
  1. Yuen J, Klassen BT, Sandroni P, Huston J 3rd, Grewal SS, Wharen RE Jr, Lee KH. Implantable Subdural Cortical Stimulation for Chronic Intractable Pain Treatment-The Mayo Experience and Review of Literature. Neuromodulation. 2024 Jan; 27 (1):200-208 Epub 2023 Feb 19
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  2. Patel T, Carnwath TP, Wang X, Allen M, Lincoln SJ, Lewis-Tuffin LJ, Quicksall ZS, Lin S, Tutor-New FQ, Ho CCG, Min Y, Malphrus KG, Nguyen TT, Martin E, Garcia CA, Alkharboosh RM, Grewal S, Chaichana K, Wharen R, Guerrero-Cazares H, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Ertekin-Taner N. Transcriptional landscape of human microglia implicates age, sex, and APOE-related immunometabolic pathway perturbations. Aging Cell. 2022 May; 21 (5):e13606 Epub 2022 Apr 06
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  3. Hasegawa H, Van Gompel JJ, Marsh WR, Wharen RE, Zimmerman RS, Burkholder DB, Lundstrom BN, Britton JW, Meyer FB. Outcomes following surgical management of vagus nerve stimulator-related infection: a retrospective multi-institutional study. J Neurosurg. 2021 Sep 1; 135 (3):783-791 Epub 2020 Dec 18
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  4. Singh TD, Sabsevitz DS, Desai NN, Middlebrooks EH, Feyissa AM, Grewal S, Wharen RE, Tatum WO, Ritaccio AL. Crying with depressed affect induced by electrical stimulation of the anterior insula: A stereo EEG case study. Epilepsy Behav Rep. 2021; 15:100421 Epub 2020 Dec 31
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  5. Clifton WE, Grewal S, Lundy L, Cheshire WP, Tubbs RS, Wharen RE. Clinical implications of nervus intermedius variants in patients with geniculate neuralgia: Let anatomy be the guide. Clin Anat. 2020 Oct; 33 (7):1056-1061 Epub 2019 Dec 26
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  6. Nair DR, Laxer KD, Weber PB, Murro AM, Park YD, Barkley GL, Smith BJ, Gwinn RP, Doherty MJ, Noe KH, Zimmerman RS, Bergey GK, Anderson WS, Heck C, Liu CY, Lee RW, Sadler T, Duckrow RB, Hirsch LJ, Wharen RE Jr, Tatum W, Srinivasan S, McKhann GM, Agostini MA, Alexopoulos AV, Jobst BC, Roberts DW, Salanova V, Witt TC, Cash SS, Cole AJ, Worrell GA, Lundstrom BN, Edwards JC, Halford JJ, Spencer DC, Ernst L, Skidmore CT, Sperling MR, Miller I, Geller EB, Berg MJ, Fessler AJ, Rutecki P, Goldman AM, Mizrahi EM, Gross RE, Shields DC, Schwartz TH, Labar DR, Fountain NB, Elias WJ, Olejniczak PW, Villemarette-Pittman NR, Eisenschenk S, Roper SN, Boggs JG, Courtney TA, Sun FT, Seale CG, Miller KL, Skarpaas TL, Morrell MJ, RNS System LTT Study. Nine-year prospective efficacy and safety of brain-responsive neurostimulation for focal epilepsy. Neurology. 2020 Sep 01; 95(9):e1244-e1256. Epub 2020 Jul 20.
