


  • 如果异物是磁铁、电池或变湿后会扩张的物品,请立即将其取出。这些物品可能会在短短几个小时内造成严重的组织损伤。如果卡住,且无法轻易取出,请寻求急救护理。
  • 不要捅或戳异物。手指、棉签和其他工具可能会导致肿胀和更严重的损伤。如果物体被推入鼻子更深处,可能更难取出。这可能会导致呛噎。
  • 不要吸入异物。您可能会出现呛噎。相反,应通过嘴呼吸,直至异物被取出。
  • 不要冲洗异物。如果异物被冲入气道,您可能会出现呛噎。此外,一些物体在变湿后可能会造成更多损伤。
  • 通过鼻子用力喷气。喷出的空气可能会使异物排出。这也称为正压力。不要过于用力或不停地喷气。如果异物仅卡在一个鼻孔中,用手指轻轻闭合另一个鼻孔。然后,轻柔但稳定地通过受影响的鼻孔喷气。
  • 试试“父母之吻”。如果有异物卡在孩子的鼻子里,将嘴置于孩子的嘴上,形成密封。然后,向孩子嘴里短促地用力吹一口气。这股气体应能将异物从孩子的鼻子里推出。如果异物卡在一个鼻孔中,用手指轻轻闭合另一个鼻孔。然后对着孩子的嘴吹气。
  • 仅在异物很容易看到和抓住时才可用镊子。如果无法轻易看到或抓住异物,请勿尝试这种方法。先试试用鼻子喷气。这可能会在不使用镊子的情况下排出异物。
  • 如果发现感染症状,请立即寻求帮助。如果第一次尝试移除异物时未果,也请寻求帮助。
  • 如果这些方法失败,请致电紧急医疗救助部门或前往您当地的急诊室。拖延和多次清除堵塞异物未果可能导致感染和损伤。如果您发现感染症状,还请在医护团队成员处就医。

Foreign object in the nose: First aid

  • Remove right away if the object is a magnet, battery or expands when wet. These objects can cause severe tissue damage in just hours. If it's stuck and you can't remove it easily, seek emergency care.
  • Blow out of your nose. The puff of air might free the object. This also is called positive pressure. Don't blow hard or constantly. If the object is stuck in only one nostril, gently close the other nostril with your finger. Then, blow out gently but firmly through the affected nostril.
  • Try the "parent's kiss." If an object is stuck in your child's nose, place your mouth over your child's mouth to create a seal. Then, give a short, sharp puff of air into your child's mouth. The air should push the object out of your child's nose. If the object is stuck in one nostril, gently close the other nostril with your finger. Then, blow into your child's mouth.
  • Use tweezers only if the object is easy to see and grasp. Don't try this method if you can't easily see or grasp the object. Try blowing air out of the nose first. This might free the object without tweezers.

Foreign object in the nose: First aid

  • Don't poke or prod the object. Fingers, cotton swabs and other tools might cause swelling and more damage. If the object is pushed deeper into the nose, it may be harder to remove. And it could cause choking.
  • Don't inhale the object. You might choke. Instead, breathe through your mouth until the object is removed.
  • Don't wash out the object. You might choke if the object is washed into the airway. Also, some objects may cause more damage when wet.

Foreign object in the nose: First aid

  • Seek help right away if you see symptoms of infection. Or if you can't remove the object on the first try.
  • Call for emergency medical assistance or go to your local emergency room if these methods fail. Delays and many failed tries to remove a stuck object can lead to infection and damage. Also see a member of your care team if you see symptoms of infection.
May 22, 2024