthesia Exposure with Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (5):e0155288 Epub 2016 May 11
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  24. Yoshimasu K, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Voigt RG, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. Mediating and Moderating Role of Depression, Conduct Disorder or Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Developing Adolescent Substance Use Disorders: A Population-Based Study. PLoS One. 2016; 11 (6):e0157488 Epub 2016 June 13
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  25. Voge GA, Katusic SK, Qin R, Juhn YJ. Risk of Asthma in Late Preterm Infants: A Propensity Score Approach. J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract. 2015 Nov-Dec; 3 (6):905-10 Epub 2015 May 02
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  26. Gleich SJ, Flick R, Hu D, Zaccariello MJ, Colligan RC, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Hanson A, Buenvenida S, Wilder RT, Sprung J, Voigt RG, Paule MG, Chelonis JJ, Warner DO. Neurodevelopment of children exposed to anesthesia: design of the Mayo Anesthesia Safety in Kids (MASK) study. Contemp Clin Trials. 2015 Mar; 41:45-54 Epub 2014 Dec 31
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  27. Harstad EB, Weaver AL, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Kumar S, Chan E, Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ. ADHD, stimulant treatment, and growth: a longitudinal study. Pediatrics. 2014 Oct; 134 (4):e935-44 Epub 2014 Sept 01
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  28. Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Leibson CL, Jacobsen SJ. Long-term stimulant medication treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: results from a population-based study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2014 Sep; 35(7):448-57.
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  29. Voigt RG, Mellon MW, Katusic SK, Weaver AL, Matern D, Mellon B, Jensen CL, Barbaresi WJ. Dietary docosahexaenoic acid supplementation in children with autism. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2014 Jun; 58(6):715-22.
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  30. Levy S, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Killian JM, Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ. Childhood ADHD and risk for substance dependence in adulthood: a longitudinal, population-based study. PLoS One. 2014; 9 (8):e105640 Epub 2014 Aug 27
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  31. Harris MN, Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ, Voge GA, Killian JM, Weaver AL, Colby CE, Carey WA, Katusic SK. ADHD and learning disabilities in former late preterm infants: a population-based birth cohort. Pediatrics. 2013 Sep; 132 (3):e630-6 Epub 2013 Aug 26
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  32. Mellon MW, Natchev BE, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ. Incidence of enuresis and encopresis among children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a population-based birth cohort. Acad Pediatr. 2013 Jul-Aug; 13(4):322-7. Epub 2013 Mar 01.
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  33. Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Voigt RG, Killian JM, Katusic SK. Mortality, ADHD, and psychosocial adversity in adults with childhood ADHD: a prospective study. Pediatrics. 2013 Apr; 131(4):637-44. Epub 2013 Mar 04.
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  34. Yang HJ, Qin R, Katusic S, Juhn YJ. Population-based study on association between birth weight and risk of asthma: a propensity score approach. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol. 2013 Jan; 110 (1):18-23 Epub 2012 Nov 10
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  35. Stoeckel RE, Colligan RC, Barbaresi WJ, Weaver AL, Killian JM, Katusic SK. Early speech-language impairment and risk for written language disorder: a population-based study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2013 Jan; 34 (1):38-44
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  36. Yoshimasu K, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Voigt RG, Killian JM, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. Childhood ADHD is strongly associated with a broad range of psychiatric disorders during adolescence: a population-based birth cohort study. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2012 Oct; 53 (10):1036-43 Epub 2012 May 31
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  37. Wickremasinghe AC, Hartman TK, Voigt RG, Katusic SK, Weaver AL, Colby CE, Barbaresi WJ. Evaluation of the ability of neurobiological, neurodevelopmental and socio-economic variables to predict cognitive outcome in premature infants. Child Care Health Dev. 2012 Sep; 38(5):683-9. Epub 2011 Jul 06.