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  7. Middlebrooks EH, Domingo RA, Vivas-Buitrago T, Okromelidze L, Tsuboi T, Wong JK, Eisinger RS, Almeida L, Burns MR, Horn A, Uitti RJ, Wharen RE Jr, Holanda VM, Grewal SS. Neuroimaging Advances in Deep Brain Stimulation: Review of Indications, Anatomy, and Brain Connectomics. AJNR Am J Neuroradiol. 2020 Sep; 41 (9):1558-1568 Epub 2020 Aug 13
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  8. Sabsevitz DS, Middlebrooks EH, Tatum W, Grewal SS, Wharen R, Ritaccio AL. Examining the function of the visual word form area with stereo EEG electrical stimulation: A case report of pure alexia. Cortex. 2020 Aug; 129:112-118 Epub 2020 Apr 28
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  9. Grewal SS, Middlebrooks EH, Okromelidze L, Gosden GP, Tatum WO, Lundstrom BN, Worrell GA, Wharen RE, Van Gompel JJ. Variability Between Direct and Indirect Targeting of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus. World Neurosurg. 2020 Jul; 139:e70-e77 Epub 2020 Apr 14
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  10. Bohm P, McKay J, Lucas J, Sabsevitz D, Feyissa AM, Ritaccio T, Grewal SS, Wharen RE, Gupta V, Tatum WO. Wada testing and fMRI in a polyglot evaluated for epilepsy surgery. Epileptic Disord. 2020 Apr 1; 22 (2):207-213
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  11. Middlebrooks EH, Lin C, Okromelidze L, Lu CQ, Tatum WO, Wharen RE Jr, Grewal SS. Functional Activation Patterns of Deep Brain Stimulation of the Anterior Nucleus of the Thalamus. World Neurosurg. 2020 Apr; 136:357-363.e2 Epub 2020 Jan 27
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  12. Tripathi S, ReFaey K, Stein R, Calhoun BJ, Despart AN, Brantley MC, Grewal SS, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Wharen RE. The reliability of Deep Brain Stimulation YouTube videos. J Clin Neurosci. 2020 Apr; 74:202-204 Epub 2020 Feb 21
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  13. Castillo PR, Middlebrooks EH, Grewal SS, Okromelidze L, Meschia JF, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Uitti RJ, Wharen RE Jr. Globus Pallidus Externus Deep Brain Stimulation Treats Insomnia in a Patient With Parkinson Disease. Mayo Clin Proc 2020 Feb; 95 (2):419-422
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  14. Grewal SS, Domingo RA, Wharen RE Jr. Left Radiofrequency Thalamotomy for Drug-Refractory Essential Tremor. World Neurosurg. 2020 Feb; 134:438 Epub 2019 Nov 05
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  15. Vivas-Buitrago T, Domingo R, Tripathi S, Herrera JP, Heemskerk J, Grewal S, Zalewski NL, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Reimer R, Wharen RE, Graff-Radford NR. In NPH, setting valve opening pressure close to lumbar puncture opening pressure decreases overdrainage. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2020; 54 (6):531-537 Epub 2020 Oct 13
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  16. Moore JF, Casler JD, Oldenburg WA, Reimer R, Wharen RE Jr, Deen HG, Farres H, Hakaim AG. Results of surgical resection of carotid body tumors: A twenty-year experience. Rare Tumors. 2020; 12:2036361320982813 Epub 2020 Dec 22
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  17. ReFaey K, Grewal SS, Segura-Duran I, Thomas M, Wharen RE Jr. Video-Assisted Bilateral Thoracoscopic Sympathotomy for Palmar Hyperhidrosis. World Neurosurg. 2019 Dec; 132:333 Epub 2019 Sept 13
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  18. Akinduro OO, Izzo A, Lu VM, Ricciardi L, Trifiletti D, Peterson JL, Bernet V, Donaldson A, Eggenberger E, Olomu O, Reimer R, Wharen R, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Chaichana KL. Endocrine and Visual Outcomes Following Gross Total Resection and Subtotal Resection of Adult Craniopharyngioma: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. World Neurosurg. 2019 Jul; 127:e656-e668 Epub 2019 Apr 01
