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Francisco Alvarez, M.D.

  1. Critical Care Specialist
  2. Transplant Pulmonologist


  1. Narula T, Alvarez F, Abdelmoneim Y, Erasmus D, Li Z, Elrefaei M. Induction immunosuppression strategies and outcomes post-lung transplant: A single center experience. Transpl Immunol. 2024 Aug; 85:102081 Epub 2024 July 08
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  2. Boppana LKT, Sluzevich J, Katsolis J, Narula T, Alvarez F, Sareyyupoglu B, Shah S, Baz M, Bag R. Chromoblastomycosis: A Potential Mimic of Squamous Cell Carcinoma in Transplant Recipients. Transplant Proc. 2024 Jul-Aug; 56 (6):1454-1456 Epub 2024 Aug 03
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  3. Xu Q, Elrefaei M, Taupin JL, Hitchman KMK, Hiho S, Gareau AJ, Iasella CJ, Marrari M, Belousova N, Bettinotti M, Narula T, Alvarez F, Sanchez PG, Levvey B, Westall G, Snell G, Levine DJ, Zeevi A, Roux A. Chronic lung allograft dysfunction is associated with an increased number of non-HLA antibodies. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2024 Apr; 43 (4):663-672 Epub 2023 Dec 21
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  4. Shah SZ, Alvarez FG, Sanghavi DK, Moreno Franco P, Isha S, Marquez CP, Libertin C, Guru PK, Sareyyupoglu B, Pham SM. Coronavirus Disease 2019 Causing Infection of Transplanted Lung Allograft: A Pitfall of Prolonged Shedding of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus-2 Pretransplant. Mayo Clin Proc Innov Qual Outcomes. 2023 Apr; 7 (2):93-98 Epub 2023 Jan 10
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  5. Narula T, Martin AK, Asif AA, Fritz AV, Li Z, Erasmus DB, Alvarez F, Thomas M. Outcomes of Lung Transplantation in Patients With Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema: A Single-Center Experience. Transplant Proc. 2023 Mar; 55 (2):449-455 Epub 2023 Feb 26
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  6. Erasmus DB, Durand N, Alvarez FA, Narula T, Hodge DO, Zubair AC. Feasibility and Safety of Low-Dose Mesenchymal Stem Cell Infusion in Lung Transplant Recipients. Stem Cells Transl Med. 2022 Sep 21; 11 (9):891-899
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  7. Keller CA, Alvarez FG. Eisenmenger Syndrome in Case of Extended Goldenhar Complex Treated With Heart-Lung Transplantation. JACC Case Rep. 2022 Jun 15; 4 (12):699-703 Epub 2022 June 15
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  8. Pereira ROL, Rodrigues ES, Martin AK, Narula T, Ball CT, Alvarez F, Erasmus DB, Elrefaei M, Pham SM, Salinas JLZ, Thomas M. Outcomes After Lung Retransplantation: A Single-Center Retrospective Cohort Study. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2022 May; 36 (5):1366-1372 Epub 2021 Aug 22
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  9. Narula T, Khouzam S, Alvarez F, Erasmus D, Li Z, Abdelmoneim Y, Elrefaei M. Antithymocyte globulin is associated with a lower incidence of de novo donor-specific antibody detection in lung transplant recipients: A single-center experience. Immun Inflamm Dis. 2021 Dec; 9 (4):1418-1427 Epub 2021 July 26
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  10. Shah S, Alvarez F. Lung transplantation: challenges in the COVID-19 era, a review of the literature. Current Challenges in Thoracic Surgery. 2021.
  11. Martinez MDP, Alvarez FG, Mallea JM, Shah SZ, Pham SM, El-Sayed Ahmed MM, Jacob S, Janik AB, Haddad T, Erasmus DB, Narula T. Negative pressure ventilation as a bridge to lung transplant. Oxf Med Case Reports. 2020 Aug; 2020 (8):omaa056 Epub 2020 Aug 10
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  12. Diaz MA, Bayo ML, Alvarez F, Alvarez S. Coccidioides in lung transplant: case report. BMJ Case Rep. 2020 Apr 16; 13 (4)
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  13. Khouzam S, Narula T, Alvarez F, Elrefaei M. Antithymocyte Globulin is Associated with a Lower Incidence of De Novo Donor-Specific Antibody Detection in Lung Transplant Recipients: A Single-Center Experience. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2020 Apr; 39 (4S):S324 Epub 2020 Mar 30
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  14. Jacob S, El-Sayed Ahmed MM, Orlando D, Landolfo C, Thomas M, Makey I, Erasmus D, Mallea J, Narula T, Alvarez F, Sareyyupoglu B, Landolfo K, Pham S. Single Center Experience: Tricuspid Valve Insufficiency Resolution Post Lung Transplant. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2020 Apr; 39 (4S):S382 Epub 2020 Mar 30
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  15. Kwon M, Alvarez F, Moreno Franco P, Patel A, Canabal JM, Haddad TJ, Erasmus DB, Mallea JM, Narula T. Extracorporeal Liver Support for the Treatment of Hyperammonemia After Lung Transplantation. Transplantation 2020 Mar; 104 (3):e75-e76
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  16. Asif AA, Narula T, Erasmus DB, Alvarez F, Nichols T, Jacob S, Pham SM, Cortese C, Makey IA. Successful lung transplantation from a donor with lung and ovarian masses. J Surg Case Rep. 2019 Nov; 2019 (11):rjz307 Epub 2019 Nov 05