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  38. Sprung J, Flick RP, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Barbaresi WJ, Bojanic K, Welch TL, Olson MD, Hanson AC, Schroeder DR, Wilder RT, Warner DO. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder after early exposure to procedures requiring general anesthesia. Mayo Clin Proc. 2012 Feb; 87 (2):120-9
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  39. Flick RP, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Wilder RT, Voigt RG, Olson MD, Sprung J, Weaver AL, Schroeder DR, Warner DO. Cognitive and behavioral outcomes after early exposure to anesthesia and surgery. Pediatrics. 2011 Nov; 128 (5):e1053-61 Epub 2011 Oct 03
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  40. Yoshimasu K, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Killian JM, Voigt RG, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. Written-language disorder among children with and without ADHD in a population-based birth cohort. Pediatrics. 2011 Sep; 128 (3):e605-12 Epub 2011 Aug 22
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  41. Beard CM, Panser LA, Katusic SK. Is excess folic acid supplementation a risk factor for autism? Med Hypotheses. 2011 Jul; 77 (1):15-7 Epub 2011 Mar 31
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  42. Flick RP, Lee K, Hofer RE, Beinborn CW, Hambel EM, Klein MK, Gunn PW, Wilder RT, Katusic SK, Schroeder DR, Warner DO, Sprung J. Neuraxial labor analgesia for vaginal delivery and its effects on childhood learning disabilities. Anesth Analg. 2011 Jun; 112 (6):1424-31 Epub 2010 Aug 24
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  43. Choung RS, Branda ME, Chitkara D, Shah ND, Katusic SK, Locke GR 3rd, Talley NJ. Longitudinal direct medical costs associated with constipation in women. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2011 Jan; 33 (2):251-60 Epub 2010 Nov 22
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  44. Choung RS, Shah ND, Chitkara D, Branda ME, Van Tilburg MA, Whitehead WE, Katusic SK, Locke GR 3rd, Talley NJ. Direct medical costs of constipation from childhood to early adulthood: a population-based birth cohort study. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2011 Jan; 52 (1):47-54
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  45. Yoshimasu K, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Killian JM, Voigt RG, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. Gender, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and reading disability in a population-based birth cohort. Pediatrics. 2010 Oct; 126 (4):e788-95 Epub 2010 Sept 27
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  46. Davis SM, Katusic SK, Barbaresi WJ, Killian J, Weaver AL, Ottman R, Wirrell EC. Epilepsy in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Pediatr Neurol. 2010 May; 42 (5):325-30
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  47. Juhn YJ, Qin R, Urm S, Katusic S, Vargas-Chanes D. The influence of neighborhood environment on the incidence of childhood asthma: a propensity score approach. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2010 Apr; 125 (4):838-843.e2 Epub 2010 Mar 17
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  48. Hartman T, Voigt RG, Katusic SK, Weaver AL, Olsen RD, Barbaresi WJ. Assessment of risk for neurodevelopmental sequelae in preterm infants: a comparison of the Neurodevelopmental Risk Exam and Neurobiologic Risk Score methods. Paediatrics and Child Health. 2009 Oct; 19(Suppl 1):S11-S14.
  49. Ibrahim SH, Voigt RG, Katusic SK, Weaver AL, Barbaresi WJ. Incidence of gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism: a population-based study. Pediatrics. 2009 Aug; 124 (2):680-6 Epub 2009 July 27
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  50. Sprung J, Flick RP, Wilder RT, Katusic SK, Pike TL, Dingli M, Gleich SJ, Schroeder DR, Barbaresi WJ, Hanson AC, Warner DO. Anesthesia for cesarean delivery and learning disabilities in a population-based birth cohort. Anesthesiology. 2009 Aug; 111 (2):302-10
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  51. Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Barbaresi WJ. The forgotten learning disability: epidemiology of written-language disorder in a population-based birth cohort (1976-1982), Rochester, Minnesota. Pediatrics. 2009 May; 123 (5):1306-13
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  52. Wilder RT, Flick RP, Sprung J, Katusic SK, Barbaresi WJ, Mickelson C, Gleich SJ, Schroeder DR, Weaver AL, Warner DO. Early exposure to anesthesia and learning disabilities in a population-based birth cohort. Anesthesiology. 2009 Apr; 110 (4):796-804
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  53. Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. The incidence of clinically diagnosed versus research-identified autism in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 1976-1997: results from a retrospective, population-based study. J Autism Dev Disord. 2009 Mar; 39 (3):464-70 Epub 2008 Sept 13
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  54. Wickremasinghe AC, Hartman TK, Voigt RG, Katusic SK, Weaver AL, Colby CE, Barbaresi WJ. Predicting developmental outcomes for premature infants: Neurobiologic Risk Score versus Neurodevelopmental Risk Examination at neonatal intensive care unit discharge. Paediatr. Child Health (CAN). 2009; 19: (Suppl 2)S153-5.