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  19. Akinduro OO, Lundy LB, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Lu VM, Trifiletti DM, Gupta V, Wharen RE. Outcomes of large vestibular schwannomas following subtotal resection: early post-operative volume regression and facial nerve function. J Neurooncol. 2019 Jun; 143 (2):281-288 Epub 2019 Apr 15
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  20. Grewal SS, Zimmerman RS, Worrell G, Brinkmann BH, Tatum WO, Crepeau AZ, Woodrum DA, Gorny KR, Felmlee JP, Watson RE, Hoxworth JM, Gupta V, Vibhute P, Trenerry MR, Kaufmann TJ, Marsh WR, Wharen RE, Van Gompel JJ. Laser ablation for mesial temporal epilepsy: a multi-site, single institutional series. J Neurosurg. 2019 Jun 1; 130 (6):2055-2062 Epub 2018 July 06
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  21. Mitchell KT, Larson P, Starr PA, Okun MS, Wharen RE Jr, Uitti RJ, Guthrie BL, Peichel D, Pahwa R, Walker HC, Foote K, Marshall FJ, Jankovic J, Simpson R, Phibbs F, Neimat JS, Stewart RM, Dashtipour K, Ostrem JL. Benefits and risks of unilateral and bilateral ventral intermediate nucleus deep brain stimulation for axial essential tremor symptoms. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2019 Mar; 60:126-132 Epub 2018 Sept 06
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  22. Grewal SS, Alvi MA, Lu VM, Wahood W, Worrell GA, Tatum W, Wharen RE Jr, Van Gompel JJ. Magnetic Resonance-Guided Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy Versus Stereotactic Radiosurgery for Medically Intractable Temporal Lobe Epilepsy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Seizure Outcomes and Complications. World Neurosurg. 2019 Feb; 122:e32-e47 Epub 2018 Sept 20
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  23. Tatum WO, Thottempudi N, Gupta V, Feyissa AM, Grewal SS, Wharen RE, Pizzi MA. De novo temporal intermittent rhythmic delta activity after laser interstitial thermal therapy for mesial temporal lobe epilepsy predicts poor seizure outcome. Clin Neurophysiol. 2019 Jan; 130 (1):122-127 Epub 2018 Nov 26
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  24. Grewal SS, ReFaey K, Grassle AL, Uitti RJ, Wharen RE Jr. A curious case of DBS radiofrequency programmer interference. NPJ Parkinsons Dis. 2019; 5:3 Epub 2019 Feb 01
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  25. Ebot J, Freeman WD, Wharen R, Diaz MA, Libertin C. MRSA Spinal Epidural Abscess as a Neurosurgical and Infectious Disease Emergency with Unresolved Antimicrobial Solution. Case Rep Infect Dis. 2019; 2019:7413089 Epub 2019 Jan 30
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  26. Ganaha S, Grewal SS, Cheshire WP, Reimer R, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Wharen RE. Surgical treatment of bilateral glossopharyngeal neuralgia. Int J Neurosci. 2018 Dec; 128 (12):1204-1206 Epub 2018 Oct 30
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  27. Hasan TF, Duarte W, Akinduro OO, Goldstein ED, Hurst R, Haranhalli N, Miller DA, Wharen RE Jr, Tawk RG, Freeman WD. Nonaneurysmal "Pseudo-Subarachnoid Hemorrhage" Computed Tomography Patterns: Challenges in an Acute Decision-Making Heuristics. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2018 Sep; 27 (9):2319-2326 Epub 2018 June 05
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  28. Yoon JW, Chen RE, Kim EJ, Akinduro OO, Kerezoudis P, Han PK, Si P, Freeman WD, Diaz RJ, Komotar RJ, Pirris SM, Brown BL, Bydon M, Wang MY, Wharen RE Jr, Quinones-Hinojosa A. Augmented reality for the surgeon: Systematic review. Int J Med Robot. 2018 Aug; 14 (4):e1914 Epub 2018 Apr 30
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  29. Grewal SS, Kerezoudis P, Garcia O, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Reimer R, Wharen RE. Results of Percutaneous Balloon Compression in Trigeminal Pain Syndromes. World Neurosurg. 2018 Jun; 114:e892-e899 Epub 2018 Mar 23
