Why you should disconnect, and how to do it effectively

Every day brings a constant barrage of news and social media. The access is great — it's never been easier to stay informed about what's going on in the world around you. In turn, being informed on current events helps you stay connected to the world.

But unending access to information often comes at a high price: your mental health.

Take these steps to stay informed — and keep your mental wellness intact.

  • Be selective with news coverage. Choose one or two sources you trust.
  • Schedule your news time. Try scheduling 15 to 30 minutes, twice a day, to get the news. This should give you enough time to get informed — but not overwhelmed.
  • Limit online time. Decide how many times you'll check email during the day — and then stick to it. And avoid surfing the internet aimlessly. Instead, have either a defined purpose — like specific information you're looking for — or set a time limit.
  • Build non-screen time into your day. Add a 10-minute walk to your day. Talk to someone you feel close to. If you enjoy reading, carve out some time for the book that's been sitting there waiting for you. Or spend time trying out a new healthy recipe.
  • Focus on others. When you're talking to someone, don't watch TV, browse the internet or check your phone at the same time. Focus on the person and the conversation you're having.

Bottom line: It's perfectly OK to not be constantly connected to electronics, information or the news. Your mental health will thank you.

  1. Special Report — Psychological first aid: Resiliency in times of stress. Mayo Clinic. August 2020.