




  • 不要触碰仍接触电流的伤者。
  • 如果烧伤源是高压电线或闪电,请拨打 911 或当地急救电话。切忌在切断电源前靠近高压电线。高架电线通常不绝缘。请至少保持约 15 米(50 英尺)的距离,如果电线弹跳并溅出火花,应保持更远的距离。
  • 不要从倒塌的电线上方驶过。如果有带电的电线接触到您所乘坐的车辆,请待在车里。拨打 911 或当地急救电话帮忙切断电源,在这之前不要触摸任何金属或尝试离开车辆。
  • 除非电损伤人员有紧急危险,否则请勿移动伤者。


如果受伤者出现以下情况,请拨打 911 或当地急救电话:

  • 重度烧伤
  • 意识错乱
  • 呼吸困难
  • 心律不齐(心律失常)
  • 没有脉搏和呼吸(心脏停搏)
  • 肌肉疼痛和收缩
  • 癫痫发作
  • 失去意识


  • 如有可能,关闭电源。如果无法关闭电源,则将电源从您和伤者身上移开,注意要用纸板、塑料或木头制成的干燥、不导电的物体。
  • 如果伤者没有呼吸、咳嗽或活动和脉搏,请实施心肺复苏。
  • 不要脱掉衣服或试图清洁烧伤部位。用无菌纱布绷带(如有)或干净的布或被单覆盖烧伤部位。请勿使用毯子或毛巾,因为绒毛或松散纤维会粘在烧伤部位。
  • 尽量防止受伤者受冻。

Call 911 or your local emergency number if the source of the burn is a high voltage wire or lightening. Also call if the injured person has:

  • Severe burns.
  • Confusion.
  • Trouble breathing.
  • Irregular heart rhythm, called arrhythmia.
  • Does not have a pulse and is not breathing, called cardiac arrest.
  • Muscle pain and contractions.
  • Seizures.
  • Loss of consciousness.

Treat minor electrical skin burns like any other minor burn.

  • Put a cool, wet cloth on the area.
  • Gently clean the skin.
  • Put a bandage on the area.

For serious burns, after you call 911 or your local medical emergency number, take these actions right away while waiting for medical help:

  • Turn off the source of electricity if possible. If not, move the source away from both you and the injured person. Use a dry, nonconducting object made of cardboard, plastic or wood.
  • Begin CPR if the person is not breathing, coughing or moving and doesn't have a pulse.
  • Cover any burned areas with a sterile gauze bandage, if available, or a clean cloth or sheet.
  • Try to prevent the injured person from getting chilled.

For the person with a serious burn:

  • Don't remove clothing or try to clean the burned area.
  • Don't move the person unless the person is in immediate danger.
  • Don't use a blanket or towel to cover the person because loose fibers can stick to the burn.

For you:

  • Don't get near high-voltage wires until the power is turned off. Overhead power lines usually aren't insulated. Stay at least 50 feet (about 15 meters) away — farther if wires are jumping and sparking.
  • Don't drive over downed power lines. If a live electrical line contacts the vehicle you're in, stay in the vehicle. Call 911 or your local emergency number to disable the power line before touching any metal to try to exit the vehicle.

If you have any questions about how severe the burn is, contact a healthcare professional.

Any person who has been injured by contact with electricity should see a healthcare professional. The damage may be worse than it looks from the burn on the skin. Sometimes an electrical injury can cause damage to skin, muscles, blood vessels and nerves, often in an arm or a leg. The heart, brain and other body organs can be damaged.

Aug. 10, 2024