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  30. Grewal SS, Gupta V, Vibhute P, Shih JJ, Tatum WO, Wharen RE. Mammillary body changes and seizure outcome after laser interstitial thermal therapy of the mesial temporal lobe. Epilepsy Res. 2018 Mar; 141:19-22 Epub 2018 Jan 31
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  31. Petito GT, Wharen RE, Feyissa AM, Grewal SS, Lucas JA, Tatum WO. The impact of stereotactic laser ablation at a typical epilepsy center. Epilepsy Behav. 2018 Jan; 78:37-44 Epub 2017 Nov 22
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  32. Akinduro OO, Mbabuike N, ReFaey K, Yoon JW, Clifton WE, Brown B, Wharen RE, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Tawk RG. Microsphere Embolization of Hypervascular Posterior Fossa Tumors. World Neurosurg. 2018 Jan; 109:182-187 Epub 2017 Oct 03
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  33. Yoon JW, Chen RE, ReFaey K, Diaz RJ, Reimer R, Komotar RJ, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Brown BL, Wharen RE. Technical feasibility and safety of image-guided parieto-occipital ventricular catheter placement with the assistance of a wearable head-up display. Int J Med Robot. 2017 Dec; 13 (4) Epub 2017 May 19
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  34. Greenway MRF, Lucas JA, Feyissa AM, Grewal S, Wharen RE, Tatum WO. Neuropsychological outcomes following stereotactic laser amygdalohippocampectomy. Epilepsy Behav. 2017 Oct; 75:50-55 Epub 2017 Aug 24
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  35. Yuan H, Jiang W, von Roemeling CA, Qie Y, Liu X, Chen Y, Wang Y, Wharen RE, Yun K, Bu G, Knutson KL, Kim BYS. Multivalent bi-specific nanobioconjugate engager for targeted cancer immunotherapy. Nat Nanotechnol. 2017 Aug; 12 (8):763-769 Epub 2017 May 01
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  36. Wharen RE Jr, Okun MS, Guthrie BL, Uitti RJ, Larson P, Foote K, Walker H, Marshall FJ, Schwalb J, Ford B, Jankovic J, Simpson R, Dashtipour K, Phibbs F, Neimat JS, Stewart RM, Peichel D, Pahwa R, Ostrem JL, SJM DBS ET Study Group. Thalamic DBS with a constant-current device in essential tremor: A controlled clinical trial. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2017 Jul; 40:18-26 Epub 2017 Mar 30
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  37. Jobst BC, Kapur R, Barkley GL, Bazil CW, Berg MJ, Bergey GK, Boggs JG, Cash SS, Cole AJ, Duchowny MS, Duckrow RB, Edwards JC, Eisenschenk S, Fessler AJ, Fountain NB, Geller EB, Goldman AM, Goodman RR, Gross RE, Gwinn RP, Heck C, Herekar AA, Hirsch LJ, King-Stephens D, Labar DR, Marsh WR, Meador KJ, Miller I, Mizrahi EM, Murro AM, Nair DR, Noe KH, Olejniczak PW, Park YD, Rutecki P, Salanova V, Sheth RD, Skidmore C, Smith MC, Spencer DC, Srinivasan S, Tatum W, Van Ness P, Vossler DG, Wharen RE Jr, Worrell GA, Yoshor D, Zimmerman RS, Skarpaas TL, Morrell MJ. Brain-responsive neurostimulation in patients with medically intractable seizures arising from eloquent and other neocortical areas. Epilepsia. 2017 Jun; 58 (6):1005-1014 Epub 2017 Apr 07
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  38. Geller EB, Skarpaas TL, Gross RE, Goodman RR, Barkley GL, Bazil CW, Berg MJ, Bergey GK, Cash SS, Cole AJ, Duckrow RB, Edwards JC, Eisenschenk S, Fessler J, Fountain NB, Goldman AM, Gwinn RP, Heck C, Herekar A, Hirsch LJ, Jobst BC, King-Stephens D, Labar DR, Leiphart JW, Marsh WR, Meador KJ, Mizrahi EM, Murro AM, Nair DR, Noe KH, Park YD, Rutecki PA, Salanova V, Sheth RD, Shields DC, Skidmore C, Smith MC, Spencer DC, Srinivasan S, Tatum W, Van Ness PC, Vossler DG, Wharen RE Jr, Worrell GA, Yoshor D, Zimmerman RS, Cicora K, Sun FT, Morrell MJ. Brain-responsive neurostimulation in patients with medically intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsia. 2017 Jun; 58 (6):994-1004 Epub 2017 Apr 11