  55. Nickels K, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ. Stimulant medication treatment of target behaviors in children with autism: a population-based study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2008 Apr; 29 (2):75-81
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  56. Froehlich TE, Lanphear BP, Epstein JN, Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Kahn RS. Prevalence, recognition, and treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in a national sample of US children. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2007 Sep; 161(9):857-64.
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  57. Chitkara DK, Talley NJ, Locke GR 3rd, Weaver AL, Katusic SK, De Schepper H, Rucker MJ. Medical presentation of constipation from childhood to early adulthood: a population-based cohort study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Sep; 5(9):1059-64. Epub 2007 Jul 13.
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  58. Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Jacobsen SJ. Long-term school outcomes for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a population-based perspective. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2007 Aug; 28 (4):265-73
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  59. Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Jacobsen SJ. Modifiers of long-term school outcomes for children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: does treatment with stimulant medication make a difference? Results from a population-based study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2007 Aug; 28(4):274-87.
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  60. Chitkara DK, Talley NJ, Weaver AL, Katusic SK, De Schepper H, Rucker MJ, Locke GR 3rd. Incidence of presentation of common functional gastrointestinal disorders in children from birth to 5 years: a cohort study. Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Feb; 5 (2):186-91 Epub 2006 Aug 08
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  61. Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Voigt RG. Autism: a review of the state of the science for pediatric primary health care clinicians. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2006 Nov; 160(11):1167-75.
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  62. Voigt RG, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. Developmental dissociation, deviance, and delay: Occurrence of attention-deficit-hyperactivity disorder in individuals with and without borderline-to-mild intellectual disability. Dev Med Child Neurol. 2006 Oct; 48 (10):831-5
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  63. Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Leibson CL, Jacobsen SJ. Long-term stimulant medication treatment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: results from a population-based study. J Dev Behav Pediatr. 2006 Feb; 27 (1):1-10
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  64. Leibson CL, Barbaresi WJ, Ransom J, Colligan RC, Kemner J, Weaver AL, Katusic SK. Emergency department use and costs for youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: associations with stimulant treatment. Ambul Pediatr. 2006 Jan-Feb; 6 (1):45-53
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  65. Katusic SK, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Leibson CL, Jacobsen SJ. Psychostimulant treatment and risk for substance abuse among young adults with a history of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A population-based, birth cohort study. J Child Adolesc Psychopharmacol. 2005 Oct; 15(5):764-76.
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  66. Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Jacobsen SJ. Math learning disorder: incidence in a population-based birth cohort, 1976-82, Rochester, Minn. Ambul Pediatr. 2005 Sep-Oct; 5 (5):281-9
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  67. Juhn YJ, Weaver A, Katusic S, Yunginger J. Mode of delivery at birth and development of asthma: A population-based cohort study. Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunology. 2005 Sep; 116(3):510-6.
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  68. Katusic SK, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Leibson CL, Jacobsen SJ. Case definition in epidemiologic studies of AD/HD. Ann Epidemiol. 2005 Jul; 15(6):430-7.
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  69. Juhn YJ, St Sauver J, Sauver JS, Katusic S, Vargas D, Weaver A, Yunginger J. The influence of neighborhood environment on the incidence of childhood asthma: a multilevel approach. Soc Sci Med. 2005 Jun; 60 (11):2453-64 Epub 2005 Jan 11
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  70. Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Jacobsen SJ. The incidence of autism in Olmsted County, Minnesota, 1976-1997: results from a population-based study. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2005 Jan; 159(1):37-44.
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  71. St Sauver JL, Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Weaver AL, Jacobsen SJ. Early life risk factors for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a population-based cohort study. Mayo Clin Proc. 2004 Sep; 79 (9):1124-31
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  72. Barbaresi W, Katusic S, Colligan R, Weaver A, Pankratz V, Mrazek D, Jacobsen S. How common is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Towards resolution of the controversy: results from a population-based study. Acta Paediatr. 2004 May; 93(Suppl 445):55-9.