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  17. Tangaroonsanti A, Lee AS, Vela MF, Crowell MD, Erasmus D, Keller C, Mallea J, Alvarez F, Almansa C, DeVault KR, Houghton LA. Unilateral Versus Bilateral Lung Transplantation: Do Different Esophageal Risk Factors Predict Chronic Allograft Failure? J Clin Gastroenterol. 2019 Apr; 53 (4):284-289
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  18. Tangaroonsanti A, Lee AS, Crowell MD, Vela MF, Jones DR, Erasmus D, Keller C, Mallea J, Alvarez F, Almansa C, DeVault KR, Houghton LA. Impaired Esophageal Motility and Clearance Post-Lung Transplant: Risk For Chronic Allograft Failure. Clin Transl Gastroenterol. 2017 Jun 29; 8 (6):e102 Epub 2017 June 29
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  19. Khoor A, Roden AC, Colby TV, Roggli VL, Elrefaei M, Alvarez F, Erasmus DB, Mallea JM, Murray DL, Keller CA. Giant cell interstitial pneumonia in patients without hard metal exposure: analysis of 3 cases and review of the literature. Hum Pathol. 2016 Apr; 50:176-82 Epub 2015 Dec 18
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  20. Yuksel M, Wang Y, Tai N, Peng J, Guo J, Beland K, Lapierre P, David C, Alvarez F, Colle I, Yan H, Mieli-Vergani G, Vergani D, Ma Y, Wen L. A novel "humanized mouse" model for autoimmune hepatitis and the association of gut microbiota with liver inflammation. Hepatology. 2015 Nov; 62 (5):1536-50 Epub 2015 Aug 25
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  21. Ussavarungsi K, Hu X, Scott JP, Erasmus DB, Mallea JM, Alvarez F, Lee AS, Keller CA, Ryu JH, Burger CD. Mayo clinic experience of lung transplantation in pulmonary lymphangioleiomyomatosis. Respir Med. 2015 Oct; 109: (10)1354-9.
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  22. Aduen JF, Castello R, Lozano MM, Hepler GN, Keller CA, Alvarez F, Safford RE, Crook JE, Heckman MG, Burger CD. An alternative echocardiographic method to estimate mean pulmonary artery pressure: diagnostic and clinical implications. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2009 Jul; 22(7):814-9. Epub 2009 Jun 07.
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  23. Erasmus DB, Keller CA, Alvarez FB. Large airway complications in 150 consecutive lung transplant recipients. J Bronchol. 2008 Jul; 15(3):152-7.
  24. Erasmus DB, Alvarez F, Keller CA. Fatal arterial gas embolism in an adult 1 year after bilateral sequential lung transplantation. J Heart Lung Transplant. 2008 Jun; 27 (6):692-4 Epub 2008 Apr 09
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  25. Waller EA, Aduen JF, Kramer DJ, Alvarez F, Heckman MG, Crook JE, Pajaro OE, McBride LR, Keller CA. Safety of percutaneous dilatational tracheostomy with direct bronchoscopic guidance for solid organ allograft recipients. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 Dec; 82(12):1502-8.
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  26. Aduen JF, Zisman DA, Mobin SI, Venegas C, Alvarez F, Biewend M, Jolles HI, Keller CA. Retrospective study of pulmonary function tests in patients presenting with isolated reduction in single-breath diffusion capacity: implications for the diagnosis of combined obstructive and restrictive lung disease. Mayo Clin Proc. 2007 Jan; 82(1):48-54.
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  27. Hinerman R, Alvarez FG, Ashish S, Keller CA. Treatment of Endobronchial mucormycosis with amphotericin B via flexible bronchoscopy. Journal of Bronchology. 2002; 9:294-297.
  28. Keller CA, Hinerman R, Singh A, Alvarez F. The use of endoscopic argon plasma coagulation in airway complications after solid organ transplantation. Chest. 2001 Jun; 119(6):1968-75.
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  29. Hinerman R, Alvarez F, Keller CA. Outcome of bedside percutaneous tracheostomy with bronchoscopic guidance. Intensive Care Medicine. 2000; 26:1850-6.
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  30. McDonald JW, Alvarez F, Keller CA. Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis in association with household exposure to fibrous insulation material. Chest. 2000; 117(6):1813-7.
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  31. Keller C, Hinerman R, Singh A, Alvarez F. The use of endoscopic argon plasma coagulation in airway complications after solid organ transplantation. American College of Chest Physicians Meeting San Francisco CA. 2000 Oct.
  32. Gilbert BE, Clifford W, Knight V, Knight C, Alvarez FG, Eschenbacher WL. Safety of aerosolized liposomic Cyclosporin A in normal subjects. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 6 (. 1997 Dec 15; 6): 1789-93.
  33. Alvarez FG, Bandi V, Stager C, Guntupalli K. Detection of Pneumocystis carinii in tracheal aspirates of intubated patients using calcofluorowhite (Fungi-Fluor) and immunofluorescence antibody (Genetic Systems) stains. Critical Care Medicine. 1997 Jun; 25(6):948.
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  34. Alvarez FG, Guntupalli KK. Isoniazid Intoxication: report of four cases and review of the literature. Intensive Care Medicine 1995 Aug; 21(8):641.
  35. Levine R, Alvarez FG. Intravenous fluid therapy. Hospital Physician (11) 21-37 1994 Nov; Vol 30.