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  39. Barrett KM, Pizzi MA, Kesari V, TerKonda SP, Mauricio EA, Silvers SM, Habash R, Brown BL, Tawk RG, Meschia JF, Wharen R, Freeman WD. Ambulance-based assessment of NIH Stroke Scale with telemedicine: A feasibility pilot study. J Telemed Telecare. 2017 May; 23 (4):476-483 Epub 2016 May 13
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  40. Diaz R, Yoon J, Chen R, Quinones-Hinojosa A, Wharen R, Komotar R. Real-time Video-Streaming to Surgical Loupe Mounted Head-Up Display for Navigated Meningioma Resection. Turk Neurosurg. 2017 Apr 30 [Epub ahead of print]
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  41. Brasiliense LB, Dickson DW, Nakhleh RE, Tawk RG, Wharen R. Multiple Calcifying Pseudoneoplasms of the Neuraxis. Cureus. 2017 Feb 21; 9 (2):e1044
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  42. Gaba P, Puffer RC, Hoover JM, Wharen RE, Parney IF. Perioperative Outcomes in Intracranial Pleomorphic Xanthoastrocytoma. Neurosurgery. 2017 Jan 1; 80 (1):105-111
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  43. Grewal SS, Tatum WO, Brazis PW, Shih JJ, Wharen RE. Preoperative visual field deficits in temporal lobe epilepsy. Epilepsy Behav Case Rep. 2017; 7:37-39 Epub 2017 Jan 21
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  44. Qie Y, Yuan H, von Roemeling CA, Chen Y, Liu X, Shih KD, Knight JA, Tun HW, Wharen RE, Jiang W, Kim BY. Corrigendum: Surface modification of nanoparticles enables selective evasion of phagocytic clearance by distinct macrophage phenotypes. Sci Rep. 2016 Aug 1; 6:30663 Epub 2016 Aug 01
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  45. Qie Y, Yuan H, von Roemeling CA, Chen Y, Liu X, Shih KD, Knight JA, Tun HW, Wharen RE, Jiang W, Kim BY. Surface modification of nanoparticles enables selective evasion of phagocytic clearance by distinct macrophage phenotypes. Sci Rep. 2016 May 19; 6:26269
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  46. Dredla BK, Lucas JA, Wharen RE, Tatum WO. Neurocognitive outcome following stereotactic laser ablation in two patients with MRI-/PET+ mTLE. Epilepsy Behav. 2016 Mar; 56:44-7 Epub 2016 Jan 29
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  47. Grewal SS, Wharen RE, Tatum WO. Delayed seizure control with responsive neurostimulation: patience is a virtue. Epileptic Disord 2016 Mar; 18 (1):110-1
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  48. Konno T, Ross OA, Wharen RE, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK. Deep brain stimulation for levodopa-refractory benign tremulous parkinsonism. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2016; 50 (5):383-6 Epub 2016 June 24
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  49. King-Stephens D, Mirro E, Weber PB, Laxer KD, Van Ness PC, Salanova V, Spencer DC, Heck CN, Goldman A, Jobst B, Shields DC, Bergey GK, Eisenschenk S, Worrell GA, Rossi MA, Gross RE, Cole AJ, Sperling MR, Nair DR, Gwinn RP, Park YD, Rutecki PA, Fountain NB, Wharen RE, Hirsch LJ, Miller IO, Barkley GL, Edwards JC, Geller EB, Berg MJ, Sadler TL, Sun FT, Morrell MJ. Lateralization of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with chronic ambulatory electrocorticography. Epilepsia. 2015 Jun; 56 (6):959-67 Epub 2015 May 19
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  50. Bergey GK, Morrell MJ, Mizrahi EM, Goldman A, King-Stephens D, Nair D, Srinivasan S, Jobst B, Gross RE, Shields DC, Barkley G, Salanova V, Olejniczak P, Cole A, Cash SS, Noe K, Wharen R, Worrell G, Murro AM, Edwards J, Duchowny M, Spencer D, Smith M, Geller E, Gwinn R, Skidmore C, Eisenschenk S, Berg M, Heck C, Van Ness P, Fountain N, Rutecki P, Massey A, O'Donovan C, Labar D, Duckrow RB, Hirsch LJ, Courtney T, Sun FT, Seale CG. Long-term treatment with responsive brain stimulation in adults with refractory partial seizures. Neurology. 2015 Feb 24; 84(8):810-7. Epub 2015 Jan 23.