  73. Challman TD, Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Weaver A. The yield of the medical evaluation of children with pervasive developmental disorders. J Autism Dev Disord. 2003 Apr; 33 (2):187-92
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  74. Barbaresi WJ, Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Pankratz VS, Weaver AL, Weber KJ, Mrazek DA, Jacobsen SJ. How common is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Incidence in a population-based birth cohort in Rochester, Minn. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med. 2002 Mar; 156 (3):217-24
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  75. St Sauver JL, Katusic SK, Barbaresi WJ, Colligan RC, Jacobsen SJ. Boy/girl differences in risk for reading disability: potential clues? Am J Epidemiol. 2001 Nov 1; 154 (9):787-94
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  76. Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Barbaresi WJ, Schaid DJ, Jacobsen SJ. Incidence of reading disability in a population-based birth cohort, 1976-1982, Rochester, Minn. Mayo Clin Proc. 2001 Nov; 76(11):1081-92.
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  77. Silverstein MD, Mair JE, Katusic SK, Wollan PC, O'connell EJ, Yunginger JW. School attendance and school performance: a population-based study of children with asthma. J Pediatr. 2001 Aug; 139(2):278-83.
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  78. Leibson CL, Katusic SK, Barbaresi WJ, Ransom J, O'Brien PC. Use and costs of medical care for children and adolescents with and without attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. JAMA. 2001 Jan 3; 285 (1):60-6
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  79. Roberts RO, Bergstralh EJ, Katusic SK, Lieber MM, Jacobsen SJ. Decline in prostate cancer mortality from 1980 to 1997, and an update on incidence trends in Olmsted County, Minnesota. J Urol. 1999 Feb; 161(2):529-33.
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  80. Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Barbaresi WJ, Schaid DJ, Jacobsen SJ. Potential influence of migration bias in birth cohort studies. Mayo Clin Proc. 1998 Nov; 73 (11):1053-61
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  81. Jacobsen SJ, Bergstralh EJ, Katusic SK, Guess HA, Darby CH, Silverstein MD, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM. Screening digital rectal examination and prostate cancer mortality: a population-based case-control study. Urology. 1998 Aug; 52 (2):173-9
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  82. Xia Z, Jacobsen SJ, Bergstralh EJ, Chute CG, Katusic SK, Lieber MM. Secular changes in radical prostatectomy utilization rates in Olmsted County, Minnesota 1980 to 1995. J Urol. 1998 Mar; 159 (3):904-8
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  83. Jacobsen SJ, Bergstralh EJ, Guess HA, Katusic SK, Klee GG, Oesterling JE, Lieber MM. Predictive properties of serum-prostate-specific antigen testing in a community-based setting. Arch Intern Med. 1996 Nov 25; 156(21):2462-8.
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  84. Katusic SK, Colligan RC, Beard CM, O'Fallon WM, Bergstralh EJ, Jacobsen SJ, Kurland LT. Mental retardation in a birth cohort, 1976-1980, Rochester, Minnesota. Am J Ment Retard. 1996 Jan; 100(4):335-44.
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  85. Jacobsen SJ, Katusic SK, Bergstralh EJ, Oesterling JE, Ohrt D, Klee GG, Chute CG, Lieber MM. Incidence of prostate cancer diagnosis in the eras before and after serum prostate-specific antigen testing. JAMA. 1995 Nov 8; 274 (18):1445-9
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  86. Katusic S, Williams DB, Beard CM, Bergstralh E, Kurland LT. Incidence and clinical features of glossopharyngeal neuralgia, Rochester, Minnesota, 1945-1984. Neuroepidemiology. 1991; 10 (5-6):266-75
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  87. Katusic S, Williams DB, Beard CM, Bergstralh EJ, Kurland LT. Epidemiology and clinical features of idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia and glossopharyngeal neuralgia: similarities and differences, Rochester, Minnesota, 1945-1984. Neuroepidemiology. 1991; 10 (5-6):276-81
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  89. Katusic SK, Beard CM, Wiederholt WC, Bergstralh EJ, Kurland LT. Incidence, clinical features, and prognosis in Bell's palsy, Rochester, Minnesota, 1968-1982. Ann Neurol. 1986 Nov; 20(5):622-7.
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  90. Katusic S, Beard CM, Kurland LT, Weis JW, Bergstralh E. Occurrence of malignant neoplasms in the Rochester, Minnesota, rheumatoid arthritis cohort. Am J Med. 1985 Jan 21; 78(1A):50-5.
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