Fertility Testing Laboratory

List of Fertility Tests

Publications by Lab staff members (on PubMed)

The World Health Organization estimates that the number of couples affected by infertility is currently 15 percent of all couples attempting to have children. The difficulties are attributable to a significant male factor alone in 30 percent of couples and to a combination of male and female factors in an additional 20 percent. Therefore, in 50 percent of all infertile couples, an abnormal male factor contributes to reproductive failure.

Initial evaluation of the subfertile male is frequently performed using relatively inexpensive laboratory tests, including at least one semen analysis. The results of such tests frequently prevent unnecessary testing or invasive procedures.

The Fertility Testing (Andrology) Laboratory offers both analytic tests and clinical services to patients within Mayo Clinic and to outside clients via Mayo Clinic Laboratories. Within the clinic, fertility testing services are requested by physicians from reproductive endocrinology, urology, family medicine and oncology.

Analytic tests for assessing the fertility status of (primarily) male patients include general semen analysis, post-vasectomy analysis, antisperm antibody assay and the assessment of individual sperm morphology (using World Health Organization or Kruger's strict criteria). Analytic test results should allow physicians to recommend the most appropriate course of fertility treatment for patients. Clinical services offered by this laboratory include sperm preparation for intrauterine insemination, therapeutic donor insemination and semen cryopreservation.