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  51. Tawk RG, Grewal SS, Heckman MG, Navarro R, Ferguson JL, Starke EL, Rawal B, Hanel R, Miller D, Wharen RE, Freeman WD. Influence of body mass index and age on functional outcomes in patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage. Neurosurgery. 2015 Feb; 76 (2):136-41
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  52. Pirris SM, Nottmeier EW, Rahmathulla G, Deen HG, Reimer R, Wharen RE. Radiographic fusion rate after implantation of facet bone dowels. Spine J. 2014 Sep 1; 14 (9):2102-11 Epub 2014 Jan 18
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  53. Heck CN, King-Stephens D, Massey AD, Nair DR, Jobst BC, Barkley GL, Salanova V, Cole AJ, Smith MC, Gwinn RP, Skidmore C, Van Ness PC, Bergey GK, Park YD, Miller I, Geller E, Rutecki PA, Zimmerman R, Spencer DC, Goldman A, Edwards JC, Leiphart JW, Wharen RE, Fessler J, Fountain NB, Worrell GA, Gross RE, Eisenschenk S, Duckrow RB, Hirsch LJ, Bazil C, O'Donovan CA, Sun FT, Courtney TA, Seale CG, Morrell MJ. Two-year seizure reduction in adults with medically intractable partial onset epilepsy treated with responsive neurostimulation: final results of the RNS System Pivotal trial. Epilepsia. 2014 Mar; 55(3):432-41. Epub 2014 Feb 22.
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  54. Rahmathulla G, Deen HG, Dokken JA, Pirris SM, Pichelmann MA, Nottmeier EW, Reimer R, Wharen RE Jr. Migration to the ICD-10 coding system: A primer for spine surgeons (Part 1). Surg Neurol Int. 2014; 5 (Suppl 3):S185-91 Epub 2014 July 19
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  55. Rahmathulla G, Deen HG, Dokken JA, Pirris SM, Pichelmann MA, Nottmeier EW, Reimer R, Wharen RE Jr. Implementation and impact of ICD-10 (Part II). Surg Neurol Int. 2014; 5 (Suppl 3):S192-8 Epub 2014 July 19
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  56. Khan QU, Wharen RE, Grewal SS, Thomas CS, Deen HG Jr, Reimer R, Van Gerpen JA, Crook JE, Graff-Radford NR. Overdrainage shunt complications in idiopathic normal-pressure hydrocephalus and lumbar puncture opening pressure. J Neurosurg. 2013 Dec; 119 (6):1498-502 Epub 2013 Aug 09
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  57. Mitchell A, Scheithauer BW, Wharen RE, Franck J, Chan K. Hemangioblastoma of spinal nerve: a report of six cases. Clin Neuropathol. 2013 Mar-Apr; 32(2):91-9.
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  58. Silva MD, Brazis P, Miller D, Wharen R, Smith CC, Freeman WD. True-true-unrelated? A delayed onset complete third-nerve palsy after tramatic subarachnoid hemorrhageJ Vasc Interv Neurol. 2013; 6(1):22-25.
  59. Sirven JI, Lyons MK, Wharen RE. New insights into the mechanisms underlying efficacious deep brain stimulation. Mayo Clin Proc 2012 Aug; 87 (8):705-6 Epub 2012 July 16
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  60. Shih JJ, Rodin E, Gupta V, Wharen RE. Signal characteristics of intraventricular electrodes recordings in human epilepsy: a case report. Clin EEG Neurosci. 2012 Apr; 43(2):105-11. Epub 2012 Apr 16.
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  61. Walsh RD, Wharen RE Jr, Tatum WO 4th. Complex transient epileptic amnesia. Epilepsy Behav. 2011 Feb; 20: (2)410-3.
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  62. Walsh R, Wharen R, Tatum WO. Transient Epileptic Amnesia: A complex case report. Epilepsy & Behav 244-8. 2011; 20(2).
  63. Stomal-Slowinska M, Slowinski J, Lee TK, Uitti RJ, Deen HG, Reimer R, Cheshire WP, Herzog-Bryan G, Wharen RE Jr. Correlation of clinical findings and results of percutaneous balloon compression for patients with trigeminal neuralgia. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2011 Jan; 113(1):14-21.
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  64. Ozgursoy OB, Salassa JR, Reimer R, Wharen RE, Deen HG. Anterior cervical osteophyte dysphagia: manofluorographic and functional outcomes after surgery. Head Neck. 2010 May; 32(5):588-93.
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  65. Wharen R. Editorial: Clinical effects of deep brain stimulation on gait disorders in Parkinson's disease. Eur J Neurol. 2010; 17(5):639-40.
  66. Nottmeier EW, Wharen RE, Patel NP. Iatrogenic intradural spinal arachnoid cyst as a complication of lumbar spine surgery. J Neurosurg Spine. 2009 Sep; 11 (3):344-6
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  67. Cheshire WP Jr, Wharen RE Jr. Trigeminal neuralgia in a patient with spontaneous intracranial hypotension. Headache. 2009 May; 49(5):770-3.
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  68. York JE, Wharen RE, Bloomfield EL. Esophageal tear in a patient undergoing stereotactic brain biopsy under general anesthesia. J Anesth. 2009; 23 (3):432-5 Epub 2009 Aug 14
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  69. Obwegeser AA, Uitti RJ, Lucas JA, Witte RJ, Turk MF, Galiano K, Wharen RE. Correlation of outcome to neurosurgical lesions: confirmation of a new method using data after microelectrode-guided pallidotomy. Br J Neurosurg. 2008 Oct; 22 (5):654-62
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  70. Sun FT, Morrell MJ, Wharen RE Jr. Responsive cortical stimulation for the treatment of epilepsy. Neurotherapeutics. 2008 Jan; 5(1):68-74.
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  71. Slowinski JL, Putzke JD, Uitti RJ, Lucas JA, Turk MF, Kall BA, Wharen RE. Unilateral deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus for Parkinson disease. J Neurosurg. 2007 Apr; 106 (4):626-32
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  72. Cheshire WP, Odell JA, Woodward TA, Wharen RE Jr. Cervical sympathetic neuralgia arising from a schwannoma. Headache. 2007 Mar; 47(3):444-6.
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  73. Yamamoto S, Steers JL, Wharen RE, Eckman CB, Nguyen JH. Cerebrospinal fluid drainage and cranial decompression prolong survival in rats with fulminant hepatic failure. Transpl Int. 2006 Aug; 19(8):675-82.
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  74. Senol V, Soyuer F, Arman F, Ozturk A. Non-AED/Non-Surgical Treatments (Hormonal, Ketogenic Diet, VNS, etc.)Adult. Epilepsia. 2005 Oct; 46(8):222-226(5).
  75. Wharen RE Jr, Putzke JD, Uitti RJ. Deep brain stimulation lead fixation: a comparative study of the Navigus and Medtronic burr hole fixation device. Clin Neurol Neurosurg. 2005 Aug; 107(5):393-5. Epub 2004 Dec 15.
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  76. Putzke JD, Uitti RJ, Obwegeser AA, Wszolek ZK, Wharen RE. Bilateral thalamic deep brain stimulation: midline tremor control. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2005 May; 76 (5):684-90
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  77. Putzke JD, Wharen RE Jr, Obwegeser AA, Wszolek ZK, Lucas JA, Turk MF, Uitti RJ. Thalamic deep brain stimulation for essential tremor: recommendations for long-term outcome analysis. Can J Neurol Sci. 2004 Aug; 31 (3):333-42
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  78. Wharen RE, Crews T, Smith A. Psychophysiology, EEG analysis of the yips during golf putting: a tool for achieving peak performance. Journal of Neurosurgery. 2004 Apr; 100(4):798.
  79. McIver JI, Uitti RJ, Wharen RE. Treatment of essential tremor. Contemporary Neurosurgery. 2004; 26(7).
  80. Putzke JD, Wharen RE Jr, Wszolek ZK, Turk MF, Strongosky AJ, Uitti RJ. Thalamic deep brain stimulation for tremor-predominant Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord. 2003 Dec; 10 (2):81-8
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  81. Deen HG, Birch BD, Wharen RE, Reimer R. Lateral mass screw-rod fixation of the cervical spine: a prospective clinical series with 1-year follow-up. Spine J. 2003 Nov-Dec; 3 (6):489-95
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  82. Deen HG, Deen HG, Pettit PD, Sevin BU, Wharen RE, Reimer R. Lumbar peritoneal shunting with video-laparoscopic assistance: a useful technique for the management of refractory postoperative lumbar CSF leaks. Surg Neurol. 2003 Jun; 59 (6):473-77; discussion 477-8
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  83. Slowinski J, Wharen RE, Uitti RJ, Wszolek ZK, Krygowska-Wajs A, Mrowka R. [Current therapies for parkinson's disease. Part II: surgical treatment]. Neurol Neurochir Pol. 2003 May-Jun; 37(3):677-86.
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  84. Thomas CY, Chouinard M, Cox M, Parsons S, Stallings-Mann M, Garcia R, Jove R, Wharen R. Spontaneous activation and signaling by overexpressed epidermal growth factor receptors in glioblastoma cells. Int J Cancer. 2003 Mar 10; 104 (1):19-27
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  85. Smith AM, Adler CH, Crews D, Wharen RE, Laskowski ER, Barnes K, Valone Bell C, Pelz D, Brennan RD, Smith J, Sorenson MC, Kaufman KR. The 'yips' in golf: a continuum between a focal dystonia and choking. Sports Med. 2003; 33 (1):13-31
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  86. Meschia JF, Brott TG, Kotsenas AL, Dickson DW, Wharen RE Jr. Failure to wean from a ventilator caused by ANNA-1 seropositive paraneoplastic syndrome. Eur Neurol. 2003; 50 (2):112-4
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  87. Bratton RL, Brazis PW, Hellinger WC, Wharen RE Jr, Broderick DF. Aspergillosis related to long-term nasal corticosteroid use. Mayo Clin Proc. 2002 Dec; 77: (12)1353-7.
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  88. Uitti RJ, Tsuboi Y, Pooley RA, Putzke JD, Turk MF, Wszolek ZK, Witte RJ, Wharen RE. Magnetic resonance imaging and deep brain stimulation. Neurosurgery. 2002 Dec; 51(6):1423-8.
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  89. Thomas C, Ely G, James CD, Jenkins R, Kastan M, Jenkins R, Jedlicka A, Burger P, Wharen R, Wharen R. Glioblastoma-related gene mutations and over-expression of functional epidermal growth factor receptors in SKMG-3 glioma cells. Acta Neuropathol. 2001 Jun; 101 (6):605-15
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